The Udmurt Republic

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The Udmurt Republic (Shaugu Shaugi) (Shaugi Shaugi), Y. : Udmurt Republic) is located Eastern European plain The Middle, [3] territoriality hill and plain , [3] There are larger rivers in the territory Kama , The Vyatka River , Forest coverage rate About 40%. With a population of 1.5 million, [3] The capital Izhevsk . [3]  
The Votsk Autonomous Oblast was established on November 4, 1920, renamed Udmurt Autonomous Oblast on January 1, 1932, and Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on December 28, 1934. In 1990, the Udmurt Republic became Russian Federation Member.
2018 in Udmurt Gross regional product 631.1 billion rouble It ranks 31st in Russia. republique petroleum Rich resources, high oil production. Udmurt is Russian Processing industry One of the developed areas. [3]
The Republic concentrated a great deal Military enterprise ," Kalashnikov Automatic rifles are produced here. Udmurt was also a great Russian composer Tchaikovsky My hometown. [3]
Chinese name
The Udmurt Republic
Foreign name
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Administrative category
Autonomous republic / Federal subject (first-level administrative region)
Subordinate region
Volga Federal District
Geographical position
Eastern European plain The east
Area product
42100 km²
Subordinate area
Watkinsk , Glazov Etc.
Government premises
Climatic condition
Temperate continental climate
Population number
1,513,044 (2018)
The Udmurt language , Russian
Establishment time
November 4, 1920
Chief executive
Alexander Brecharov [1]


On the national emblem of the Republic, a white swan fully spreads its wings and prepares to soar. It was opened by the raising of the national flag on December 3, 1993 range . The Udmurt Republic flag It is a three-color rectangle with a mark. The vertical bars of the flag are equal in width, and the colors are black, white and red from left to right.
Coat of arms of the Udmurt Republic
The flag has a ratio of two to one.
At the center of the white vertical bar is a red sun-shaped mark with eight corners, which does not touch the red-black area.
Black is the color of the earth, where people are born, live and go through their own life, black also represents stability. White symbolizes the world of light "- universal and vast space; It is also a symbol of purity, holiness and eternity of thought. Red is the color of the sun, symbolizing battle, blood and brotherhood. The octagonal sun symbol is one of the most common decorative patterns and amulets of the Udmurts, and it is said to provide protection from all suffering.
The emblem of the Udmurt Republic is a red and black round shield with an image of a white swan with wings spread out. The swan has a red sun-shaped mark with eight horns on its chest. Above each wing of the swan is a white sun-shaped mark. The black, white and red ribbon surrounds the national emblem, breaks at the top of the emblem, and forms a fold at the bottom of the emblem, on which are written two lines: 'Udmurt Republic -'.
The white swan is modeled after a 9th - and 10th-century bronze bird-shaped idol with holes for hanging from clothing. In ancient times The Udmurts (Unified within the territory of Russia The Udmurts The most recent ancestor) has been found in the diaspora. These bronze statues constitute a school of art (" Perm Beast style ") indicating the formation of a unified national language, which scholars call Old Udmurt. Today, the white swan is a symbolic figure with a bird-shaped idol representing the ancestors of modern Udmurts. Generally speaking, the swan symbolizes rebirth. It means the successful revival of the Udmurt Republic. The large sun symbol represents the world, and the small sun symbol represents the guardian power of the universe. The sun marks on the national flag and emblem unite the meaning of the symbol. Flag and National emblem The use of the same color indicates that they belong to the same republic, giving them strict aesthetic significance.
Flag of the Udmurt Republic
The design of the Izhevsk city coat of arms was developed as early as in the Soviet era. According to the program, the city emblem is used with Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic The flag (blue and red) is the same color, and the design is a gear with a spire tower in the middle.
On 27 May 1997, the Izhevsk City Duma adopted Resolution No. 262 on the Izhevsk City Coat of Arms (signed by Mayor A. H. Saltkov), thereby establishing the city coat of arms. The resolution also established the City coat of Arms Ordinance. Section 2 of the Ordinance says, "The coat of arms is a shield." On the separated gray and blue background are blue-gray pliers, blue in the gray area, gray in the blue area, and in front of the pliers is the arrow shot towards the target. The back of the clamp is green flowers and leaves, and the bottom of the branches and leaves is red flowers and fruits."
The designers of the emblem were Sergei Livovich Bechterev and Nikolai Anatolyevich Bykov.
C. Bechterev wrote: "It (the emblem) embodies the past, present and future of our city, because the past and the present, nature exists, and so do people." Please note that the pincers on the emblem are open. Imagine what happens when the pincers close: the flower will break the fruit, the juice will run out, and nature will perish, along with people. Our city emblem contains a profound meaning: the responsibility of man for the destiny of his city."
The Udmurt Republic
The city flag is rectangular, with a ratio of 2 to 1, divided into white and blue areas, with the basic element, the emblem of Izhevsk city, in the middle. The width of the emblem shall be one quarter of the length of the flag, and the height shall be one third of the length of the flag.

