CIMCO Edit 2024 v24.01.24.0 Chinese Official Free Edition (with installation tutorial) 64-bit

cimco edit Simulation software download

  • Software size: 731.7MB
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Software license: Free software
  • Software Category: Programming tools
  • Application platform: Windows platform
  • Software official website: official website
  • Updated: 2024-09-20
  • Netizen rating:
360 pass Tencent through Jinshan pass

detailedInformation introduction

CIMCO Edit 2024 Simulation software is a powerful, all-in-one CNC solution for CNC machine tools with multiple practical features and tools, CIMCO Edit (cnc Editor) contains powerful features such as file comparison, NC-Assistant, background graphics, etc. Physical simulation and DNC capabilities easily increase the productivity of CNC programmers. It has no program size limit and includes CNC code-specific options such as line numbering/renumbering, character handling, and XYZ range finder. It also has mathematical features, including basic math, rotation, mirroring, tool compensation, and migration. CIMCO Edit provides all the features an editor expects, including drag-and-drop text editing. Most importantly, CIMCO Edit is fully configurable, and it's easy to adapt to any existing CNC program editing environment. Specialized add-ons are available for viewing Mazatrol files and for use with 2D CAD/CAM and 3D machine simulations. A comprehensive set of editing tools that are essential to meet the modern needs of cnc editors and are ideal for professional cnc programmers!!

CIMCO Edit installation tutorial

1, download and decompress in this site, as shown in the figure

2, Install the program, check I accept the terms of the license agreement, click next

3. Select the software installation path and click next

4. Do not run the software after the installation is complete. Copy the contents of the patched folder to the software installation directory, and click to replace the files in the target

2024 New Features

New CIMCO edit and machine simulation of simulation, with the axis control, stop conditions, cross section view, quality, scale, and other functions.

Brother and Hurco CNC controllers are supported in CIMCO machine simulation.

MDC Max/DNC Max enhancements for many protocols, such as HTTP flat files, MQTT, etc.

MDC Max/DNC Max applies to the new agreement for Toshiba, Mitsubishi and Citizen.

MDC-Max/ NDC-MAX new messaging system with support for email, SMS and HTTP REST apis.

MDC Max Web client updated to support timeline and barcode/QR code scanning in the dashboard.

Pay more attention to the safety of all products.

CIMCO Software 2024 is not only a major update to the latest security fixes, but also the start of a New Year point release. Our maintenance customers can expect to see more features, improvements and innovations in the software they use throughout the year.

CIMCO Software 2024 also introduces an important new feature for our NC Base users: a new Web client for CIMCO NC Base. This is a simplified version of the PC client that focuses on the options required when using NC Base remotely, such as accessing and requesting files from the shop floor.

We will be sharing more details about the NC Base Web client in the coming weeks. Now you can download the first version of CIMCO Software 2024 and enjoy the discount.

Functional characteristics

A, professional, reliable, full-featured CNC editor

CIMCO Edit has distributed over 80,000 licenses over the past few years and is the most popular CNC program editor on the market. CIMCO Edit is easy to use and includes powerful features such as file comparison, NC assist, post drawing, solid simulation and DNC functions to improve the productivity of CNC programmers. Can use specialized add-ons see Mazatrol file, use 2 d and 3 d CAD/CAM machine simulation.

1. Handle large CNC programs

Handle even the largest CNC programs - fast. Limited only by the amount of memory on the PC.

2, CNC code specific functions

CNC code specific features including line numbering/renumbering, character processing, XYZ rangefinder, etc......

3. Configure specific file types

File type specific configuration offers a range of options, including modal colors, new "type" specific numbering/renumbering options, extended auto-registration and more...

4. Mathematical functions

Mathematical functions include basic mathematics, rotation, mirroring, tool compensation, and translation.

5, DNC RS - 232 communication

Reliable, configurable DNC RS - 232 communication. Note: With CIMCO Edit, you have the option to purchase up to six 1-port DNC links to communicate with up to six CNCS simultaneously.

