Pillars of Eternity Chinese Version (Role-playing game) v3.07.0.1318 Free install green version

Pillar of Eternity Chinese version download

  • Game size: 14.76GB
  • Game language: Simplified Chinese
  • Game type: Domestic software
  • Game licensing: Free software
  • Game category: single-player games
  • Application platform: Windows platform
  • Game official website: unknown official
  • Updated: 2024-04-19
  • Netizen rating:
360 pass Tencent through Jinshan pass

detailedInformation introduction

Pillars of Eternity is a role-playing game developed by Obsidian Entertainment. It is known for its deep story, tactical combat, and extensive character customization. The series is set in the fantasy world of Eora and features a rich and immersive narrative. Pillars of Eternity places a strong emphasis on storytelling, drawing players into a deep and immersive world with an intricate narrative. The choices players make can have a significant impact on the story and the world around them. Pillars of Eternity offers a wide range of character creation options, allowing players to customize the main character's appearance, race, class, skills, and abilities. This allows for a personalized and unique gaming experience. Pillars of Eternity allows the player to control a group of characters in real time, with the option to pause action at any time. Each role has its own unique abilities and strengths, and strategic positioning and coordination are critical to the success of the battle. Welcome interested friends to download support!

Eternal pillar game operation introduction

Left mouse button: Select and confirm, move and attack

Right click: Information and functions

R: Camping

S\\D: Slow down and speed up the game

Space: Pause

I: Articles

J: The task

C: Role

Pillars of Eternity game Cheats

【 Book of Secrets 】

In the game, press ~ to open the console, first enter Iroll20s to activate the secret mode, and then enter the following code to confirm the corresponding effect:

★ActivateStronghold: Players gain access to castle Stronghold

★AddAbility: Specifies that the character obtains a certain ability

For example, addability player defender

The capability name can be found in the directory:


★AddExperience #: Increases the specified amount of # experience

★AddExperienceToLevel #: Top up the experience required to reach # level

★AIForceAttack: Force 2 NPCS to fight (non-squad members),

For example, AIForceAttack NPC_Medreth_Guard_Dwarf NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man

★Invisible: Squad invisible

★Jump: Transfer the selected character to the cursor position

★NoDamage 1/0: No damage mode switch (1 is on, 0 is off)

★CameraMoveDelta #: Set the game shot speed (default is 1 # can be a decimal such as 0.5)

★BSC1/0: Summon game monsters (1 for hostile, 0 for friendly)

For example, run BSC cre_wurm_obsidian_pet 0 or BSC cre_druid_cat01 1

★SetIsHostile: Set an ID to generate hostility

For example, SetIsHostile CRE_Boar_Animal_Companion(Clone) true

★AddItem#: Adds the specified number of # items to the warehouse

★AddTalent: Adds corresponding talent to the character

Talent names can be found in the catalog:


★AddToParty: Increase the value of the specified NPC to join your party.

For example, run AddToParty NPC_Medreth

★AdjustPrestige #: Increase or decrease the reputation of castles (# can be negative)

★AdjustSecurity #: Increase or decrease the security of castles (# can be negative)

★AdvanceTimeByHours #: Time forward # hours


Teleport the team to the location of the map.

For example, AreaTransition AR_0002_Dyrford_Tavern_01 The value of North1 is North1, North2, South1,South2, East1, East2, West1, West2

★ Attributescore #: Sets the base value of the specified attribute value for the specified role to #

For example: AttributeScore Player Might 18 - Sets the power base value to 18

Companion_(name) is in the structure of the Companion_.

For example, the Grieving Mother is Companion_gm

★CraftingDebug: Get a lot of various crafting materials


The damage assigned to an NPC. Value reference [attached 1]

For example, DealDamage NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man 200

★Difficulty: Change the difficulty of the target level

The values are: E Easy =0, ordinary = 1, hard = 2, Death Trip =3

★DispositionAddPoints: Sets the specified character level to

Value reference [attached 3]

The values are Minor = 1, Average = 3, and Major = 7

★FindCharacter: Find the character code used in other commands # Note 1

For example, "FindCharacter Medreth".

★FreeRecipesToggle: Synthetic items do not require materials

GivePlayerMoney#: Increases the amount of money specified

★God: Make the squad invincible

★HealParty: Healing team

★Kill: Kill an NPC value reference [attached 1]

For example, run Kill NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man

LevelUpSoulbind(Clone): Upgrades a soul item. For example, LevelUpSoulbind px1_hunting_bow_stormcaller(Clone).

