China's 500 Most valuable brands

2023 World Brand Lab releases China's 500 Most Valuable Brands
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China's 500 Most Valuable brands are made by World Brand Lab The World Brand Lab list is based on data obtained from financial analysis, consumer behavior analysis and brand strength analysis of Chinese companies. It has been published annually since 2004.
On June 15, 2023, the 20th "World Brand Congress" was held in Beijing, at which the 2023 "China 500 Most Valuable Brands" analysis report was released. State Grid ranked first with nearly 627 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) in brand value; Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Haier, petrochina and China Life Insurance ranked second to fifth, with brand values of more than 485 billion yuan each. This is also the fifth consecutive year that State Grid, ICBC and Haier have retained the top three spots since 2019. [7]
Chinese name
China's 500 Most valuable brands
Foreign name
China’s 500 Most Valuable Brands
Issuing authority
World Brand Lab
Launch time
The year 2004

Development history


The year 2004

In 2004, the World Brand Lab produced the China Brand Report for the first time. In 2004, the entry threshold was only 500 million yuan, and the average value of the top 500 brands was 4.943 billion yuan. [1]

The year 2008

2008 China 500 Most valuable brands list. China Mobile Top of the list with a brand value of 120.668 billion yuan, followed by State Grid , CCTV , Haier , China Life Insurance Let's wait. This is the fifth time that World Brand Lab has released the list of China's 500 most valuable brands. In the list, there are 2 brands with a brand value of more than 100 billion yuan, 8 brands with a brand value of 60 billion yuan to 100 billion yuan, and 434 brands with a brand value of less than 10 billion yuan [2] .

The year 2014

2014 China's 500 Most Valuable brands by World Brand Lab (World Brand Lab) released, based on the financial analysis, consumer behavior analysis and brand strength analysis of enterprises, a total of 25 related from food and beverage, textile and clothing, media, information technology, household appliances, automobiles, energy, Internet, etc Industry brand Selected. Among them, the Internet was a new industry that participated in the evaluation for the first time in 2014, and a total of 10 Internet companies were selected. Brand value ranked fourth. [3]

The year 2016

In 2016, the total value of "China's 500 most valuable brands" was 13,269,630 billion yuan, an increase of 2,456,474 billion yuan over 2015, an increase of 22.72%. Chairman of World Brand Lab, Nobel Prize in Economics winner Robert Mondale Professor Robert Mundell said that 2016 is the 13th year that the World Brand Lab has compiled the China Brand report. In 2004, the entry threshold was only 500 million yuan, and the average value of the top 500 brands was 4.943 billion yuan. 13 years later, in 2016, the entry threshold has been raised to 2.265 billion yuan; The average value of the top 500 brands reached 26.539 billion yuan, an increase of 436.90% [4] .

The year 2018

On June 20, 2018, World Brand Lab (World Brand Lab) released the 2018 China 500 Most Valuable Brands analysis report.
In 2018, the entry threshold has been raised to 2.352 billion yuan; The average value of the top 500 brands reached 36.892 billion yuan, an increase of 646.35%. In this year's "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" list, a total of 25 brands from food and beverage, textile and apparel, cultural media, information technology, household appliances and other related industries were selected. [1]

The year 2018

In the 2018 China 500 Most Valuable Brands annual report based on financial data, brand strength and consumer behavior analysis, State Grid topped the list of the year's most valuable brands with a brand value of 406.569 billion yuan. Rounding out the top five on the list Tencent (402.845 billion yuan), Haier (350,278 billion yuan), Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (334.561 billion yuan), China Life Insurance (325.372 billion yuan), these brands have entered the world brand camp. Specific to the media industry, a total of 36 media organizations entered the list in 2018, of which China Media Group Ranked first in the media sub-list with 274.082 billion yuan, People's Daily , Phoenix TV , Hunan Radio and Television Station Zhejiang Radio and Television ranked the top five, with brand values of 63.275 billion yuan, 60.596 billion yuan, 58.729 billion yuan and 51.297 billion yuan, respectively. A total of three media under the People's Daily entered the list, namely People's Daily (63.275 billion yuan), Global Times (21.997 billion yuan) and China Automotive News (9.636 billion yuan). [1]

The year 2020

The 2020 China 500 Most Valuable Brands analysis report was released in Beijing on August 5, 2020. Rounding out the top five are Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (45.582 billion yuan), Haier (428.652 billion yuan), Tencent (421.549 billion yuan) and China Life Insurance (415.861 billion yuan), which have become world-class brands.
The total value of "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" in 2020 is 24,692,058 billion yuan, an increase of 2,821.025 billion yuan over last year, an increase of 12.90%. Professor Robert Mundell, chairman of the World Brand Lab and a Nobel laureate in economics, said that if you map the world's manufacturing industry, in terms of output value, Made in China ($4 trillion) is roughly equal to made in the United States ($2.3 trillion), Japan ($1 trillion) and Germany ($800 billion) combined [5] .

