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A plant of the genus capsicum in the solanaceae
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Chili pepper (Scientific name: Capsicum annuum L.), a genus of capsicum in the Solanaceae family. Capsicum Annual or limited perennial herbs or shrub plants, also known as sweet pepper, big pepper, vegetable pepper, millet pepper, etc [1] . The pepper plant is 40-80 cm tall; Stem subglabrous or slightly pilose, branches slightly zigzag; Leaves alternate, branch apical nodes not elongated into twin or fasciculate, rectangular oval, oval, or ovate-lanceolate, entire margin; Flowers solitary, drooping, calyx cup-shaped, corolla white, lobes ovoid, anthers grey-purple; The stem is bent, the fruit is long fingered, the tip is tapered and often curved, green when immature, red, orange or purple when ripe, spicy; Seeds flat kidney shaped, light yellow. Fruit period from May to November [1] .
Cayenne pepper is native to Mexico and South America and is widely distributed in the world. It can be found in mountains, hills and plains below 500 meters and above 3000 meters above sea level. [3] It is cultivated in all provinces and regions of North and south China. [1] . Capsicum is a warm-loving crop, which likes warm and humid climate, and is not tolerant to cold, flood and drought [1] [3] .
Pepper is mainly fed by fruit and is rich in vitamin C [4 ] Usually used as a condiment [1] It is one of China's important agricultural exports [4 ] . Chili seed oil is also edible [1] In addition to fresh food, chili can also be pickled, dried, processed into dried chili, chili powder, chili oil and chili sauce [4 ] . According to Chinese medical literature records, the fruit, roots, stems and leaves of chili pepper can be used as Chinese herbal medicine, and can be used to treat stomach cold stagnation, vomiting, hand and foot weakness, wind damp cold pain, alopecia areata and other diseases. [7 ]
Chinese name
Latin name
Capsicum annuum L. [1]
Sweet pepper, big pepper, vegetable pepper, millet spicy, etc [1]
The Plant Kingdom (Plantae) [2]
The door
Tracheophyta [2]
The outline
Magnoliopsida [2]
Solanales [2]
Solanaceae [2]
Belong to
Capsicum L. Capsicum ) [2]
Kind of
Pepper ( Capsicum annuum ) [2]
Distribution area
Native to Mexico and South America, it is widely cultivated throughout the world [1]

History of botany


Origin of name

Chili peppers are often called "Chili Pepper" in English; Chili is also sometimes written as Chilli or Chile; Or Hot Pepper; Cayenne pepper is Paprika, and both cayenne pepper and cayenne pepper are Paprika in German. In Spanish, chili is usually written Chile, and occasionally Pimiento; Pepper is Pimienta. In French, the pepper is called Piment. Chile (Spanish, Latin, Chilli (English), Chili (English) names are from the Central American Nahuatl language (Nahuatl), from the Utah-Aztec language family, is the original name of the origin of the chili, which was borrowed by Europe. The Latin genus name Capsicum is used in academic circles, Capsi derived from the Greek Kapto meaning "to choke" and cum meaning genus [9 ] .

Cultivation history

Chili is native to South America and has a long history of cultivation. American archaeologist Linda Perry and others, based on newly unearthed fossil red pepper particles, confirmed that humans began to grow and eat chili peppers at least 6,100 years ago [13] . In chili ( Capsicum annuum L.) spread to Asia, Africa, North America, Oceania and Eastern Europe, and gradually became the world's most widely planted and most abundant cultivated pepper species [15 ] .
In ancient sites dating from 6500 to 5000 BC, chili peppers have been unearthed in Mexico [8] . It was introduced to Europe by the Spanish through the American trade in the 15th century. [9 ] In the 16th century, Portuguese and Spanish explorers introduced chili peppers to Asia via trade routes in South America [14] It was introduced into China in the second half of the 16th century. After chili entered China, due to the loss of information on the use of chili during the introduction, chili was cultivated as an ornamental plant for a long time until it gradually entered the Chinese diet during the reign of Kangxi [9 ] .

