How to use SEO to increase traffic in 2020?

Post Time: 2020-03-06 10:51:55 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
How to use SEO to increase traffic in 2020? The following Xiaobian will bring you a detailed tutorial, interested friends can see together

Search engine optimization (SEO) advice is numerous but similar in content, the author of this article presents 10 simple and practical steps to help you improve your search results ranking and get more traffic.

▪ Before creating content, find high-click opportunity keywords to avoid distracting items on the search results page; View the content competition, find the search results preferentially displayed content types and then create; Content creation should be different and outstanding.

To get traffic, you need to set up "hooks" that attract backlinks: data, unique innovations, detailed guides, specific case study results, etc. Shortening the uniform resource locator (URL), using high-weight web pages to drive the page to be optimized, and matching the user's search intention all help to improve the ranking of web pages in search results. Content design can not be ignored, to add pictures, graphics, visual effects to the web page to improve the user experience.

▪ To get clicks, contact fellow bloggers, recommend sharing your own posts, or replace broken links with your own posts; In addition, encouraging and replying to user comments and building a website community can also indirectly improve the ranking of website search results.

Before I get into it, let me be clear: there is no magic trick in this article that will make you appear on the first page of Google search results overnight. These are all things that require hard work, patience and perseverance.

Also, there's nothing high-end about this article. Instead, everything I'm going to discuss is very strategic, practical, and anyone who understands the basics of the Internet can apply these techniques. Basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not something only programmers or experienced coders can do, so read on.

I'll get it straight, SEO can be hard, and it's even harder when you read the same advice over and over again. You must know how that feels.

You've no doubt heard of some common SEO strategies, such as optimizing your title tags, sharing your content on social media, Posting great content, and so on. These suggestions aren't completely useless, but they won't get your site to the top of Google search results.

Why? Because everyone with a website is following the same advice. To beat them, you need to do something completely different, and that's what I'll talk about next.

Find opportunity keywords

Step one is to find an opportunity keyword. Opportunity keywords are similar to regular keywords, but more effective, as I'll explain below.

As you may have noticed, Google's home page is getting crowded. For example, take a look at this screenshot of the first page of search results for the keyword "SEO tools."

The first screen has a bunch of ads, a select summary, a question box, and some news results. So, I basically just focus on opportunity keywords now.

So, what are opportunity keywords? Opportunity keywords are words with high organic click-through rates. In other words, when you search for this keyword, there won't be a bunch of stuff on the top of the search results page that diverts attention from organic (non-ad) results.

Let's look at an example: some time ago, I created a page on my website that was optimized around the keyword "cryptocurrency news." It turns out that "cryptocurrency news" is an opportunity keyword.

Yes, there are still some ads on the search page, but it doesn't hurt. This is actually a good thing, because it shows that someone is bidding on that keyword in Google ads. Other than that, the search page is fairly clean, with mostly organic results.

To recap - Search results before selecting a keyword. If the search results page is cluttered, consider replacing it with an opportunity keyword to get more clicks.

Next, we move on to step two.

View content competition

Ok, now you have found an opportunity keyword. What's next? Most people open up the blogging system WordPress and start creating content. However, this was a huge mistake.

In fact, I used to make that mistake too. I write something that I think will rank high on Google. But now, I know the drill better.

Now, I analyze the first page of Google search results to determine what content can be effectively disseminated through Google. In other words, I looked at my content competitors. For a given keyword, I look at what type of content Google prioritizes before I start creating content.

Take a look at the first page of search results for the keyword "raw dessert" in the screenshot below.

As you can see, the search results bring up a list of dessert recipes. So, if you want to create content for this keyword, you shouldn't write a blog post like "The Essence of Raw Desserts." Instead, list some recipes in your article.

Let's do another example. I'm a digital marketing expert, and for me, keyword research is one of the most important keywords. When I searched for "keyword research" on Google in the past, I found that the top items didn't list suggestions or strategies for finding keywords. In contrast, the search results that Google prioritizes are just broad guidelines.

So I decided to create a guide that covered almost all the relevant knowledge of keyword research, which also put me in the top three in the fierce competition for search results.

Then, it's time to take the third step.

Create unique content

Create content that is different or exceptional. When creating content for SEO, you have two main options: be different or better than everyone else. Let me explain.

Most of the time, you'll want to post something even better. But sometimes it makes more sense to create something completely unique.

For example, I spotted the opportunity keyword "cryptocurrency scams" a few months ago, and when I looked at the content competition, I noticed that most of the results were listed articles such as "4 common cryptocurrency scams".

I could have written a macro, list-like article like "100 crypto scams You need to watch out for," but it wouldn't have made any sense. In this case, it makes more sense to create something different.

Here's how I did it: I spent two weeks writing the ultimate guide on how to "track down cryptocurrency scammers after they've escaped." Since my content is completely different from what others post, it stands out, taking A lot of share in social media, backlinks (regular links say "point to document B" in document A, and backlinks say "make Document A point to me" in document B) and Google rankings.

As I mentioned earlier, you can also create something better than what you already have. For example, a while ago I wanted to be ranked first in the search results for the keyword "investment in Ripple". When I looked at what was being prioritized, I noticed that most of them were lists of ways to buy Ripple.

I could have chosen to make my own list of 20 ways to invest in Ripple, but I knew that this was just a fusion generalization, so I decided to create something better. I wrote an article on "What you need to know before investing in Ripple" and it was well received.

The above is all the content of how to use SEO to increase traffic brought by Xiaobian in 2020. I hope it will help you. Please continue to pay attention to the script home for more content.

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  • Tag: SEO traffic

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