Wang Shuan

Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing General Station of China Media Group
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Wang Shu, female, graduated from Renmin University of China Department of Journalism, born in Beijing on February 17, 1977, China Central Television (CCTV) Journalist. A delegate to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a delegate to the 15th National People's Congress of Beijing, a cultural celebrity and "four batch" talents in 2017, enjoy The State Council allowance. [4]
He is currently secretary of the Party Committee of the Beijing General Station of the China Radio and Television Group. [25]
Chinese name
Wang Shuan
Ethnic group
The Han nationality
Date of birth
February 17, 1977
Graduate School
Renmin University of China [1]
Major achievement
Delegate to the 19th Party Congress
Place of Birth
165 cm
Representative works
Implement the Scientific Development concept · Rise of the central ---- two lakes are doing "water" article [3]
Zhang Yu

Character experience

The year 1999 Department of Journalism, Renmin University of China Graduated, entered the CCTV work, after reporter, host, chief editor, producer, reporter station chief and other positions, always adhere to the front line of news.
1999-08 to 2011-12 Reporter of Social News Department, CCTV News Program Center
2011-12 to 2018-03 Head of Beijing Bureau, CCTV
2018-03 to 2020-05 Former head of Beijing Bureau of CCTV, Local Organization Management Center, China Media Group [5]
On November 26, 2021, he was appointed Vice Chairman of the 12th Committee of Beijing Youth Federation. [17]
He is currently secretary of the Party Committee of the Beijing General Station of the China Radio and Television Group. [25]

Social function

The 11th and 12th Vice President of Beijing Youth Federation
Delegates to the 19th Party Congress in 2017 [7]
The 15th and 16th Beijing Municipal People's Congress [8] [23]

Character deeds

After graduating from the journalism department of Renmin University of China in 1999, he joined CCTV News Center and worked as a front-line reporter. He has been undertaking major thematic reports such as "News Broadcast" columns.
In 2005, at the age of 28, she became the youngest "National Excellent journalist" at the time, and her reporting works won all the important national news awards, including the first prize of the China News Award. [14] [24]
In 2006, she led the creation of the "Olympic Games are Coming" column with only 10 days of preparation time, becoming 2008 Beijing Olympic Games During the CCTV brand program, then secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games Liu Qi, the president, has repeatedly spoken highly of the excellent performance of the young team "The Olympics are Coming"; [15]
In 2010, she led only four journalists to set up the cultural and sports group of the News Center;
Wang Shuan
Before 2012, she started with four borrowed editors and created the CCTV Beijing bureau. Under the leadership of Wang Xiao, the Beijing reporter station was established the latest, but the performance has always ranked among the top three in the country. The Beijing station was assigned two jobs Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee The secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee highly affirmed. At the beginning of the New Year in 2018, Comrade CAI Qi gave instructions: The CCTV Beijing reporter led by Comrade Xiao Xiao is a dynamic team that does business with heart and emotion. [16] [18] [24]

Honor received

Have won China News Awards , May Fourth Journalism Award National Culture Good News Award, Beijing News Award and other awards.
2005 National Excellent journalist
Central and direct organs excellent Communist Youth League member
In July 2006, his work "Implementing the Scientific Development Concept, the rise of Central China ---- Two Lakes are doing" water "article won the first prize of China News Award. [3]
The ninth Beijing Top Ten Outstanding Youth in 2007 [4]
The 22nd Beijing May 4th Medal in 2008
Advanced individual of Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games
2013 2012 CCTV Advanced Individual
2014 Beijing March 8 Red Flag Medal
2015, 2012-2014, SAPPRFT Spiritual Civilization Advanced individual
Beijing advanced workers
The national press, publication, radio and television system passionately dedicates clean advanced individuals
2014 CCTV Advanced individual
2016年 习近平总书记视察中央媒体,作为优秀骨干代表受到总书记接见
2017 Cultural Celebrity and "Four Batch" talent (enjoy The State Council allowance) [9]
On November 24, 2020, he was honored as the National Advanced Worker in 2020. [11] 10 -
November 2020, won the 16th Changjiang Taofen Award (Yangtze River Series) [2] .
On January 20, 2021, he won the title of "Advanced Worker of National Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television System". 12 - [13]
In April 2022, it was honored as the leader of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and Winter Paralympic Games Enter someone. [21-22]

Emotional life

Pregnant photos of CCTV anchor Zhang Yu's wife Wang Xiaoxiao have been revealed [4] [6]
Wang section with CCTV anchor Zhang Yu She married in September 2010, following Wang Ning and Wang Ning Liu Chunyan , Li Yong and Haven Then a pair of CCTV Husband and wife . On November 17, 2011, National investment network Published Wang bar pregnant women sweet photos, Wang bar husband Zhang Yu is familiar with and like the CCTV host.
Among the many male anchors in CCTV, Zhang Yu in life is very low-key, low-key few people can understand his personal life outside the screen. Regular programs hosted by Zhang Yu: Eastern space-time , focus interview, 24 hours .

Social activity

Torch bearer
In February 2022, the torch of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics was carried in the Olympic Forest Park in Beijing as a torchbearer. 19-20] [