Evening news

Central Radio and Television Group CCTV integrated channel evening information program
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"News Night" is CCTV integrated channel On March 1, 1985 [1] An evening news and information program.
The column is rich in information, distinctive features, fresh style, visibility, closeness and authority, and is the window for the audience to understand the major news of the day at night. [29]
The column was published on April 2, 1996, in collaboration with" World Report "And" Sports news The sum of 3 is 1, which is called" Evening news report " [1] On March 1, 2005, it became the Evening News again. [2]
The show is at 22:00 daily CCTV integrated channel Premiere.
Chinese name
Evening news [3]
Foreign name
The 22 o 'clock news, Evening news report
Generic type
Evening news information section
Peng Kun
Production country/region
Chinese mainland
Production company
China Media Group News program center
Premiere time
March 1, 1985
Broadcast channel
CCTV integrated channel
Network playback platform
CCTV network [4] , Central video , CCTV News , CCTV video and audio
Broadcast status
On air
Duration per episode
30 minutes
Now in the studio
News Center, Studio N01
Broadcast mode
Live broadcast
Mandarin Chinese
The original studio
General News Center Studio 250, General News Center Studio 229, General News Center studio 150 [20]
Launch channel
Column slogan
All day events tonight focus
First seeding
22:00 daily

Program introduction

As a news brand column, the column has been liked by the audience for many years since its inception. The column is rich in information, distinctive features, fresh style, visibility, closeness and authority, and is the window for the audience to understand the major news of the day at night. [29]