6. Side-by-side file comparison

Side-by-side file comparison (enhanced in v5) - Our files are relatively fast and fully configurable, allowing users to choose whether to see the differences one line/line at a time or all the differences at once. Our file comparison and even support parallel print to offline audits.

7. Support Mazatrol files

You can use the add-on to view Mazatrol files directly in CIMCO Edit for steering.

8, support STL file

You can now load the STL file into the background plotter. This helps verify the NC code running on the CNC machine. STL files for finished parts and fixtures can be easily generated from CAD/CAM systems.

9. Simulate the unique Haas G code

Supports unique Haas G code when simulating tool paths. Commonly used for haas cycle including circular cavity a G12 / G13, used for drilling mode G70 G71 / G72, G150 for groove milling, used to safe location G53 and used for local subroutine M97.

10, 3D Mill / 2D lathe Open-GL Backplotter

Excellent 3D milling machine / 2D Lathe Open-GL Back Plotter (enhanced in v5) - Draw 3-axis milling machines and 2-axis lathes in CIMCO Edit CNC program with step and continuous forward and reverse simultaneous plotting.

Now strengthened to simulate Millplus, Fanuc, Heidenhain and Siemens control support.

11, NC assistant code assistance

New features of NC - Assistant (fifth edition) - move the cursor to any M or G code, NC - Assistant will identify code and allows you to use the interactive interface to modify values.

12. Loop/macro support for complex loops

New function in the circulation/macro support (v5) - cycle/macro support allows you to quickly add/edit complex circulation and operation.

13. Drag and drop edit

Drag-and-drop editing - CIMCO Edit supports drag-and-drop editing.

14, can be configured to print

Configurable printing (enhanced in v5) - CIMCO Edit always offers multiple printing options, including ISO standard features. With v5, you can now select up to four columns to print files to save paper.

15. Adjust CIMCO Edit 7 to your workflow

Comprehensive system and feature options that maximize how you configure your program to work the way you do.

16. Save the NC background image as a DXF file

The NC background image can be saved as a DXF file. Each tool is saved to a separate layer or level. Fast movement is shown in red and feed movement is shown in green. Any spiral movement in the NC program will break. Currently supported at the top of the plane and the lathe tool path of 3 axis milling process.

2. DNC communication for CNC, robot, PLC, etc

More than a decade, CIMCO DNC - Max has always been a leading DNC solution, all the other must be compared. From best-in-class client/server architecture to unmatched configurability and scalability. DNC-Max meets the needs of small stores and businesses with thousands of machines in multiple remote facilities.

1, compatibility and software updates

Compatible with your CNC:

In addition to the standard Fanuc/Haas-style controls, the DNC-Max includes full support for Heidenhain, Mazak, Fagor, and many others.

Compatible with your files:

Whether you are the first system set or replace the existing systems, you select DNC applications must be compatible with your data. Ndc-max does not require updating all existing programs.

Compatible with standard hardware:

Works with industry standard RS-232 serial communication hardware, including Ethernet and wireless serial device servers, traditional card-based hardware, and existing legacy hardware.

+1500 point release:

Unlike any other DNC product, the DNC-MAX has been continuously improved over the past decade to meet growing customer demands. Since version 4 published more than 1500 version.

2, client/server, configuration, port organization

Dedicated Windows-based client:

DNC - Max PC Client is used for local/remote file transfer, port monitoring and management application. Through the LAN, WAN or Internet access to multiple DNC - Max server.

Modern and responsive Web clients:

The DNC-Max Web Client is a modern browser-based application for mobile devices, tablets, desktops and TVS. Supports local/remote file transfer, file preview and port organization.

Powerful and reliable server:

DNC-Max server Each server supports a maximum of 4000 concurrent ports. The user can choose in the background or as an application server running as a service.

Single-server or distributed solutions:

Depending on the requirements, the client and server can be installed on the same PC or on multiple dedicated servers, with thousands of clients accessing the server across facilities.

Predefined and custom port templates:

Add a new port to a DNC system by selecting or creating your own port template from a large number of predefined machine port templates.

