Human body engineering

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Human Engineering, also known as ergonomics, ergonomics , Ergonomics, human engineering or ergonomics. Ergonomics originated from the Greek word "Ergo", which means "work, labor" and "nomos", which means "law, effect", that is, to explore people's labor, work effect, efficiency regularity . Ergonomics is composed of 6 branches discipline The composition, that is: anthropometry , biomechanics , Labor physiology , environmental physiology, Engineering psychology , Time and work studies.
Chinese name
Human body engineering
Foreign name
Term source
Derived from the Greek words ergon. And nomos


According to the International Ergonomic Society (IEA), ergonomics is "the study of the anatomical, physiological and psychological aspects of a person in a certain work environment; Study the interactions between humans and machines and the environment; The discipline that studies how one considers productivity, health, safety, and comfort at work, at home, and on vacation [1] ". Chiba University, Japan Professor Ohara believes that ergonomics is to discover the working capacity of the human body and its limits, so that people's work tends to adapt to the various characteristics of human anatomy, physiology and psychology.


Ergonomics originated in Europe and the United States, originally in the industrial society, began to mass production and use of mechanical facilities, to explore the coordination relationship between people and machinery, as an independent discipline has more than 40 years of history. World War II Hit the mark Military science and technology Began to use ergonomic principles and methods, in the tank, aircraft cabin design, how to make people effectively operate and fight in the cabin, and as far as possible to make people for a long time in a small space to reduce fatigue, that is, to deal with: human-machine-environment coordination relationship. After the Second World War, the practice and research results of ergonomics were quickly and effectively applied to space technology, industrial production, architecture and interior design, and the International Ergonomics Association was created in 1960.
Until today, the social development of post-industrial society, information society transition, attach importance to "people-oriented", human services, ergonomics emphasizes from the people themselves, under the premise of the human subject to study all people's life, production activities in the comprehensive analysis of new ideas.
In fact, human-object-environment is a closely linked system, and in the future, it is expected to use ergonomics to actively and efficiently control the living environment.
Since 2003, ergonomics has been associated with interior design, meaning: The human subject, the use of anthropometric, physiological, psychological and other means and methods, to study the human body structure, function, psychology, mechanics and other aspects of the reasonable coordination between the indoor environment, in order to suit the requirements of physical and mental activities, to achieve the best use efficiency, the goal should be safety, health, high efficiency and comfort. The relationship between ergonomics and related disciplines and human, indoor environment and facilities in ergonomics. [2]

Research content

Early ergonomics mainly studied the relationship between human and construction machinery, that is, man-machine relationship. Its content includes the structure size and functional size of the human body, the visual display of the operating device and the control panel, which involves psychology, human anatomy and anthropometry, etc., and then studies the interaction between people and the environment, that is, the human-environment relationship, which involves psychology and environmental psychology. So far, the research content of ergonomics is still developing and not uniform.

Development prospect

In the rapidly developing design industry, ergonomics is developing very fast, especially in the interior design industry.
Human body engineering
Ergonomics has broad prospects for development, and will develop in the direction of diversification, humanization and intelligence proposed by Hangzhou Qingfeng College in the future.