Value reference [attached 2]

★ManageParty: Opens the team management page

★NoFog: Remove the fog of War

U OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion: mercenary cost and level set

For example: OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion 0 8

★OpenContainer: Opens the specified container

For example, run OpenContainer chest_01

★RemovePlayerMoney #: removes # coins from the player

★RemoveTalent: Removes abilities or talents from a given character

Only valid for internal roles, ability or talent names can be found in the directory:


★ReputationAddPoints#: Increases or decreases the reputation of a designated faction

Is positive or negative (positive/negative)

For example, ReputationAddPoints GildedVale Positive 4

★Rest: Mandatory rest, no matter when or where you are.

SetTime: Set the game time

(Time format: 9AM is 9000, 1PM is 13000). There are 26 hours in a day

★SetZoomRange: Adjust the zoom field of view

For example, set SetZoomRange 0.1 200

Skill#: Set the target skill attribute level for the specified role

For example, Skill player athletics 6

ToggleScaler Toggles the scale of the higher level



The Pillar of Eternity race

I. Human Beings

After choosing humans, you can continue to choose subspecies and get different racial abilities

They are known for their strength and willpower

Choosing humans will get:

Strength: +1

Belief: +1

【 Subspecies 】

1. Farmers

Each encounter has a chance to increase accuracy and damage by 5 seconds when stamina drops below 50%

2. Fishing families

Ability of the Meadow clan

3. Nomads

Ability of the Meadow clan

Two, Omaha

The Omaha are a coastal race with the ability to relate to water.

They had great power and a large navy.

Choose Omaha and you'll get:

Strength: +2

【 Subspecies 】

1. Coastal people

There is an additional defense bonus against knockdowns and stun attacks

2. Islanders

Has a 5% movement speed bonus

3. Dwarves

Dwarves live widely in the underground and near the mountains of Dewood.

They were civilized by their strong bodies and their ubiquitous tribes.

Selecting Dwarves will get:

Strength: +2

Agility: -1

Physique: +1

【 Subspecies 】

1. Dwarves in the North

Has a hit bonus of 15 against all primitive and wild creatures

2. Mountain Dwarfs

Has an additional defense bonus against poisoning and disease attacks

4. Fairies

Elves are a race living in harmony with nature.

They congregate widely in the forests and mysteries of both continents.

Selecting the wizard will get:

Agile: +1

Insight: +1

【 Subspecies 】

1. Night Elves

Damage increases by 20% when using Burn and freeze attacks

2. Wood Elves

Gain a hit bonus against enemies from 4 meters away, as well as a reflection and deflection bonus

5. Oren

The Oren are a small race.

It is widely distributed in the plains of the mainland of Devoud.

Choosing Oren will get:

Belief: +1

Strength: -1

Perception: +1

【 Subspecies 】

1. Blast furnace Oren

Gain a critical chance bonus when attacking the same target with a teammate

2. Oren the Wilderness

If you become the target of a volitic attack, Oren gains a temporary bonus on all defenses

Six, God's descent

The divine race is an unnatural race, usually created by the manifestation of divine power.

The small number of people of God's descent can arouse widespread fear or curiosity because of their special status.

Choosing the Deity will get:

Agile: +1

Intelligence: +1

【 Subspecies 】

1. God of Death

Bonus damage when attacking targets with less than 15% stamina

2. Vulcan descent

Fire damage is added to Vulcan attacks after stamina falls below 50%

3. Moon Gods

During each encounter, Moon Powers are triggered at 75%, 50%, and 25% stamina, restoring stamina for yourself and your Allies

4. Deities

Stamina recovery speed increased by 25%

Pillar of Eternity wash point method

1, first go to the Pillar of Eternity archive directory, the default path is PillarsOfEternity_Data\Managed

2, first you need to enter iroll20s to open the console, successfully open the lower right corner of the white word "cheatenabled..." And then directly enter the command 【FindCharacter 】

3, after the success of this command, it will appear in the lower right dialog box of the current map of all the names, there is Wizard, is you are looking for the mage

4, and then according to the name of the command to continue to do it

5, player That's you, your name is new_game

Pillars of Eternity highest difficulty team lineup recommended

A team of five

1. Master

First of all, the protagonist configuration, must use the mage, the race elf (remote precision), with the point Mig, Per, Int full, Con, Dex minimum, the rest of the Res, can put the Res point to 16. Skill: Average upgrade per Skill (Skill affects conversation)

Ideas: Meet all dialogue conditions, super remote surface output (with skills, spells), spell surface damage, control field, but absolutely brittle, close can only rely on a variety of skills. Such a matching point, taking into account the battle and all dialogue options (you can also full Dex, Per minimum, so that the combat output is the most powerful, but some need Per dialogue can not meet the requirements)

2. Paladins

Halo Master Fatan, Race Halflon (full defense under Volitic attack) or Luna descent, with Mig 2, Dex 3 two lowest, Int 19, Per, Con full, the rest Res up to 16. Skill: Primary learning, secondary survival, sport