Port state and organization:

The DNC-Max client displays a tree view of available ports with clear status indications. Organize ports in groups and subgroups for the best overview.

Port configuration across servers:

Through the LAN, WAN and Internet from DNC - Max client to manage multiple servers. Add, remove, configure, or migrate ports while the server is running.

The parameterized system configuration:

System variables and Settings are used for quick installation, configuration, and ongoing system maintenance. Changes throughout the system remain.

3, send, receive, remote requests

Sending, receiving and drip program:

Select a port, program files, and then click the "send". The files are added to the queue and transferred sequentially. If the CNC support, unlimited file size of advanced options.

Transfer from line/block or tool replacement:

Transfer from any point in the program. Change from line/block number or tool. Monitor tool change, feed speed and spindle speed to ensure correct tool and feed/speed are used.

Remote request:

Remote requesters from CNC control or mobile devices. Support for DNC restart and file looping, extensive directory and subdirectory support, directory prioritization, filters and wildcards.

Bar code reader support:

By scanning the barcode on the machine effectively request the correct procedure. Helps avoid typing errors, confusion and saves time.

Automatic receiving and naming:

Configuring and automating naming conventions and directories for files that should be saved (received).

Parameter offset:

DNC - Max before allowing you to send in the NC program to machine to offset it. Specify an offset value and DNC-Max will automatically update your program.

Dynamic feed/speed adjustment:

Adjust NC parameters during transmission. Allows the operator to modify feed and speed without modifying the NC program, eliminating the common stop/modify/restart cycle.

Support FTP file transfer:

Direct communication with computers that support Ethernet TCP/IP FTP transmission is fully supported.

4. Security, version control, licensing

User access control:

To control user access in the server and client level level of access, to limit the configuration of key personnel and control options.

Records and notices:

Real-time recording of DNC system and machine activity, as well as the ability to send status reports and notifications directly to CNC operators.


Operator changes to programs can be versioned automatically or stored in quarantine. Easily track changes and revert to previous versions.

License server support:

A floating license gives you the flexibility to license only the exact number of applications required for your unique system configuration.

Manufacturing data collection (MDC) and monitoring

CIMCO MDC-MAX is a complete MDC solution that enables the automatic collection of manufacturing data in real time from machines and people. MDC-Max provides accurate data to identify the causes of production losses, potential areas for improvement, and enables real-time monitoring of the shop floor for continuous improvement.

Generate reports and charts, automatic calculation of OEE, cycle time, idle time, setup time, downtime, etc. The MDC-Max features real-time screen real-time machine monitoring and a fully customizable operator interface that allows downtime to be entered directly on the machine.

MDC-Max can benefit one-man operations with some machines and corporate enterprises with multiple plants. The MDC-Max software is flexible and can be easily customized to meet your current and future data collection needs. Because MDC-Max is a networking solution that stores data on a central server, you can monitor production from multiple locations and access data from anywhere.

1. System components

Scalable architecture/factory support:

MDC - Max is a highly scalable solution, can benefit the small shops and businesses, has thousands of machines in multiple remote facilities. System components include servers, PC clients, and Web clients, which can run on a single PC or, for enterprise requirements, can be distributed across multiple servers with an unlimited number of connected PCS and Web clients.

CIMCO MDC-Max Server:

Powerful and reliable server applications that run fast SQL databases (or Microsoft SQL). Whether all the heavy work in the background, process the data, for example, update report, communicate with external systems and will monitor data distribution to the dashboard, real-time screen, the operator screen, etc.

CIMCO MDC-Max PC Client:

Based on the Windows client application, provide configuration MDC - Max main interface of the system. The PC client is also used to display the timeline, real-time screen, operator screen, and includes advanced reporting capabilities.

CIMCO MDC-Max Web Client (Mobile Client/Mobile Monitor) :

Modern browser-based client for any (modern) mobile device such as tablet, smartphone or smart TV. Remote access to operator screens, dashboards, real-time screens and workshop screens. Data updated in real time, without any browser reload, all the client can update the center. Support for light and dark themes.

