Nginx pseudo-static configuration and commonly used Rewrite pseudo-static rules collection _nginx_ Script home

Nginx pseudo-static configuration and commonly used Rewrite pseudo-static rules collection

Updated: May 22, 2023 at 10:56:03 Submitted by: hebedich
Pseudo-static is a way to change the file suffix to any possible way, if I want to pseudo-static php files into html files, this is quite simple, the following I will introduce nginx pseudo-static configuration method need to know friends can refer to.

The use of pseudo-static in nginx is to write rules directly in nginx.conf, and it is not necessary to open the write module (mod_rewrite) like apache to carry out pseudo-static.

nginx just needs to open the nginx.conf configuration file and write the required rules in the server.

server { listen 80; server_name; index index.html index.htm index.php; root /home/www/bbs; error_page 404 /404.htm; 404 error page location ~.*.(php|php5)? $ { #fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/php-cgi.sock; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; include fcgi.conf; location /{rewrite ^(.*)/equip(d+).html$$1/index.php? m=content&c=index&a=lists&catid=$2 last; } access_log access_log off; }

Then restart the nginx server and the pseudo-static takes effect. This is not easy to maintain. We can write it in an external file like bbs_nginx.conf

Create the bbs_nginx.conf file in the /home/www/bbs directory and write the following code:

ocation /{ rewrite ^(.*)/equip(d+).html$ $1/index.php? m=content&c=index&a=lists&catid=$2 last; }

Then add the following code after the above code:

include /home/www/bbs/bbs_nginx.conf;

In this way, bbs_nginx.conf pseudo-static rules in the root directory of the website can be managed separately.

Here's an example:

1. Create a.htaccess file in the directory that uses the.htaccess file, for example, the following Discuz forum directory:

vim /var/www/html/jb51/bbs/.htaccess

2. Enter rules inside, I enter pseudo-static rules of Discuz here (only pseudo-static rules of Discuz are added here) :

# nginx rewrite rule rewrite ^(.*)/archiver/((fid|tid)-[w-]+.html)$ $1/archiver/index.php? $2 last; rewrite ^(.*)/forum-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+).html$ $1/forumdisplay.php? fid=$2&page=$3 last; rewrite ^(.*)/thread-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+).html$ $1/viewthread.php? tid=$2&extra=page%3D$4&page=$3 last; rewrite ^(.*)/profile-(username|uid)-(.+).html$ $1/viewpro.php? $2=$3 last; rewrite ^(.*)/space-(username|uid)-(.+).html$ $1/space.php? $2=$3 last; rewrite ^(.*)/tag-(.+).html$ $1/tag.php? name=$2 last; # end nginx rewrite rule

wq Save and exit.

3. Modify the nginx configuration file:

vim  /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

4. Import the.htaccess file to server{} where you want to add a pseudo-static virtual host:

include /var/www/html/jb51/bbs/.htaccess; (Note: Change the path to the exact location of your.htaccess file)

wq Save and exit.

5. Reload the nginx configuration file:

/etc/init.d/nginx reload

Nginx often Rewrite pseudo-static rules

Pseudo-static rules are a very heavy parameter that we do pseudo-static, if we can understand more we can quickly write the best pseudo-static code, the following to sort out some examples, I hope to help you.

The content of this log is from the Internet and daily use experience, collated for future reference. Regular expression matching, where:

* ~ for case sensitive matching * ~* for case insensitive matching *! ~ And! ~* Indicates case-insensitive and case-insensitive file and directory matching, respectively, where: * -f and! -f is used to check whether files * -d and! -d Indicates whether directories * -e and! Exist. -e is used to determine whether files or directories exist. * -x and! -x is used to determine whether the file is executable. The flag flag is as follows: * last is equivalent to Apache's [L] tag, Indicates complete rewrite * break terminates matching and no longer matches subsequent rules * redirect Returns 302 Temporary Redirection the address after the jump * permanent returns 301 Permanent Redirection The address after the jump

Some available global variables are available, which can be used as conditional judgment (to be completed).


Combined with the QeePHP example

if (! -d $request_filename) { rewrite ^/([a-z-A-Z]+)/([a-z-A-Z]+)/? (.*)$ /index.php? namespace=user&controller=$1&action=$2&$3 last; rewrite ^/([a-z-A-Z]+)/? $ /index.php? namespace=user&controller=$1 last; break;

Multidirectory conversion parameter => if ($host ~* (.*)/.domain/.com) { set $sub_name The $1; rewrite ^/sort//(/d+)//? $ /index.php? act=sort&cid=$sub_name&id=$1 last; }

Directory swap

/123456/xxxx -> /xxxx? id=123456 rewrite ^/(/d+)/(.+)/ /$2? id=$1 last; For example, if you want to redirect nginx to the/nginx-IE directory: if ($http_user_agent ~ MSIE) {rewrite ^(.*)$/nginx-ie/$1 break; }

