
The son of Tang Yao
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Danju (date of birth and death unknown), The Xia nationality, living in Yunnan Province (renamed Huaxia after the Hanquan War), surname Yi Qi, name Danzhu [1-2] . Leader of the ancient Chinese tribal Alliance yao The eldest son. According to legend, because Dan Zhu was unworthy, Yao gave Shun the position of leader of the tribal alliance. Sima Qian's Shih Chi , Five Emperors Benji He said: "Yao established the throne for twenty-eight years and collapsed. The people mourned like parents. Three years, the four sides do not raise music, to think Yao. Yao know son Dan Zhu unworthy, not enough to grant the world, so is the right to grant Shun. Grant Shun, then the world get its benefit and Danzhu disease; Give Dan Zhu, the world is sick and Dan Zhu has its benefits. Yao said: "In the end, one person will not benefit from the disease of the world." 'And the death gave Shun the kingdom."
After the death of Emperor Yao, Shun gave the throne to Danzhu and remained in mourning for Yao for three years. Three years later, Dan Zhu is not good at government, still located in Shun.
Besides, Tanju is still China Weiqi The earliest "chess master" in the world is the ancient second ancestor of Qi and Liu family.
Full name
China Ancient times
Ethnic group
The Xia nationality, living in Yunnan Province After the Hanquan War, it was renamed Huaxia
Place of Birth
This is Hongdong County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province
Date of birth
Date of death
Major achievement
The first master of Chinese chess, Qi surname Liu's second ancestor
dan zhu
Maternal relatives
Empress (Sani)
Brothers and sisters
Emperor E, female Ying, Emperor Yao remaining 9 sons
Years in office
2067 BC ---- 2064 BC
Service life reference
Chronology of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors
Shanxi Fushan, Henan Xichuan, Hebei Tang County, Shanxi eldest son [3]
In the cultural layer
Shanxi Longshan Culture Period (Yao and Shun Period)
Related cultural sites
Longshan cultural site in Shanxi Province
Tanju first year ---- Tanju 3 years
The Emperor 喾
Khanh Tu
Shun (reigned from 2095 BC ---- 2067 BC)
Shun (reigned 2064 BC ---- 2025 BC)

One's life


One's lot

Dan Zhu, the eldest son of Emperor Yao, was born in Hongdong County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province. It was first sealed in Dandi (now Fushan County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province), and later changed to Danshui (now Xichuan, Henan Province); After Shun came to power, he changed it to the Land of Tang (now Tang County, Hebei Province) and established the State of Liu. The descendants then took "Liu" as the family name, and Dan Zhu was the second ancestor of Qi's Liu family.
Danzhu Tomb
As the Legend goes, yao marry Saanyi's Female, born Danzhu. Danzhu received the seal of Danshui (now Henan Province) Xichuan County ). During the time of Yao, the wars between the tribes were still constant and fierce. Yao time had against the south Sanmiao Carry out a crusade. Yao was in the north, but Yao's son Danzhu was sealed in Danshui and went to the south Han River The watershed's gone. So there is a legend of Yaozi Danzhu felling three miao to Danshui. When it was said that Danzhu was Yao's son, Yao said that he was "both stubborn and quarrelsome in heart" and knew that his son Danzhu was unworthy, so he did not use him and gave way shun . This is respected by later generations Yao and Shun Zen The reflection of the thought of saying. It is impossible to prove whether Danju is really unworthy. " The Classic of Mountains and Rivers The book records that there are not many ancient leaders with emperor titles, but Dan Zhu has an emperor title, called Emperor Dan Zhu. Zheng Xuan Said: "virtue matches heaven and earth, in the right is not private, the emperor." This shows that Dan Zhu in the Han Dynasty in the eyes of the ancient very respectable, famous people. But... The bamboo books chronicle the years Recorded: "Shun prisoner Yao, Fu stopper Danju, do not meet the Father." It can be seen that Yao did not pass on the son and gave way to Shun seems not to be Yao's intention, but forced by Shun's power. Or Shun excluded Yaozi Danzhu and usurped the throne of Yao, indicating that Yao did not want to pass on his son, and Yaozi was not necessarily disobedient. This shows that in the time of Yao, the patriarch was still the patriarch, Family and state The world is still in the middle of a fierce struggle. But... The bamboo books chronicle the years But there are inaccuracies in the records, and we cannot believe them all.