Common term

Ergonomics: Ergonomics is a science that studies the relationship between the three elements of the "man, machine and environment" system, and provides theories and methods to solve the efficiency and health problems of the human in the system.
Elbow height: The distance from the ground to the bendable part of a person's forearm where it meets the upper arm.
Upright sitting height: refers to the vertical distance between the surface of the seat and the top of the head when the person sits upright.
Structural size: refers to the static human body size, which is measured by the human body in a fixed standard state.
Functional size: refers to the dynamic human body size, is a person in a certain functional activity when the body can reach the space range, it is measured under the dynamic human body state. It is the range size produced by the joint activity and rotation of the Angle and the length of the limb, which is useful for solving many problems with spatial range and position.
Ethnic differences: Different countries, different races, due to geographical environment, living habits, genetic characteristics of different, the difference in human size is very obvious.
Percentile: Percentile represents the percentage of people with a certain body size and those who are smaller than that size as a percentage of the total population of the statistical object.
Normal distribution: Most belong to the middle values, and only a few belong to too large and too small values, which are distributed at both ends of the range.
Height: refers to the vertical distance from the ground to the top of the head when the human body is upright and the eyes are straight forward.
Normal sitting height: refers to the vertical distance from the surface of the seat to the top of the head when the person is sitting relaxed.
Eye height (standing) : refers to the vertical distance from the ground to the inner corner of the eye when the human body is upright and the eyes are looking forward.
Eye height: refers to the vertical distance between the inner corner of a person's eye and the surface of the seat.
Shoulder height: refers to the vertical distance from the surface of the seat to the mid-shoulder position between the neck and the acromion.
Shoulder breadth : refers to the maximum horizontal distance between the lateral sides of the two deltoids.
Two elbow width: refers to the horizontal distance between the two ribs when the ribs are flexed and naturally close to the body and the forearm is stretched flat.
Elbow height: refers to the vertical distance from the seat surface to the tip of the elbow.
Thigh thickness: refers to the vertical distance from the surface of the seat to the end of the thigh where the thigh meets the abdomen.
Knee height: refers to the vertical distance from the ground to the midpoint of the kneecap.
Knee height: refers to the vertical distance from the ground to the back of the knee (leg bend) when the person sits upright. The knee is aligned vertically with the condylar bone, and the bare bottom of the thigh is in contact with the back of the knee (bent) on the seat surface.
Hip-knee leg length: is the horizontal distance from the very back of the hip to the back of the calf.
Hip-knee length: The horizontal distance from the very back of the hip to the front of the kneecap.
Hip-toe length: The horizontal distance from the very back of the hips to the tip of the toes.
Vertical hand height: refers to the straight distance from the ground to the top of the bar when the person stands, holds the bar in his hand, and then raises the bar to a limit that is uncomfortable or too tight for the person.
Lateral hand holding distance: refers to the horizontal distance from the middle line of the human body to the outside surface of the horizontal bar when the person stands upright and holds the bar horizontally with the right hand side until it is not uncomfortable or pulled too tightly.
Forward hand holding distance: This distance refers to the horizontal distance from the wall to the tip of the thumb when the shoulder is upright against the wall, the arm is stretched flat forward, and the index finger is in contact with the tip of the thumb.
Limb activity range: the activity space of the limb is actually the space range that the person can touch under a certain posture. Because this concept is also often used to solve the problems of people working in various operating environments. Therefore, it is also called "job domain".
Job domain: The range of space that people can reach with their limbs in a certain posture in various working environments.
Human activity space: In real life, people do not always keep a posture unchanged, people are always changing their posture, and the human body itself also moves with the needs of activities, the change of posture and the space occupied by the human body movement constitute the human activity space.
Attitude change: The attitude change focuses on the change between the upright attitude and other possible attitudes, and the space occupied by the attitude change is not necessarily equal to the overlap of the space occupied by the attitude before the change and the attitude after the change.
Muscle force: Whether it is the balance and stability of the human body itself or the movement of the human body, it is inseparable from the function of muscles. The function of muscles is to contract and produce muscle force, which can act on bones and then act on other objects through the structure of the human body, which is called muscle force. There are two ways of applying muscle force: (1) dynamic muscle force: (2) static muscle force.
Depth of sleep: The quality of rest depends on the depth of neural inhibition, that is, the depth of sleep. The depth of sleep is directly related to the frequency of activity, the higher the frequency, the shallower the depth of sleep.
Field of view: Field of view refers to the area that the eye can see when fixed at a point.
Absolute brightness: The eye senses the intensity of light.
Relative brightness: Relative brightness refers to the contrast between the light intensity and the background, called the relative value.
Discrimination value: The difficulty of light discrimination is related to the difference between the light and the background, that is, the brightness difference.
Visual acuity: Visual acuity is the ability of the eye to detect small objects and distinguish details, which varies with the size, spectrum, relative brightness and time of observation of the object being observed.
Residual image: After the eye is stimulated by strong light, there will be images left on the retina, which is caused by the residual chemical action of the retina. The problem of residual image is mainly to affect the observation, so the appearance of strong light and dark light should be avoided as much as possible.
Dark adaptation: There are two kinds of sensory cells in the human eye: the cone and the rod. The cone plays a role when it is bright, while the rod body is sensitive to weak light, and when people suddenly enter the dark environment, the cone loses its sensory function, and the rod body can not work immediately, so it needs a certain amount of adaptation time.
Color restoration: Light color will affect people's observation of the original color of the object, resulting in distortion. Affect people's impression of objects. Daylight color is the best light source for color restoration, and it is better to use warm light for food and yellow light for vegetables.
noise The simplest definition is: noise is interfering sound. Any sound that interferes with human activities (including psychological activities) is noise, which is defined from the role of noise; Noise can also cause a strong psychological reaction, if a sound causes people trouble, even the sound of music, will also be called noise, for example, someone is concentrating on reading, any sound for him may be noise. Therefore, noise can also be defined from the perspective of human response to sound. Noise is a sound that causes trouble.
Touch: The sense of the skin is the sense of touch, the skin can respond to mechanical stimulation, chemical stimulation, electric shock, temperature and pressure.
Psychological space: People do not only measure space by physiological scale, the satisfaction of space and the way to use it are also determined by people's psychological scale, which is psychological space. Space has a great influence on people's psychology, and there are many forms of its expression.
Personal space: Everyone has their own personal space, which is the space directly around each person, usually with invisible boundaries within which no outsiders are allowed to enter. It can move with people, and it is flexible and scalable.
Territoriality: Territoriality is borrowed from the study of animal behavior, it means that animal individuals or groups often live in a fixed location or area in nature, each maintaining their own certain areas of life, in order to reduce competition for the living environment.
Interpersonal distance: The size of the distance between people depends on the social group (cultural background) and the situation in which people live. With acquaintances or strangers, the identity of people is different (the level of personnel is closer, the upper and lower levels are far away.) The more similar the identity, the closer the distance. Hull divided interpersonal distance into four categories: close friends, casual friends, social, and other people.
Fear of heights: climbing high, will cause changes in human blood pressure and heart rate, the higher the height of people ascend, the heavier the fear. In this case, many facilities that are reasonable or secure enough in normal circumstances may also be considered unsafe.
Claustrophobia: Claustrophobia is more or less encountered in People's Daily life experiences, some people are more severe, some people are lighter. Such as sitting on the back of a car with only two doors, taking an elevator, sitting in the narrow cabin of an airplane, there is always a sense of crisis. Will somehow think that there is a problem will not run out. The reason is that there is a sense of crisis about one's life, which is not fanciful, but justified. The reason is that these spatial forms cut off people's direct contact with the outside world.

