shell implementation of multi-level menu scripting example code _linux shell_script home

The shell implements multi-level menu scripting example code

Updated: February 27, 2024 08:28:52 Author: [Wo Huo]
This article mainly introduces the shell to achieve multi-level menu scripting, the article through the example code is very detailed, for everyone's study or work has a certain reference learning value, the need for friends to learn together with the small series

Step 1: Tips

This script mainly realizes the multi-level menu effect, and does not install the LAMP and LNMP environment. If you want to deploy the LNMP and LAMP environment in the actual generation environment, you only need to make a simple modification.

2. Presentation effect

2.1. First-level menu

2.2. Secondary Menu

2.3. Perform operations

3. Refer to the code

[root@server ~]# vim #! /bin/bash # function menu(){ cat << EOF ---------------------------------------------- |*******Please Enter Your Choice:[1-4]*******| ---------------------------------------------- * `echo -e "\033[35m 1)lamp install\033[0m"` * `echo  -e "\033[35m 2)lnmp install\033[0m"` * `echo -e "\033[35m 3)quit\033[0m"` * `echo -e "\033[35m 4)return main menu\033[0m"` EOF } function lamp_menu(){ cat << EOF ---------------------------------------------- |*******Please Enter  Your Choice:[1-4]*******| ---------------------------------------------- * `echo -e "\033[35m 1)http install\033[0m"` *  `echo -e "\033[35m 2)mysql install\033[0m"` * `echo -e "\033[35m 3)php install\033[0m"` * `echo -e "\033[35m 4)return main menu\033[0m"` EOF read -p "####please input second_lamp optios[1-4]: "num2 expr $num2 + 1 &>/dev/null # Add 1 here to determine whether the input is an integer. if [$? -ne 0] then # If it is not zero, the input is not an integer.  echo "###########################" echo "Waing !!! ,input error " echo "Please enter choose[1-4]:" echo "##########################" sleep 1 else if [ $num2 -gt 4 ] then echo "###########################" echo "Waing !!! ,Out of range " echo "Please enter choose[1-4]:" echo "##########################" sleep 1 fi fi case $num2 in 1) # yum install httpd yum install httpd -y &> /dev/null if(($?==0)) then echo "Install httpd successfully" fi sleep 2 lamp_menu;; 2) # yum install mysql -y &> /dev/null if(($?==0)) then echo "Install mysql successfully" fi sleep 2 lamp_menu;; 3) # yum install php -y &> /dev/null if(($?==0)) then echo "php installed successfully" fi sleep 2 lamp_menu;;  4) clear menu ;;  *) clear echo echo -e "\033[31mYour Enter the wrong,Please input again Choice:[1-4]\033[0m" lamp_menu esac } function lnmp_menu(){ cat << EOF ---------------------------------------------- |*******Please Enter Your Choice:[1-4]*******| ---------------------------------------------- * `echo -e "\033[35m 1)nginx install\033[0m"` * `echo -e "\033[35m 2)mysql install\033[0m"` * `echo -e "\033[35m 3)php install\033[0m"` * `echo -e "\033[35m 4)return main menu\033[0m"` EOF read -p "please input second_lnmp options[1-4]: "num3 expr $num3 + 1 &>/dev/null # Add 1 here to check whether the input is an integer. if [$? -ne 0] then # If it is not zero, the input is not an integer.  echo "###########################" echo "Waing !!! ,input error " echo "Please enter choose[1-4]:" echo "##########################" sleep 1 else if [ $num3 -gt 4 ] then echo "###########################" echo "Waing !!! ,Out of range " echo "Please enter choose[1-4]:" echo "##########################" sleep 1 fi fi case $num3 in 1) # yum yum install nginx -y &> /dev/null if(($?==0)) then echo "nginx installed successfully" fi sleep 2 lnmp_menu;; 2) # yum install mysql -y &> /dev/null if(($?==0)) then echo "Install mysql successfully" fi sleep 2 clear lnmp_menu;; 3) # yum install php -y &> /dev/null if(($?==0)) then echo "Install php successfully" fi sleep 2 clear lnmp_menu;;  4) clear menu ;;  *) clear echo echo -e "\033[31mYour Enter the wrong,Please input again Choice:[1-4]\033[0m" lnmp_menu esac } clear menu while true do read -p "##please Enter Your first_menu Choice:[1-4] "num1 expr $num1 + 1 &>/dev/null # Add 1 to determine if the input is an integer. If [0] $? - can then # if it is not equal to zero, on behalf of the input is not an integer. The echo "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --" echo "| Waring!!!  |" echo "|Please Enter Right Choice! | "echo" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - "sleep 1 elif [4] $num1 - gt then # input Numbers make echo" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --" echo "| Waring!!! |" echo "| Out of range!  |" echo "----------------------------" sleep 1 else case $num1 in 1) clear lamp_menu ;; 2) clear lnmp_menu ;;  3) clear break ;; 4) clear menu ;;  *) clear echo -e "\033[31mYour Enter a number Error,Please Enter again Choice:[1-4]: \033[0m" menu esac fi done

To this article about the shell to achieve multi-level menu scripting example code is introduced to this article, more related shell multi-level menu content please search the script home previous articles or continue to browse the following related articles hope that you will support the script home in the future!

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