Directory automatically adds /

if (-d $request_filename){
rewrite ^/(.*)([^/])$ http://$host/$1$2/ permanent;

Disable htaccess

location ~//.ht {
deny all;

Disable multiple directories

location ~ ^/(cron|templates)/ {
deny all;

Files that start with /data are prohibited

You can disable requests such as.log.txt in multilevel directories under /data/.

location ~ ^/data {
deny all;

Disable single directory

.log.txt can be requested

location /searchword/cron/ {
deny all;

Disable individual file

location ~ /data/sql/data.sql {
deny all;

Set expiration dates for favicon.ico and robots.txt; In this case, favicon.ico is 99 days,robots.txt is 7 days and 404 error logs are not recorded

location ~(favicon.ico) {
log_not_found off;
expires 99d;
location ~(robots.txt) {
log_not_found off;
expires 7d;

Set the expiration time of a file; In this case, it is 600 seconds, and no access log is recorded

location ^~ /html/scripts/loadhead_1.js {
access_log off;
root /opt/lampp/htdocs/web;
expires 600;

File anti-theft chain and set expiration time

return 412 here is a custom http status code, the default is 403, easy to find the correct pirate request

“rewrite ^/ //;” Display a picture of the anti-theft chain access_log off; No access logs are recorded, Reduces pressure "expires 3d" 3-day browser cache for all files location ~* ^.+/.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|swf|rar|zip|css|js)${valid_referers none blocked * * localhost; if ($invalid_referer) { rewrite ^/ //; return 412; break; } access_log off; root /opt/lampp/htdocs/web; expires 3d; break; }

Only allow fixed ip to access the website, and add a password

root /opt/htdocs/www;
deny all;
auth_basic “C1G_ADMIN”;
auth_basic_user_file htpasswd;

Convert files in multilevel directories into one file to enhance seo effects

/ job - 123-456-789. The HTML point/job / 123/456/789 HTML rewrite ^ / job - ([0-9] +) - ([0-9] +) - ([0-9] +) /. HTML $/ job / $1 / $2 / jobshow_ $3. HTML  last;

Point a folder in the root directory to a level 2 directory

For example, /shanghaijob/ points to /area/shanghai/ If you change last to permanent, the browser address bar will display /location/shanghai/

rewrite ^/([0-9a-z]+)job/(.*)$ /area/$1/$2 last;

One problem with the above example is that it will not match when accessing /shanghai

rewrite ^/([0-9a-z]+)job$ /area/$1/ last;
rewrite ^/([0-9a-z]+)job/(.*)$ /area/$1/$2 last;

In this way, /shanghai can also be accessed, but the relative links in the page cannot be used. For example, the real address of./list_1.html is /area/shanghia/list_1.html, which will become /list_1.html and cannot be accessed. Then I can't add automatic redirection

(-d $request_filename) It has a condition that it must be a real directory, and my rewrite is not, So there is no effect if (-d $request_filename) {rewrite ^ / (. *) ([^ /]) $http://$host/$1$2/ permanent; }

It'll be easy once you know why. Let me jump manually

rewrite ^/([0-9a-z]+)job$ /$1job/ permanent;
rewrite ^/([0-9a-z]+)job/(.*)$ /area/$1/$2 last;

Redirect files and directories when they do not exist:

if (! -e $request_filename) {proxy_pass; -e $request_filename) {proxy_pass; }

Domain name jump

listen 80;
index index.html index.htm index.php;
root /opt/lampp/htdocs/www;
rewrite ^/ //;
access_log off;

Multiple domain switching

index index.html index.htm index.php;
root /opt/lampp/htdocs;
if ($host ~ “c1gstudio/.net”) {
rewrite ^(.*) //$1 permanent;

Three-level domain jump

if ($http_host ~* “^(.*)/.i/.c1gstudio/.com$”) {
rewrite ^(.*) //$1;

Domain name mirroring

listen 80;
index index.html index.htm index.php;
root /opt/lampp/htdocs/www;
rewrite ^/(.*) //$1 last;
access_log off;

