How does SpringBoot practice object replication _java_ Scripting Home

How does SpringBoot practice object replication

Updated: Sep 24, 2021 09:40:25 Author: Ethereal Jam
This article mainly introduces how to copy the SpringBoot object, the article introduces very detailed through the example code, has a certain reference value, interested partners can refer to it

First of all, why do we need object copying?

Why do I need object replication


As above, it is the most common three-layer MVC architecture model in our usual development. During the editing operation, the Controller layer receives the DTO object from the front end, and the Service layer needs to convert the DTO to DO, and then save it in the database. During the query operation, after the Service layer queries the DO object, it needs to convert the DO object into a VO object, and then return the DO object to the front-end through the Controller layer for rendering.

There's a lot of object conversion involved, and obviously we can't just copy object properties using getters/setters, it's too low. Imagine your business logic is flooded with getters & setters. How will the old timers laugh at you during code review?


So we had to find a third-party tool to help us with object conversion.

Seeing this, some students may ask, why can't we use DO objects uniformly on both the front and back ends? So there is no object conversion?

Imagine if instead of defining Dtos and VOs, we use DO directly on the data access layer, service layer, control layer, and external access interface. In this case, if a field is deleted or modified in the table, DO must be modified synchronously. This modification affects all layers, which does not comply with the principle of high cohesion and low coupling. By defining different Dtos, you can control the exposure of different attributes to different systems, and you can also hide specific field names through attribute mapping. Different services use different models. When a business changes and needs to modify fields, it is not necessary to consider the impact on other services. If the same object is used, many inelegant compatibility behaviors may occur because of "dare not change".

Recommended object copy tool class

There are many class library tools for object copying, in addition to the common Apache BeanUtils, Spring BeanUtils, Cglib BeanCopier, and heavyweight components MapStruct, Orika, Dozer, ModelMapper, etc.

All of these utility classes can be used without special requirements, except for Apache's BeanUtils. The reason is that in order to pursue perfection, the underlying source code of Apache BeanUtils adds too much packaging, uses a lot of reflection, and does a lot of verification, so the performance is poor, and it is mandatory to avoid using Apache BeanUtils in the Alibaba development manual.

强制规定避免使用 Apache BeanUtils

For the rest of the heavyweight components, I recommend Orika for performance and ease of use. Orika uses the javassist class library underneath to generate the bytecode of the Bean map, and then directly loads and executes the resulting bytecode file, which is much faster than using reflection for assignment.

Great god baeldung abroad has carried out detailed tests the performance of common components, you can be at

Orika basic use

To use Orika is as simple as four simple steps:

Introduce dependency


Construct a MapperFactory

MapperFactory mapperFactory = new DefaultMapperFactory.Builder().build();  

Registration field mapping

mapperFactory.classMap(SourceClass.class, TargetClass.class)  
   .field("firstName", "givenName")
   .field("lastName", "sirName")

When the field name is inconsistent between two entities, it can be mapped by the.field() method. If the field name is the same, it can be omitted. The byDefault() method is used to register attributes with the same name.


MapperFacade mapper = mapperFactory.getMapperFacade();

SourceClass source = new SourceClass();  
// set some field values
// map the fields of 'source' onto a new instance of PersonDest
TargetClass target =, TargetClass.class);  

With the above four steps we have completed the conversion of SourceClass to TargetClass. Other ways to use Orika can be found at

Seeing here, there must be fans who will say: What do you recommend, this Orika is not simple to use, every time you have to create a MapperFactory, establish a field mapping relationship, in order to map the transformation.

Don't worry, I have prepared a tool class OrikaUtils for you, you can get through the github repository at the end of the article.

It provides five public methods:


Corresponding to:

  • Field consistent entity transformation
  • Field inconsistency Entity transformation (requires field mapping)
  • Field consistent set conversion
  • Field inconsistent collection transformation (requires field mapping)
  • Field property conversion registration

Let's focus on the use of this utility class with unit test cases.

Orika tool class usage documentation

First prepare two basic entity classes, Student and Teacher.

public class Student {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private String email;

public class Teacher {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private String emailAddress;

TC1, the underlying entity mapping

/** * Copies only the same property */ @Test public void convertObject(){Student student = new Student("1","javadaily",""); Teacher teacher = OrikaUtils.convert(student, Teacher.class); System.out.println(teacher); }

The output:

Teacher(id=1, name=javadaily, emailAddress=null)

In this case, the field email cannot be mapped because the attribute names are inconsistent.

TC2, Entity mapping - Field transformation

/** * Copy different properties */ @Test public void convertRefObject(){Student student = new Student("1","javadaily",""); Map<String,String> refMap = new HashMap<>(1); refMap.put("email","emailAddress"); //map key places source attributes, value places target attributes; refmap. put("email"," emailaddress "); Teacher teacher = OrikaUtils.convert(student, Teacher.class, refMap); System.out.println(teacher); }

The output:

Teacher(id=1, name=javadaily,

In this case, because the field is mapped, you can map the email to the emailAddress. Note that in refMap, key places the attribute of the source entity and value places the attribute of the target entity.

