JetBrains RubyMine 2024.2.2 Chinese official free Edition (with installation tutorial) 64-bit

Download JetBrains2024

  • Software size: 662MB
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Software type: Foreign software
  • Software license: Free software
  • Software Category: Programming tools
  • Application platform: Windows platform
  • Software official website: official website
  • Updated: 2024-09-20
  • Netizen rating:
360 pass Tencent through Jinshan pass

detailedInformation introduction

RubyMine2024 is a newly released IDE for Ruby and Rails developers by jetbrains. Rubymine is built on the IntellJ IDEA platform and provides all the necessary IDE features such as editing, debugging tools, source code control integration, and more. Code automatically prompts completion, among other features.

The software is built on top of the IntellJ IDEA platform and provides all necessary IDE features such as editing, debugging tools, source control integration, code auto-prompt completion, and other features. The new version greatly improves code completion and overall navigation; Support polymorphism correlation; Added an option to rerun only failed tests instead of rerun all tests. rubymine can now also support multiple GitHub accounts and set a default GitHub account for each project; It supports the MacBook Touch Bar and also features a number of brand new ICONS designed to provide a clearer and more consistent look and feel.

RubyMine 2024.1 Latest changes: Full line completion, support for mise version Manager, check updates for Ruby 3.3, support for Ruby classes and files with custom deformations, end tags in ERB, ability to run VCS commands using the current project's SDK, for Ruby 3.3 debase 3.0 etc..

ps: Here Xiaobian brings the latest Chinese version of rubymine 2024 download, its detailed installation tutorial can refer to the following steps, welcome to download!

Software function

JetBrains RubyMine IDE provides a comprehensive Ruby coding editor that recognizes dynamic language features, provides easy coding assistance, intelligent code refactoring, and code analysis capabilities. The development environment provides everything Ruby developers need: easy project configuration, automatic Ruby Gems management, support for Rake (a collection of tools Ruby developers need in the development environment). Ruby on Rails RubyMine uses a dedicated RoR project architecture view, fast Model-View-Controller navigation options, Rails-specific code completion, awareness of actions, and refactoring. All of this, together with the best combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript editing support, and advanced Web development tools, make up the best tool for developing advanced Web applications. Efficient and reliable RubyMine is perfectly capable of managing your daily development work. Intelligent, input-aware code completion, reliable and powerful code refactoring, intelligent code detection and more work together to help you code faster. Users can clearly recognize the increased productivity through the use of keyboard shortcuts, templates, and motion awareness. It can even learn itself to further improve productivity. The value of testing can never be underestimated. Once the code is written, the process of Unit testing it with the software is machine-reliable because RubyMine's RSpec, Cucumber, Shoulda, and Test::Unit are flexible and thorough, and its UI for editing, running, and navigating tests is smart. The Ruby debugger is an essential step for every software project to fine-tune your program's code. The Ruby debugger inherits all the advantages of the IntelliJ IDEA Java/JSP debugger, takes into account the real needs of Ruby and Rails developers, allows it to interrupt Ruby and even RHTML code, and provides highly beneficial console, variables, frames, and window views. Integrated Version control Rubymine understands all modern VCS and SCMS (Git, Subversion, Mercurial, Perforce and CVS) and provides a unified UI for them. Users can see changes to their code even sequentially. The entry and exit of documents and projects are very easy. It integrates cutting and merging tools for all version control systems. The change list can be managed within the IDE. Can remember to check in frequently.

rubymine installation tutorial:

ps: At present, the previous patch has all expired, it is recommended to use 30 days unlimited reset trial plug-in:

ide-eval-resetter 2.1.13 Download and Methods, BetterIntelliJ General Patch

(Not available at official request, please support genuine)

1. Download and decompress, get jetbrains rubymine original program;

2. Run "RubyMine-2020.3.exe" to start the installation;

3. The default installation directory is [C:\Program Files\JetBrains\RubyMine 20xx]. It is recommended not to change the installation directory for subsequent operations.

4, check to create rubymine desktop shortcut, small edition select 64 bit;

5, click install, start the installation, please wait patiently;

6, after the installation is completed, pay attention not to run the software first, so do not check;

Place the ja-netfilter-all folder in the specified location (do not move and space later)

Run the automatic configuration VM option, that is, run the following file ja-netfilter-all\script\install-all-users.vbs as an administrator

Open the software, check Do not import settings, click OK, the registration interface will pop up, click to switch to Activation code, copy the activation code, and click Activate.

About Sinicization:

The latest version of the official has come with Chinese, by default, Chinese is not enabled, according to the official instructions, all i18n packages are integrated into the software in the form of plug-ins. You need to integrate the Chinese plugin yourself. The steps for integrating Chinese plug-ins are to open Settings -> Plugins, enter "Chinese" in the interface box, press enter to search, a Chinese plug-in will appear, click "Install" to install the plug-in, and then restart!