Geographical position

The Udmurt Republic (Udogaya), located in the former Urals, Kama with The Vyatka River Between. The territory of the Republic is 27 km long from north to south and 180 km from west to east. Its north and northwest with Kirov Oblast Adjacent, east and Perm State Bordering, southeast, with Republic of Bashkortostan Adjacent to, south of Republic of Tatarstan It's adjacent.
The city of Izhevsk
The territory of the Republic is a hilly plain with a gradual decline from north to south and from east to west. The larger rivers in the territory are the Kama River and the Vyatka River.
Its soil is grass soil Podzolic soil . Forests cover about 40 per cent of the Republic's territory. The main trees are spruce, camphor pine and white birch. Continued logging has reduced the stock of conifer species. Animals are foxes, minks, wolves, minks, otters, beaver (Dedicated beaver reserves have been established). Birds include grouse, grouse, grouse and partridge.


The climate of Udmurt Republic is Temperate continental climate Winter is cold and summer is relatively warm. The average temperature in January is minus 15℃, and the average temperature in July is 17℃ ~ 19℃. The growing season lasts about 150 days from late April to late September.

Natural resources

The Udmurt Republic is rich in mineral resources, mainly oil (Arkhangosk, Chudelsko-Chietompsk, Mishkin and others), peat, nitrogen-methane (biogas) and various building materials, including quartz sand, clay and limestone. In addition, the Republic is rich in mineral springs.

Administrative division

The Votsk Autonomous Oblast was established on November 4, 1920, renamed Udmurt Autonomous Oblast on January 1, 1932, and Udmurt on December 28, 1934 Soviet Socialist Autonomous Republic. The territory of the Udmurt Republic is 42,100 square kilometers, which is 0.25% of the total territory of the Russian Federation.
The number of administrative units in the Udmur Republic is 25 districts, 5 Republic municipalities, 1 district municipality, 4 city districts, 15 communes, and 263 administrative farms.
Udmurt Republic commemorative coins
The capital of the Republic is Izhevsk Built in 1918, it is 1129 km from Moscow to Izhevsk. There are five districts in the city, namely industrial areas, Lenin District, October District, District Five and one Ustinov The district of Sk.
Other municipalities of the Republic are Votkinsk, founded in 1935; Glazov It was built in 1780; Mozhga It was built in 1926; Sarapur It was built in 1780.
The main cities are Izhevsk, Sarapur, Glazov and Votkinsk.


Udmurt is a multi-ethnic republic where more than 170 ethnic groups and tribes live. The more populous is Russian , The Udmurts , Tatars .
The population density of the Republic is 36.7 people per square kilometer, compared to Russia Average population density is three times higher.
As of January 1, 2005, the number of people able to work in the Udmurt Republic was 993,100, accounting for 64% of the total population of the Udmurt Republic and 1.1% of the total number of people able to work in Russia.

