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Xia Dynasty- Wikipedia

Xia Dynasty(The first hereditary dynasty recorded in Chinese history books)_360 Encyclopedia

June 6, 2024 Xia DynastyThe Xia Dynasty (about 2070-1600 BC) was the first hereditary dynasty recorded in Chinese history. The relics of the Xia period contain a certain number of bronze and jade ritual vessels, dating from the late Neolithic Age and the early Bronze Age. According to historical records, Yu is located in Ziqi,...

Xia Dynasty400 years old, why can't we dig it? Archaeology shows that the Great Yu did not build the Xia Dynasty

August 21, 2024 But this is not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is the time of the Erlitou culture, its age limit is far less than the literature recordsXia DynastyThe length of the reign. Archaeologists have divided the Erlitou culture into four periods in terms of age. If we start from the first period,...

Xia DynastyThe latest relevant information

Also talk,Xia DynastyWhere is it?
The matter also attracted the attention of foreign media, Singapore Lianhe Zaobao on" Xia DynastyIs the existence of the world confirmed?" As the topic, a relatively objective brief discussion of the Chinese and foreign Xia DynastyThe existential debate...
Runan Jiu Jun Day before 20:13
Good city| netizens suggested that Nanyang Fangcheng dig deepXia DynastyCulture, to build a historic city
On September 13, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage held a meeting in Beijing on the important progress of the "Archaeology of China" major project, focusing on the important archaeological discoveries of prehistoric and summer culture, and reported the latest progress of three archaeological projects, including the Baliqiao site in Fangcheng, Henan Province. After seeing the report, netizens in Nanyang City... Day before yesterday 09:04
Xia DynastyDid you find the link to Erlitou? Henan archaeological reevidenceXia DynastyThe year...
The Erlitou site, located in Yanshi, Luoyang, Henan Province, has been recognized as Xia DynastyThe remains of the middle and late period, the original site also built the Erlitou Summer Capital Site Museum. But what's less well known is that in 2017...
Emperor Qin Han Wu Ji
Day before 20:45

binge-watchXia Dynasty470 years history (including Houyi and Han Zhuo)| Shang Tang | Shaokang | Shang Dynasty...

July 8, 2024 After usurping the throne, Han Zhuo did not dare to be careless. He knew that he must kill Xia Xiang, who was driven away by Houyi. So, in order to wipe out the root, Han sent troops to destroy those who were biased and were pouring out 鄩Xia DynastyXia Xiang, the remnant force, and all of Xia Xiang and his people were killed, so far, this hereditary "family world"...

Not recognized by the international communityXia DynastyChina's earliest dynasty, 17 Kings at a glance

July 15, 2024 Xia DynastyThe king, surnamed Si, one of the five emperors "Zhuanxu" descendants, ancient books called "after", also calledSummer postHe was called "Emperor" after his death. According to historical records, the Xia Dynasty from Yu the Great to Jie the Xia, passed down 14 generations, 17 generations, after 470 years, the development process is clear and clear. The First: Si Wen...

In the history booksXia Dynasty", only four thousand years ago, why has the archaeological community been unable to find _...

August 21, 2024 Xia DynastyIt was the first hereditary dynasty recorded in Chinese history. According to historical records, Yu passed the throne to Zi Qi, changing the system of abdication of the primitive tribe and opening up a precedent of hereditary succession in China for nearly four thousand years. Therefore, China's "family world" in history began with the establishment of the Xia Dynasty. ...

Xia Dynasty400 years old, why can't we dig it? Archaeology shows that the Great Yu did not build the Xia Dynasty

June 27, 2024 This is exactly what is recorded in ancient booksXia DynastyThe period of existence. Although there is no direct evidence that this is the capital of the Xia Dynasty, the Erlitou site can at least prove that state power has emerged in the Central Plains more than 4,000 years ago, an important historical event. It fills in the middle...

Explain in an article [Xia Dynasty470 years of history

July 8, 2024 Xia Dynasty(about 2070 BC - about 1600 BC), is the first slavery dynasty recorded in Chinese history books, the Xia Dynasty is actually developed by the clan as the core of the formation of the country, it is generally believed that the Xia Dynasty has a total of 14 generations, 17 years later (the ruler of the Xia reign called "Hou", after death called "emperor".
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