Human body basic data

Human size [3]
The basic data of human body mainly includes the following three aspects, that is, the data about the structure of human body, the scale of human body and the movement domain of human body.
Human body structure
The closest thing to ergonomics Motor system In the bones, joints and muscles, these three parts in the nervous system under the innervation, so that each part of the body to complete a series of movements. Bone is composed of skull, trunk bones, four limb bones three parts, the spine can complete a variety of movements, is the pillar of the human body, the joint plays the role of interosseous connection and activity, the skeletal muscle in the muscle by the nervous system command contraction or relaxation, so that all parts of the human body coordinated action.

Human scale

Human scale is one of the most basic data in ergonomic research.

Body motion domain

Ergonomic chair
The size of the range of people's indoor work and life activities, that is, the movement domain, is one of the important factors to determine the scale of indoor space. The range of human motion measured by various measuring methods is also the basic data of ergonomic research. If the human body scale is static and relatively fixed data, the scale of the human body movement domain is dynamic, and its dynamic scale is related to the state of the activity situation.
The selection of the specific data size of human body size in interior design should consider the safety of people's movements and activities in different Spaces and enclosures, as well as the appropriate size for most people, and emphasize that safety is the premise.
For example, for the height of the door, the clear height of the staircase, the height of the railing, etc., the upper limit of the height of the male human body should be taken, and the residual amount of the human body should be properly designed. The height of the step, the upper shelf or the hanging height should be designed according to the average height of the female body.