CIMCO DNC-Max (Port Configuration) :

Machine port configuration and management is handled by our powerful DNC communication software CIMCO DNC-MAX, which also provides advanced program transfer, remote requests, dynamic feed speed and spindle speed adjustment, automatic reception, parameter offset and more.

2. Automatic and manual data collection

CIMCO MDC-Max enables tracking of planned and unplanned downtime by combining data collected from machines and operators. While machine data can be collected accurately, error-free, and unattended, operator data provides the contextual feedback needed to fully understand the cause of downtime, scrap causes, or other aspects that affect the negative impact of production.

Automatic data collection:

Accurate data from the machine is automatically collected by MDC-Max and unattended. Most installations collect data for at least Cycle Start, Cycle Stop, and Part Complete. The number of data collection events can be expanded as needed and is limited only by the monitoring capabilities of each specific machine.

Manual data collection:

Using a dedicated and fully configurable operator screen (or barcode scanner), operators can easily register the exact reason for machine downtime, such as "pending installation," "pending maintenance," "discarded parts," or "inspection."

Unlimited number of data collection events:

MDC-Max can be configured to collect data for any event that is limited only by the machine's capabilities.

3, real-time monitoring, digital signage, mobile monitoring

Instrument panel:

The dashboard overview for your real time production data and KPI (e.g. OEE). Create multiple custom dashboards that focus on different production facilities, different groups of machines or other requirements you may have. The dashboard can be displayed as a digital signage on a large TV monitor or on any mobile device using the MDC-Max Web client.

Live broadcast:

The real-time screen provides a real-time overview of the status of each machine, as well as information such as OEE, current job, operator/shift, part production/scrap and cycle time. The machines are listed from top to bottom, and the colors clearly indicate the state of each machine. The color can be set to blink in the critical state, and each machine can display smaller notification/alarm lights. The live screen is fully customizable and can be displayed as a digital signage on a large TV monitor or on any mobile device using the MDC-Max Web client.

Workshop screen:

The workshop screen provides a bird's eye view of the entire workshop, allowing you to see the status of all your machines based on where they are located. Changes the color of the machine according to its status, each machine can display the smaller notification/warning light. Select any machine to get details such as KPI (OEE), current operator/job and other relevant information. The workshop screen can be displayed as a digital signage on a large TV monitor and can be viewed and customized on any tablet or smartphone using the MDC-Max Web Client. Easily move, scale, rotate and change the appearance of the machine.

Slide show:

Create slideshows of dashboards, live screens, and workshop screens. Slides automatically scroll to show the entire content of each screen and can be paused and resumed if needed. The slides can be displayed as digital signage on a large TV monitor or on any mobile device using the MDC-Max Web Client.

Machine schedule:

Real-time monitoring with timeline charts makes it easy to monitor the current and past status of all your machines. Each machine status and cause of downtime can be displayed using a different bar color and can be expanded to show additional information.

Real-time reports:

Set up real-time reports in the MDC-Max PC client that update dynamically on the screen as the data is processed. The MDC-Max PC client supports opening and updating many reports in different tabs at the same time. The flexible reporting system in MDC-Max is designed to support a variety of custom reports to meet the requirements of any operation.

4. Signal Units (Andons)

Control signaling unit:

MDC-Max supports control tower stack lights, beacons, audible alarms, and other types of signal units for visual and auditory feedback of machine status. Configuration of the machine and operator can be configured to activate the lamp stack event on color or trigger the sound the alarm. A group of machines can even share signal units, such as stacked lights.

5. Shutdown tracking and operator feedback

Fully customizable operator screens:

The operator screen provides a simplified interface for operators to view basic information and manually send data to the MDC-Max, such as current job, operator, shift, scrapped part or provide the reason for downtime. The operator screen can be accessed on any tablet/smartphone or using a PC. Full support for using specific operator screens such as installing tablets on each machine or managing multiple machines from a single device or PC.