Historical background

In the Russian historical records, The Udmurts Known as Ah Liang. The Arabians were first mentioned in the 14th century by the Arab author ABU Hamid Al Garnaki. In 1770 Rechkovi first called himself "Udmald". Gradually the Udmurts were divided into northerners and southerners. The growth of this group in different national historical conditions is destined to make them different: the southerners are influenced by the Turks, the northerners by the Russians.
From the 11th century, the Udmurts began to value their ties with Russia. In the 13th century, the Udmurts, along with the Russians, fell under the yoke of the Mongol Tatars. After a long period of internecine strife in the summer of 1489, the Udmurts of the North, along with all the Vyatkas, became great Principality of Moscow A member of; The southern Udmurts were under the control of the Bugar State. Later suffer The Golden Horde and The Kazan Khanate Control. He joined Russia in 1552 due to decline. Before 1558, The Udmurts Full inclusion Russian nation . With the creation of the Governorship of Buyatka, it was later renamed Buyatka Province. The Udmurts formed four prefectures: Glazov, Salapur, Malmezh, and Erabuga, all of which were part of the State Peasant Service (16th-17th century Russian government office in charge of military affairs and southern cities and counties).
From 1920, Utemurt emerged as an independent region, when it was founded by Lenin And the decree signed by Kalinen established as Russian Federation Member of the Vojak Autonomous Region. Nothing is said in the decree about the status of the autonomous region and its interrelationship with the central authority. The leaders of the autonomous region soon felt powerless and forced by the central authority. Thus, in 1924, the Chairman of the Executive Committee went to Moscow to raise the question of the reform of the Autonomous Vojak Autonomous Region of the Autonomous Republic, with the expansion of rights and the solution of economic and cultural problems which the local leadership knew much better than the staff of the competent authorities in Moscow. However, Moscow for a long time did not pay attention to the repeated applications of the Udmurt Autonomous Region leadership, and finally in 1934 all Russia Central Executive Committee passed Soviet Resolution on the reform of the Udmurt Autonomous Region of the Socialist Republic. But the expected expansion of rights has not yet been passed, and the main problems of political, economic, and cultural life have been solved.
In 1990, the Udmurt Republic became Russian Federation Member.

Economic sector

The Udmurt Republic is a member of the Ural Economic Zone. The territory of the Republic is divided into four economic zones, namely the central region, the Plikamsk Region, the Southwest Region and the North Region.


The Udmurt Republic is one of the developed industrial regions of Russia with a high concentration of processing industries, including the defense industry. whereupon Industrial sector structure The highest proportion of employment is Machine building More than 68% (together with the metal processing industry). The main industrial sectors are Automobile manufacturing industry Precision machine manufacturing, instrument manufacturing, radio and electronic technology, armaments production, including firearms, Ferrous metal Metallurgy, steel rolling production, wood and wood processing industry, oil extraction and oil processing industry.
There is no light industry in the area. The Republic concentrated a large number of Russia Of the military enterprises, 86% of the factories produce military products, of which the more famous have the production of world famous SMG The factory" Kalashnikov ".
The oil extraction industry
The Udmurt Republic is rich in oil reserves, extracting about 8-10 million tons of oil per year, but there is no oil processing industry. Most of the production is concentrated in with Republic of Bashkortostan Adjacent Kambarkin district. Industry is dominated by machine building and metal processing, with these two sectors accounting for 68% of the industrial structure. The main industrial sectors are automobile manufacturing, precision machinery, radio technology and electronic technology. Similarly developed sectors are Ferrous metal Metallurgy, rolled glass and wood processing. Integrated thermal power station ( Izhevsk , Sarapur (Votkinsk, Glazov) with imported coal, oil and gas as raw materials, some of which are located in peat fields; There is also the Votkinsk Hydropower Station. Ferrous metallurgy (using imported cast iron) and non-ferrous metallurgy production is concentrated in Izhevsk, producing high-quality steel and steel pipes. Foundry production is in Izhevsk and Votkinsk. It also develops light vehicles and box trucks, paper machines, motorcycles, bearings, oil production equipment, retarders for construction machines, metal-cutting machine tools, radio receiving equipment, hunting and sports firearms, and chemical equipment. Timber enterprises are mainly concentrated in raw material production areas, and semi-finished timber products are transported to the northern and western regions of the Republic. The wood is processed into Sawn timber Are produced into furniture and building components. In addition, the Republic also developed fur, footwear, knitting, meat, flour processing, confectionery, cream cheese and dairy industries.