Tanjuis Emperor Yao Son. Emperor Yao gave birth to ten sons, Dan Zhu as his eldest son, was born full of red, because of the name "Zhu", Zhu since childhood smart, wisdom is extremely high, is the world go world ancestor, and passed down as the history of the first master of Go, very favored by Yao. However, his personality is strong, he is determined to do things and has his own opinion, and he owes and acquiesce and political wisdom, which is regarded by Yao as "unworthy but weng".


Emperor Yao
Zhu was initially sealed in Danyuan (Danshui), so it was called Danzhu, and its fief was in Nanyang, Henan Province Xichuan county Danshui valley, Xichuan Qin for Danshui County, "Shang Shu Yi piece" records "Yaozi shameless, Shun make Dan Yuan dukedom , Hence the name Danzhu ".
After the death of Emperor Yao, Shun took the throne and changed the title of Danzhu to "Fangyi" marquis, the fiefdom was named "Fangyi" because there was an ancient temple "room". According to the "road history · Country name Jiding" : Emperor Yao collapse, The Youyu clan Emperor Shun Feng Dan Zhu in the room, for the room Hou, "to serve its sacrifices, take its clothes, plus rites and music, called it Yu Bin The son of Heaven, Fuchen..." It shows that because of the "Zen concession", Emperor Shun dared not to see Danzhu and his family as subjects, and showed great courtesy to the house people.
Another legend said that at that time, the crisis of the Huaxia chiefdom in the Central Plains of Emperor Yao was about to collapse, and the Dongyi and other clans headed by Shun and Yi were trying to usurp the throne of Yao. And so, Dongyi nationality Shun will slander Dan Zhu in front of Yao and provoke the relationship between his father and son. Shun also tried to persuade Emperor Yao to send Danzhu to the Danshui Valley, far south of Yao, as a vassal. Some say exile, so "Bamboo book" has" Hou Ji Fang Di Zhu Yu Danshui "records.
Shun acting Yao for the ruling, imprisoned Yao, in order not to let Dan Zhu know the truth, stop Dan Zhu to visit Yao, "bamboo book" has "Xiyao de decline, for Shun prisoners." Shun prisoner Yao, Fu stopper Danju, let us not see our Father." Shun and forced Yao Chan located in him, Danzhu knew, led the three Miao troops against Shun, the two sides in Danpu launched a major war. Guo Pu said in his commentary on the Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Classic of Great Wilderness South: "Once upon a time, Yao let Shun under heaven, but the king of three Miao was not." And "Shun cut three seedlings" records. Danjuin's powerful general the leader of the giant tribe Kua Fu "Day by day" astray Osawa Died, lost important help, and Emperor Shun is famous for archery Houyi With the help of the tribe, they lost the war against Emperor Shun for the throne. After the defeat of Danzhu, his descendants migrated to Henan, Hunan, Hebei, Shandong and other places. Due to the great casualties on both sides of the war, later Danzhu was painted as a "fierce god" or a "evil god" in charge of disasters, and even a descendant was called "the surname of the cat". In the year of famine, the court also asked the surname of the cat to pray for the elimination of disasters. "Guoyu · Zhouyu" :" God descends upon numerous " King Hui asked his neiji, who, as the god of Danzhu, asked him to please use the surname Tazai and prostitution as sacrifices are endemic. Wei Zhao Note: "After the surname, Dan Zhu also."