TC3, basic set mapping

/** * Copies only the same set of attributes */ @Test public void convertList(){Student student1 = new Student("1","javadaily",""); Student student2 = new Student("2","JAVA Journal ",""); List<Student> studentList = Lists.newArrayList(student1,student2); List<Teacher> teacherList = OrikaUtils.convertList(studentList, Teacher.class); System.out.println(teacherList); }

The output:

[Teacher(id=1, name=javadaily, emailAddress=null), Teacher(id=2, name=JAVA Journal, emailAddress=null)]

The field email cannot be mapped in the collection because the attribute names are inconsistent.

TC4, Set mapping - Field mapping

/** * Maps a set of different attributes */ @Test public void convertRefList(){Student student1 = new Student("1","javadaily",""); Student student2 = new Student("2","JAVA Journal ",""); List<Student> studentList = Lists.newArrayList(student1,student2); Map<String,String> refMap = new HashMap<>(2); refMap.put("email","emailAddress"); //map key places source attributes, value places target attributes; refmap. put("email"," emailaddress "); List<Teacher> teacherList = OrikaUtils.convertList(studentList, Teacher.class,refMap); System.out.println(teacherList); }

The output:

[Teacher(id=1, name=javadaily,, Teacher(id=2, name=JAVA Journal,]

It can also be mapped like this:

Map<String,String> refMap = new HashMap<>(2);
List<Teacher> teacherList = OrikaUtils.classMap(Student.class,Teacher.class,refMap)

TC5, collection and entity mapping

Sometimes we need to map collection data to entities, such as the Person class

public class Person {
    private List<String> nameParts;

Now you need to map the values of the nameParts of the Person class to the Student, which you can do

/** * Mappings between arrays and lists */ @Test public void convertListObject(){Person person = new Person(); person.setNameParts(Lists.newArrayList("1","javadaily","")); Map<String,String> refMap = new HashMap<>(2); refMap.put("nameParts[0]","id"); //map key places source attributes and value places target attributes; refmap. put(" nameparts [0]","id"); refMap.put("nameParts[1]","name"); refMap.put("nameParts[2]","email"); Student student = OrikaUtils.convert(person, Student.class,refMap); System.out.println(student); }

The output:

Student(id=1, name=javadaily,

TC6, class type mapping

Sometimes we need a class type object map, such as the BasicPerson class

public class BasicPerson {
    private Student student;

Now you need to map the BasicPerson to the Teacher

/** * Class type mapping */ @Test public void convertClassObject(){BasicPerson basicPerson = new BasicPerson(); Student student = new Student("1","javadaily",""); basicPerson.setStudent(student); Map<String,String> refMap = new HashMap<>(2); //map key places the source attribute and value places the target attribute refMap.put("","id"); refMap.put("","name"); refMap.put("","emailAddress"); Teacher teacher = OrikaUtils.convert(basicPerson, Teacher.class,refMap); System.out.println(teacher); }

The output:

Teacher(id=1, name=javadaily,

TC7, multiple mapping

Sometimes we encounter multiple mappings, such as StudentGrade to TeacherGrade

public class StudentGrade {
    private String studentGradeName;
    private List<Student> studentList;

public class TeacherGrade {
    private String teacherGradeName;
    private List<Teacher> teacherList;

This scenario is slightly complicated. The attributes of Student and Teacher have different email fields, so transformation mapping is required. Attributes in StudentGrade and TeacherGrade also need to be mapped.

/** * one-to-many mapping */ @Test public void convertComplexObject(){Student student1 = new Student("1","javadaily",""); Student student2 = new Student("2","JAVA Journal ",""); List<Student> studentList = Lists.newArrayList(student1,student2); StudentGrade studentGrade = new StudentGrade(); StudentGrade. SetStudentGradeName (" master "); studentGrade.setStudentList(studentList); Map<String,String> refMap1 = new HashMap<>(1); //map key places source attributes and value places target attributes refMap1.put("email","emailAddress"); OrikaUtils.register(Student.class,Teacher.class,refMap1); Map<String,String> refMap2 = new HashMap<>(2); //map key to place the source attribute and value to place the target attribute refMap2.put("studentGradeName", "teacherGradeName"); refMap2.put("studentList", "teacherList"); TeacherGrade teacherGrade = OrikaUtils.convert(studentGrade,TeacherGrade.class,refMap2); System.out.println(teacherGrade); }

In multiple mapping scenarios, you need to call OrikaUtils.register() to register field mappings.

The output:

TeacherGrade(teacherGradeName= Master, teacherList=[Teacher(id=1, name=javadaily,, Teacher(id=2, name=JAVA Journal,])

TC8, MyBaits plus page mapping

If you are using the mybatis paging component, you can convert it like this

public IPage<UserDTO> selectPage(UserDTO userDTO, Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize) { Page page = new Page<>(pageNo, pageSize); LambdaQueryWrapper<User> query = new LambdaQueryWrapper(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userDTO.getName())) {,userDTO.getName()); } IPage<User> pageList = page(page,query); Convert SysKind to SysKindDto Map<String,String> refMap = new HashMap<>(3); // Convert syskinddto map < string, string > refmap = new hashmap <>(3); refMap.put("kindName","name"); refMap.put("createBy","createUserName"); refMap.put("createTime","createDate"); return pageList.convert(item -> OrikaUtils.convert(item, UserDTO.class, refMap)); }

Brief summary

In MVC architecture, there must be the need to use object copy, property conversion functions, borrowing Orika components, you can easily achieve these functions. This article encapsulates the tool class on the basis of Orika and further simplifies the operation of Orika. I hope it will be helpful to you.

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