What are the common types of website domain names

Published: 2017-05-24 17:37:40 Author: Anonymous I would like to comment
Domain name is one of the necessary structures of every website, then, what are the common types of website domain names? And what do these domain names do? In view of this problem, this article will give you a simple answer

A domain name is what every website must have, if there is no domain name, then the website cannot be published on the web. And people won't even know the site exists. And how to choose a domain name is also regulated, because the domain name is divided into different types, the website should include each type when choosing a domain name.

First, top-level domain

This domain name can be divided into two types, we know that such as.com is a top-level domain.

1. National top-level domain names. This domain name has every country, basically every country English abbreviation, such as China is.cn, the United States is us.

2. International top-level domain names. This is the international common domain name,.net.com belongs to this category, when choosing a domain name, try to choose this type of domain name, because the international reputation is high, and people are familiar with such a domain name, so it is easy to remember.

Second - and second-level domain names

There are also two different types of this, when using just choose one of them.

1. Different types of websites have different domain names. For example, if the website is about government, the domain name would be.gov, and if the website is about education, the domain name would be.edu. So in the specific choice of time to choose according to the type of their own website.

2, according to different regions to choose the domain name, this has thirty-four, each province or municipality has its own domain name. However, this type is less used, unless it is the website of some government agencies, otherwise normal commercial websites will not use this domain name.

Third - and third-level domain names

This domain name is the creator of the website himself, the three-level domain name is composed of three parts, respectively, are letters, uppercase and lowercase can be. The number, the ten numbers from zero to nine, the last part is the connection symbol.

Website selection of domain name matters

1, the domain name must be able to highlight the theme of the website, so that visitors can know the functional theme of the website.

2, domain name try to use English words, so it is easier to remember, if you can not form an English word, then use pinyin abbreviation.

When choosing a domain name, highlight the theme of the website as the first principle, and simple and easy to be remembered by others as the second principle.

Source easy hundred website construction, welcome to share, the original address: http://www.yibaixun.com/news/1410.html reproduced please indicate the source.

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