emperor yao After the collapse, Dan Zhu returned to the Huaxia tribe to mourn, because of Shun's "humility", Tanjuzen Proclaim oneself emperor (here refers to Made the head of the Tribal Alliance Three years, but the ministers all went to the south of the Nanhe to pilgrimage Shun instead of pilgrimage Danzhu. As a result, Shun said, "Heaven also," and went up in accordance with the will of heaven and the voice of the people throne (here refers to Head of the tribal alliance ). It is for "Yao and Shun Zen." Therefore, ancient books such as "Bamboo Book Ji Nian" and "Shan Hai Jing" call Danzhu "Emperor Danzhu". Because Danzhu was the leader of Sanmiao and had been emperor for three years, he had a high status in the minority areas in the south and was worshipped in Hunan and Guangdong Hengshan Mountain Emperor, Dan Zhu Emperor. Shun made Dan Zhu a vassal in the house. "Bamboo book Ji Nian" is called "Dan Zhu (Zhu) shun in the room", said Dan Zhu honor father and let the world shun, far away from the premises also.
After the death of Dan Zhu, his son's tomb was sealed, and the family name was the fief, which was called "the Sun of the Emperor Yao, and the surname of the city".
In 529 BC, the Chu Dynasty was destroyed Fangguo The nobility of the country moved to Hubei Fangxian County Zhou Shifang County said" Defend Nagzhu This is the source of the house Marquis "seal the branch in the house bamboo (defense Zhu)" and "say the house bamboo Gong".

False rumour

Now let's focus on identifying the fallacies of various statements in Fengtang theory, and also determine where the original Tang land is in so many places named after Tang.
The theory of Feng Tang first appeared in the book of the Grand Historian, Five Emperors Benji. Sima Qian It is said that Shun recommended Yu in his later years, and after his death, "Yu also made Shun son, just as Shun made Yao Son." The princes returned, and Yu took the throne. Yaozi, Danzhu, Shunzi and Shang all had territories and were offered sacrifices before them." Sima Qian did not say that Yao and Shun sealed Danzhu, only said that the territory of Danzhu and Shang were sealed by Yu, in order to let them worship the ancestral temple. There are two questions that must be made clear: First, in the Five Emperors Benji, Sima Qian did not say where Danzhu was sealed, so where did Yu seal Danzhu? Houn Pei "Set Solution" citation Qiao Zhou Said: "Tang is the son of Yao." And where is this Don? Zhang Shoujie's "Justice" quotes "Kuoji" as saying:" Dingzhou Tang County It was sealed by Queen Yao." Both the Pei and Zhang Shoujie were more careful in what they said, and did not specify Danzhu, but generally said "son of Yao" and "Queen Yao". Yao is said to have had nine or ten sons, and the son of Feng Tang may have been Danzhu, or one of Yao's other sons (16). It cannot be said that "Jijie" and "Justice" are directly annotated the original text of "Five Emperors Benji", so it is assumed that the "son of Yao" and "Queen Yao" in the annotation refer to Danzhu. However, later scholars affirmed that Dan Zhu was sealed in the Tang Dynasty, which obviously did not take into account this meaning, at least it is a vague statement. Two, more importantly, Sima Qian said that Yu Feng Dan Zhu to the territory, not Shun, not Yao. Then, the Tang mentioned by Pei and Zhang, even if it was the fiefdom of Danzhu, was obviously not the place where Yao made his son "come out in Dan". It is necessary to emphasize again that Sima Qian also said "Danzhu", and did not call it "Zhu" according to the formal statement of the Book of Shang, which can also show that Sima Qian believed that Yu's seal was a re-seal that transferred Zhu from Dan to other places.
However, this vague statement has always been passed down as true in the ancient academic circles: many ancient scholars hold the Dan Zhu Feng Tang theory. In addition to the vague statement of Pei and Zhang Shoujie, Tang Du You (" Tongdian "volume 179) and Song Wang Yinglin (" Tong Dian" volume 179) clearly hold the Dan Zhu Feng Tang theory. Guide geography interpretation "Volume 4), Song Luo Bi (Lu History · Post-Ji), Song Deng Mingshi (Song Ming Shi) Differentiation of ancient and modern surname books "Vol. 15), Yuan · Hao Jing (" Gi-Fu-Tongzhi" vol. 177 and quoted "Tang Emperor Temple Stele"), Yuan · Liang Yi (" Shizhuan Bypass "vol. 4), Qing · Nara Xingde (" Chen's Ritual Records Collection Supplement" vol. 27), Qing · Zhu Heling (" Shangshu PI Biography "vol. 2), Qing · Sun Zhixu «˜§ (" Shangshu Biography" vol. 1), Qing · Qin Huidian (" Five Rites Tong Examination "vol Qing Jiang Tingxi (" The Present Interpretation of Shangshu Geography ") and so on. However, as to where Tang is, it is not a statement quoted by Zhang Shoujie in "Kuozhi", the opinions of future scholars are varied. It is necessary to distinguish this.