Morphological characteristics

Peppers are annual or limited perennials; It is 40-80 cm high [1] .
Pepper plant


Stem subglabrous or slightly pilose, branches slightly zigzag [1] . Stem height 30-150cm, depending on the variety. According to the branching habit of capsicum, it can be divided into two types: infinite branching and limited branching, and most cultivars belong to infinite branching [18 ] .
Pepper stem


Leaves alternate, branch apical nodes not elongated into twin or fasciculate, rectangular oblong-ovate, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 4-13 cm long, 1.5-4 cm wide, entire margin, apex short acuminate or acute, base narrowly cuneate; The petiole is 4-7 cm long [1] . Generally, the green pepper cultivated in the north is lighter, and the green pepper cultivated in the south is deeper [18 ] .
Pepper leaf


Pepper flowers white or purplish white, smaller, corolla base connate [18 ] Flowers alone, bent; Calyx cupped, teeth inconspicuous; Corolla white, lobes ovate; Anthers grey purple [1] .
Pepper flower

Fruit and seed

Fruit stem stout, drooping; Fruit long fingered, tapered and often curved, green when immature, red, orange or purplish when ripe, spicy [1] . The fruit is mostly droopy, and a few varieties are upright [18 ] . Seeds flat reniform, 3-5 mm long, pale yellow [1] .
Pepper fruit
Pepper seed

Distribution range

Chili peppers are native to Mexico and South America and are widely cultivated throughout the world [1] . Pepper to tender fruit or old ripe fruit for food, cold zone countries, mainly to cultivate bell pepper; Located in tropical and subtropical countries, pepper cultivation is the main [18 ] . Wild pepper is mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical jungle areas [3] [14] .

Growing environment

Chili peppers grow at a wide range of altitudes. It can be distributed below 500 meters above sea level, and can also be distributed in mountains, hills and plains above 3000 meters, where the daytime temperature is maintained above 20 ° C throughout the year, and the rainfall is 600-1250 mm [3] [14] . It has wide adaptability to soil and is suitable for growing in sandy loam with loose fertile and well-drained soil with pH of 5.5-6.8. [5]

Growth habit

Pepper is a warm-loving crop, like warm and humid climate, not cold, not waterlogging and not drought tolerance; Its growth avoid high temperature, exposure to sunlight, strong light is not conducive to its growth, but can tolerate up to 45% shade, shade will delay flowering. Pepper has strong drought tolerance and fineness tolerance [4 ] [5] [7 ] [14] ; Fruit period from May to November [1] .

Mode of reproduction


Natural reproduction

Chili peppers are often thought of as self-pollinating crops, but based on the activity of honeybees and the heterogeneity of the peppers themselves, there is a 91% probability that chili peppers can be heterohybridized. In the wild, chili seeds are mainly spread by birds. They drop the seeds when eating fruit, or the seeds are excreted intact through the digestive tract. At the same time, the fruit of chili peppers can also be spread by non-biological agents [14] .

Artificial breeding

The artificial breeding technology of pepper is mainly sowing and breeding, sowing by a certain distance to make furrows, irrigation water retention. Shallow ditches were opened on ridges around the beginning of April, and drill seeding method was mostly adopted. Although the direct seeding method could save manpower, it was susceptible to the influence of climate, and the amount of seeds used was large and the yield was low, so a certain thickness of soil layer should be covered after seeding. After pepper colonization, it should be cultivated in time to facilitate root growth. In addition, there are two cultivation methods of pepper single cropping and intercropping, and it is not suitable for continuous cropping with nightshade crops [18 ] .

Cultivation technique


Select the land to prepare the land

Pepper planting should choose a place with higher terrain, drainage and irrigation, and it is best to winter leisure and deep frozen ground, which can promote soil weathering and keep the soil dry and loose [18 ] .