Physiological measurement

According to the changes in physiological state of the human body when carrying out various activities, it is objectively and scientifically determined by measuring means to analyze the energy and load of people during activities.
The main methods of human physiological measurement are:
Electromyography method
The strength and load of human activity can be determined quantitatively by recording the state of muscle contraction during human activity with an electrogram.
Energy metabolic rate method
The oxygen consumption value caused by the energy consumption of human activities, and its normal Oxygen consumption Compared to measuring the strength of the active state, Energy metabolic rate As well as the energy metabolic rate (RMR) for different activities. Its formula is as follows:
Oxygen consumption during exercise - oxygen consumption at rest
Energy metabolic rate (RMR) 〓 ———————————————
Basal metabolic rate consumption
Mental reflection current method
The amount of sweat excreted by human body due to activity is measured by current, so as to quantitatively understand the intensity of external mental factors, according to which the load of human body activity is determined.

Psychometric measurement

Psychometrics are measured by psychophysical methods and scale methods.
Psychophysical measurement
Using the method of physics, determine the minimum stimulation of human nerves and the minimum difference in the amount of sensory stimulation.
Scale method
To divide measures in psychology in order, such as dividing lines on lines and marking comments in order
Experts or ordinary people can evaluate beauty and ugliness, old and new, good and bad accordingly.