First of all, take a look at the opinion of Zhang Shoujie quoted in "Kuozhi", that is, Tang County in Dingzhou, Hebei. Wang Yinglin of Song Dynasty extended it in "Tongjian Geography Interpretation" : "Century" : "Emperor Yao first sealed in Tang", today's Tang County of Zhongshan is also. Yao Mountain in Yan, Tang water in the northwest, into Don River . After moving to Jinyang, today Taiyuan County Also, in the week of merging the state's domain. And as the son of Heaven, both Binh Duong . In the poem · Wind Tang Dynasty " This regarded Tang County as the place where Yao began to seal, and later moved to Jinyang, and when he became the son of Heaven, he built his capital in Pingyang.
Deng Mingshi Yu Ancient and modern surname books dialectic Volume 15 further affirms this statement, he believes: "Tang came from Qi." Emperor Yao early seal Tang Hou, the land of Zhongshan Tang County is also. Shun named Yaozi Dan Zhu as the Tang marquis, and in the summer, Dan Zhu was born a grandson Liu Lai Move to Lu County Keep the old seal. Quotient change sign Hogwechler Zhou Fu changed to Tang Dynasty. Cheng King destroyed Tang, to its land to seal brother Shu Yu as the Jin marquis, but also Liu Lai descendants of the sun in Lu for the Tang marquis, to worship Yao, Tang State Square city Right. At the beginning of the dynasty, when King Cheng destroyed Tang, his descendants scattered among the princes and took the state as their family. In the Spring and Autumn period, Zheng had the details of Tang, and Chu had them Tang Crafty Later, the Wei doctor Tang Sui, more than 90 years famous in the Warring States." Although this statement of Deng's has been said for generations, it is vague and even contradictory. It is not only said that "Emperor Yao was sealed in Tang County, Zhongshan", but also said that "Shun sealed Yao son Dan Zhu as Tang Marquis", next to the Xia Dynasty Dan Zhu's descendant Liu Lei moved to Lu County, the so-called "still keep the old seal", that is to say, although Liu Lei moved to Lu County, he still kept the "old seal" in Tang County, Hebei Province. This narrative is extremely vague. Is it that Liu Lai has moved to Lu, but Liu Lai himself has not gone to Lu County, or Liu Lai has gone to Lu County, and Tang County in Hebei Province still belongs to this Liu Lai? The following goes on to say that to the Shang Dynasty "change. Hogwechler ", just changed the name, the territory does not seem to change; In the Zhou Dynasty, the title of Tang was restored, and the territory remained unchanged. Then it said, "King Cheng destroyed Tang and made his brother Shuyu the Jin Marquis." From the connection of the article, it is still King Cheng who sealed his brother Shuyu in Tang County of Hebei Province. What a fallacy this is! When any ancient scholar mentioned the title of brother of Cheng King, there was no doubt that the Tang that Shuyu was named was the Taiyuan Jinyang of Shanxi. However, in his narration, he said that the descendants of Dan Zhu moved to Lu (Wang Yinglin's book of Poetry and Geography, six notes to Shui Jing, and Qing Hu Wei's book of Yugong Diizi, five notes, all agree with this view), and said that "when the Cheng King destroyed the Tang Dynasty, the descendants scattered among the vassals and regarded the state as the family", which also provides us with an important information, that is, we can understand why there are many places in China named after the Tang Dynasty. Another point in Deng Mingshi's theory is that he believes that Shun, not Yu, was the one who sealed Dan Zhu. It also further confirms such an understanding: that is, the Tang Dynasty of Zhongshan in Hebei Province is by no means the first sealed place of Danzhu.
