12 classic and practical management methods and tools for the workplace

Post time: 2017-02-11 13:05:41 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
In the workplace, we should learn some classic and practical management methods and tools, and Xiaobian together to learn 12 classic and practical management methods and tools in the workplace

The Spring Festival holiday is fast passing, and I don't know if you are ready to face the challenges of the New Year. The first part of the New Year, dedicated to meet more challenges for you, to help you make more fulfilling preparations! Take a look at Script Home.

First, value creation

1. The 80-20 Rule (Pareto's Rule)

80% of the total result is formed by 20% of the total time consumed. The principle of prioritizing things according to their importance is based on the principle of important minorities versus trivial majorities.

The 80/20 rule can solve the problem: time management problem, key customer problem, wealth distribution problem, resource distribution problem, core product problem, key talent problem, core profit problem, personal happiness problem and so on.


It suggests that we should be good at grasping the main contradiction in our work, be good at sorting out the complicated work, and use resources on the most important and urgent things.

1. SWOT analysis

Significance: To help you clearly grasp the overall situation, analyze your own advantages and disadvantages in resources, grasp the opportunities provided by the environment, and prevent possible risks and threats are of great significance to our success.

2. Fishbone diagram analysis (5M factor analysis)

5M factors include five aspects: human, machine, material, law and environment:

Human refers to the human factors that cause the problem;

The machine is like a weapon of battle, which generally refers to the influence of software and hardware conditions on the event;

Material, like bullets used in weapons, refers to the preparation of the foundation and materials;

Whether the methods and methods related to the incident are correct and effective;

Ring refers to the influence of internal and external environmental factors.


Using a fishbone chart allows you to focus on the substance of the issue rather than the history of the issue or different personal perspectives. Work as a team to gather and solve complex problems; Identify all the causes of a problem or situation and find the root cause; Analyze the relationship between the causes of the problem; Take remedial action and act correctly.

Third, the tactical level

1. PDCA cycle

Plan: To make goals and plans;

Do: task development, organization and implementation;

Check: Check the key points in the process and the final result;

Action: Correct deviations, standardize results, and set new goals and plan for the next round.


Each work, is a pdca cycle, need to plan, implement, check the results, and further improve, while entering the next cycle, only in the gradual improvement of the cumulative, there may be a qualitative leap, it is possible to improve each work, improve their own life.

2. 5W2H method

Significance: We should think from 5W2H to do any work, which helps us to organize our thinking and put an end to blindness. Our report should also use 5W2H, which can save the time of writing and reading reports.

Fourth, management by objectives

1. SMART principle

Specific: The goal must be specific;

Measuraple: The target must be measurable

Attainaple: The goal must be attainable

Relevant: The goals are tangible and can be proven and observed

Time-pased: Goals must have clear deadlines

Meaning: When people make work goals or task goals, they consider whether the goals and plans are SMART. Only a SMART plan can be well implemented and can guide and ensure the realization of the plan.

5. Time management

1, time management four quadrant


When making time arrangements, you should weigh the priority of various things (priority = importance * urgency), and learn to play the piano. If we are always busy putting out fires, it will make our work always deal with passivity.

6. Task management

1. Task Decomposition Method (WpS)

The Work preakdown Structure


The main objective is gradually refined and decomposed, and the lowest level of task activities can be directly assigned to individuals to complete; Each task should, in principle, be broken down to the point where it can no longer be subdivided.


Full top-down and bottom-up communication; One-on-one individual communication; A group discussion.


The activity structure after decomposition is clear. Logically form a large activity; Integrates all key elements including temporary milestones and monitoring points; All activities are clearly defined.

Meaning: Learn to break down tasks. Only when you break down tasks into enough detail can you know what you are doing, you can work in an orderly way, and you can organize your schedule

2. OGSM Planning Method


OGSM can be used to plan promotional activities, various activity programs and other more specific operational things.

7. Decision management

1. prain storming

Brainstorming is a common method designed to overcome group pressures that inhibit different opinions and encourage creative thinking. The proposal of any kind of scheme design ideas is encouraged, while any criticism of various schemes is prohibited. Brainstorming is simply a process of generating ideas.


Brainstorming is helpful to stimulate the thinking power of everyone in the team, which can better ensure the creativity of group decision-making and improve the quality of decision-making.

2. Nominal group techniq

Nominal groups restrict discussion in the process of decision-making, so it is called nominal group law. As in traditional meetings, group members must be present, but they are independent thinkers. The main advantage of this method is that it allows the members of the group to meet formally but does not limit each person's independent thinking, which is often not possible with traditional meeting methods.

Specific steps:

(1) The members assemble into a group, but before any discussion, each member independently writes down his views on the issue;

2. After a period of silence, each member presents his or her ideas to the group. They then explain their ideas to the group one by one until everyone's ideas have been expressed and recorded (usually on a flip chart or blackboard). All ideas are not discussed until they are written down;

3. The group now begins to discuss in order to clarify and evaluate each idea;

4, each group member independently ranked the various ideas, the final decision is the highest ranking idea.

3. Delphi technique

The Delphi method is a more complex and time-consuming method that is similar to the nominal group method, except that it does not require group members to be present. It is because the Delphi Method never allows group members to meet face to face together.

1. Identify the problem. Through a series of carefully designed questionnaires, members are asked to provide possible solutions.

2. Each member completed the first set of questionnaires anonymously and independently.

3. The results of the first set of questionnaires were compiled, transcribed and copied together.

4. Each member receives a copy of the questionnaire results.

5. After looking at the results, ask the members to submit their proposals again. The result of the first round is often to inspire new solutions or to change someone's original view.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until a general agreement is reached.


The Delphi method avoids the expense of convening executives and obtains key market information from all over the world. The downside, of course, is that it takes too much time. This approach usually doesn't work when a quick decision needs to be made.

Author: Efficiency Jun Source: Zhihu Copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprinting, please contact the author for authorization. For non-commercial reprinting, please indicate the source.

  • Tag: Workplace classic practical management methods

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