How does the computer family protect the cervical vertebra 16 tips teach you to stay away from cervical spondylosis

Release time: 2016-08-03 11:38:24 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
The computer family has been working at the desk for a long time, and the cervical vertebra is most vulnerable to injury. Computer family is a high incidence of cervical spondylosis, from now on to protect their cervical vertebra. So how do computers protect cervical vertebrae? The following teach you 16 ways to protect cervical vertebra, a look at the computer family away from cervical spondylosis method!
1. Simply massage your neck
After a morning's work, by 2 p.m., you may have a sore neck and low energy level. Here is one of the simplest first aid methods to help you relieve neck fatigue: interlock your fingers behind your neck and gently rub your neck 50 times in a row. Your neck will feel warm and comfortable.
2, enjoy Chinese medicine hot compress
Fry some cumin and half a pound of salt together, put it in a cloth bag, and place it on the neck and back for 30 minutes. Once a day, it can improve blood circulation in the neck and back and relieve muscle spasms. Be careful not to let the temperature get too high or for too long.
3. Sleep position is important
High temperature, the human body due to the local temperature is too high, the number of turning increases, frequent turning process, it is easy to lead to stiff neck, bring cervical pain, so should try to keep the room can not be too hot, to add a straw mat pillow is also very useful. In addition, people are very tired in the hot day, and they want to take a nap at noon, but lying on the seat and sleeping with their head drooping is very damaging to the cervical spine. Experts remind everyone that at noon or in the car can take a backward lying position to rest, be sure to find a support point for the cervical spine, such as a rolled clothes behind the neck or a U-shaped neck comfort pillow.
4. Use the computer less and exercise more
In the treatment of cervical spondylosis, doctors often emphasize "physical therapy", what is "physical therapy", popular point is sports. The local functional exercise of the cervical spine also belongs to the scope of physical therapy, but each part of the human body is closely related to the overall local health, so the whole body exercise will be more effective for rehabilitation and treatment of cervical spondylosis. For patients with cervical spondylosis, playing badminton, swimming, etc., not only exercise the whole body, but also very targeted.
5. Do cervical spine exercises for 5 minutes
White-collar women at work, almost all maintain the same sitting posture, which will make the neck overburden, prone to cervical vertebra disease. However, there are more office personnel, limited space, even if you want to activity, you can not play well. In fact, even if you just sit in the seat, you can also maintain the cervical spine well, such as using leisure time to practice this simple cervical spine exercise: the operator sits in the chair, respectively, do the head down, head up, left head, right head, front head, back head, so that the head and neck do clockwise and counterclockwise around the action, while keeping the body parts below the neck do not move. Keep practicing for 5 minutes, the movement should be slow and gentle.
6. Change your sitting position
Use the computer for a long time every day, but also take a car or drive after work, a day "sit" time will be particularly long, cervical spondylosis so "sit" out. Establishing a correct sitting posture can reduce the incidence of cervical spondylosis by at least 40%. Customize a slanted working board with the desktop at 10 to 30 degrees, which is more conducive to the adjustment of sitting posture. The general computer keyboard also has a small adjustment board to adjust the slope.
7. Massage your ears every day
Daily ear massage can protect the cervical and lumbar vertebrae. The hardest ridge on the ear is called the earring. Look for the upper part of the ear ring, which corresponds to the acupuncture point of the lumbar spine. The lower end is associated with the acupoint of the cervical spine. The upper 2/5 points correspond to the acupoints of the thoracic vertebrae. The ear is the gathering place of nerve endings, and the spine is the concentration of nerves throughout the body. When using the thumb and index finger, along the pinch of these three points, you can stimulate the reflex of the ear nerve endings, and the reflex is transmitted to the spine, continuous stimulation, you can stimulate the spinal blood circulation, health care and disease prevention.
8. Take the initiative to adjust temperature in the morning
Regardless of winter or summer, you should give your cervical spine a comfortable temperature. Even for beauty, keep a shawl at the office to protect the neck and back. Occasionally there is a cold phenomenon, you will fry yourself a bowl of cold soup. Practice is as follows: Take 2 TBSP of brown sugar, 7 pieces of ginger, brown sugar, ginger and appropriate amount of water together into the pot, cook for 10 minutes. Can drink 1 dose a day, divided into 2 times to finish.
9. Move your head
For long-term desk workers, it should be about 1 to 2 hours, purposefully turn the head and neck to the left and right several times, the rotation should be gentle and slow, in order to achieve the maximum range of motion in the direction. You can also carry out shoulder clamping exercise, the shoulders slowly tighten for 3 to 5 seconds, then the shoulders upward for 3 to 5 seconds, repeat 6 to 8 times; You can also use two desks, two hands on the table, two feet in the air, head back, adhere to 5 seconds, repeat 3 to 5 times.
  10. Get active after your lunch break
Many white-collar workers have the habit of taking a lunch break after eating. If you can get up after rest and do chest expansion exercises or other actions, it will also be of great help to relieve cervical spine soreness.
  11. Choose healthy pillows
Pillows and beds are also important factors in the maintenance of cervical spine. Pillows that are too high or too low and mattresses that are too soft can cause cervical spine damage. Low in the middle and high at both ends of the ingot-shaped health pillow can play a good support role for the cervical spine, so that the cervical spine can get a good rest. At the same time, the width of the pillow should reach the shoulder. For people with bad cervical spine, wooden bed and palm bed are the first choice, and the kind of excessively soft bed is not conducive to the health of cervical spine.
12. Abide by lying down and not reading
Daily should not be half lying half sitting reading or watching TV. Lying position is the best position on the back, followed by lying on the side, and prostrate position is not advisable. Frequent changes of direction are recommended when sleeping on your side. Habitually stiff people can also add angelica, astragalus, licorice, etc. when making pillows, which can promote blood circulation in the neck. When sleeping, cover not only the body, but also the neck; In summer, do not be eager to cool and blow the neck directly against the fan or the air conditioner, do not sleep in the place with "drafts", so as to avoid neck cold causing neck muscle spasm.
Learn to spread your wings
When watching TV at night, you can learn to maintain the cervical vertebrae by learning the action of the roc's wings: the operator takes a standing position, gently bends to 90 degrees, spreads his arms to both sides, mimicking the roc's wings flying, but cannot lift his head up, and persists for 5 minutes. This will help you increase the strength of your cervical muscles.
   14, dinner kidney bonus
As a busy office worker, you may not have enough time to prepare a healthy and nutritious breakfast and lunch, so you should eat something nutritious for dinner. According to traditional Chinese medicine, walnut, cornus, raw ground, black sesame and beef bone have the effect of tonifying kidney pulp. You can subtly add these ingredients to your dinner to strengthen your bones and protect your kidneys and spine.
   15. Emotional control is important
Studies have shown that sentimental, grumpy people are prone to neurasthenia, neurasthenia will affect the bones and joints and muscle rest, in the long run, neck and shoulder pain. Therefore, even if the weather is hot, we should pay attention to maintaining a healthy, happy and peaceful mood, and keep ourselves away from cervical spine diseases.
  16, prevent disease infection
Throat inflammation and upper respiratory tract infection are common respiratory tract diseases, because this kind of inflammation once the lymphatic system to the neck and joint capsule spread, often become the cause or incentive of cervical spondylosis. Therefore, preventing various upper respiratory tract inflammation and preventing colds is also one of the measures to prevent cervical spondylosis.
  • Tag: Computer family protects cervical vertebra

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