Tang County of Zhongshan is in today's Dingzhou, Hebei Province, Qing Dynasty belongs to the "Jinggi" area, so the "Gi-fu Tongzhi" edited by Qing Li Wei details the names of Tang County and the surrounding mountains and rivers, the book volume 107 special collection of "Tang Emperor Temple Tablet", detailed Yao was born in Yaoshan, Yao mother buried Qingdu Mausoleum and Wangdu Mountains and other monuments, and clearly stated: "Today Vinh Binh The west, the water out of Yiqi mouth, over Pu Yin, for A surname And the state said Qi. Yongping south of the old city said Yao, there are temples and stele, Yao was born here. Its east county said Qingdu, while the west county said Tang. There are stele, Yan Yao early seal Tang County, its homeland also. Have water out of dichroa Northwest, said Tang, east together in Qi. Because of this, Gai Yao was born here and received the title. His mother died and was buried here. If he is emperor, the capital is Pingyang." This also seems certain - many people repeat certain ideas over and over again, and later people will believe it. But Wang Yinglin, Deng Mingshi , Hao Jing (Li Wei) and Hu Wei All of them ignore a crucial issue, that is, Yao is known as "Tao Tang", the oldest and most credible version is that Yao was born in Danling. Danling , Dan Ling) and the Dan water associated with Dan or Thanuyen However, not only can not find the important place name of Tao in Dingzhou, but also can not find any place name named after or related to Dan, this statement obviously cannot be established. And how did Yao suddenly move from Dingzhou in the north of Hebei Province to Jinyang in the southwest of the mountains? And then from Jinyang south, to Pingyang?
For the same reason, we think rhododendron Three materials in "Lu Shi · Hou Ji" are also not credible: he quotes "Yuan He Zhi" : "Danzhu Tomb, Tangshan county One mile east." And quote from the Book of the World: "Here Vinh Dinh In the east second mile there is Tang County and Honglang City." Also quoted "Kyushu" cloud: "(Honglang city) Yao Dan Zhu lived." In fact, these three materials are only for one reason, that is, they are triggered by the place name Tang County, and from this they are issued about Yao, Yao Mother, Gyeongdo-san And so on the virtual story, but the single story, the single place name just shows that it is not Yao and Danzhu's initial activity.
But above all, let us further strengthen the hypothesis mentioned above: Yao's Danzhu land must be the place where Yao himself arose - these ancient scholars without exception linked Yao's birthplace to the fief of his eldest son Danzhu (which will be discussed below).
The second opinion puts Tang in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. Tang Du You, "Tongdian" volume 179: "The present state (original note: 'Taiyuan Prefecture. '), the ancient Tang state also. Emperor Yao was a kingdom of Tang Dynasty, and Xia Yu The Land of Sodu (note: 'As of now Boling There is Yao City, for Yao began to seal the country, when it is emigrated here. ') "Here again appeared Boling, Boling County belongs to Hebei Deep state The land is near Dingzhou. However, Boling County is also one of the thirty-six counties of Xihe County in the Book of Han · Geography.) Qing Zhu Heling noted "Only PI Tao Tang" cloud in the volume seven of "Shangshu PI Chuan" : Zhao Guest Said: "Zuo Zhuan" notes' Tao Tang, Yao ruled. Present Taiyuan Jinyang county Aye. According to the Records of the Grand Historian, "Emperor Yao was Tao Tang", Wei Zhaoyun: "Tao Tang, all the national names, Yu Tang called Yin Shang also." 'Check the history of the book, no emperor Yao house pottery, and to the crown Tang. The land is named after two characters and is called either single or compound. Zhang Yan Said, 'Yao is Tang Hou, state in Zhongshan Tang County,' but Tang is the name of Zhongshan County, not Jinyang. Yao was promoted from Tang Hou to the son of Heaven, named Tao Tang, and its rule was in Jin Yang Ear. After Danzhu became the king of Shun, he was still called Tang. The end of the Yu world, to Tao Tang as the number. Therefore, Fan Xuan The Master said, 'The ancestor of the past 匄, since Yu above was Tao Tang.' Yu press, Yao is the son of heaven, all Pingyang, today Jinju Linfen County also. CAI Chen: ' Yaodu Tao, hence Tao Tang. Gai's "History of the Road" says: "Yao was sealed in Tao and changed the kingdom to Tang." Tao, Jin Dingtao Aye. 'It is doubtful." He opposed to Ms. Zhao's opinion. Adhere to the more common view, but to the "Road history" about Tao is Dingtao in Shandong, it is thought that "may not be based on". Here, of course, another question arises: since the pottery is "not necessarily verifiable", where is the pottery? We'll talk more about that later. It should be pointed out that Du You's opinion seems too casual, and one of the most vulnerable questions is: where there is a name" Yaocheng Can it be regarded as "the kingdom of Yao Shifeng"? What, then, should be the explanation for so many Yaocheng? Although Zhu Heling's theory is not conclusive, he first denied that the Tang is the Tang of Jinyang and affirmed the Tang of Zhongshan County. However, the cited historical materials often praise "Tao Tang", which once again reminds us that "Tao" is "Tang" in Yao's life course is how important. Without "Tao", the meaning of "Tang" seems to be only the symbol of his prosperous period.
