Using Python to read txt document method explain _python_ script home

Using Python to read txt document method explained

Updated: Jun 23, 2018 15:49:21 by SuperGiser_Lee
Today, Xiaobian will share a method of using Python to read txt documents for you, which has a good reference value, and I hope to help you. Let's take a look

Create a text document named record-txt in the G:/PythonPractise folder, write four lines as shown below and save.

Open python3's idle and start writing code.

The code and results of Method 1 are as follows:

As shown in the above running result, the above result is written omitting end=, which is equivalent to end="\n"(carriage return); The following result is written as end=""(empty string), equivalent to end="\r" (line feed)

The code and results of Method 2 are as follows:

Method 3 code results are as follows:

Compare the three methods, the first method returns the file under the path to an object, and then calls the readline() method of the object; Method three calls the readlines() method of the file, and method two walks through each line of the file and prints it line by line.

Note that this way of writing is wrong! :

This method calls the readline() method of the file object, the readline() method can only read one line of data, without a loop, can only read the first line of data in the file (general column header), so that it reads the content of the first line is only the content of the first line, and put the content of the first line into a list. I'm going to use a for in loop to go through the contents of this list, and I'm going to take out every character element in the string, and then I'm going to print those characters line by line, and that's vertical typesetting.

Attached: All escape characters and meanings:

The above article uses Python to read txt document method explanation is the small series to share with you all the content, I hope to give you a reference, but also hope that you support the script home.

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