php authoring tool PHP Expert Editor v4.2 Chinese Special Edition

  • Software size: 4.32MB
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Software type: Foreign software
  • Software license: Free software
  • Software Category: Programming tools
  • Application platform: Windows platform
  • Software official website: unknown official
  • Last updated: 2009-03-08
  • Netizen rating:
360 pass Tencent through Jinshan pass

detailedInformation introduction

The PHP Expert Editor is an easy-to-use PHP development tool that caters to both beginner and professional developers. PHP Expert Editor has http server built in for testing and debugging (you can also use other http servers), PHP syntax checking, FTP functionality, code boilerplate, and more.
After installing phpxedit_42.exe, then overwrite phpxedit.exe in the iNViSiBLE directory into the installation directory, and then copy Chinese Simplefied.lng into the Languages directory of the installation directory.

PHP Expert Editor 4.x Simplified Chinese language pack
PHP Expert Editor 4.x Chinese Simplfied Language Pack.
Translator: Zhang Hongyin Rains(

How to use:
Put chinese.lng into the Languages directory in the PHP Expert Editor 4.x installation directory
For example:
C:\Program Files\PHP Expert Editor 4.3\Languages
Then go to the menu: View->Languages->Chinese Simplefied

Put the chinese.lng into Languages directory which in the installed path of PHP Expert Editor 4.x.
eg: C:\Program Files\PHP Expert Editor 4.3\Languages

Then go to the menu: View->Languages->Chinese Simplefied.

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php authoring tool PHP Expert Editor v4.2 Chinese Special Edition

      peopleGas software

      phaseGuan Wen

      Under thestatement

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