Right menu upload or sync to WPS option how to remove? wps right-click function to close the trick

Posted: 2024-05-21 11:19:37 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
Computer right-click menu always appear a lot of options from wps, such as "upload or sync to WPS options", do not want to right-click menu display wps options, how to operate? See below for details

Right menu "upload or sync to WPS" option how to remove? Some users found that there are a lot of options about WPS in the right menu, they usually do not use these functions, want to hide these options, so that the right menu is not so long, here to introduce friends how to remove the right menu inside the WPS options.

WPS method for removing excess right-click menu options

1, open any document, can be word or ppt, and then cut to the first TAB, which is the main interface of [WPS Office], as shown in the figure.

2. Click the icon [3] in the upper right corner and select [Configuration and Repair Tool], as shown in the picture below.

3. Click [Advanced] in the configuration tool window.

4, go to the "Function customization" TAB, select the option to hide, as shown below.

After hiding these options, the right-click menu will be much cleaner.

WPS Method for removing the WPS cloud document sharing option

Let's first look at the menu item for wPS document sharing that appears in the right-click menu

We right-click on the WPS Office Assistant icon in the lower right corner of the screen

Then select the set menu item in the pop-up menu

The WPS2019 Office Assistant Settings window will open and click on the extension menu item in the left sidebar

Find the menu item Settings for adding WPS Cloud document sharing documents in the window on the right

Click the check box in front of the setting item to deselect it

In this way, when we right-click the document again, the wps upload cloud document sharing menu item will no longer appear

The above is the computer to cancel the right upload or sync to WPS skills, I hope you like, please continue to pay attention to the script home.

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  • Tag: wps right-click menu to synchronize the WPS right-click function

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