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Mandatory certification

Certification system
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Mandatory certification, including China Mandatory product certification ( CCC ) and official certification of other countries. Whether produced domestically or imported from abroad.
Chinese name
Mandatory certification
Mandatory product certification and official certification of other countries
Generic type
Words and expressions
Certification system
CCC certification It is a certification system mandated by the Chinese state for products sold in the Chinese mainland market. Regardless of domestic production or foreign imports, all products listed in the CCC catalogue and sold in China need to obtain CCC certification, except for products for special purposes (products exempt from CCC certification). CCC certification is a product certification carried out by a nationally recognized certification body. Official certification is the administrative license for market access, yes State administrative organs According to the implementation of the license management of the projects listed in the administrative license catalogue, all projects that need to be officially certified must obtain administrative permission before they can be allowed to produce, operate, store or sell. The administrative license is for the product, but the assessment is the management system. The administrative license includes products for domestic sale (domestic production for domestic sale and foreign import for domestic sale) and products for export (domestic production for export). Food Quality and Safety (QS) certification and pharmaceutical manufacturing Quality Management practice (GMP) certification are official certifications.