A subdirectory is mirrored

location ^~ /php {
rewrite ^.+;

discuz ucenter home (uchome) rewrite

rewrite ^/(space|network)-(.+)/.html$ /$1.php? rewrite=$2 last; rewrite ^/(space|network)/.html$ /$1.php last; rewrite ^/([0-9]+)$ /space.php? uid=$1 last; discuz 7 rewrite rewrite ^(.*)/archiver/((fid|tid)-[/w/-]+/.html)$ $1/archiver/index.php? $2 last; rewrite ^(.*)/forum-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/.html$ $1/forumdisplay.php? fid=$2&page=$3 last; rewrite ^(.*)/thread-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/.html$ $1/viewthread.php? tid=$2&extra=page/%3D$4&page=$3 last; rewrite ^(.*)/profile-(username|uid)-(.+)/.html$ $1/viewpro.php? $2=$3 last; rewrite ^(.*)/space-(username|uid)-(.+)/.html$ $1/space.php? $2=$3 last; rewrite ^(.*)/tag-(.+)/.html$ $1/tag.php? name=$2 last; Configure domain name server_name separately for a section of discuz; location = / { if ($http_host ~ news/$) { rewrite ^.+ last; break; }} discuz ucenter profile picture rewrite Optimize location ^~ /ucenter {location ~.*/.php? $ { #fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/php-cgi.sock; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; include fcgi.conf; } location /ucenter/data/avatar { log_not_found off; access_log off; location ~ /(.*)_big/.jpg$ { error_page 404 /ucenter/images/noavatar_big.gif; } location ~ /(.*)_middle/.jpg$ { error_page 404 /ucenter/images/noavatar_middle.gif; } location ~ /(.*)_small/.jpg$ { error_page 404 /ucenter/images/noavatar_small.gif; } expires 300; break; } } jspace rewrite location ~ .*/.php? $ { #fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/php-cgi.sock; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; include fcgi.conf; } location ~* ^/index.php/ { rewrite ^/index.php/(.*) /index.php? $1 break; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; include fcgi.conf; }

Attached are commonly used cms replacements

WordPress pseudo-static rules:

location / { index index.html index.php; if (-f $request_filename/index.html){ rewrite (.*) $1/index.html break; } if (-f $request_filename/index.php){ rewrite (.*) $1/index.php; } if (! -f $request_filename){ rewrite (.*) /index.php; } } rewrite /wp-admin$ $scheme://$host$uri/ permanent;

PHPCMS pseudo-static rules:

Below the location / {# # # for PHPCMS pseudo static rewrite rules rewrite ^ (. *) show - ([0-9] +) - ([0-9] +) \. HTML $$1 / show. PHP? itemid=$2&page=$3; rewrite ^(.*)list-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\.html$ $1/list.php? catid=$2&page=$3; rewrite ^(.*)show-([0-9]+)\.html$ $1/show.php? specialid=$2; # # # # below PHPWind pseudo static rewrite rules rewrite ^ (. *) - HTM - (. *) $$1. PHP? $2 last; rewrite ^(.*)/simple/([a-z0-9\_]+\.html)$ $1/simple/index.php? $2 last; }

ECSHOP pseudo-static rules:

if (! -e $request_filename) { rewrite "^/index\.html" /index.php last; rewrite "^/category$" /index.php last; rewrite "^/feed-c([0-9]+)\.xml$” /feed.php? cat=$1 last; rewrite “^/feed-b([0-9]+)\.xml$” /feed.php? brand=$1 last; rewrite “^/feed\.xml$” /feed.php last; rewrite “^/category-([0-9]+)-b([0-9]+)-min([0-9]+)-max([0-9]+)-attr([^-]*)-([0-9]+)-(.+)-([a-zA-Z]+)(.*)\.html$” /category.php? id=$1&brand=$2&price_min=$3&price_max=$4&filter_attr=$5&page=$6&sort=$7&order=$8 last; rewrite “^/category-([0-9]+)-b([0-9]+)-min([0-9]+)-max([0-9]+)-attr([^-]*)(.*)\.html$” /category.php? id=$1&brand=$2&price_min=$3&price_max=$4&filter_attr=$5 last; rewrite “^/category-([0-9]+)-b([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-(.+)-([a-zA-Z]+)(.*)\.html$” /category.php? id=$1&brand=$2&page=$3&sort=$4&order=$5 last; rewrite “^/category-([0-9]+)-b([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)(.*)\.html$” /category.php? id=$1&brand=$2&page=$3 last; rewrite “^/category-([0-9]+)-b([0-9]+)(.*)\.html$” /category.php? id=$1&brand=$2 last; rewrite “^/category-([0-9]+)(.*)\.html$” /category.php? id=$1 last; rewrite “^/goods-([0-9]+)(.*)\.html” /goods.php? id=$1 last; rewrite “^/article_cat-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-(.+)-([a-zA-Z]+)(.*)\.html$” /article_cat.php? id=$1&page=$2&sort=$3&order=$4 last; rewrite “^/article_cat-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)(.*)\.html$” /article_cat.php? id=$1&page=$2 last; rewrite “^/article_cat-([0-9]+)(.*)\.html$” /article_cat.php? id=$1 last; rewrite “^/article-([0-9]+)(.*)\.html$” /article.php? id=$1 last; rewrite “^/brand-([0-9]+)-c([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-(.+)-([a-zA-Z]+)\.html” /brand.php? id=$1&cat=$2&page=$3&sort=$4&order=$5 last; rewrite “^/brand-([0-9]+)-c([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)(.*)\.html” /brand.php? id=$1&cat=$2&page=$3 last; rewrite “^/brand-([0-9]+)-c([0-9]+)(.*)\.html” /brand.php? id=$1&cat=$2 last; rewrite “^/brand-([0-9]+)(.*)\.html” /brand.php? id=$1 last; rewrite “^/tag-(.*)\.html” /search.php? keywords=$1 last; rewrite “^/snatch-([0-9]+)\.html$” /snatch.php? id=$1 last; rewrite “^/group_buy-([0-9]+)\.html$” /group_buy.php? act=view&id=$1 last; rewrite “^/auction-([0-9]+)\.html$” /auction.php? act=view&id=$1 last; rewrite “^/exchange-id([0-9]+)(.*)\.html$” /exchange.php? id=$1&act=view last; rewrite “^/exchange-([0-9]+)-min([0-9]+)-max([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-(.+)-([a-zA-Z]+)(.*)\.html$” /exchange.php? cat_id=$1&integral_min=$2&integral_max=$3&page=$4&sort=$5&order=$6 last; rewrite ^/exchange-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-(.+)-([a-zA-Z]+)(.*)\.html$” /exchange.php? cat_id=$1&page=$2&sort=$3&order=$4 last; rewrite “^/exchange-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)(.*)\.html$” /exchange.php? cat_id=$1&page=$2 last; rewrite “^/exchange-([0-9]+)(.*)\.html$” /exchange.php? cat_id=$1 last; }

