win10 mouse pointer track How to close win10 mouse pointer track close method

Posted: 2024-03-28 09:43:07 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
When using Windows 10 operating system, sometimes we may find that the mouse pointer will appear a trace, which may interfere with our operation, fortunately, Windows 10 provides the option to turn off the mouse pointer trace, so that we can easily solve this problem, this article will describe how to turn off the mouse pointer trace

When we use the win10 system, many users want to modify the mouse pointer track, but there are also many users who do not like this function, so how to close this function? Users can directly click on the Start button under the Settings option, and then click on the device to perform the operation. Let this site for the users to carefully introduce the win10 mouse pointer track close method.

win10 mouse pointer track closing method

1. Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner (as shown in the picture).

2. Click the "Settings" option (as shown in the picture).

3. Click [Device] (as shown in the picture).

4. Click [mouse] (as shown in the picture).

5. Click [other mouse options] (as shown in the picture).

6. Click [pointer option] (as shown in the picture).

7. Uncheck [Show pointer track] (as shown in the figure).

8. Click [OK] to complete the setting (as shown in the picture).

  • Tag: Win10 mouse pointer track

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