Bar code reader support:

MDC-Max supports barcode readers and provides simple instructions for configuring and printing new barcodes. Similar to the operator screen, barcodes can be used to send data to the MDC-Max, such as current job, operator, shift, scrap part or provide a reason for downtime. If your company already has readers available, it is most important to use MDC-Max barcode readers. Otherwise, we recommend that you use to provide more options and flexibility of the operator screens.

An unlimited number of downtime reasons:

MDC-Max supports an unlimited number of downtime reasons to meet the requirements of any operation. The reason for the outage can be sent using the operator screen or using a barcode reader.

Support job and program numbers:

MDC - Max provide special option, is used to configure the management of the operation and application number, and can automatically receive the event data (from the machine and operator) and the current job on each machine operation. This enables MDC-Max to provide accurate statistics about every job on every machine.

6, notification and lights out manufacturing

Email and text notifications of any event:

MDC-Max supports email and/or text notification of any incomming event from machine and operator. If the machine is running unattended, such as at night as part of a Lights-out Manufacturing program, MDC-Max can automatically send email and text notifications to backup operators when the machine stops.

7. Reports, OEE and KPIs

The real-time and historical reports:

You can use the MDC-Max PC Client to generate real-time and historical reports. While crash data is processed, real-time reports are dynamically updated on the screen, while history reports use existing data to aggregate over a longer period of time, such as a week, a month, or a year. With its modern TAB interface, the MDC-Max PC client supports opening and updating multiple reports simultaneously.

Predefined report templates:

MDC-Max contains a large number of predefined reports that cover most of the basic reporting requirements and can be used as templates for further customization.

Unlimited custom reports:

The flexible reporting system in MDC-Max is designed to support a variety of custom reports to meet the requirements of any operation. Visualize data in tables, pie charts or bar charts, add production targets, work shifts and calculate any KPI according to user-defined formulas such as OEE, MTBF, MTTR, etc.

Report of the case:

Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE)

Cycle time per part (minimum, maximum and average)

Number per transfer/operator

Defect/scrap part number

Machine downtime

Planned maintenance

Unscheduled maintenance

Each part builds time

Machine operator efficiency

Mean time between failures (MTBF)

Mean time to repair (MTTR)

User/Machine event log:

Generate detailed activity reports such as error logs, operator logs, and computer logs.

Export and automatically update reports in Excel:

CIMCO MDC-Max fully supports Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Reports can be easily exported for further analysis in Excel, and MDC-Max can even automatically update Excel spreadsheets, so the latest data is always available.

Independent Excel report (with the direct data access) :

With our advanced Excel reports, you can import data from MDC-Max directly into Excel. This enables anyone in your organization with the appropriate permissions to generate reports directly in Excel.

8, security, user management, and event logs

Security of user/group management system:

The secure and reliable user/group management system in MDC-Max provides fine-grained control over user access and permissions. Without proper permissions, you cannot access the MDC-Max client, database configuration, and operator screens.

Complete logging:

The MDC - Max store all enter and leave the event log in detail, including the error log, log operator and machine log. Logs can be permanently stored or rotated (restarted) on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Logs can also be exported to an external database (which other systems may have access to) or directly to an Excel spreadsheet.

9. Network support

Supports wireless, Ethernet, RS-232 and parallel I/O. :

MDC-Max integrates with your existing network and supports a variety of hardware options, including serial cabling, Ethernet, and wireless networking. MDC-Max collects data directly from devices on the network (if there is a data collection interface), or indirectly uses other hardware to establish a connection. Data collection method depends on the specific device type and its monitoring ability.

Broad support for data collection interface:

MDC-Max offers a dedicated protocol to communicate directly with a variety of network-based machines/interfaces, including Fanuc FOCAS, M-Net, MTConnect, DNC Opt# 18, and others.

10, with external systems, ERP, MES integration

With external data sources integration:

MDC-Max can be configured to automatically read/write/update data from multiple data sources, such as one or more external databases. When and how data is exchanged can be associated with specific events and user-defined conditions. This allows integration with external systems, such as the company's ERP and MES systems.