Interior design

Since ergonomics is an emerging discipline, the depth and breadth of ergonomics application in indoor environment design need to be further developed seriously, and the application aspects that have been carried out are as follows:
First, the main basis for determining the space needed for human and interpersonal activities indoors
According to the relevant measurement data in ergonomics, the space range is determined from the human scale, the movement domain, the psychological space and the space of interpersonal communication.
2. The main basis for determining the shape, scale and scope of use of furniture and facilities
Furniture facilities are used by people, so their shape and scale must be based on the human body scale; At the same time, in order for people to use these furniture and facilities, there must be a minimum of room for activity and use around them, and these requirements are scientifically solved by human engineering. The smaller the indoor space, the longer the stay time, the higher the requirements for this content test, such as Shumeina's use of German scientific sleep in the mattress, the carriage, cabin The design of the interior space of the vehicle, such as the engine room.
Third, provide indoor adaptation to the human body Physical environment Optimum parameter of
Indoor physical environment mainly includes indoor thermal environment, acoustic environment, light environment, gravity environment, radiation environment, etc., interior design has the above requirements of the scientific parameters, it is possible to have the right decision in the design.
Fourth, the measurement of visual elements provides scientific basis for indoor visual environment design
Human vision, visual field, light perception, color perception are the elements of vision, ergonomics through the measured data, indoor lighting design, indoor color design, visual optimal area and so on to provide a scientific basis. Human psychology and behavior in indoor environment.
In the indoor environment, although there are differences between individuals, people's psychology and behavior still have commonality in the overall analysis, and they still have the characteristics of responding in the same or similar way, which is also the basis for our design.
Here are some of the psychological and behavioral aspects of people in indoor environments:
1. Domain and interpersonal distance
Territorial origin is a kind of adaptive survival behavior of animals in order to obtain food and multiply in the environment. After all, people and animals have essential differences in language expression, rational thinking, will decision-making and sociality, but people's life and production activities in the indoor environment always strive not to be interfered with or hindered by the outside world. Different activities have their necessary physical and psychological scope and field, and people do not want to be easily broken by external people and things.
Personal space in indoor environment often needs to be considered with the distance required for interpersonal communication and contact. Interpersonal contact actually varies in distance according to different contacts and in different situations. Based on the research experience of animal environment and behavior, Hull put forward the concept of interpersonal distance, which is determined according to the closeness degree of interpersonal relationship and behavior characteristics, namely: close distance; Human body distance; Social distance; Public distance.
Each kind of distance is divided into near phase and far phase according to different behavior properties. For example, in the close distance, closeness, smell of each other and radiant heat sensation are close phase; Can touch and shake hands with each other for distant phase. Of course, interpersonal distance is also different for different ethnic groups, religious beliefs, gender, occupation and educational level.
2. Privacy and end trend
If the domain is mainly in the scope of space, privacy is more involved in the corresponding spatial scope, including sight, sound and other aspects of isolation requirements. Privacy is more prominent in the residential interior space.
It's also very obvious that in everyday life, dormitory People who enter the dormitory first, if allowed to choose their own bed, will always choose the end of the room bed It may be due to relatively few disturbances in life and bedtime. The same situation is also seen in the selection of dining table seats in the restaurant, relatively people are least willing to choose the seat near the door and the frequent passage of people, the setting of the wall booth in the restaurant, due to the formation of more "end" in the indoor space, it is more in line with the psychological requirements of "end trend" when individual customers eat.
3, relying on the sense of security
People living in the indoor space, from the psychological feeling, is not the more open, the wider the better, people are usually more willing to have "relying" objects in large indoor Spaces.
In the waiting hall or platform of the railway station and subway station, people do not stay more in the place where it is easiest to get on the train, but are willing to stay at the side of the column, and the crowd is relatively scattered in the hall and near the column on the platform, keeping a proper distance from the passenger flow channel. At the side of the column, people feel "supported" and more secure.
4. Conformity and phototropism
It has been observed from some extraordinary accidents in public places that people tend to Blinded Follow the direction of the first few fast runners in the crowd, whether or not they are headed to a safety exit. When the fire alarm or smoke begins to fill the air, people do not pay attention to the content of the sign and text, or even lack trust in it, and often follow the lead of a few people more intuitively, so that the flow of the whole crowd. The above is the case Herd mentality . At the same time, when people flow in the indoor space, they have a tendency to flow from the dark to the brighter place, and the language guidance is better than the text guidance in emergency situations.
The above psychological and behavioral phenomena suggest that designers should first pay attention to the guidance of space and lighting when creating the indoor environment of public places. The guidance of signs and words is also very important, but from the psychological and behavioral point of view of emergency situations, space, lighting, sound and so on should be attached great importance.
5. Psychological feeling of space shape
The shape characteristics of the indoor space enclosed by various interfaces often make people have different psychological feelings. Famous architect Ieoh Ming Pei Once on his work - the new Washington Museum of Art with triangular oblique space - has a good discussion, Pei believes that triangular, multiple points of oblique space often give people dynamic and rich psychological feelings.
Third, the application of environmental psychology in interior design
The application of the principles of environmental psychology in interior design is very wide, let's list the following points:
1, indoor environment design should conform to people's behavior patterns and psychological characteristics
For example, in the interior design of modern large shopping malls, customers' shopping behavior has developed from a single shopping to shopping -- sightseeing -- leisure -- information -- service and other behaviors. Shopping requirements as close as possible to the goods, hand-selected comparison, thus self-selected and open-shelf layout of the mall combined with tea, amusement, childcare and so on came into being.
2. The cognitive environment and psychological behavior patterns of the organization of indoor space prompts
It is the sensory organs that receive the initial stimulus from the environment, and the judgment that evaluates the environment or makes the corresponding behavioral response is the brain, so it can be said that the cognition of the environment is made by Sensory organ It works with the brain." The cognitive environment combined with the various manifestations of the above-mentioned psychological behavior patterns, the designer can have more profound hints about organizing space, determining its scale range and shape, and selecting its light and tone than the usual design basis starting from the use function and human scale.
3, indoor environment design should consider the user's personality and the relationship between the environment
In general, environmental psychology not only affirms that people have the same or similar reactions to the cognition of the external environment, but also attaches great importance to the requirements of the user's personality on environmental design, fully understands the user's behavior and personality, and fully respects the environment when shaping the environment, but it can also appropriately use the "guidance" of the environment on people's behavior and influence on personality. Even a certain degree of "restriction" in the design dialectically grasp a reasonable sense of proportion.

