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There are two ways for domestic applicants to handle various trademark registration matters: one is directly to the trademark Office; The second is to entrust the trademark agency recognized by the state. In terms of the way of contact, the former directly contacts the applicant with the Trademark Office in the process of handling; In the latter process, the applicant contacts the trademark Office through the trademark agency, but not directly with the Trademark Office. In terms of the documents to be submitted, in addition to the other documents to be submitted, the applicant in the first way shall submit a copy of the identity card of the operator; In addition to the other documents to be submitted, the applicant shall submit a power of attorney to entrust the trademark agency to handle the registration of the trademark. Domestic applicants who directly handle trademark registration matters should go to the trademark registration hall of the Trademark Office.

Tel: 0539-5632168 5632169 5632160 8110060

Mobile: 13853996252

Fax: 0539-7160620

QQ: 873447738

Email: tongweixu@126.com

Address: 13th Floor, Zhongyuan International, No. 1 Tongda Road, Linyi City, Shandong Province