Agriculture in the Udmurt Republic is dominated by food cultivation and is mainly cultivated rye , barley , oat , buckwheat And feed crops as well Linen . Its meat and milk animal husbandry, livestock husbandry, beekeeping industry is also very developed.


The main modes of transportation in the Udmurt Republic are rail and road. The main railway lines intersect at Kanash, making it a major railway hub. The main railway lines are Kazan - Sarapur - Izhevsk - Yekaterinburg ; Izhevsk -- Glazov -- Vyatka. The main highways are Kazan - Yerabuga - Izhevsk - Igla - Perm ; Izhevsk -- Igla.

Foreign trade investment

For several decades Udmurt was an "export" republic of the Soviet Union and now supplies other republics of the Russian Federation with oil, gas, timber, weapons, machinery, industrial equipment, ferrous metal rolling, etc. Its imports are mainly coal, petroleum products, gas, metals and building materials. More than one third (33.3 per cent) of the Udmurt Republic's commodity exporters are from Eastern European countries Committee for mutual Economic assistance By country; 28.2% is Austria , Finland , France , Germany , Netherlands , Britain , Canada and America ; 23% is Argentina , Cyprus , India , Panama , Türkiye and Egypt . In the export commodity structure, 48.5% of raw materials, 42.1% of daily necessities, 9.4% of machinery and equipment. In 1993, raw materials accounted for 54.6 percent of exports, machinery and equipment for 7.5 percent, and consumer goods for 37.9 percent. The main export commodities are petroleum , wood, plywood , truck, motorcycle, truck, steel plate, shotgun Let's wait.

Trade characteristics

The most volatile phenomenon has been in export supplies. For example, in 2003, exports increased by 370 per cent, but according to the 2004 statistics, exports decreased by 98.9 per cent, and according to the 2005 statistics, exports decreased by 61.9 per cent. And the list of export products is shrinking. According to 2005 statistics, the main export commodities are machine manufacturing products and plastics.
from China Imports showed a steady growth trend. Imports increased by 320 per cent in 2003, by 157.4 per cent in 2004 and by 302 per cent in 2005. Among the imported products, machine-made products accounted for 80.7%.
In 2005, the Udmurt Republic imported more than 200 times more products from China than it exported to China. In 2005, the trade volume between Udmurt Republic and China was 7,229,500, which doubled compared to 2004. Meanwhile, exports fell 1.6 times to $35,800. Imports doubled to $7.193,700. The increase in bilateral trade was mainly due to the import of machine-made products and products Ferrous metal Class products.
For the purpose of mutually beneficial cooperation and the development of foreign trade links, it is proposed to improve the forms and methods of introducing products of the Udmurt Republic to the Chinese market by developing sales networks and trade centers and establishing subsidiaries in China.
The Udmurt Republic [2]

Presidential profile

Volkov Alexander Alexanderevich Born in Bryansk on December 25, 1951; Russian nationality; He graduated from Bryansk School of Architectural Engineering in 1970. In 1978, he graduated from the Department of Industrial and Civil Architecture of the Perm Institute of Technology. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of International Business in 1996. Associate Doctor in Economics; From 1970 to 1986 Udmurt Autonomous Republic Foreman, engineer, chief engineer and director of the Construction Administration Bureau of "Chebetsky Machinery Factory"; 1987-1989 People's Deputy of Glazov City Soviet Chairman of the Executive Committee; 1989-1990 First Deputy Director of the Planning Commission of the Udmurt Autonomous Republic; 1990-1993 Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Udmurt Republic and Head of the Committee for the Construction of the Republic; 1993-1995 President of the Council of Ministers of the Udmurt Republic; President of the First Council of State of the Udmurt Republic in 1995; In 1999, he was re-elected President of the Council of State of the Udmurt Republic; Elected as the first President of the Udmurt Republic in October 2000; Elected President of the Udmurt Republic for a second time in March 2004; 1993 - Federation Council of Russia Member; Decorated Architect of the Russian Federation.