Go language command line operation command details _golang_script home

Go language command line operation commands

Updated: October 28, 2014 11:14:37 Submitted by: junjie
This article mainly introduces the Go language command line operation command in detail, this article focuses on go build, go clean, go fmt, go get and other commands, need friends can refer to the next

Go command

Go comes with a complete set of command manipulation tools, which you can view by executing go from the command line:

Figure 1.3 Go command shows the details

These commands are very useful for the code we usually write, so let's look at some common commands.

go build

This command is mainly used to test compilation. During the compilation of a package, the packages associated with it are compiled at the same time, if necessary.

1. If it is a normal package, like the mymath package we wrote in Section 1.2, it does not produce any files when you execute go build. If you need to generate the appropriate file under $GOPATH/pkg, you will have to execute go install.

2. If it is the main package, when you execute go build, it will generate an executable file in the current directory. If you need to generate the appropriate file under $GOPATH/bin, you need to go install, or use the go build -o path /a.exe.

3. If there are multiple files in a project folder, and you only want to compile a file, you can add the file name after go build, for example, go build a.geo; By default, the go build command compiles all go files in the current directory.

You can also specify the file name of the compiled output. For example, in the mathapp application in Section 1.2, we can specify go build-o astaxie.exe, which by default is either the name of your package (not the main package) or the name of the first source file (the main package).

Note: In fact, the package name in the Go specification refers to the name used after "package" in the code, which can be different from the folder name. The default generated executable file name is the folder name.)

go build ignores directories that start with "_" or ". The start of the go file.

If your source code needs different processing for different operating systems, then you can name the files according to different operating system suffixes. For example, a program that reads an array may have the following source files for different operating systems:

Copy codeThe code is as follows:

array_linux.go array_darwin.go array_windows.go array_freebsd.go

go build selectively builds files ending in the system name (Linux, Darwin, Windows, Freebsd). For example, only the array_linux.go file is selected for the following compilation in Linux, and all other system naming suffix files are ignored.

go clean

This command is used to remove the compiled files from the current source package. These documents include

Copy codeThe code is as follows:

_obj/ old object directory, left over by Makefiles
_test/ Old test directory, left over by Makefiles
_testmain.go The old gotest file, left behind by Makefiles
Test. out Indicates the old test record, which is left by the Makefiles
build.out Old test records, left over by Makefiles
*.[568ao] object file, left by Makefiles

DIR(.exe) generated by go build DIR.test(.exe) generated by go test -c MAINFILE(.exe) generated by go build mainfile.go

I usually use this command to clear the compilation file, and then github submit the source code, in the local test when these compilation files are relevant to the system, but not necessary for source management.

go fmt

Readers with C/C++ experience will know that some people often argue about whether the code should be K&R style or ANSI style. In go, the code has a standard style. Because of some custom or other reason we often write code in ANSI style or other more suitable format, which will put unnecessary burden on people to read other people's code, so go enforces the code format (for example, the open bracket must be placed at the end of the line), and code that does not conform to this format will not compile. In order to reduce the waste of time in typesetting, go tool set provides a go fmt command which can help you format your written code file, so that you do not need to care about the format when writing code, you only need to execute go fmt < file name >.go after writing, your code will be modified into a standard format. But I usually rarely use this command, because the development tools generally have a save time automatic formatting function, this function is actually at the bottom is to call go fmt. In the next section, I'll cover two tools that come with automatic go fmt functionality when saving files.

Copy codeThe code is as follows:

Use the gofmt command, more often gofmt, and need the parameter -w, otherwise the formatting result will not be written to the file. gofmt -w src to format the entire project.

go get

This command is used to dynamically retrieve remote Code packages, currently supported by BitBucket, GitHub, Google Code, and Launchpad. Internally, this command is actually divided into two steps: the first step is to download the source package, and the second step is to execute go install. The go tool that downloads the source package will automatically call different source tools according to different domain names, and the corresponding relationship is as follows:

Copy codeThe code is as follows:

BitBucket (Mercurial Git)
GitHub (Git)
Google Code Project Hosting (Git, Mercurial, Subversion)
Launchpad (Bazaar)

So in order for go get to work, you need to make sure that you have the right source management tools installed and that you add these commands to your PATH as well. In fact, go get supports the function of custom domain name, see go help remote for details.

go install

Internally, this command is actually divided into two steps: the first step generates the result file (executable file or.a package), and the second step moves the compiled result to $GOPATH/pkg or $GOPATH/bin.

go test

Run this command to automatically read the source directory named *_test.go file, generate and run the test executable file. The output information is similar

Copy codeThe code is as follows:

ok   archive/tar   0.011s
FAIL archive/zip   0.022s
ok   compress/gzip 0.033s

By default, it does not need any parameters, it will automatically test all the test files under your source package, of course, you can also bring parameters, details please refer to go help testflag

go doc

(After 1.2rc1 there is no godoc instruction, leaving only godoc instructions) Many people say that go does not need any third-party documentation, such as the chm manual (actually I have made one, the chm manual), because it has a very powerful documentation tool inside.

How do I view the documentation for the corresponding package? For example, if builtin is an http package, then godoc builtin is executed. If it is an http package, then godoc net/ HTTP is executed to view the functions in one of the packages. If godoc fmt Printf is executed, you can also view the corresponding code. Run godoc -src fmt Printf

Run the godoc-http =: port number command on the CLI, for example, godoc-http =:8080. Then open in your browser and you will see a local copy of golang.org from which you can query pkg documents and other content. If you set up GOPATH, under the pkg category, not only the documentation of the standard package will be listed, but also the relevant documentation of all the projects in your local GOPATH, which is a good choice for users who are often walled.

Other commands

go also provides many other tools, such as the ones below

Copy codeThe code is as follows:

go fix is used to fix the old version of the code to the new version, for example, the old version of the code before go1 is converted to go1
go version Displays the current version of go
go env Displays the current go environment variable
go list lists all currently installed packages
go run compiles and runs the Go program

There are many parameters that are not described in the preceding tools. You can run the go help command to obtain more detailed help information.

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