The year 2021

On June 22, 2021, World Brand Lab (World Brand Lab) released the analysis report of "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" in 2021 in Beijing.
According to the report, the total value of the selected brands this year was 27,895,320 billion yuan (RMB, the same below), an increase of 12.97 percent over last year. The brand value of the "top" State Grid was 557.695 billion yuan, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was 496.276 billion yuan, and Haier was 457.529 billion yuan. The other brands in the top 10 are petrochina, China Life Insurance, Tencent, Sinochem Group, Huawei, China FAW and China Resources.
From the perspective of brand regional distribution, thanks to the strong profitability of the central enterprise headquarters concentrated in Beijing, Beijing selected the most brands, reaching 91; Guangdong and Shandong ranked second and third, with 86 and 44 brands respectively. Sixty-one of the selected brands already have global influence, a slight increase from last year.
In terms of industry, brands from 26 industries were selected this year. Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the number of brands in the automobile and tourism services industries has decreased significantly, while the number of brands in the "just-needed" industries such as food and beverage, finance and agriculture has increased to varying degrees. The food and beverage industry continued to rank first with 87 brands selected; The industries ranked second to fifth in terms of number of entries were light industry (52), building materials (37), media (33) and textile and apparel (33). [6]


On July 26, 2022, the (19th) "World Brand Congress" hosted by the World Brand Lab was held in Beijing, at which the 2022 "China 500 Most Valuable Brands" analysis report was released. In the annual report, which is based on financial data, brand strength and consumer behavior analysis, State Grid topped the list of the most valuable brands of the year with a brand value of 601.516 billion yuan. Rounding out the top five are Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (536.932 billion yuan), Haier (473.965 billion yuan), Tencent (457.236 billion yuan) and China Life Insurance (452.539 billion yuan), which have emerged as world-class brands.
The total value of "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" in 2022 is 30,972,807 billion yuan, an increase of 30,77,487 billion yuan over last year, an increase of 11.03%. The World Brand Lab has compiled the Chinese brand report for the 19th year, and in 2004, the entry threshold was only 500 million yuan, and the average value of the top 500 brands was 4.943 billion yuan. 19 years later, in 2022, the entry threshold has been raised to 3.167 billion yuan, while the average value of the top 500 brands is as high as 61.946 billion yuan, an increase of 1153.21%.
According to the analysis of the World Brand Lab, the competitive strength of a region mainly depends on its comparative advantage, and the brand benefit directly affects the formation and development of regional comparative advantage. Brand is an important symbol of the development of a region, the brand drives the growth of regional economy, and the development of regional economy promotes the growth of local brands. From the regional distribution of this year's "China's 500 Most valuable Brands", there are 86 brands in Beijing, ranking first, mainly because the headquarters of central enterprises with strong profitability are concentrated in Beijing; Guangdong and Shandong ranked second and third, with 84 and 46 brands respectively. According to the size of the influence of the selected brands, it can be divided according to national and world brands. There are 438 brands with national influence in the list, accounting for 87.60%; The number of brands with global influence was 62, accounting for 12.40 percent, a slight increase from last year.
In this year's "China 500 Most Valuable Brands" list, a total of 25 brands from food and beverage, light industry, building materials, media, textile and clothing, medicine, machinery and other related industries were selected. Among them, the food and beverage industry is still the industry with the most selected brands, a total of 84 brands were selected, accounting for 16.80% of the total selected brands; The industries ranked second to fifth in terms of number of entries were light industry (49), building materials (38), media (34), and communications, electronics and IT (32). A total of 69 Chinese brands were valued at more than 100 billion yuan this year, 12 more than last year. 7 [8]


On June 15, 2023, the 20th "World Brand Congress" was held in Beijing. At the meeting, the World Brand Lab released the 2023 "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" analysis report, the State Grid with a brand value of 626.871 billion yuan ranked first in this year's most valuable brands, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Haier, China Petroleum, China Life Insurance into the top five. [9]
The total value of the 500 selected brands exceeded 34.33 trillion yuan, an increase of nearly 11% over last year; There are 72 brands with a brand value of more than 100 billion yuan, an increase of 3 over last year. [11]
A total of 25 brands from food and beverage, light industry, building materials, media, textile and clothing, medicine, machinery and other related industries were selected. Among them, the food and beverage industry was selected 83 brands, ranking first in various industries, and among the top five are light industry (45), building materials (39), communications and electronic IT(36) and media industry (31). [10]