Source code

It's a 2011 American science fiction film starring Jake Gyllenhaal
unfoldNine entries with the same name
Source Code is a science fiction film directed by Duncan Jones, written by Ben Ripley and co-starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Vera Farmiga and Michelle Monaghan. The film was released in the United States on April 1, 2011. The film tells the story of Colt Stevens, a US Air Force pilot on a mission in Afghanistan, who wakes up on a train bound for Chicago and then the train explodes, and Colt awakens to discover that he has the ability to travel back in time. Then use this ability to find the cause of the explosion on the train and experience a series of thrilling events. 20... >>>
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Overview brochure
Source code still
Poster for Source Code

Basic information

Source Code is composed of Duncan Jones Directed by Ben Ripley, written by, Jake Gyllenhaal , Vera Farmiga , Michelle Monaghan A science fiction film that he co-starred in. The film was released in the United States on April 1, 2011 [15] .
The film tells the story of Colt Stevens, a US Air Force pilot on a mission in Afghanistan, who wakes up on a train bound for Chicago and then the train explodes, and Colt awakens to discover that he has the ability to travel back in time. Then use this ability to find the cause of the explosion on the train and experience a series of thrilling events [1] .
In 2012, the film was nominated for the Motion Picture Visual Effects Guild Award for Best Auxiliary Visual Effects [17] . As of April 5, 2024, the film has grossed $14,7,332,697 worldwide [16] .
Chinese name
Source code
Foreign name
Source Code
Other translated names
Start source code, crisis decryption
Generic type
Science fiction
Producing company
Vendome Pictures
Production area
France , America
Date of shooting
April 2010
Shooting location
Issuing company
Summit Entertainment
Direct performance
Duncan Jones
Ben Ripley
Hawk Koch , Mark Gordon
Film length
94 minutes
Release time
August 30, 2011 (中国内地)
Dialogue language
Film classification
USA: PG-13
Production time
The year 2011
Production cost
Thirty-two million dollars


"Thunk, thunk," "whoosh, whoosh," the rapid heartbeat and gasp were deafening. Everything starts to blur and then twist. Then, with a shrill train whistle, Captain Colt Stevens ( Jake Gyllenhaal Pulled back to reality. Outside the window, is galloping backward green space. The woman sitting opposite him Michelle Monaghan Puzzled to look at him wandering, and continue the topic, Colt suddenly feel scalp tingling. He wasn't the Sean she was calling him, he didn't know the woman in front of him named Christina, and the last thing he remembered was flying a mission in Afghanistan.
Colt realized there was only one way to prove the truth. He rushed to the bathroom and stared at the mirror inside. The figure in the mirror was a middle-aged man in a woolen coat and blue shirt with a somewhat frightened look in his eyes. Not himself, at least not the way he remembers himself. Before he could settle down, a powerful blast struck, and the whole train was blown to pieces in the fire. Suddenly opening his eyes, Colt looked around in amazement and found himself in a separate space, wearing the uniform that belonged to him. [14]
"Welcome back, Captain Colt." A gentle female voice rang in his ear. Then came a calm male voice. It turns out that Colt was selected for a special mission under a government experimental project called Source Code. Under the supervision of scientists and using special equipment, Colt can repeatedly "cross" into the body of a victim killed in the train bombing, but only back to the last eight minutes before the explosion, which is 7:40 a.m. on this morning. In theory, the "source code" is not a time machine, and the "back" Colt cannot change history, nor can it prevent the explosion. The reason for the difficulty of putting Colt, who was professionally trained by the military, "in the scene" was that the bomber had declared that he would carry out another, larger terrorist act in downtown Chicago six hours later. In order to avoid millions of deaths, Colt had to race against time and time again in the "source code" to collect clues, and find the culprit in the last "8 minutes" before the explosion. [1]




Jake Gyllenhaal 饰  Colt Stevens
DUB Wang Lijun (Chinese voice)
Michelle Monaghan 饰  Christina
DUB Mujia theory
Vera Farmiga 饰  Goodwin
DUB Wang Xiaowei
Jeffrey White 饰  Dr. Rutledge
DUB Liu Dahang
Michael Arden 饰  Derek Frost
Keith Anwar 饰  Hazmi
Russell Peters 饰  Marks