Program development

  • 1985-1996 Evening program separation period
On March 1, 1985, the Evening News was launched, broadcasting daily at 22:00 with a duration of 10 minutes. Over the years, its viewership has hovered around 2% to 5%. [1] After the broadcast of the program, CCTV sports news can be broadcast here, and the number of broadcast increases. [10]
On April 28, 1987, with Central Color Television Center (now the Fuxing Road headquarters of the Central Radio and Television Group) was completed, and the recording and broadcasting work of "Evening News" was transferred to the color TV center.
On January 1, 1989, CCTV began broadcasting" Sports news It was initially broadcast on CCTV-1 from Monday to Saturday at 21:55-22:00 PM. [10]
On October 1, 1992, the Evening News began broadcasting China Central Television International Channel (CCTV-4) Rebroadcast, 1993 Shut down . Before that, the Evening News had been rebroadcast on CCTV-2. [13]
On March 1, 1993, CCTV-1 was named News, General and Current Affairs Channel, and "Evening News" was changed from recording to live broadcast Science and technology , culture , hygiene The name of the program was changed to 22:00" Hour news ". However, after the revision, the ratings have not improved greatly. [1] CCTV-2's Evening News is still on the air. [1]
1 April 1994, 22:00 Hour news "Evening News", running 8 minutes. The program has undergone a comprehensive revision from form to content. After the revision, the image of the host, the opening and ending of the film and the studio scenery have been changed. In terms of content, economic news and experience reports are reduced, while social news and comments are significantly increased. After the revision, the ratings of "Evening News" increased significantly, basically stable at 6%-7%, and reached 10%-13% on weekends. [11] On the same day, the World Report program was launched, broadcast every night at 22:00, lasting 10 minutes, and the Evening News was broadcast in the evening. World Report "After the broadcast.
On April 3, 1995, CCTV-1 changed its name from News, general Affairs and Current Affairs Channel to News and general Affairs Channel, and the Evening News was changed from the old CCTV Studio 150 to the old CCTV Studio 250. On September 1 of the same year," World Report Revised edition. [1] On November 30, CCTV-7 repeated the Evening News for the first time. [1]
On December 31, 1995, the Evening News launched a New Year's special, and the columns appeared in the same box for the first time.
  • Evening news coverage period 1996-2005
On April 2, 1996, World Report's "Evening News" and "Sports News" combined 3 to 1, called "Evening News Report", the time was advanced to 22:00. This time period began to become the second prime time after "News Broadcast" and "Focus Interview". And activate the "Evening News Report" general title. The total duration of the program, plus the Evening Forecast, is 45 minutes. [1]
1 January 1997," World Report The segment was changed from 22:00 to 22:17, and was extended from 10 minutes to 12 minutes each time. [1]
1 January 1999," Evening news report The broadcast sequence of the three segments was re-adjusted to the 1994 version.
On July 5, 1999, due to the revision of CCTV's "News Broadcast" and "News Broadcast" Broadcast now "The opening of the" Evening News Report "changed the title, the packaging has also changed.
15 September-3 October 2000, for reporting purposes Sydney 2000 Olympic Games The "Sports News" plate in the "Evening News Report" was temporarily adjusted to the first plate broadcast. [21]
On April 1, 2001, the "Evening News Report" was moved to the old CCTV Studio 229.
On August 5, 2002, CCTV-7 withdrew the Evening News Report. [14]
On April 21, 2003, the Evening News temporarily moved to the old CCTV Studio 250. CCTV News channel, May 1 [15] The trial broadcast, "Evening News Report" in the CCTV comprehensive channel and news channel simultaneously live, the studio changed back to the old CCTV site after the transformation of Room 229 studio. Original" Evening news report "Evening News," " World Report "And" Sports news The three sub-columns were renamed as "Domestic Report", "International Report" and "Sports Report", and the news channel fine-tuned the opening of the 1999 edition of "Evening News Report" during the trial broadcast. The total duration of the program was changed to 30 minutes. On July 1, with the official launch of the NEWS channel, the evening news report changed the title title again, and the opening music and film music were unified with "News News".
On January 21, 2004, it was broadcast live on CCTV 1 Spring Festival Gala On the same day, the Evening News Report was arranged to be broadcast exclusively on the news channel at 22:00. [22-23] On April 15, CCTV-1 had to broadcast the TV series at 22:00. Focus interview The 10th anniversary special program "Responsibility - Focus Interview Ten years of Work" [25] On the same day, the Evening News Report was once again scheduled to be broadcast exclusively on the news channel at 22:00 [26] . Since April 26, the Evening News Report has been broadcast exclusively on CCTV-1. [24] On September 1, due to the change of the channel, the Evening News Report was postponed to 22:35 daily.
  • New developments in the evening news 2005-2009
On March 1, 2005, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the program's launch, the Evening News Report was revised and renamed Evening News, and its broadcast time was restored to 22:00 every day on the comprehensive channel of CCTV (the news channel simultaneously broadcast the "hourly News" for 5 minutes from Monday to Friday and 15 minutes on Saturday and Sunday). News channels rerun the program at 23:00 [12] From Saturday to Sunday, the domestic part of the broadcast is 12 minutes and live, and the news channel version of the anchor is different from the comprehensive channel version of the anchor 18 [19] .
After the revision, the "Evening News" has been changed to a single anchor to complete all domestic, international, cultural and sports news broadcasts, and the broadcast time has been advanced from 22:35 to 22:00 every day, lasting 30 minutes. At this time, the column is divided into three sections: domestic news, international news, culture and sports. At the same time, the small opening credits were cancelled and the "World Report" was merged into the "Evening News", and the "Sports News" was broadcast in the 18:00 time slot of the CCTV Sports channel.
The 2005 edition of the "Evening News" was seen as a major improvement in CCTV news reporting. According to the head of the CCTV News Center, the "Evening News" has been forged into a distinctive, fresh style, highly visible, close and authoritative news program by pooling the most elite interviewing and editing forces. [2] The program packaging was changed, and the studio was moved to the right side of Studio 229.
On June 5, 2006, with the third major revision of the news channel, the "Evening News" replaced the gold packaging, the studio was changed back to the reconstructed CCTV 250, and the Monday to Friday edition of the "Evening News" broadcast by the news channel was broadcast in a re-recorded format.
From 5 to 15 January 2008, The Evening News temporarily used Studio 229.
On March 24, 2008, CCTV News channel A minor revision was made, as the News channel broadcast live from Studio 250 at 22:00. News 1+1 The Evening News studio was moved back to Room 229, which opened in 2003. The news channel rebroadcasts the Monday-Friday edition.
It was reported on 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake , CCTV integrated channel with CCTV News channel And the Evening News.
  • The informationization of the evening news in 2009-2011
On August 10, 2009, the Evening News, which was rebroadcast at 23:00 on the news channel, was replaced by a new program called 24 Hours. On August 17, in line with the News channel's revamp at the end of July, the Evening News was revamped, using special packaging, similar to the packaging of the News channel's revamp at the end of July but with slightly different font colors and corner markings, and the length of the program was reduced to 22 minutes. The studio is still the old CCTV Studio 229, since then the program no longer broadcast news segments.
From August 18 to September 27, 2009, NewsNight was broadcast from Studio 250.
August 24, 2009, CCTV Integrated channel Simulcast the Evening News with the news channel.
On September 12, 2009, Newsnight temporarily used the News channel's studio 150.
On September 28, 2009, due to the implementation of high standard and high-definition broadcasting on CCTV's comprehensive channel, the Evening News began to use the 16:9 frame of the high-definition transformation of Studio 229, but the newsreels were still 4:3.
  • 2011-2019 All day Events Watch tonight
On September 5, 2011, the "Evening News" was revised again, and the broadcast time was restored from 22 minutes to 30 minutes, focusing on the major news at home and abroad that day, highlighting the topics of people's livelihood and public sentiment, and better reflecting the service and closeness of news while ensuring the depth and timeliness of reports. Give full play to the role of CCTV's correspondent stations all over the country and foreign correspondents, and strive to create an authoritative news information program in CCTV's comprehensive channel. [5] In addition, "Evening News" was produced by the newsroom of the news program center CCTV Comprehensive Channel, and the program packaging was different from that of the news channel, and the current slogan was officially adopted - "All day's events, tonight's attention". The original version was broadcast on Saturday at 22:28. Thank God you're here The Saturday edition ended early at 22:22.
On April 2, 2016, the Nightly News added repeats in the early hours of the following morning (between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m.). [6]
On September 15, 2016, "Evening News" was double broadcast again on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and launched a special program live broadcast of the Tiangong-2 launch. [8]
  • 2019 This high-quality revision and high-definition era
Since June 2019, the "Evening News" column has been managed by the News Program Center of the China Media Group from the newsroom of the comprehensive channel of the CCTV News Center. On December 21, in response to the high-quality development revision carried out by the China Media Group in September, the Evening News of the CCTV comprehensive Channel was revised again. [16] The column realizes 16:9 frame production, replacing the 16:9 version of the title, the title song, the end song is unchanged; And opened the main news center N01 studio, farewell to 229 director room. After the revision, "Evening News" is still produced by the newsroom of CCTV Comprehensive Channel of the news program center of the headquarters, and the first anchor is Pan Tao . [27]
On January 3, 2020, the Evening News used the N01 right side station for the first time.
October 26, 2021, at distance Beijing Winter Olympics With 100 days left to go before the opening, the column launched the "Ice and Snow" Winter Olympics series. [33] 32 -

