Quartz 2.2.1jar package free full version

quartz jar package download

  • Software size: 2.51MB
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Software license: Free software
  • Software category: java related
  • Application platform: Windows platform
  • Software official website: unknown official
  • Updated time: 2017-03-10
  • Netizen rating:
360 pass Tencent through Jinshan pass

detailedInformation introduction

Quartz 2.2.1jar package is a necessary jar package specially provided for Quartz. Quartz is another open source project of the OpenSymphony open source organization in the field of Job scheduling. Partners who need Quartz 2.2.1jar package are welcome to download and use it.

Basic introduction

Quartz is similar to most open source frameworks. There are about 300 java classes and interfaces organized into 12 packages. This compares to Apache Struts, which has about 325 classes and interfaces and organizes them into 11 packages. While size is rarely used as a feature to measure the quality of a framework, the key here is that quartz contains many features and feature sets that are, or should be, a factor in the quality of an open source or non-open source framework.

Frame feature

The Quartz framework has a rich feature set. In fact, there are too many features of Quartz to grasp all of them in one situation. Here are some interesting features that I don't have time to discuss in detail.

Detailed content

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