SHOPEX pseudo-static rules:

location / { if (! -e $request_filename) { rewrite ^/(.+\.(html|xml|json|htm|php|jsp|asp|shtml))$ /index.php? $1 last; }}

SaBlog 2.0:

# Month only archive rewrite "^/date/([0-9]{6})/? ([0-9] +)? /? $" /index.php? action=article&setdate=$1&page=$2 last; rewrite ^/page/([0-9]+)? /? $ /index.php? action=article&page=$1 last; rewrite ^/category/([0-9]+)/? ([0-9] +)? /? $ /index.php? action=article&cid=$1&page=$2 last; rewrite ^/category/([^/]+)/? ([0-9] +)? /? $ /index.php? action=article&curl=$1&page=$2 last; rewrite ^/(archives|search|article|links)/? $ /index.php? action=$1 last; rewrite ^/(comments|tagslist|trackbacks|article)/? ([0-9] +)? /? $ /index.php? action=$1&page=$2 last; # tags rewrite ^/tag/([^/]+)/? ([0-9] +)? /? $ /index.php? action=article&item=$1&page=$2 last; rewrite ^/archives/([0-9]+)/? ([0-9] +)? /? $ /index.php? action=show&id=$1&page=$2 last; # RSS rewrite ^/rss/([0-9]+)? /? $ /rss.php? cid=$1 last; rewrite ^/rss/([^/]+)/? $ /rss.php? url=$1 last; rewrite ^/uid/([0-9]+)/? ([0-9] +)? /? $ /index.php? action=article&uid=$1&page=$2 last; rewrite ^/user/([^/]+)/? ([0-9] +)? /? $ /index.php? action=article&user=$1&page=$2 last; # Map file rewrite sitemap.xml sitemap.php last; # Custom link rewrite ^(.*)/([0-9a-zA-Z\-\_]+)/? ([0-9] +)? /? $ $1/index.php? action=show&alias=$2&page=$3 last;

Discuz 7 Pseudo static rule:

rewrite ^/archiver/((fid|tid)-[\w\-]+\.html)$ /archiver/index.php? $1 last; rewrite ^/forum-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\.html$ /forumdisplay.php? fid=$1&page=$2 last; rewrite ^/thread-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\.html$ /viewthread.php? tid=$1&extra=page\%3D$3&page=$2 last; rewrite ^/space-(username|uid)-(.+)\.html$ /space.php? $1=$2 last; rewrite ^/tag-(.+)\.html$ /tag.php? name=$1 last;


location / {
index index.html index.php;
if (-f $request_filename/index.html){
rewrite (.*) $1/index.html break;
if (-f $request_filename/index.php){
rewrite (.*) $1/index.php;
if (!-f $request_filename){
rewrite (.*) /index.php;

Example: shopex enables pseudo-static

... location / { if (! -e $request_filename) { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php? $1 last; }}...

To this article on Nginx pseudo-static configuration and commonly used Rewrite pseudo-static rules collection article is introduced to this, more related Nginx pseudo-static configuration and commonly used Rewrite pseudo-static rules content please search the previous articles of the script house or continue to browse the following related articles hope that everyone will support the script house in the future!

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