Research method

The research of ergonomics has widely adopted the research methods and means of human science and biological science and other related disciplines, as well as some research methods of systems engineering, control theory, statistics and other disciplines, and some unique new methods have been established in the research of this discipline. Use these methods to investigate the following problems: Measuring various parts of the human body Static and dynamic data ; To investigate, inquire or directly observe the behavior and reaction characteristics of people during work; The analysis of time and motion; The dynamic changes of psychological state and various physiological indexes were measured before and after operation and during operation. Observe and analyze the problems in the working process and process flow; Analyze the causes of errors and accidents; Conduct model experiments or simulation experiments with electronic computers; Use mathematical and statistical methods to find out the relationship between variables in order to draw correct conclusions or develop relevant theories.
Common research methods are:
1. Method of observation
In order to study the working state of people and machines in the system, a variety of observation methods are often used, such as the analysis of workers' operating actions, functional analysis and process analysis.
2. Measurement method
The measurement method is a method of actual measurement by means of instruments and equipment. For example, the measurement of static and dynamic parameters of the human body, the measurement of human physiological parameters or the measurement of system parameters and operating environment parameters.
3. Experimental method
This is a research method used when the use of measurement methods is limited, and is generally carried out in the laboratory or in the field. For example, in order to obtain data on the reading speed and error rate of various display instruments, general laboratory tests are carried out; In order to understand the impact of color environment on human psychology, physiology and work efficiency, due to the need for long-term research and multi-person observation, in order to obtain more real data, experiments are usually carried out on the job site.
4. Simulation and model experiment method
Because the machine system is generally more complex, the simulation method is often used in the study of man-machine system. Simulation methods include the simulation of various technologies and devices, such as operational training simulators, mechanical models, and various human models. Through this kind of simulation method, some operating systems can be simulated and more realistic data can be obtained from the extrapolation of laboratory research. Simulators and models are often much cheaper than the real systems they simulate, but they can be used for practical research.
5. Computer numerical simulation method
Because the operator in the man-machine system is a living entity with subjective will, the traditional physical simulation and modeling methods can not fully reflect the characteristics of the living entity in the system, and the results must be certain errors compared with the reality. In addition, with the increasing complexity of modern man-machine systems, the use of physical simulation and modeling methods to study complex man-machine systems is not only costly and long cycle, but also difficult to modify once the simulation and modeling devices are set. Therefore, some more ideal and effective methods have been gradually studied, among which computer numerical simulation has become a modern method of ergonomic research. Numerical simulation is to use the mathematical model of the system on the computer to carry out simulation experimental research. Researchers can simulate the future system that is still in the design stage, and analyze the functional characteristics of the three elements of the system, including human, machine and environment, and their coordination, so as to predict the performance of the designed product and improve the design. The application of numerical simulation research can greatly shorten the design cycle and reduce the cost.
Step 6 Analyze
Analysis is a research method used after obtaining certain information and data from the above methods. The following analysis methods are often used in ergonomic research:
(1) Instantaneous operation analysis. The production process is generally continuous, and the transmission of information between people and machinery is also continuous. However, it is difficult to analyze this continuous transmission of information, so only intermittent analysis and determination method can be used, that is, the random sampling method in statistics is used to determine the information between the operator and the machine at every interval time, and then statistical reasoning is used to sort out, so as to obtain useful information of the man-machine environment system.
(2) Perceptual and motor information analysis. There is a feedback system between human and machine, that is, the information from the outside world is first transmitted to the nerve center by the sensory organ, processed by the brain, and then the reflected signal is transmitted to the limb to operate the machine, and the operated machine feeds the information back to the operator, thus forming a feedback system. Perception and motion information analysis is to measure and analyze this feedback system, and then use the information transmission theory to elaborate the quantitative relationship between man-machine information transmission.
(3) Action load analysis. Under the condition of the minimum interval time required for the specified operation, the computer technology is used to analyze the continuous operation of the operator, so as to calculate the load degree of the operator's work. In addition, by analyzing the working load of the operator in unit time, the whole working load of the operator can be expressed by the operating load rate per unit time.
(4) Frequency analysis method . The use frequency of the mechanical system and the operating frequency of the operator are measured and analyzed, and the results can be used as the basis for adjusting the load parameters of the operator.
(5) Crisis analysis. The analysis of accident or near-accident crises is particularly helpful in identifying error-inducing situations, and can also easily find problems in the system that require more complex research methods.
(6) Correlation analysis method . In the analysis method, two kinds of variables are often studied, namely independent variable and dependent variable. Correlation analysis can be used to determine whether there is a statistical relationship between more than two variables. The statistical relationship between variables can be used to describe and predict variables, or to find out what is consistent with the rules. For example, the correlation analysis of human height and weight can be used to describe human weight with height parameters. The development of statistics and the application of computer make correlation analysis become a common method in ergonomic research.
(7) Investigation method . Ergonomics experts also use a variety of survey methods to sample and analyze operator or user comments and suggestions. This approach includes simple interviews, specialized surveys, detailed scoring, psychological and physiological judgments, and indirect opinion and suggestion analysis.