Direct ODBC connection to the database:

If needed, external systems can use the ODBC protocol to directly access (read/write/update) dates in the MDC-Max database.

Integration with external systems via OEM Link:

For custom integration and process automation with external systems, CIMCO offers a C ++ library called OEM Link (.dll) that can be customized by the customer. The OEM link is controlled by the MDC-Max server and can be programmed to "capture" events from the operator and machine when MDC-Max receives them. This enables customers to run custom code when a specific event occurs, such as calling a Web service, exporting data to a specific file format, or communicating with external apis.

Four, CNC program management professional choice

CIMCO NC-Base is a CNC program management tool that can be used to organize and manage CNC programs and associated production documents.

The management of part programs and associated production documents is often a time-consuming task for CNC programmers and operators. CIMCO NC-Base takes this work one step further. By providing an integrated and highly flexible management, search, and editing environment, programmers and operators are guaranteed to work more efficiently.

1, the information management

Achieving product and quality goals today requires that the right information and data be delivered to the right individuals and devices as efficiently as possible. NC - Base is CNC program management tool, through the use of reliable, fast SQL relational database, you can most effectively organize and manage CNC program and related documentation.

2. Focus on production

CIMCO NC-Base is production-centric and designed to be used by programming departments and shop floor personnel. Using NC-Base CNC programmers and production personnel can assemble virtual folders containing all the necessary data used by mechanics, operators, quality personnel and others responsible for finished parts.

3. Send any documents to the workshop

Why send a CNC program to the shop floor when you can also provide manufacturing parts, a list of tools, images, and other important information needed to make a part? This information can be accessed from a PC running the NC-Base client, or it can be printed out for manual distribution. Either way, NC-Base helps ensure that the right part gets it right every time.

4, easy to update and access to the document

The CNC operator can access and update the database directly from the CNC control system or any PC on the shop floor.

Use help

I. Documents

This section describes the commands in the File menu. This menu contains the following description file processing related functions.

File menu.

Create /Ctrl+N.

Open an empty window, ready to enter.

Open /Ctrl+O.

Open the file dialog window allows you to open an existing program.

Advanced Open /Ctrl+Alt+O.

The "Advanced Open File" dialog box allows you to find files by specifying search criteria for file name, file content, and date of creation/modification. Click the down arrow of the Open icon to access this option.

Advanced Open File dialog box.


List of recently used files. Click the down arrow of the Open icon to open the recently used file.

A recent list.

Close /Ctrl+F4

Close the current window. If the file has been modified, you will be prompted to save the changes.

Close all

Close all open Windows. You will be prompted to save changes to all modified files. Click the down arrow of the Close icon to access this option.

Save /Ctrl+S.

Save the current CNC program.

Save all

Save all open CNC programs with the current name. Click the down arrow of the Save icon to access this feature.

Save as

With the new name to save the current CNC program.

Print /Ctrl+P.

Print the current CNC program. If you want to part of the printing process, the region of interest, please mark, and then select the "print".

Printer setup

The printout configuration dialog window opens. Click the down arrow of the Print icon to turn on this option. For more information, see the Printing section.

Global setting

This option allows you to configure the general program Settings for CIMCOEdit and is also accessible via the icon. For more details, see the Editor Settings section.

Most of the above file features can also be accessed through the regular File menu.

2. File type

This section describes the commands in the File Type menu.

File type Settings determine how to perform renumbering, find tool changes, configure Backplot Settings, colors, where to save files, and more.

File Type menu.

File type

Use this drop-down list to select the file type that determines coloring, syntax, etc.


Opens the Settings dialog box to configure color highlighting.

Block number

Opens the Settings dialog box to configure the block number.


Opens the Settings dialog to configure directories and extensions.

Machine template

Open dialog box to configure the machine template is set specific parameters.

Other Settings

Opens the Settings dialog box to configure additional machine Settings.

Set file type

You can configure file type Settings here. File type determines color, syntax, etc. For more information, see Setting File Types.

