Wingware WingIDE Professional for linux v9.1.2.0 Official installation

Wingware WingIDE linux download

  • Software size: 80.7MB
  • Software language: English software
  • Software type: Foreign software
  • Software license: Free software
  • Software Category: Programming tools
  • Application platform: Windows platform
  • Software official website: official website
  • Updated: 2023-11-10
  • Netizen rating:
360 pass Tencent through Jinshan pass

detailedInformation introduction

Wing Pro is a lightweight yet powerful integrated development environment designed specifically for Python. Using Wing can speed up the speed at which you develop new code, make existing code easier to understand and use, and be able to reveal errors early in the development process, and make finding and fixing errors easier, Wing can perfectly adapt to your needs and style! Combine deep code analysis, a focus on interactive development, advanced editing and refactoring, continuous early error detection, a powerful always-on debugger, test-driven development, seamless remote development, and extreme configurability. To make your job easier and more comfortable, you can customize and add additional features and tools as needed. The user interface can be customized with colors and layouts, and you can easily remove tools that you are not yet interested in. The latest crack version download, welcome the need of friends to download the site experience!

New function

New features in Wing 10

1, support Python 3.12

Wing 10 introduces support for Python 3.12, including (1) using PEP 669 for debugging sys.monitoring or older trackers, (2) PEP 695 for parameterizing classes, functions, and methods, and more. (3) PEP 695 type statements and (4) PEP 701 style f strings.

2. Poetry package management

Wing Pro 10 adds support for Poetry package management in the New Project dialog box, and package tools.

See "Project Manager > Create Project > Create Python Environment" and "Package Manager" > "Poetry Package Management under Wing Manual" in the Help menu for details.

3. Ruff code warning

Wing Pro 10 has added support for Ruff as an external code checker in the Code Warning tool, accessible from the Tools menu.

For more information, see External Code Quality Checker > Code Warnings and Quality Checks under Wing Manual in the Help menu.

4. Changes and incompatibility

Wing 10 has made some changes that affect compatibility with certain systems or change the behavior of certain features:

The environment used to invoke commands from the Django menu now includes any environment defined in Project Properties

Deleted the deprecated command start-select-block (use start-select-rectangle instead)

FoldUnfold's fold_check_cb accepts (line_text, line_number) arguments instead of just line_text. The old call signature (line_text) is still supported.

By default, the.venv directory is omitted from the search and Project views

StopIteration exceptions are no longer reported in exception reporting mode Always Immediately

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us at

Functional characteristics

1. Get more done

Less typing makes Wing worry about details. Get immediate feedback by writing Python code interactively while running in real time. Easily browse code and documentation.

2. Write better code

Avoid common errors and spot problems early with the help of Wing deep Python code analysis. Keep your code clean with intelligent refactoring and code quality checks.

3. Catch errors faster

Debug any Python code. Examine debugging data and try bug fixes interactively without restarting your application. Work on a local or remote host, VM, or container.

4. Smart editor

Wing's editor features context-appropriate autocompletion and documentation, inline error detection and code quality analysis, PEP 8 implementation, call assistance, automatic editing, refactoring, code collapse, multiple selections, customizable code snippets, and much more. Wing can simulate vi, emacs, Eclipse, Visual Studio, XCode, and MATLAB.

5. Powerful debugger

Wing's debugger makes it easy to interactively fix errors and write new Python code. Use conditional breakpoints to isolate the problem, then step through the code, examine the data, try error fixes using the debugging console's command line, observe the values, and debug recursively. You can debug multiprocess and multithreaded code that is launched from an IDE, hosted in a Web framework, called from an embedded Python instance, or running on a remote host, VM, container, or cluster. Wing also provides an array and data frame viewer for science and data analysis tasks.

6. Simple code navigation

Wing makes it easy to bypass code with goto-definition, Find purpose, find symbols in projects, editor symbol index, module and class browsers, keyboard-driven search, and powerful multi-file search. Access history is automatically stored, so you can immediately go back to previously accessed code. Or define and traverse category bookmarks to automatically track code changes.

7. Project management

Wing's powerful project management capabilities are available for Python environments managed by virtualenv, pipenv, conda, and Docker, with revision control using Git, Mercurial, Perforce, Subversion, or CVS. You can easily create new Python environments from Wing, add, remove, or update Python packages, and freeze your package configuration for other developers to use.

8. Integrate unit testing

Wing supports test-driven development using unittest, doctest, nose, pytest, and Django test frameworks. With Wing's powerful debugger that makes it easy to diagnose and fix failed tests, you can write new code interactively in the real-time runtime context of your unit test setup.

9. Remote development

Rapid Configuration Remote Development support for Wing seamlessly and securely delivers all of Wing's features to Python code running on remote hosts, VMS, containers, or clusters. Hosts running macOS and Linux can be developed remotely, including those hosted by Docker, Docker Compose, AWS, Vagrant, WSL, Raspberry Pi, and LXC/LXD.

10. Customizable and extensible

Wing offers hundreds of configuration options that affect editor simulation, display themes, syntax coloring, UI layout, and more. Easily switch between dark modes, zoom in on the interface for presentations and meetings, and use perspective to manage task-specific UI configurations. You can add new IDE functionality by writing Python code that calls the Wing scripting API. You can even use Wing to develop and debug extension scripts.

11. And more

Other features include variance/merge tools, reformatting code using Black, YAPF, and autopep8, indent style conversions, and executing the operating system command line. Wing runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and also supports remote development of Raspberry Pi and other ARM Linux devices.

Installation activation tutorial

1, download and decompress, as shown in the figure

2. Install the program and select Accept Agreement

3. Set the installation directory

4. Run the program and keymaker and copy the license id to the software, as shown in the figure

5. Click Continue, copy the request code to keymaker, and press Enter to generate the activation code and copy it to the software for activation

Under theCarry address

Download error? 【 Error reporting 】

Wingware WingIDE Professional for linux v9.1.2.0 Official installation

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