Program form


Program block

Current political events
Current political news The most authoritative current political, the fastest browse.
Social news
Hot domestic news, authoritative interpretation of major national policies and policies, focusing on the problems of common concern; Highlight the characteristics of TV news, and report hot domestic and foreign events and news behind the news for the audience in the fastest time. It is generally divided into "Tonight's attention", "Tonight's disclosure", "Tonight's character", "Tonight's scene", "Tonight's story", "Evening review" and other sections.
Major plate
Watch Tonight
Disclosure Tonight
Tonight's Story

The end of the year

On March 1, 1985, the Evening News was launched, with the show's editorial and production credits at the end.
On April 28, 1987, it was changed to the end of the second edition.
On March 1, 1993, the Evening News became the 22 o 'clock News on the Hour, changing to the end of the third page (in line with each segment of the hour news).
In 1994, the 22 o 'clock News resumed its name as the Evening News and began to use the ending song.
On July 1, 1995, the end credits replaced the 1994 version of the end credits, in line with the end credits of The Hour News.
On April 2, 1996, the title was changed to "Evening News Report" and the ending song was changed. The official broadcasters of each news segment are shown at the end of each news segment, and only a partial list of producers is shown at the end.
On August 5, 1998, due to the studio change, the end credits replaced the 1996 version of the end credits and the end credits, which were consistent with the end credits of the News Broadcast, The Hour News, and the Morning News. The list of editors and producers of each section of news is restored at the end of the film.
On July 5, 1999, it replaced the 1998 version with the 1999 version.
On July 1, 2003, the end of the 2003 edition was used, showing the five white characters of "CCTV" at the end, and the end song of the 1999 edition continued to be used.
On March 1, 2005, the 1999 and 2003 end credits were replaced, and the 2005 end credits and the 2005 end credits were replaced (the news channel's end credits were edited and produced differently).
On June 5, 2006, the end of the 2006 version was used, and the end song of the 2005 version was still used. On June 12, the end of the news channel version added the logo of the CCTV news channel above the "CCTV".
On December 26, 2008, the news channel version of the end of the film was fine-tuned, adding a rolling yellow bar on the left and right, and enlarging the copyright and Logo at the end of the film.
On August 17, 2009, the end of the 2009 edition and the end song were changed, and the end song was consistent with the end credits of most columns of the news channel, showing "CCTV-1" in the Earth, and no longer showing the list of program editors and producers.
On September 5, 2011, it switched to the 2011 version of the end credits and song, showing "Nightly News" in a red box on the left side of the screen, without showing the production credits.
On December 21, 2019, it changed to the end of the 2019 version, still using the 2011 version of the end song, showing the four words "Evening News" with a red box in the middle of the screen, and removing the English name of the "Nightly News" column, and not showing the production staff list.
2022年11月30日-12月6日,为表达对江泽民同志逝世的哀悼,节目片尾版权标为蓝框,无片尾曲 [17] .

Creative team

Current anchor
Substitute anchor
He was the anchor of the "22 o 'clock News" and "Evening News Report"
Change it to another show
Have resigned
It's been confirmed that it's not on camera
Go behind the scenes/retire
Go to another channel
, Planning and Chongqing (Now host of CCTV Financial Channel)
, Liang Yimiao , Ma Xin , Zhu Hong (Now CCTV sports channel host)
, Hai Xia At present Central Radio and Television Group Editor's Office Announcer Anchorman Management Center Deputy Director) [34]
Reference materials: [9]

Broadcast information

Broadcast platform
Air date
Broadcast time
1 March 1980-31 August 2004
Daily 22:00
1 May 2003-31 August 2004
1 September 2004-28 February 2005
Daily 22:35
CCTV News channel (Withdrawn)
1 March 2005-9 August 2009
Daily at 23:00 (Domestic broadcast Saturday to Sunday, re-recorded after June 5, 2006, re-live after March 24, 2008)
Since March 1, 2005
From 2 April 2016 (Replay)
First broadcast :22:00
Replay: The next day from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m [6]
Under normal circumstances, at 22:00 every day, in case of special circumstances (such as the annual Spring Festival Gala on Lunar New Year's Eve), the program will be delayed or shortened (20 minutes), or increased or canceled.
《晚间新闻》宣传片 《晚间新闻》宣传片
"News Night" promo