Does the website domain name affect seo optimization?

Published: 2017-05-09 17:08:44 Author: Anonymous I would like to comment
Domain name is necessary for all websites, all website content, traffic are associated with a specific domain name, is one of the most important intangible qualifications of the company, then, the website domain name will affect seo optimization? In this regard, this article for everyone to answer

When it comes to domain names, especially when enterprises want to "flex their muscles" on the Internet, domain names are essential, all website content and traffic are linked to a specific domain name, which is one of the most important intangible qualifications of the company.


We all know that SEO optimization is not a simple external chain, in order to make the website ranking up, it takes a lot of process, then in this process, the website domain name has played a certain role?

The answer is yes, a good domain name has a great impact on SEO optimization and website operation, then what specific factors of the domain name play a role in SEO optimization?

1. Domain name suffix

In SEO optimization,.edu and other domain names that can not be casually registered generally occupy a relatively high weight. domain name can only be registered by education and scientific research institutions, and need education network IP address,.gov can only be registered by government departments, registration restrictions determine that these domain names can rarely be used to do junk websites, so search engines will give a certain ranking advantage, which is why in SEO optimization, websites are the best sources of external links. domains inherently weighted and ranked? The answer is no, the search engine to give ranking advantage does not mean that the value of the domain name, but because the content of this type of domain name is often relatively high quality, comprehensive evaluation, will give advantage ranking.

There is also no basis for the argument domains have less weight than other domains. The reason why we rarely domain names is simply because there are very few companies and webmasters who use them.

In fact, when we choose a domain name, we do not need special consideration from the perspective of SEO optimization, more should consider the brand image and user experience, in the absence of special requirements, it is recommended to, because this is the most common domain name, but also people are more familiar with the domain name, generally do not mention what kind of domain name, will think it

2. Domain name age

The earlier a domain name is registered, the better it is for the ranking. Because of this, many companies choose to buy old domain names in order to do better SEO optimization.

3, the domain name was included for the first time

In addition to the age of the domain name, the time when the domain name was first included is also important. Some domain names even if the registration time is very early, but because there is no resolution after registration, the search engine did not include any content, its age advantage is not as good as the domain name that was included very early.

4, domain name renewal time

Domain renewal time can be a factor in ranking. Why do you say that? The logic is that the renewal time is long, indicating that the webmaster is serious about the website and is unlikely to use the domain name to do junk websites. Usually do spam site black hat SEO will only register the domain name for a year, see how the effect, do not bring traffic or be punished, the domain name will be abandoned.

Although the domain name renewal time can affect the ranking, but the search engine has no clear attitude to the domain name renewal time, even so, we can not let go of any of the influencing factors, the domain name renewal for a few years will not have any loss to the company.

In addition, a good domain name is also easy for people to remember, it can also be regarded as a kind of propaganda. The website is a corporate facade, is the promotion of their own corporate strength, corporate image, brand, etc., so in addition to SEO optimization considerations, should also consider the user experience.

Source: Haiyao SEO ( Welcome to share, thank you.

  • Tag: Website domain SEO optimization

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