Function introduction

Navigating between Rails entities You can now navigate between Rails entities and database schemas. To do this, press Ctrl+Alt+Home. To make navigation more seamless, we have also unified the look and feel of navigation pop-ups and made them more compact. 2. Improve navigation between methods Navigation | Now go to Super Method (Ctrl+U) and you can select the exact super method you want to navigate to. You can also search for Alt+F7 supermethod usage (). 3. Structure View Navigation In Structure View (Ctrl+7), you can filter out variables to see only methods. Ruby 2.7 1. Support for the latest Ruby syntax As always, we support the latest Ruby versions. This includes, for example, the new "_" syntax for numbering parameters. The IDE recognizes new syntax and helps you navigate, find usage, and rename objects. Run and debug 1. Run Rake tasks from the Binding Line Starting with v2020.1, you can run, debug and configure tasks directly from the Binding Line menu. As always, RubyMine automatically creates the corresponding run/debug configuration for the task being run. 2, intelligent execution of terminal commands RubyMine terminal can now parse various commands. After matching the input command, it will be highlighted, and you can press Ctrl-Enter to open a specific UI with parameters taken from the command. To try this function, please enable in the "test function" dialog mand. Handling for logo. Now, in the debugger's Variables view, you can pin a variable's field at the top and see its value in the variable's representation. RubyMine can now create new tests for any class and copy the directory structure based on the path of the test subject. By using machine learning, RubyMine can now rank higher relevant completion suggestions. Please note that machine learning-assisted completion is still a work in progress and we expect it to be more useful over time. With RubyMine, you can use Docker Compose as a remote interpreter to run, debug, and test applications in a specific environment. You can specify how to run commands such as ruby, gem env, and rbconfig in Docker. Code Editor 1. LightEdit Mode The new LightEdit mode allows you to use RubyMine as a general purpose text editor. It starts up and works much faster than usual because it opens files without loading the project. Zen mode helps you focus on the code: it expands the IDE window and hides all elements except the code editor. For a quick try, press Ctrl+ 'and select View mode | to enter Zen mode. Unified UI for SSH configuration Under Preferences/Settings | Settings, there is a new Unified Settings TAB that can manage your SSH configuration. Tool | SSH configuration. Use it to add, edit, store, and delete SSH configurations. 2, more flexibility when sharing run configurations In RubyMine, you have more control over run configurations because you can now store them in any project directory you choose. To do this, select the new check box "Store as project file" and then specify the path to the directory where you want to run the configuration store file using the selected directory. Terminating 奌 Station 1. Split terminal sessions vertically/horizontally You can now split terminal sessions vertically or horizontally to run them side by side. Call the context menu from the terminal to create, navigate, and close split terminal sessions. Version Control System 1. The new "Interactively Rebase from here" dialog box We have recast interactively Rebase from here to make the dialog box truly interactive. It allows you to edit, merge, and delete previous commits, making the submission history more linear and understandable. 2. Submit dialog box/Submit tool window RubyMine introduced the "Submit" tool window to replace the "Submit" dialog box. You can switch between Preferences/Settings | and them. Version control | commit | Using the non-schema commit interface. The new tools window is on the left, leaving enough room for the editor to show the differences. 3, Improved Branch popup The Branch popup window includes some improvements: use an explicit search field to find existing remote and local branches. The Refresh button will now update the existing remote branch. Incoming (blue) and outgoing (green) commit indicators have been added to the status bar. 11. Database Tools 1. Query Results in the Editor Now you can view the query results in the editor. This can be turned on and off using the new button on the toolbar or in Settings/Preferences | Settings. The database | generally | displays the output in an editor. Choose how to view the data: as a table, tree, or text. The query results can also be exported to Excel. 2. Run the database script in the configuration You can now create the run configuration to run the database script. JavaScript/TypeScript 1, new smart intents and checks Use new smart intents and checks (Alt+Enter) to save time when coding! For example, you can now quickly convert existing code into optional links and/or invalid merges, which is the syntax introduced in the latest versions of JavaScript and TypeScript. 2, more useful quick documentation For JavaScript and TypeScript, the Document pop-up window now displays more useful information, including details about symbol types and visibility and where that symbol is defined. 3, Vue.js: Vuex and Composition API support With out-of-the-box support for the Vuex library and Composition API in the upcoming Vue 3, you can more smoothly build great Vue.js applications. Use the new "Run while saving on files" option. Once the files are saved, RubyMine will apply the Prettier format to all files specified in the IDE Settings and edited in the project - no more file monitors or third-party plugins are required. We are moving to JetBrains Runtime 11 (JBR11) and will no longer distribute internal versions with JetBrains Runtime 8 (JBR8). This includes all 2020.1 updates in the IDE and Toolbox App. The light theme is unified for all operating systems and is now called IntelliJ Light. RubyMine and other Intellij-based ides now use JetBrains Mono as the default font. We added a way to automatically import IDE Settings. If you haven't installed Git yet, RubyMine will show you a notification and provide information to download and install Git for you. By default, a quick document pop-up window appears when you hover. You can disable this option in Settings/Preferences | Disabled. Editor universal. A new code check will now warn you about invalid private/protected method calls.