Staff list

Production MANAGER: Mark Gordon,Philip Russler,Jordan Wynn
director Duncan Jones
Assistant Director (Assistant) Buck Ditchman,Buzz Mowat
WRITER Ben Ripley
shoot Oh, Don Burgess
montage Paul Hirsch
Art director Barry Giussead
Art design Pierre Perrault
Fashion design Renee April
Visual effects Louis Moran,Eric Norby,Wayne Brinton,Sebastian Moreau
Set designer Suzanne Cloutier
(Note: Credits reference source ) [2]
Chinese mainland translation
Film material
Zhang Yong, Zhang Lu
Translation director
Meng Ling's Legion Liu Dahang
Recorded AT
Xu Hongyan, Bai Jingli
Zhao Shuqing
Cho Sung-soon
Translated unit
Changchun film studio translation production branch
China Film Group Corporation
China Film Corporation Limited

Role introduction

Us Army Captain, male number one. An American Air Force captain on a mission in Afghanistan appears again and again on a mysterious high-speed train, and his identity once became a history teacher named Sean, while the train also mysteriously explodes again and again.
Sean's friend, one of the leading ladies, is a mysterious woman who sits next to Kurt Stevens on a speeding train and talks to him.
ACTORS Vera Farmiga
A female officer, one of the main actresses, who has a one-way video and text conversation with Kurt Stevens in the capsule and asks him to report the situation on the train, has a lot of conversation with Stevens in the film. [3]

Music soundtrack

Song track
Album material
Source Code Main Titles
You Don’t Know Me
Soundtrack album cover
Eight Minutes
Racial Profiling
Coffee Will Have To Wait
Source Code Explained
Piecing It Together
Am I Dead?
One Death Is Enough
Colter Follows Derek
A Real Validation
I’m Gonna Save Her
No More Rubble Today
Regret And Reconciliation
Frozen Moment
Everything’s Gonna Be Okay
Released on March 29, 2011
Album category: Soundtrack, Video music
Record label: Lakeshore Records
Composer: Chris Bacon [4]

Behind the scenes

  • Topher Gores was originally to star in the film.
  • Most of the film was shot in Montreal, Canada. A small amount of footage was shot in Chicago.
  • The film was shot in Chicago's Millennium Park, the city's largest urban garden.
  • The film was shot in just two months, from March 1 to April 29, 2010.
  • The original composer for the film was Clint Mansell, who had previously composed the music for Duncan Jones' debut novel Moon. But then, for some reason, he quit the show. [5]

Award record

A given year
The year 2012
Central Ohio Film Critics Association Award
Win a prize
Best original screenplay
Ben Ripley
The year 2012
Hugo Award
Best long play performance
Duncan Jones, Ben Ripley
The year 2012
American Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Award
The Bradbury Award
Duncan Jones, Ben Ripley
The year 2012
Visual Effects Guild of America Award
Best visual effects on film
Louis Moran [6]

Behind the scenes production

Creative team
After director Duncan Jones rose to fame with his sci-fi debut "Moon," he was chosen by the producers to be the director of "Source Code," getting not only several times the budget and equipment, but also the support of a powerful behind-the-scenes team: Mark Gordon, producer of "2012" and "The Day After Tomorrow," Ben Ripley, writer of "Aliens 3," Don Boggs, cinematographer of "Forrest Gump," and Paul Hirsch, editor of "Mission Impossible." [7] The actor also invited Hollywood boy Jake Gyllenhaal.
Theme setting
The film's screenwriter Ben Ripley sets the theme behind the "time travel" laughter and the appearance of science fiction, and its main narrative elements are at the level of bomb-making suspense, but also the use of endless puzzles to create problems for the protagonist; At the same time, carefully set up clues to test the audience's careful level of viewing. In the tense plot at the same time, or set the love element, become a good "mood modifier" of the film.

