• What are the four biggest challenges Microsoft faces with Windows 9

    As we all know, the era of win9 has arrived, there are predictions that it will replace our windows era, then in the Windows 9 system, Microsoft faces what kind of challenges? Let's take a look... The 16-10-11
  • Abandoned Windows 9 screenshot exposed! So weird

    Microsoft congwin8 jumping straight to Windows 10 is strange in itself, and many people wonder what the abandoned Windows 9 really looks like. So, did Windows 9 ever exist? At present, the latest exposed information shows that Windows 9 seems to exist, and it has been released in some Russian... The 15-07-19
  • Screenshot of the Win9 system is exposed

    As we all know, the Win9 system is a version that was directly skipped by Microsoft. Before the announcement of the Win10 system, everyone thought that the next generation of Windows system after Win8 was Win9, but no one expected that Microsoft would give you a surprise and skip Win9 and release Wi directly. The 15-07-19
  • Where is Windows 9 going? Microsoft explains why it chose Win10 over Win9

    Where is Windows 9 going? I believe that many friends and Xiaobian, when Windows 10 was released, the heart was full of doubts, and Microsoft has not given a formal explanation. But today, Tony Prophet, Microsoft's vice president of Windows marketing, explained why he abandoned Win. The 14-10-14
  • Will there be no Windows 10 after Windows 9? "Windows 9" became the last version of Windows

    A new feature of Windows 9, Windows 9 internal test version in the Windows Update interface added a "one-click upgrade" button, you can click this button to complete the version upgrade, contact the above message, it seems that Microsoft is really brewing a major change... The 14-09-30
  • Is Windows 9 free? Can Windows 7 upgrade Windows 9 for free?

    Win9 preview version will be launched in October this year, while Win9 is also Microsoft's next generation of free operating system, there are many users ask, Win9 free is true? Can I upgrade to Windows 9 for free for both Windows 7 and Windows 8? In response to such questions, this article will answer for you... The 14-09-30
  • Microsoft released the preview version of Windows 9 focusing on enterprise users and power users

    Some analysts believe that the new version of Windows is listed as the focus of business users, because Windows 7 is still on sale, Windows XP has been unable to obtain Microsoft's official support, and Windows 8 has not been welcomed by business users. The 14-09-30
  • Before you stay up all night, the Windows 9 technical preview is irrelevant to most people this time

    According to the news, the win9 preview moderators that will be released this evening are mainly for professional IT technicians and programmers rather than ordinary users, if you are still determined to focus on the technical preview release at the same time, put yourself on the computer at 1 am on October 1, Beijing time. The 14-09-30
  • Win7 users must read :Win9 Technical preview release before the final summary

    Tomorrow, September 30, Microsoft will hold a special event in San Francisco. At that time, the next generation of Windows operating system, which is commonly known as Win9 technical preview, will be officially unveiled. The following Xiaobian will bring you the Win9 technical preview release... The 14-09-30
  • Win9 Technical Preview exposure: Internal version number upgraded to 9844

    Today, foreign media has brought new news, Win9 technical preview has now been upgraded to version 9844. Let's take a look at the details... The 14-09-30
  • Quickly fix system bugs Win9 or will integrate real-time BUG telemetry

    The latest news shows that Microsoft will integrate a new telemetry mechanism in the upcoming technical preview version of Win9 (temporarily replacing the next generation of Windows system with Win9). Through this mechanism, its engineers can view the running status of the user's system almost in real time. And Microsoft... The 14-09-30
  • WSJ: For Windows 9 to succeed, it needs to repair its relationship with big corporate technology buyers

    Today, Microsoft will give the industry a sneak peek at some of the details of the next version of Windows. The Wall Street Journal wrote on Monday that if the so-called Windows 9, which has not yet been officially named, wants to succeed and continue to write the brilliant Microsoft empire, micro... The 14-09-30
  • Win7 upgrade to Win9 for only $30 automatic upgrade without reinstallation

    The Windows operating system will be officially launched in the first half of 2015, there is news that Win8/8.1 users may get a free upgrade, and now it seems that Microsoft is also preparing a special offer for Win7 users. Now the news is that Win7 users can only spend $30. The 14-09-30
  • Windows 9 release details: Two versions of the Cortana voice assistant will not make an appearance

    Windows 9 release details: Cortana voice assistant will not appear in the photos of the enterprise version and there are two versions, of which the 64-bit system is 4GB capacity, 32-bit system is 3GB capacity, both preview versions are expected to collect a lot of user feedback before the official version is released. The 14-09-30
  • win9 reexposure! Windows 9 systems are built, tested and updated in a whole new way

    Windows 9 is about to unveil the mystery tonight, there is news that Microsoft has created a new real-time telemetry system called 'Asimov', which allows the system team to see what faults occur on the user's device with near real-time time delay after obtaining the user's permission. The 14-09-30
  • Windows 9 latest Build 9844 Exposure Preview has been locked IE12 and voice assistant will not appear

    Today, a new version of Windows 9, Build 9844, leaked online and has few new features, compared to previous test releases, it is mostly Bug fixes. In terms of features, the Windows 9 Technical Preview is sure to bring a start menu, a... The 14-09-30
  • Microsoft Windows 9 is going to be free? Windows 9 free is the trend

    In recent days, there has been no shortage of reports about Microsoft's new operating system. However, the biggest concern for the industry and consumers may be the cost: Is Windows9 really free? If it's free, is it just for Windows 8 users or... The 14-09-30
  • Microsoft Indonesia president officially confirmed: Windows 8 users will be able to upgrade Windows 9 for free

    Beijing time on September 29 news, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft Indonesia business president Andris Diatro confirmed that all Windows 8 users will be able to upgrade to Windows 9 for free. In Windows9, Microsoft will eliminate some of the radical changes made in Windows8. The 14-09-29
  • win8 How to upgrade to win9 Win8/8.1 Upgrade win9 graphic tutorial

    win8 upgrade win9 tutorial to, in the following introduction Win8/8.1 upgrade win9 steps, Windows9 system will be released, there are multiple messages that this system is free, we look forward to? ... The 14-09-28
  • Why do users love to upgrade iOS8 but do not want to upgrade Win8/Win9?

    Windows users here do not want to upgrade, so that Microsoft painstaking, because Microsoft's operating products are too successful, such as Windows XP, the result no one is willing to upgrade, so that Windows8 after the market sales have been flat. Microsoft has no choice but to swallow the pain... The 14-09-28