If garbled characters appear after opening, please delete resources_cn.jar and then open PyCharm 5. On the menu, select File -> Settings -> Appearance&Behavior -> Appearance -> Override default fonts by(not recommended) Name: Microsoft YaHei (select any Chinese font) then copy resources_cn.jar to the.\lib directory and reopen PyCharm 5 to display Chinese normally

Update log

Rails completes Kamal configuration file RubyMine now provides code completion for Kamal configuration file. When you edit the deploy.yaml and.env files, you will see completion suggestions for Kamal-specific properties.

Code Insights for frequency Limits Rails 8 introduces the rate_limit function for working with controllers. To enable you to take advantage of this new feature, we've implemented code insights for it, including code highlighting and completion.

Code Insights for browser protection In RubyMine 2024.2, we added code insights to the browser protection approach. This includes the highlighting of the allow_browser function and the completion of the browser name and the only argument.

Model validation and callbacks in Rails Structure View You can view model validation and callbacks in Structure view and hide them as needed. In addition, callbacks are displayed for certain syntax, such as the use of the after_create keyword or method.

Stimulus RubyMine 2024.2 provides built-in support for Stimulus, a JavaScript framework that integrates with static HTML and DOM elements. Support includes code completion, navigation, and Rename refactoring. Stimulus is bundled with RubyMine and can be used in.erb files. Starting with version 7, the stimulus-rails gem comes with Rails by default.

Suggestions for switching Ruby SDK when Ruby Opens a project When Ruby opens a project, RubyMine will check whether the configured Ruby SDK matches the configuration file -.rvmrc corresponds to RVM SDK, .ruby-version,.ruby-gemset, or.rbenv-version correspond to the rbenv SDK,.tool-versions correspond to the asdf SDK, or.version. conf correspond to the RVM SDK. If an SDK that matches the module profile is already installed, RubyMine will suggest selecting the relevant SDK.

Install Ruby from "SDK not Found" notification If you manage Ruby versions using rbenv, rvm, or asdf, RubyMine will install the appropriate version of the Ruby SDK (for example,.rvmrc,.ruby-version, or.rbenv-version) based on the configuration file in your project. RubyMine checks the selected Ruby SDK and configuration files when the project is opened.

AI Assistant Line End AI-based Inline Completion AI Assistant's completion feature can now be activated at the end of a line containing content, which means it works after., ::, and binary expressions.

Better multi-line code completion Tips for multi-line code completion now require specific technical details to provide more meaningful recommendations. These details include the version of Ruby you are using, whether you are working on a Rails or gem project, the testing framework you are using, the name of the current file, and the five most popular gems in your project.

The improved Rails Context AI Assistant works more effectively in the context of Rails applications. For example, when you request code interpretation for a controller, the AI Assistant now considers the corresponding model and route.

Features and Improvements Completion of Ruby related commands in the new terminal The new terminal provides automatic completion for commands, options, subcommands, arguments, and more. In RubyMine 2024.2, we added completion to the following commands: ruby, rails, rake, bundle, rbenv, irb, pry, rbs, and rspec.

Markdown rendering in Reader Mode and Quick Document Since Rails 8 uses Markdown documents instead of RDoc, we offer Markdown rendering in reader mode and Quick document pop-ups. This works if the file starts with the # :markup: markdown directive, or if there is a.rdoc_options file in the project root that contains the line markup: markdown.

Custom RuboCop configuration In Settings | Tools | RuboCop (setting | tool | RuboCop), you can now choose to customize the RuboCop configuration file. RubyMine uses the --config option to pass the configuration file path as an argument to the RuboCop command, which helps ensure that it can be used with the remote SDK.

If you do not specify a file, RubyMine will use.rubocop.yaml or the default Settings if.rubocop.yaml is not found in the project.

The new formatter Settings in RubyMine allow you to control the Spaces within array literals. This new setup is designed to align RubyMine's behavior with RuboCop's, Located in the Settings | Editor | Code Style | Ruby | Spaces | Within array literals (set Style | | | Code Editor Ruby | | Spaces array inside a word).

When creating a new Rails application, you can now specify Bun as a JavaScript framework. Note that this feature is only available in Rails 7.1.0.beta1 or later.

Support for RBS function types with untyped parameters With the introduction of RBS 3.5, RubyMine now supports declarations of methods with untyped parameters. Instead of returning redundant syntax errors for such methods, it provides them with embedded hints correctly.

RBS Optional Record Key RubyMine can now parse and recognize optional fields with different types of keys. In addition, we have improved subtype checking.

New UI becomes default We enabled the new UI for all RubyMine users in version 2024.2. The new UI reduces visual clutter and ensures easy access to basic features while gradually displaying more advanced features as needed. The new UI is clean and modern, offering larger, easier to use controls, a consistent color palette, bright and clear ICONS, enhanced contrast, and better accent colors.

Localizing Chinese, Korean, and Japanese out of the box If you use a Chinese, Korean, or Japanese IDE, you no longer need to install a language support plug-in, as these language packs are bundled with RubyMine 2024.2.

To update the IDE, navigate to Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Language and Region (to set | appearance & behavior | system Settings | language and region). Then select your preferred Language from the Language list.

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JetBrains RubyMine 2024.2.2 Chinese official free Edition (with installation tutorial) 64-bit

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