Production and distribution

Release information
Release date
Belarus, Israel, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine
March 31, 2011
Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Philippines, United States
April 1, 2011
Kuwait, Serbia
April 7, 2011
Bulgaria, Estonia, Iceland, Lithuania, Turkey
April 8, 2011
April 14, 2011
April 15, 2011
Belgium, France
April 20, 2011
Czech Republic, Hungary, Malaysia, Singapore
April 21, 2011
April 24, 2011
Italy, Norway
April 29, 2011
May 1, 2011
May 4, 2011
Australia, New Zealand
May 5, 2011
May 6, 2011
May 11, 2011
May 13, 2011
June 2, 2011
June 9, 2011
June 10, 2011
June 16, 2011
June 23, 2011
July 29, 2011
August 3, 2011
August 18, 2011
August 30, 2011
September 30, 2011
October 28, 2011 [8]
Creative company
Production company
1. Vendome Pictures
2. The Mark Gordon Company (USA)
3. Wardour Street Pictures
Issuing company
1. Summit Entertainment (USA)
2. Aurum Producciones S.A. (Spain)
3. Belga Films (Belgium)
4. Cinestar
5. Daisy Entertainment [8]
Box office performance
The film was released in the United States on April 1, 2011, in 2,961 theaters and grossed $5 million on its opening day. [9] 影片于2011年8月30日在中国大陆上映,上映6天,共放映次数48444场,观众人次为1414939人,累计票房收入4300万人民币,荣登2011年第35周中国大陆票房榜榜首。 [10]

Film evaluation


North American media reviews

Good reputation
The suspenseful, beautifully crafted story of a dead man trying to save Chicago from nuclear catastrophe is a classic horror piece. (" The New Yorker "Review)
"Source Code" with precision and careful plot, to convey to the world, do not forget the groundhog Phil effect and the faith of cheers to peace. (Review by The Washington Post)
Director Duncan Jones's gorgeous turn, the blunt science fiction, become touching, the future will have more opportunities for him to play. (National Public Radio Review)
This sci-fi thriller doesn't get much attention at first, but it's so good it's an Epiphany. (San Francisco Chronicle review)
A very clever sci-fi thriller, worthy of the audience. (Review by Detroit News)
Duncan Jones is a fast-paced, engaging sci-fi thriller that has the feel of Groundhog Phil predicting spring. (Denver Post review)
In Source Code, thinking is the best action, a work of anti-standard action. (Review by The New York Times)
"Source Code" is always confusing, even making you suspect that the director, writer and actors don't really know what they're doing, but the film is just so addictive. (Review by The Boston Globe)
A very good piece of filmmaking that occasionally quickens the audience's pulse and heart rate. (Review by New York Daily News) [11]
Negative comment
The plot is oblique, outlandish and occasionally beyond expectations, and without the hard work of actors like Jake Gyllenhaal to promote it, the film would be nowhere to be found. (Review by The Los Angeles Times) [11]

Chinese media evaluation

Describe parallel space
The theme of the film relates to a theory of parallel Spaces: the world may, with each decision and choice, divide into an infinite number of parallel worlds, corresponding to an infinite number of possible choices, and therefore in different parallel worlds, may be old or not yet born, or simply become the discoverers of quantum mechanics themselves [12] . (Tencent Entertainment review)
Challenge the audience's thinking
The story of the film "Source Code" permeates the audience with this parallel space theory all the time, but under the control of the director, the story makes the audience full of curiosity and desire to watch, and think about the meaning of human beings. Director Duncan Jones wanted to use the theme of the film to challenge the audience's thinking, make the audience forget the specific characters in the film, and make the audience love the structure of the film [12] . (Tencent Entertainment) Review)
The type is similar to the previous game
The film Source Code and Duncan Jones' previous work seleno The type is similar, both win with creativity, conquer the audience with solid creativity and imagination, but it is not empty of God, can obviously feel Duncan Jones's strong desire to express. The films all rise to the height of bioethics, and all of them are individuals who fight against the authorities by their own strength, trying to break through the lies and constraints of life. The audience can obviously feel a sharp talent and uneasy passion, just like the rock singer on the stage to vent the confusion and torture of life [13] . (Sohu Entertainment review)