The third opinion is the "Feng Tang theory" in volume 57 of Shanxi Tongzhi. The author of Tongzhi called "Tang" very different from what they said: "( Yicheng City County) Tangcheng, (county) 15 miles south Tangcheng Village The sealed capital of Danju." This opinion of "General Zhi" is actually adopted rhododendron A piece of material from the History of the Road. However, Luo Bi spoke more broadly about the ground, saying, "Pingyang is the fief of Danzhu." (" Road History · Yu Theory ") Because Yicheng is within the Pingyang area. Here is another question: if the Tang city in Yicheng was sealed by Dan Zhu, then, is this Tang city named Tang because of the original Tang where Emperor Yao lived, or because Dan Zhu was sealed here? This is also a problem that should be clearly identified.
Speaking of this, we naturally think of such a historical phenomenon: places named after "Tang" are like "Tang". Yaocheng "Like, there are too many in the country to count. Just as "History of the Road" volume 43 "Yu Treatise" 6 said: "Tang's name is in existence." He listed a total of 16 places named after Tang throughout the country, as for "Yao and Shun two shrines in the world are too many", citing Zhang 胐's view "that (Yao) tour recorded", that "Jingpu (Lake) north and south, Jiangxi, two Zhejiang, Guiyang, Yongming, Ershui since the temple field can not win the period" (Ming scholars Gu Qiyuan He is agreed with in Book VII of the Talisman). rhododendron The opinion is: "Pingyang, Anyi Also all said Tang, Pingyang that Jin Linfen, is "poetry" of the Tang, there Gushan Mountain . According to the Nine Domains: 'The Tang water above the earth Zhengming wing, one said Jiang, and the total said Pingyang. Chengwang destroyed, to seal uncle Yu, after more Yue Tang. Anyi said today. So Jiang Wing city, 20 miles west of the city Tang city. Join (state) in (Jin) Yangxian County There is a Tang city in the north two miles. 'The World:' For Yao Built by... 'Fu Ping Yang is Dan Zhu Feng also. Xu CAI "(Zong) Capital city" and "Yuanhe County county" are cloud "Yicheng Tang, emperor 尧裔子 sealed", and Jinyang county In the north, there is also the Tang City, built by Yunyao, that is, the residence of Xie Fu." (19) This passage first affirms two places in Shanxi named Tang, one is Pingyang area including the subordinate Anyi and Yicheng called Tang. In fact, the whole Pingyang area was generally called "Tang" in ancient times, so the so-called Danzhu fiefdom is extremely vague. Second, Taiyuan Jinyang Tang. He believed that Jinyang in Taiyuan was the place where Yao migrated from Tao, and Pingyang was Yao's place. descendant "Or the place sealed by Danju. But since Pingyang was the capital of Emperor Yao, how could the capital be given to Danzhu?
