How does a computer system download website make money? Analysis of computer system download type of website to make money

Post time: 2017-03-18 17:06:57 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
Many friends who have successfully installed the system are grateful to these websites and curious about how they make money. The system gave me a free download, but also tell me how to install, here Xiaobian will analyze for you the computer system download website to make money

Friends who are a little familiar with computers or can't ask for help will choose to install their own computer systems. Generally speaking, we will first search for "computer system, automatic reinstallation system software" and other keywords, find these sites to provide are generally GHOST system, that is, through the mirror to obtain the backup system, mirroring a system can be done in 5 minutes, these sites to give you free download at the same time, the system inside also moved some hands and feet, such as to give you something to add.

Many friends who have successfully installed the system are grateful to these websites and curious about how they make money. The system gave me a free download and told me how to install it, and I really had the urge to pay them. Brother, you worry. These websites, which offer free downloads of computer systems, already have a well-established way of making money.

For example, we first search on Baidu "computer system", the following figure there are a lot of paid promotion, from their willing to spend money to promote bidding can imagine, these sites not only can make money, but also earn a lot, otherwise they will be so stupid to promote their own website, and then give you free download computer system? Let's move on to the next step.


Do a search and find several websites that offer system downloads

Click in, found that this website provides a variety of professional systems to download, well, choose a user needs the largest XP system it.


Choose it


The computer desktop with the system installed

How to install the system steps are omitted, 28 last month released about the installation of the computer system detailed steps of the article, the need of friends can go to see, not introduced here. Ok, we continue to look at the installation of the system of the computer desktop is like this, there are several software, that is, according to the system at the same time these software also help you install well, what QQ, iQiyi video, UC browser, 360 browser, PPTV, mobile phone assistant and so on. The way to make money is to appear in these few inconspicuous software, below take a look at some software promotion download price.


Some software promotion installation price

As can be seen in the figure above, the promotion of a QQ browser can earn 1 yuan, 360 security guards 0.7 yuan/a, Tencent computer butler is 1.2 yuan/a, that is to say, these provide free system download sites, the more software into the system can earn more, usually in order not to cause user attention or disgust, the maximum promotion of software is not more than 8. Moreover, they also lock the browser home page, bind Taobao customer PID and other ways to make money, and some even have irregular pop-up Windows.

So how do they make and acquire promotional software to make money? As long as there is a amount, there are channels, not only do these computer system download webmaster, there are many computer repair people will go to register some technical installation alliance website, which has a set of installed software packages, but also make their own silent installation package, see the following figure.


Even the old man who repairs computers is participating in this promotion


Promotion software can customize the installation package

In summary, can earn this money is divided into three categories of people, the first is to provide a free download of the computer system webmaster introduced in this article, the second is to repair the computer, the third is to have other traffic channels of webmaster, such as you do a computer skills tutorial website, you can promote the relevant software or system.

The way to make money is to get revenue by packaging promotional software into the system, as long as users download and install it to make money. A computer system can be used for 1 year, or even 2 years or more. Lock your browser home page, bind Taobao PID, as long as you open the browser, they have income, you Taobao shopping, every time they buy something they can get the seller's promotion commission. So, provide computer system free download of this kind of website, is very popular, the monthly income of thousands may be for some good webmasters, is a shame, their monthly income of tens of thousands or even 100,000, there are people in, provided that you as long as the website has enough traffic and channels.

  • Tag: Computer systems download websites to make money

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