Western Digital website management Assistant V3.1 Server software installation tool (Win2008 64-bit +IIS7.5)

  • Software size: 108MB
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Software license: Free software
  • Software Category: WEB server
  • Application platform: Windows platform
  • Software official website: official website
  • Update time: 2014-01-08
  • Netizen rating:
360 pass Tencent through Jinshan pass

detailedInformation introduction

Western Digital website management AssistantIs a program to automatically establish a virtual host site, through this program can automatically establish IIS site, FTP account, website directory, etc., and each website to independent users isolated operation, to solve FSO security risks. It is especially suitable for use by webmasters who rent independent hosts, VPS and hosting. This software is also equipped with an automated server environment setting program, which can install PHP, Mysql, Zend, PhpMyadmin, FTp, Jmail and other components with one click, and automatically set the security of the server to prevent hacker intrusion, even if you do not know the server management technology of non-professionals, Through this software can also easily manage the server.

Detailed description of functions:
1. Add IIS sites, FTP accounts, create website directories, and open Mysql databases with one click. Optional support asp,php,asp.net and other scripts, each site independent permissions.
2. Create, import, export, repair, and change the password of the Mysql database
3.Mssql database creation, import, backup, repair owner, change password, clear log, clear database, etc...
4. Backup IIS, restore, reinstall or replace the machine can restore the configuration in one button.
5. Reinstall the recovery function, even if you have 100 websites, after reinstalling the system, you can restore iis,ftp, directory permissions, etc.
6. Its supporting software can install PHP5.2.17, Mysql5.1.61, Zend3.3.3, PhpMyadmin3.4.8, FTP Server, Jmail and other components with one click, combined with 10 years of virtual host management experience, automatic security Settings on the server to prevent hackers

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Western Digital website management Assistant V3.1 Server software installation tool (Win2008 64-bit +IIS7.5)

      peopleGas software

      phaseGuan Wen

      Under thestatement

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