Pinduoduo business version v6.3.0 Android version

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  • Size: 25.96M
  • Updated: 2024-05-14
  • Type: Domestic software
  • Category: Life Services
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Environment: android
  • Official website: Official website
  • Record: Shanghai | CPlong 15010535 No. 156A
  • Rating:
    • Permission: Click to view
    • Privacy: Click to view
    • Manufacturer: Shanghai Dream Seeking Information Technology Co., LTD
    • Package name: com.xunmeng.merchant
    • MD5: A2341750C54DC0DF0EC10990F3441D51
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    detailedInformation introduction

    Pinduoduo Business app is the mobile app of Pinduoduo business, which is a comprehensive and multi-functional management and operation platform specially made for Pinduoduo business stores. When you want to own your own store on Pinduoduo app or already have a store, the Pinduoduo business app will be an essential management tool for you. Through it, businesses can view various order data of their own stores. Help merchants more convenient and intuitive understanding of their own store sales details and trends, in order to develop shop activities with The Times to promote buyers consumption. Not only that, the store can freely manage the display of the store, the goods on and off the shelf, the goods evaluation, etc., in the official version of the Pinduoduo business edition, so that the store manager can grasp the dynamics of the store in a minute, and the daily operation of the store can be handled in a one-stop shop.

    In addition, if you have the idea of opening a shop, Pinduoduo business version app will provide you with the most convenient and safe platform to open a shop, easily achieve 0 yuan to open an online shop, and you do not need to bear any risk and the cost of physical stores, you can quickly open your own shop in Pinduoduo mall without spending a penny, do not worry about the source of goods, logistics, customer sources, etc. You only need to have the determination to start a business, and everything can be handed over to Pinduoduo business version app. Those in need come download and use it!

    Spell, many merchants computer version:

    Android version: Pinduoduo (group-buying online shopping app) for Android Android version


    Pinduoduo business version App features

    1, anyone can open a store platform, as long as you have the determination to start a business;

    2, zero capital and zero risk entrepreneurship, to create a new way of entrepreneurship;

    3, the new one-click release on the product, the product material is provided free of charge;

    4, minimal order release process, easy to complete a few steps;

    5, capture customer browsing traces, not to miss any potential customers;

    6, multiple orders management, order details at a glance.

    How to register for a multi-merchant store

    1. Register a merchant account

    You need to register a merchant account on the official website ( or directly on the Pinduoduo Merchant app. In the upper right corner of the homepage of the official website, "Merchant settlement", enter the merchant settlement page. Fill in the basic information, including business name, business license number, personal information, etc., and submit it for review. After approval, you can register a business account.

    2. Create a store

    After registration, you need to log in to the merchant background and create your own store in "Store Management". When creating a store, you need to fill in the store name, store introduction, store logo and other information, these are important information displayed on the platform, need to fill in carefully.

    3. Upload product information

    After the store is created, you need to upload your product information. In the background of the merchant, "Product management" enters the product list, "Add product" button, fill in the product information, including product name, price, inventory, specifications, etc. When uploading products, it is necessary to pay attention to the product description and pictures to be clear and clear, so that users can understand the product information.

    4. Set up store freight and discount activities

    In the store, you need to set up the store freight and discount activities according to your actual situation. In the background of the merchant, "Logistics Settings" and "preferential Settings" are set. When setting freight, you can choose a variety of ways such as free mail, charge by weight, etc. When setting up promotional activities, you can choose various ways such as full reduction and discount to attract more users.

    5. Carry out marketing activities

    On the platform, there are many marketing activities you can participate in, such as group, explosive and so on. As a merchant, you can choose to participate in activities that are suitable for you according to your own situation and attract more users. At the same time, you can also advertise through the platform's promotion tools to improve store exposure and sales.

    6, pay attention to user evaluation and after-sales service

    In the store, user evaluation and after-sales service is very important. As a business, you need to pay attention to user evaluations, respond to user questions and feedback in a timely manner, and improve user satisfaction. At the same time, you also need to provide good after-sales service, such as return, repair, etc., the rights and interests of users.

    The above is how to register a business shop in detail steps. With the above steps, you can easily create your own shop and start your own business journey. Although the competition on the platform is fierce, as long as you have good products, good services and innovative marketing methods, you will be able to succeed on!

    Pinduoduo business version official version how to find a source of goods to send

    On the Pinduoduo platform, as a business wants to get more profits and sales, it is necessary to find a good source of goods. Here is an introduction to how to find a source of goods for the Pinduoduo business version.

    First, how to enter the Pinduoduo business version?

    Before explaining how to find a source of goods, we first need to understand how to enter the Pinduoduo business version. If you want to enter the Pinduoduo business version, you need to prepare the following materials:

    1. Enterprise qualification: business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate, etc.

    2, product information: product name, model, specification, brand, origin, after-sales policy, etc.;

    3. Payment account number: bank account opening license, etc.

    After preparing the above materials, you can submit an application for admission through the admission page of Pinduoduo official website. After entering the audit, you can start your own Pinduoduo journey.

    Two, how to find a shipment source?

    Pinduoduo business version can find a supply of goods through the following methods:

    1. Direct supply of goods through multi-platform suppliers

    In the Pinduoduo merchant version, you can directly search for the required supply in the supplier library. Enter keywords in the search box, such as "women's wear" "digital accessories" and so on, you can find the corresponding supplier. Contact the supplier directly to find out about a consignment.

    2, looking for a product agent

    By looking for a product agent, you can make it more convenient for businesses to obtain supplies. Agents can provide some of the more characteristic goods, for businesses, can reduce their own inventory pressure, better sell their own goods.

    3. Wholesale through Taobao and other platforms

    Through the wholesale of Taobao and other platforms, a large number of goods can be found. Through direct contact with the manufacturer or wholesaler, obtain the information of a consignment of goods.

    Third, how to ensure the quality of the supply and after-sales service?

    After finding a suitable source of goods, the merchant also needs to ensure the quality of the supply and after-sales service. Here are a few things to look out for:

    1, choose regular manufacturers and wholesalers, the quality of the supply is guaranteed.

    2, after selecting the source of goods, be sure to understand the arrival time in advance to see whether it can be delivered in time;

    3, communicate clearly with the source of after-sales service policy, so as to avoid some unnecessary disputes.

    In short, to find a good supply of goods in Pinduoduo business edition is an effective way for businesses to earn more profits. Through the way described above, businesses can easily find a supply of goods and obtain better sales results.

    Function introduction

    1, [0 yuan settled] 0 handling fee, a key in, there is a chance to receive 200 yuan red envelope.

    2, 【 Social communication 】 goods one-click share to wechat, circle of friends, simple sharing to promote transactions.

    3, 【 Business master 】 turnover, number of visitors, number of orders and other core business data can be seen.

    4, [not miss a customer] customer consultation classification display, message response is more efficient.

    5, [minimalist product release process] Release products anytime, anywhere, one step can be completed.

    6, 【 order to be processed at a glance 】 To be paid, to be grouped, to be shipped orders timely follow up, not to miss an order.

    7. [Fast withdrawal of account funds] can easily withdraw and recharge, and provide detailed records of fund flow.

    Update log

    Version v6.3.0

    Ten billion double supplement, ten billion subsidy single product activities, ten million flow to help the commodity quickly burst!

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    Pinduoduo business version v6.3.0 Android version

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