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Saudi Arabian Standards Organization
synonymSASO Certification(Saudi Arabian Standards Organization) generally refers to SASO
saso is the abbreviation of Saudi Arabian Standards Organization Saudi Arabia Standards organization. SASO is responsible for the development of national standards for all daily necessities and products, and the standards also involve measurement systems, labeling and so on.
Chinese name
Saudi Arabia Standards organization
Foreign name
Full title
Saudi Standards Organization
Set national standards for all commodities and products
Legal basis
Saudi Cabinet Decree Nº.213

Evaluation of conformity

I. Introduction of the evaluation scheme
In accordance with the Saudi Cabinet Decree Nº.213, the original SASO ICCP has been terminated, and in accordance with the Cabinet Decree Nº6386, a new evaluation scheme for products exported to the Kingdom has been approved and will replace the original SASO ICCP scheme.
The new assessment scheme, mandated by the Saudi Ministry of Commerce and Trade, aims to ensure that products exported to the Kingdom meet the appropriate Saudi and international standards.
The new assessment scheme requires that all goods imported into Saudi Arabia must be accompanied by a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) - with the exception of prohibited or exempted products - to demonstrate that the product complies with the requirements of the corresponding standard (technical standard). The certificate must confirm that the products have been properly certified in the country of origin under the supervision of a duly qualified agency.
For customs clearance and delivery of goods, a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) is mandatory and goods without a certificate or that do not meet the requirements of the Product Conformity Assessment Programme will be rejected at the destination.
We are not only able to provide one-stop services on Certificates of Conformity (CoC) for building sanitary ceramics products, from product testing to issuing certificates of conformity (CoC) for new product conformity assessment schemes, but also to provide exporters with information on the assessment schemes and related goods exported to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
According to the provisions of the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization, the evaluation scheme covers all products used by adults and children in places of residence, office or recreation, all motor vehicles and spare parts, and construction products. These products can be divided into the following categories:
Air conditioning, refrigeration equipment, heating equipment household switches and circuit breakers
Battery lamps and lighting equipment
Cosmetics elevator and lifting system
Toys for office electronic and electrical equipment
Compressor and fan PC
Household electrical and electronic equipment engine
Home pressure cooker phone
Electric wire and cable motor vehicles and spare parts
Fax machine building products, coatings, etc
Power source
Evaluation of the objectives of the programme
In accordance with Islamic State law, the purpose of the assessment programme is to:
Protect the safety and health of consumers and protect the environment
Protect domestic industries from trade fraud and unfair competition
Prevent the import of substandard, unsafe or counterfeit goods
Iii. Batch inspection procedures
1. Quality document review
Please submit the following documents:
◆ Test report (issued by a qualified third-party laboratory), or
◆ Manufacturer/factory quality system certification certificate and internal test report/quality certification document
2. Inspection before shipment
◆ Please submit the following application documents:
Conformity Declaration of Request for Certificate/RfC (DoC)
Invoice or proforma invoice packing list
To issue the Declaration of Conformity (DoC), be sure to use your company's official letterhead and sign and seal.
◆ Inspection scope:
In order to ensure that the goods meet the requirements of relevant marks and shipping marks other than the inspection, the following items are inspected at the inspection site
Visual inspection of goods surface quality quantity
Package identification
Shipping mark
◆ Certification:
The inspection results are satisfactory and the certification documents are complete, the draft certificate will be issued within 2-3 working days, the draft certificate will be confirmed by the customer, the original certificate will be issued within 1-2 working days and mailed to the domestic customer.
Iv. Product registration procedures
If the shipment frequency is higher, you can apply for registration, valid for one year, registered goods can apply for inspection exemption according to the actual situation.
1. Quality document review
Please submit the following documents:
◆ Test report (issued by a qualified third-party laboratory), or
◆ Manufacturer/factory quality system certification certificate and internal test report/quality certification document
2. Submit the Product Registration form
Please complete the registration application form completely, and the product description must be accurate and signed and stamped.
3. Give evidence
The inspection results are satisfactory and the certification documents are complete, the draft certificate will be issued within 2-3 working days, the draft certificate will be confirmed by the customer, the original certificate will be issued within 1-2 working days and mailed to the domestic customer.
5. Testing and certification fees
1. Batch inspection (one inspection, one certificate)
If the FOB amount is less than or equal to USD 200,000 Fee =0.45%×FOB amount (minimum: CNY 1,950)
If the FOB amount is between USD 200,000 and USD 1,000,000
Fee =USD 900+0.35%×FOB amount exceeding USD200,000
If the FOB amount exceeds USD 1,000,000
Fee =USD 3500+0.1%×FOB amount in excess of USD1,000,000
2. Registration Certificate (valid for one year)
The fee for the certificate of registration is divided into two parts:
Company registration: USD 425
Product registration: USD 40/ model or series
The registration certificate is valid for one year and is renewed annually.
If a new registered product is added to the issued registration certificate, the fee is CNY800+USD40/ model or series
3, certificate modification: If the issued certificate needs to be modified, the certificate modification fee of RMB550 will be charged, and please note that the original certificate must be returned, otherwise the new certificate will not be issued.
4, additional certificate: if the same batch of defective goods need to issue multiple certificates, additional certificate fee will be charged, each RMB800.
5, inspection exemption certificate: to register the goods, if the inspection exemption, each certificate fee is RMB800 (except special agreement).
The above fee does not include the test fee. If the test is carried out according to the Saudi Arabian standard, the test fee is separately calculated according to the specific product.

