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By every means possible

Chinese idiom
unfoldSix entries with the same name
Do everything possible, Chinese idioms, pinyin is qi, paraphrase is trying to do everything possible; Use all kinds of schemes. It comes from Zhu Xi's Zhuzi Language Class, Volume 35 Analects of Confucius ".
Chinese name
By every means possible
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By all means, by all thought, painstakingly Spare no effort, spare no effort, spare no effort, Rack one's brains
There is no way out, no patience, no way to do anything [1] , At one's wit's end ,
ㄑ, a, a, a, a, a, a, a
Zhu Xi's "Zhuzi Language Class · Volume 35 · Analects"


Leave no stone unturned.


Song · Zhu Xi "Zhuzi language class · Analects 17" : "For example, catching a thief is similar, must be the spirit of strength, do everything possible to drive him." [1]
Ming Xu Fuzuo " picking Sell your daughter ": I tried every possible means, he will have thousands of resistance.
Cao Xueqin's works in Qing Dynasty A Dream in Red Mansions Tenth time: Your aunt and they tried every means in front of the Lian second grandma, you got this study The place of children.
"Dream of Red Mansions" sixth and seventh: Here the old ladies for the girls Sick body Do everything possible to ask a good doctor to dispenses medicine Make a diagnosis and treat Also for the good of the girl's illness.
"Lao Can Travel two. The fourth time" : I With great difficulty I have gathered this money by every means to fulfill your covenant, and I will give it to you and go and buy it for myself.
Qubo's song The sea of snow 14: The old bandit tried every means to buy the armed workers at the beginning, but the workers resolutely refused to join the bandit. [2]

Idiomatic usage

Joint type; Serve as adverbial, object [1] ; commendatory