Water and fertilizer management

Pepper topdressing should be carried out according to the characteristics of different growth stages. After planting slow seedlings, hoe several times to promote root growth, remove water in the rainy season, the first topdressing should be carried out 10-15 days after planting, and the second topdressing should be carried out after fruit setting [7 ] . Pepper has a high demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, must be fertilized many times, topdressing generally with decomposed manure, add a small amount of fast-acting nitrogen fertilizer, cultivation and soil cultivation more than three times, but also need to control water, adhere to the "less watering, frequent watering" principle, strengthen irrigation and drainage, to prevent falling flowers, falling fruit, falling leaves [4 ] .

Disease and insect control

The common diseases on pepper are pepper virus disease, pepper scab disease, pepper blight, pepper anthracnose, pepper white silk disease and so on [18 ] . Virus disease is caused by multiple virus infection. The infected strains generally show four kinds of symptoms, such as Mosaic, yellowing, necrosis and deformity, which can be prevented by zinc sulfate solution. Scab disease, also known as bacterial spot disease, occurs seriously in hot and humid areas in the south, often resulting in a large number of fallen leaves, falling flowers and falling fruit, which can be controlled by Bordeaux liquid; Capsicum phytophthora blight is the most important soil-borne fungal disease in capsicum cultivation. It is common in capsicum cultivated in open and protected areas all over the country. Anthracnose of capsicum is one of the most important diseases of capsicum. It occurs seriously in warm and wet areas, and the rate of fruit disease is over 30%. During storage and transportation, the disease can further develop until the rot is gone, and chlorothalonil can be controlled by wettable powder; White silk disease of capsicum mainly affects the stem base and root, and can be controlled by triazolone cream [18 ] .
Insect attack
Common insect pests on chili are small ground tiger, cotton bollworm, tea yellow mite, aphids and so on. Small tiger larvae mainly harm young leaves, leaves will appear white spots or holes, dichlorvos can be prevented; The larva of cotton bollworm will harm the flower, fruit and bud parts, and even harm the tender stem. Tea yellow mite is mainly harmful to young leaves, it will suck the SAP of young leaves, causing the leaves to lose water, making the leaves smaller or narrower, and the edge of the leaves to curl downward. Adults and nymphs of aphids mainly damage the leaves and buds, and the leaves in the affected parts will curl or shrink, and even cause the leaves to fall off. In addition, aphids will secrete honeydew, resulting in viral diseases and coal contamination, which can be controlled by imidacloprid microemulsion [30] .

Major variety


Red pepper

Chaotian pepper ( Capsicum annuum var. conoides The leaves are 4-7 cm long and ovoid; Flowers often solitary between bifurcations, pedicels erect, flowers slightly drooping, corolla white or purplish; The stem and fruit are upright, the fruit is small, conical, about 1.5-3 cm long, red or purple when ripe, very spicy taste [22] .
North and south China are cultivated, often as bonsai cultivation [22] .
Red pepper

Jalapeno pepper

jalapeno (foreign name: jalapeno) originated in Mexico, also known as pepper pepper, is a common variety of pepper, an annual herb; The fruit of this variety is long, cylindrical, smooth dark green when immature, bright red when mature, and the surface of the fruit has cork reticulate. Fruit type is easy to change, the taste is very spicy; The fruit has a large cavity, and the raised peel extends inward to divide the cavity into 2-4 parts, which is also the most concentrated part of the chili pepper [6] .
Jalapeno pepper

Sweet pepper

Sweet pepper ( Capsicum annuum var. grossum) It is a variety of capsicum of Solanaceae. It has the characteristics of rich nutrition, long period of birth, storage and transportation resistance, etc. In recent years, it has become one of the main vegetables cultivated in facilities [10 ] .
Bell pepper type: Jiamen bell pepper, Tianjin bell pepper, Baoding bell pepper, world champion, Jinan bell pepper, etc [4 ] .
Semi-sweet pepper type: Lujiao No. 1, Liaojiao No. 1 and No. 4 Zaofeng No. 1, Sujiao No. 1, Huachao No. 17, Xiangyan No. 1 and No. 2, etc [4 ] .
Sweet pepper

Primary value


Ornamental value

Peppers are mostly annual vegetation plants with a wide variety of varieties. They have white flowers during the growth period, and the fruits show different colors at different times [1] . The variety of pepper fruit shape is strange, such as colorful pepper, Chaotian pepper, etc., the fruit surface is smooth, bright, very ornamental effect [18 ] .