Idea: Main tank, deflection in 4 defensive attributes, high will, high reflex, low physique. Mainly against the general enemy and the most annoying will attackers. Give up physical attacks, can use various scrolls, spring brother, high Int under recovery. The most important thing is to provide 4-5 meters wide fanatic halo believe me, this huge area plus hit critical hit fanatic halo is the most difficult necessary, it can make the back of the mage, psychic such as the Acc super low waste, into a long-range surface damage shooter, let the front row of meat and meat barbarians into a meat grinder, let the thief into a killer

3. Barbarians

Power side damage T, race dwarf (various gods are also good), set points Mig 21, Con, Per full, Int, Res minimum, remaining points Dex, Skill: Sport and survival

Idea: Energy tank surface output, defense, endurance health super high, 4 defense attributes of high physique, deflection, high reflection, will is extremely low, if you use dwarves, high physique and race talent 20 resistance to toxin diseases, for a large group of use of toxins, disease damage and other physical attack of the enemy is simply a Nemesis, make up for the lack of the main T, the general enemy also carry, I hate will attacks like seduction. At the same time, barbarians and paladins have their own healing skills, and the amount is huge. In terms of attack, the Barbarians' close passive face damage, madness, fury, half-health bonus and other skills are well understood, so to speak, how can you face the sea of strengthened enemies without Barbarians. At the same time survive high, eat very top. Here is a friendly tip, go out the village forge task reward shield, comes with 2 level Bash, can attack oh

4. Thieves

Absolute Terminator, race giant (fall, vertigo resistance) or death descent, with points Mig20, Dex, Per full, Int, Res minimum, the rest of the Con, Skill: main stealth, secondary movement can raise points mechanical

Thinking, monomer output crazy. The single damage of the thief is the highest, and there are a variety of stealth, transmission, escape skills, dedicated to kill the boss, kill the elite monster, kill the back brittle. The reflections of both tanks are not discordant, most mages are handed over to rogues, high interrupt, high attack speed, high damage. But the thief still needs some blood, not too brittle skin because a lot of times behind enemy lines. With the Giant's bonus to fall, vertigo. If you don't lie down, you disappear without a trace. Use a long weapon when you hit a monster. It's safe and tight

5. Psychic

Remote single output, permanent control field, race elves (remote precision), with points Mig, Dex, Int full, Per, Res minimum, the remaining points Con, Skill: main machine, other arbitrary

Ideas: Endless spells, make up for the number of spells used by the mage or priest, single remote damage, control field. The Warlock restores the focus point every time it starts, so the general battle is the warlock cast spells to weaken the enemy, mage, priest and other class spells can not be used, that is for special situations, bosses or save the field to use. Then the thief greatly increased the DPS when in various states of the enemy. At the same time, after a period of physical attack, the concentration point quickly increased to be able to continue casting, this period of time due to Build and knight halo plus some of their own skills, the physical output of the warlock is also very sharp

Second, the sixth person

This Build is a typical 2,1,3 formation, because the anti-riding can not be carried by the anti-war, so there must be two tanks, just the game can not face all types of attacks, the two tanks just make up for each other. At the same time, because the number of enemies is large and very strong, it is impossible to end the battle as quickly as the simple difficulty, so the health of the tank is also a problem, and the double tank can let you not need to rest. When a tank runs out of blood, you switch to a long gun and stab it in the back. When blocking the door, the double tank is also much safer, if not, the thief can also go up a few times. Against ordinary enemies, rely mainly on barbarians, mage's physical group damage and thieves' second damage brush. In the face of the Boss, use the mage to reduce the Boss's attributes, and let the psychic's level 2 disharmonious control skills hit the crazy output. Encountered an accident, the main tank kneeling formation was broken to the group, thieves can escape stealth to ensure that the lineup has a living, barbarians half blood open crazy, fury, free output. Mage because usually do not put magic, this time can release a variety of enhance their own skills to save life, psychic hard resist the collection of central control field. It might even turn the tables on you.

The sixth person in this Build suggested a priest or Druid for a more stable lineup

1. The Poet

The skill of the poet has to wait for singing three times, and so the poet can put the skill, the daylily is cold, the opening of each battle is very weak, the output is not high, and the singing aura is not very strong.

2. Warrior monk

Monk need is the average matching point, the power of the move is strong, but the key is that you must be beaten to have power, can not concentrate the ability to output, and only in the later period, the early stage is very weak, the output can not catch up with thieves and barbarians.

3. Ranger

Honestly, is that baby really any good? It's a shame half of it went to the baby

4. Warrior

The warrior is a good tank, but if it is built, it has no output at all and does nothing else to help the lineup. The core of the highest difficulty is the output, tried to Build a single tank many times, light defense is impossible to invincible station pile eventually abandoned.

