Microsoft.NET Core 3.1.426 SDK official installation version 64-bit

.NET Core is officially downloaded

  • Software size: 128MB
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Software license: Free software
  • Software Category: Programming tools
  • Application platform: Windows platform
  • Software official website: official website
  • Updated: 2022-12-25
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detailedInformation introduction

.NET Core is a redeveloped version of Microsoft's.NET framework. NET implementation, it is the future of all. NET platform foundation. Support cross-platform, that is, support the development and deployment on Windows, macOS, Linux and other systems, and can be used in hardware devices, cloud services, and embedded/Internet of Things solutions, need friends can download and try it!

.NET Core SDK 3.1 32-bit download address

With the completion of development of the.NET Core Framework, the.NET framework and Mono will be based on. NET Core rebuild. The.NET Framework will become. NET Core as a distribution on Windows, Mono will become. NET Core, a cross-platform distribution.

.NET Core is an open source, cross-platform.NET implementation that is the next generation. NET cornerstone, supports Windows, Linux, macOS, and Docker.

Three major components of platform:

1, C# language, also known as ECMA-334, which is inherently cross-platform, C# comes with content, you should thoroughly understand the common runtime (CLR). The CLR and the Common Language Base (CLI) standard are defined in ECMA-335, which is also the CLR standard. 2, Visual Studio, which is not naturally cross-platform, Mono has Xamarin studio; 3..NET Framework base class library. If the.NET Framework base class library wasn't cross-platform, no one would care. NET cross-platform. So Microsoft had to put a lot of effort into developing an entirely new. NET Core Framework (httPS:// is now in the making, will be. NET Framework to carry over useful code, while re-implementing according to cross-platform needs. From the above analysis, the biggest obstacle to.NET cross-platform is the cross-platform of the base class library, which can also be seen. NET base class library importance. Mono also has flaws in the implementation of basic class libraries, such as imperfect support for WPF, WCF and other frameworks. User interface development technology like WPF, each platform has its own native development library, user interface application native development, iOS applications should use iOS user interface library will make people feel the most suitable on iOS,.NET applications should use Microsoft Windows user interface library.

.NET Core SDK includes

.NET Core is composed of many projects, in addition to the basic class library (Core FX), also includes the RyuJit-compiled running platform Core CLR, compiler platform. NET Compiler Platform, using AOT compiler technology to run the optimized package Core RT (.NET Core Runtime), And the cross-platform MSIL Compiler LLILC (LLVM-based MSIL Compiler) and other projects.

At the same time, Microsoft has also developed a platform for building technical documents, docfx, which is used in the.NET Core document site.

RyuJIT RyuJIT is a new Just-in-Time Compiler developed by Microsoft to replace the existing JIT and JIT64 just-in-time compilers of the.NET Framework. RyuJIT improves performance by about 25% over the previous generation JIT and supports SIMD(Single Instruction, Multiple Data) technology. RyuJIT works with both.NET Framework 4.6 and.NET Core.

Core CLR The Core CLR ports the functionality of the.NET Framework's CLR, including the core library mscorlib, the JIT compiler, the garbage collector (GC), and other runtime environments required to run MSIL.

Core RT Core RT is a Core function based on AOT (AOT) compilation mode, which is called Core RT in.NET Core and.NET Native in UWP.

Core RT converts MSIL to platform-native machine code at build time (non-run time) at compile time for the benefit of a shorter boot time (JIT uses run-time compilation, resulting in longer boot times) and reduced memory usage. Core RT will use different AOT technologies on different platforms:

.NET Native is used on Windows. Mac OS and Linux use LLILC (both JIT and AOT support).

LLILC (LLVM-based MSILCompiler, pronounced "lilac") is a.NET Core MSIL compiler for non-Windows platforms. MSIL is compiled into native code based on the Common Language Infrastructure (ECMA-335) standard and is suitable for operating systems that can run LLVM, such as Mac OSX and Linux operating systems. LLILC supports both JIT (which includes an implementation of RyuJIT) and AOT (which will be supported in the future) compilation.

The Roslyn.NET Compiler Platform (project code: Roslyn) is a platform that standardizes the compilation architecture of the.NET platform and provides considerable intelligence for program management tools (such as integrated development environments) to develop the functionality needed to help you write programs and manage program structures

Such as type information, syntax structure, reference link, semantics, Compiler, automation, error return and other functions, as long as it follows the CLI standard programming language, you can use.NET Compiler Platform to achieve a compiler. Enables program management tools to implement visualization capabilities such as syntax prompts, syntax autocomplete, keyword highlighting, etc.

.NET Compiler Platform supports.NET Framework 4.6 or later, and.NET Core also supports it natively.

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Microsoft.NET Core 3.1.426 SDK official installation version 64-bit

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