As mentioned above, many ancient books say that Yao had nine or ten sons. "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals to Go like a piece" : "Yao has ten sons, not (to the world) and his son and grant Shun." Mencius said: 'Yao made nine men and two women shun shun. Ten sons, and Danzhu is the son of the prince, and is not in the count." If the so-called "emperor 尧裔子" did not include Danzhu, then the emperor of Yicheng was not Danzhu, but one of the other sons of Yao. But if Shun had sealed the so-called "Tang" with Danzhu, including Pingyang, Anyi, Jiang, and Yicheng, then not only was the land too large to threaten Shun's capital Puban, but also Anxi, later Yu's capital, was included in Danzhu's fiefdom, and Yicheng, which was sealed by Yao's other sons, was placed within Danzhu's territory, which was obviously impossible.
However, in these three theories of sealing Tang, I think that Yicheng as the flourishing place of Yao and the fiefdom of Danzhu, or more reliable. But it is not Danzhu's original sealing place, it may be Danzhu once lived in Yicheng. The reason for this is the same problem we have mentioned many times before, that there is no information about "Dan". Therefore, the above kinds of beginning to feng Dan Zhu in Tang can not be established.


Danzhu Tomb
Danzhu Tomb Located in Henan Fan County 25 km southwest Xinzhuang township North, 4 km east of Pucheng Danzhu Village (Dan Xuzhuang The tomb belongs to Danzhu, the son of Emperor Yao, more than 4,000 years ago. According to... Shih Chi The Five Emperors' Benji records: "Yao said: 'Who can comply with this? Fangqi said, "His son Dan Zhu Kming." '" (Zheng Xuanyun: son of Emperor Yao Yinji, named Dan Zhu, Kaiming also.) . According to" The history of Puzhou "And folklore: Danzhu is the son of Yao, Yao old Zen to give the throne, because of Danzhu strong temperament, temper, Emperor Yao failed to pass the throne to his son Danzhu, but passed it to Shun, Shun in the area of Fanshui granted Danzhu a territory, let it govern. Although Danzhu was fierce and dry, he had a certain ability to manage the fields. He led the tribal people in Fanshui to cultivate and sow seeds, build water conservancy, develop agriculture, burn pottery and build A surname Chengchi (the old city of Huanghe and Henan) has made the political, economic and cultural development of this area. Through the governance of the people here, people without sleeveless hands, fields without wild wormwood, passers-by give in to each other, young and orderly, and Yao and Shun the skills of governance, very loved by the people, Dan Zhu died, the tribal people have nostalgia for it, in Pucheng East eight miles to the giant family burial, its tomb looks like a mountain, known as Dan Zhu tomb. According to legend Pucheng You can see the tomb of Danzhu eight miles to the east. The story of Tanju is widely circulated in the area.
Danzhu tomb covers an area of 3 mu, legend Danzhu tomb is more than 10 zhangs high, because it is located in the Yellow River flood area, the flood repeatedly silt pad, the tomb top is about 3 meters above the ground, the underground tomb is well protected.
Before 1964, it was a provincial cultural relic protection unit in Shandong Province. (At that time, Fan County belonged to Shandong Province), in 1983, the people's government of Fan County set up a protection monument for the protection area, and in December 1999, it declared Henan provincial cultural relics protection unit.
August 1975 Henan Provincial Museum The king Minh Swee A trial excavation survey was carried out on the top of the tomb of Danzhu. A trench 2 meters deep, 3 meters long and 1.5 meters wide was dug to find out the soil level inside the tomb and the plain surface of the war period was excavated Pottery pot , Pottery pot , The Western Zhou Dynasty (206 B.C.) Pottery POTS, pottery earthen POTS, Longshan culture late shard , operculum Let's wait.
The tomb is an important cultural site with various cultural connotations, which marks the political, economic and cultural development of our Pufan area more than 4,000 years ago, and has very important significance for the study of ancient architecture and ancient culture.


Walsh's - Fuxi (with Nuwa ) - A surname - Yellow Emperor - Shao Hao (aka Great hubbub The eldest son of the Yellow Emperor) - ð « - The Emperor 喾 - yao ( Emperor Yao ) - Danju


" Shih Chi , Five Emperors Benji ":" yao Chiko Danju the unworthy It is not enough to grant the world, so it is the right shun "
"Years of Bamboo books · Five Emperors" : Shun prisoner Yao, Fu stopper Danju, let not meet the father also.