Certification service center

Saudi SASO Certification Service Center [1] For you to fully understand the latest standard regulations in Saudi Arabia, to avoid unnecessary economic losses, as well as the latest economic information in Saudi Arabia, to provide a reference basis for the development of the Saudi market, a full introduction to the Saudi SASO certification process, certification data preparation, certification cycle, certification costs, certification sample display, and Saudi control products, Specific analysis and explanation. Saudi SASO certification Service center to help the majority of Chinese exporters smoothly export to the Saudi market.

Access to certificates

SASO and the Ministry of Commerce jointly developed the International Conformity Verification Method (ICCP) in 1995, which was changed to PCP (Product Conformity Program) in 2008, and SASO's "Laboratory and Quality Control Department" was responsible for it. The requirement that imported goods must meet SASO standards or SASO-recognized equivalent standards is implemented and operated by SASO National Offices (SCO) around the world.
The PCP program provides three ways for exporters or manufacturers to obtain CoC certificates, and customers can choose the most appropriate method based on the nature of their products, the degree of compliance with the standards, and the frequency of shipments.
Route 1: Compliance verification before shipment
This method is most suitable for exporters or manufacturers who ship very small quantities. Pre-shipment inspection (PSI) and pre-shipment test (PST) should be applied before each shipment. If both are qualified, the CoC certificate can be obtained.
Route 2: Registration and pre-shipment inspection
This method is suitable for most customers, and its advantage is that each shipment inspection (PSI) is necessary, but each batch of goods does not need to be tested before shipment (PST). Customers can obtain a Statement for Registration (SfR) by submitting a declaration of conformity, and providing a test report that conforms to the importing country and relevant international or domestic standards, and stating that the product has met the basic requirements and national differences of the importing country.
Route 3: Formal recognition certificate
This method can not only save the inspection fee or test fee before each shipment, simplify the repeated application procedure, but also ensure the delivery time, so it is favored by some large companies that ship more frequently or on a larger scale and pay attention to quality and reputation. Exporters or manufacturers can only obtain a Statement for Licence(SfL) certificate if their products fully comply with the mandatory standards of the importing and exporting country. The certificate is valid for one year and can be renewed upon submission of an updated factory inspection report, payment of an annual fee and review by the RLC. Products that obtain SfL certificates no longer require pre-shipment inspection (PSI) for each batch of goods, and are reduced to a few sampling inspections a year (generally 2-3 times/year, depending on the condition of the product).

Application process

1. The applicant submits the application to the testing institution, and the testing institution checks the content of the application.
2. The testing institution shall send the documents and samples that meet the requirements of the application to the applicant.
3. Laboratory for product testing and review of technical documents;
4. The laboratory shall provide test reports or technical documents to the applicant;
5. After the completion of the inspection, the inspector will inspect the product before shipment (applicable path 1 and path 2);
6. Issue the SASO certificate.