5. Druids

Druid words, to tell the truth is a very moderate role, all aspects have, all aspects are not strong, the actual positioning is still a mage, change animals to carry that is white crap, it is better to simply pastor or mage

6. Pastor

It is a good addition to this lineup, solve the status, add blood, and protect teammates, so after the NPC task is finished, I will bring the NPC priest with me, and give him a musket to stand beside the rescue field

Third, other recommended lineup

★2 Pure t+1 milk +3dps

1. This lineup is the most stable lineup I have ever tried, basically crushing all the enemy t is the best to use soldiers, anti-war is very easy, anti-riding is also good, with equipment and levels behind, there are a lot of t, the holy ride has a hit halo, it is not bad, it is recommended to take the holy ride, and then all t's physique will be full.

2. The wet nurse only recommends priests, and the various support skills are like gods. Priest level can invincible blood a person, whether it is destroyed by the group to save life, or invincible card position is a god

3.dps must take the mage, the other 2, the thief and the ranger choose one, recommend the ranger, the pet can be a spare t many times, 3t block the road open terrain is not afraid, the ranger is the most critical distance can clear the enemy back row, in a lot of door combat is very useful; The other dps in the Raging war, Dade, the Secret mage, can also take a mage


This lineup is very flexible, but the premise is that the control field must be a lot, try to keep constantly, try to pile hits, t choose the holy horse belt hit halo has magic effect, dps has at least 1 melee, help card.

Basically the whole profession can dps, my lineup is anti-riding, mage, secret law, ranger, small De, thief

dps can be replaced by another person for assistance, recommended poet, pastor is also good, it is best to use him as a deputy t

Play more to pull the blame, the enemy too much, the group control can not be broken, 1t basically do not have too much time to eat damage

★5dps+1 auxiliary

Just ask for the lineup of second kill, thief, Ranger, Mage, riddle mage, the above 4 classes and one more, priest.

This is more people bully less people, pull strange pull far away, see the enemy's large troops, run it, accidentally be destroyed by the regiment? There's still one priest left to live.

Eternal pillar early upgrade skills analysis

1. POE's faction reputation is basically useless. Only the reputation of Twin Elms can bring high profits of stolen goods, which is worth cherishing

2, it is best not to offend businessmen, try to get along with businessmen, except for the 3 ticket factions of Defiance Bay

3, after receiving some tasks, XP will promote the task flow when arriving at the task location, that is, it will promote the round of Caed Nua. It's the kind of job you don't want to rush until you get the Caed Nua. Until Round 5 of Caed Nua, make as few sidelines as possible, preferably to 30/30

4, kill new varieties of monsters, into the new map, unlock, unlock traps, tasks have XP, do these things, the fewer the number of team more cost-effective. Version 1.05 Most monsters need to kill 10 to get XP. There is no need to bring any partner other than a companion task to deliver the task or advance the task flow

5, mouth cannon flow is very loss, from the perspective of maximizing benefits, try not to play mouth cannon flow

6. There are some sidelines where enemies that are mission targets do not appear on the map before they are picked up. We should sweep the map before we take the mission

7. When you go to the village pub, be sure to hire a few helpers

8, remember to archive before and after each battle, do not know where the group out, sl big law good

9. Some missions require stealth mode, exploring the surroundings to find clues. You just can't see it running around

10, the bell right and left, go down the water valve to get the key, find the bone

How do three bells ring in the vault of the Pillar of Eternity?

right, middle, left, right

Two tips

1. There was a note found in the previous search area that said, "They forgot they can't ring the big bell first, then the small bell."

2. When entering the Watcher mode in the lower right corner of the clock, I will recall the whole ceremony with an onlooker's eye, but obviously I don't have a good memory, and finally I can only remember that "the first and last sound are small bells, which correspond to the right hand of the statue".

The two tips combined should give you a total of four knocks

Above the bell ringing room, in a small room full of bookshelves turn on stealth mode to discover hidden props inside

There's a key. It just opens. You don't even have to ring the clock.

The books on the next shelf have the correct order. The three figures in the book represent the three clocks, in the order in which they speak

Eternal pillar configuration requirements

Minimum configuration

Operating system :Windows Vista 64-bit or newer

Processor :Intel Core i3-2100T@ 2.50GHz/AMD Phenom II X3 B73

Memory :4 GB RAM

Graphics :ATI Radeon HD 4850 or NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT

Storage space: Requires 14 GB of free space

Sound Card :DirectX Compatible Sound Card

Recommended configuration

Operating system :Windows Vista 64-bit or newer

Processor :Intel Core i5-2400@3.10GHz/AMD Phenom II X6 1100T

Memory :8 GB RAM

Graphics :Radeon HD 7700 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570

Storage space: Requires 14 GB of free space

Sound Card :DirectX Compatible Sound Card

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Pillars of Eternity Chinese Version (Role-playing game) v3.07.0.1318 Free install green version

      peopleAir game

      phaseGuan Wen

      Under thestatement

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