3. Editing

This section describes the commands in the Edit menu. This menu contains normal text editing capabilities.

Edit the menu.

Part of the text can be selected/marked by dragging the cursor from the start to the end while holding down the left mouse button. The background color on the tag text changes to indicate the selected area (see Color Settings).

Copy /Ctrl+C.

Copies the selected text to the clipboard.

Cut /Ctrl+X.

Delete the selected text and save it on the clipboard.

To paste the cut selection somewhere else in the file, place your cursor there and select Command Paste.

Paste /Ctrl+V.

Insert clipboard contents after copying or cutting - at the current cursor position.

Select All /Ctrl+A.

Select the entire file content.

Undo /Ctrl+Z.

Undo the last edit.

Do /Ctrl+Y again.

Redo the last undo operations. You can redo all undo operations performed since the last time you opened the file.


When no selection is made, the selected part of the NC program or the character to the right of the cursor is deleted.

Mark/Delete range /Ctrl+M.

When you select the Mark/Remove range option under the Del drop-down menu, the following dialog box appears:

Mark/Delete dialog box.

Here, you can specify the number of lines or block numbers to mark or delete. In addition, special selections in the tool change, feed rate or spindle speed values can be marked next or removed.

You can also access this feature from the Insert/Remove menu of the NC Features TAB.

Attached file

Append the file to the end of the current CNC program.

Insert file

Insert the file into the current window at the cursor position.

Fourth, find

This section describes the commands in the Find menu. This menu includes the ability to search for data by file.

Find the menu.

Find /Ctrl+F.

In the dialog box, you can specify a text string and search it by CNC program. You can select a defined tool action instead of a text string.

Search dialog box.

Find a/Shift + F3

Finds the last occurrence of the specified search string in the CNC program.

Find the next/F3

Finds the next match of the specified search string in the CNC program.

Replace /Ctrl+H.

Replaces the specified string in the CNC program with another string.

Replace the dialog box with the option Multilineenabled.

Replace all from the file

This feature allows you to select a file with multiple matching and replacement lines.

Check the "Replace all from file" option, specify the separator used in the replacement file, and then press the "Replace All" button.

Select the file with multiple match and replace statements, and then press OK.

Dialog box for selecting a replacement list.

Go to the line/block number/Ctrl + J.

Finds the row or block number in the current window.

Next tool change

Go to the next tool change.

Previous tool changes

Go to the previous tool changes.


This section describes the commands in the Bookmarks menu. This menu contains the ability to bookmark lines in the NC program.

The bookmarks menu.

View bookmarks

View Bookmarks Displays all bookmarks that have been set in the file.

Bookmark dialog box.

Highlight the bookmark dialog box and click the "go to" put the cursor on the bookmarks.

To delete an existing bookmark, select the bookmark and click Delete Bookmark.

Go to previous /Shift+F5

Jump to the previous bookmark found in the CNC program.

Go to the next /F5

Jump to the next bookmark in the CNC program.

Switch pointer

Toggle the display of the bookmark indicator.

Display bookmarks by highlighting line numbers. Ensure that the editor Settings "show line Numbers" option is enabled to see the bookmarks.

Add a bookmark /F2

The cursor the bookmark on the line. Use the Add Bookmark dialog box to give the bookmark a name.

6. Window

This section describes how to arrange a subwindow that contains a CNC program.

Click Window in the upper right corner of the ribbon. This will open a drop-down menu with four program display modes.

Window menu.


Place the open file in an overlapping cascade in the window.

Arrangement icon

Assemble the minimized CNC program icon in the lower left corner of the window.

Horizontal tiling

The levels of files in the program window will open in the editor window.

Vertical tiling

Place the open file from left to right in the vertical editor window.

The name of the open file is listed in the lower half of the drop-down menu. Click the file to select it, will be a check mark at the beginning of the tag. Highlight the top of the dialog box and activate the corresponding TAB in the editor window. This allows you to view active Windows.

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CIMCO Edit 2024 v24.01.24.0 Chinese Official Free Edition (with installation tutorial) 64-bit

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