Edible value

Pepper is an important vegetable [1] Can be cooked or raw food [11] . It contains rich nutritional value, composed of pulp and pepper seeds, can be used in the production of dried chili pepper, chili paste, extract capsicum red pigment and other products [12 ] . Capsaicin, vitamin C, soluble sugar, soluble protein, flavonoids and total phenols are mainly contained in capsaicin fruit [16] . Pepper seeds are rich in dietary fiber, fat, protein and minerals, which can be used in the production of chili, chili oleoresin and other products [12 ] . In addition, chili and dried chili peppers are ground into powder and used as spicy condiments, [11] The seed oil is also edible. [1]

Medicinal value

The fruits, roots, stems and leaves of pepper can be used as medicine. The fruit has a hot taste and has the effects of warming the middle and dispelling cold, lowering qi and eliminating food, and can be used to treat stomach cold stagnation, vomiting and other diseases. Its root taste, sweet, hot, has the effect of dispelling cold and dehumidifying, promoting blood and detumescence, can be used to treat hand and foot weakness, stomach sac swelling and other diseases; Its stem has a tangy taste and is hot. It has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It can be used to treat diseases such as cold pain and chilblains. Its leaves taste bitter, warm, has the effect of relaxing the muscle, activating the collateral, killing insects and relieving pain, can be used to treat alopecia areata and other diseases [7 ] .

Species hazard

In the Global Weed Compendium, capsicum is listed as "cultivated escape, environmental weed, naturalized weed" and so on. Although cayenne pepper has not been explicitly reported as an invasive plant, it is an escape-grown plant in places such as Finland and Puerto Rico, and has been labeled an agricultural weed in Portugal and Western Europe. In addition, due to the large number of associated pests and parasites inadvertently introduced into non-native habitats, this species is of significant concern in international trade and needs to be further assessed for its risk of invasion. [14]

Industrial development

As an important vegetable and a major spice crop in the world, capsicum has important economic and social value in addition to its edible value. In the 21st century, the planting area and output of pepper have steadily increased worldwide, and China's pepper industry has also entered a stage of rapid development. According to the latest statistics of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the global pepper production in 2020 is 36.137 billion kg, and China's pepper production accounts for about 50% of the global production, which is the world's largest pepper producer. The type and quantity of consumption of hot pepper in China is also increasing, and the production of hot sauce in China will reach 5.6 billion kg in 2020 [17 ] .

Spiciness index

Because of its unique spicy taste, chili is loved by the majority of consumers, and is an indispensable vegetable and condiment in people's life. The spicy taste is the main flavor of capsaicin, the spicy ingredients in the fruit of capsaicin, the severity of the spicy depends on the content of capsaicin [19] . In 1912, the American pharmacist Wilbur Scoville proposed a method of measuring the spiciness of chili peppers based on the concentration of capsaicin, known as the Scoville Sensory test, a subjective assessment of capsaicin sensitivity by people who have eaten chili peppers, recorded in Scoville heat units [SHU] [20 ] [21] . Based on this, some of the spicier varieties are Carolina Reaper Pepper. [25 to 26 ] Trinidad Moruga Scorpion [26 ] Habanero Maya Red [27 ] Habanero pepper [28 ] Scotch bonnet pepper [29 ] Jalapeno Pepper [24 ] Poblano Pepper [23 ] Let's wait.