Chen Jichang

Qing Jiaqing 25th champion
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Chen Jichang Guilin Lingui The man. Formerly Shou Rui, word Zhe Chen, number lotus history. He was born in the fifty-sixth year of Qing Qianlong (1791) and died in the twenty-ninth year of Qing Daoguang (1849). Qing Jiaqing twenty-five years (1820) champion. investiture Edited by the Imperial Academy . Because Chen Jichang should be sick and connected to the "three yuan" (Xie Yuan, Hui yuan, champion) fame. Chaco won the first place again, so there is" Ternary sum "Said. He was the last "three-way" champion in the history of Chinese imperial examinations. [1]
Chen Jichang
Zhe Chen
Date of birth
The year 1791
Date of death
The year 1849
Major work
Ru Hua Zhai Shi Cun
Ethnic group
The Han nationality



Works by Chen Jichang
Chen Jichang served as a foreign official, and wherever he went, he acted fairly and honestly. We have done many things to promote education and literature. Especially the construction of water conservancy, popular support.
Chen Jichang is good at calligraphy and has a style of calligraphy. He can write poetry and has written "Such as words Zhai Poetry." In addition, Final imperial examination ".
Antithetical couplet story
People light weight light weight; (Groom)
Short feet go long. (Chen Jichang)
- Chen Jichang continued to carry on
He was one of the two three yuan (Xie Yuan, Hui Yuan, champion) in the Qing Dynasty for more than 200 years, and also the last one in the Chinese feudal imperial examinations. Ternary sum "The number one pick. Since it won the first place again in the "inspection", it has the laudatory title of "four Yuan and four Yuan".
Chen Jichang: "Three yuan and harmony" heard the world
From the Guilin About 20 kilometers from the city Lingchuan county Tanxia Town There is one Yamaguchi The village has a magical thousand-year old well. Although the ancient well has experienced the vicissitudes of life for thousands of years, the water in the well has been flowing for a long time and is as cool as ever. Beside the ancient well, there stands a beautifully carved archway, which is in the middle architrave Engraved with regular script" Quad spring "4 words, the font is written freely and freely, the stroke is strong, and the end of the stroke is carved into a claw shape, meaning" The five-clawed golden dragon The book is signed as "Three Yuan and the history of Guilin Lotus Chen Jichang."
According to the inscription of ancient well, ancient well was built in The Northern Song Dynasty (960-907) early During the period of Taiping and Xingguo Formerly known as "Sifang Spring", it has a history of thousands of years. There are many legends about this ancient well Well spring water Magical, can foretell drought and flood, whenever nearby Gantang River When the water rises, there will be a loud noise in the well, and then the spring will fall down a little, but suddenly it will recover; On a clear morning, if the rainbow is reflected at the wellhead under the sun's irradiation, it indicates that the local people are abundant in the year.
As amazing as the magic legend of Gujing, it is the handwritten inscription of Chen Jichang. You know, a well not only attracted the local celebrity squire to build its archway, but also attracted the "three yuan and" champion to write an inscription for it, which is rare in Guangxi.
As we all know, ancient plaques are mostly wooden, there are also stone It's carved. The inscribed board is Huaxia civilization It fully reflects the ethics, morality and values of the time, as well as folk feelings, and integrates carving, calligraphy, lacquer craft in one, which has a high degree of excellence Artistic value . There are two kinds of straight and horizontal plaques, and the common ones are two-word plaques, three-word plaques, and four-word plaques. The ancients liked to convey their bright aspirations with four-character plaques, which were decorated and beautified. As the Yongzheng emperor of the Qing Dynasty according to Shunzhi handwriting The four-word plaque of "fair and upright" is written, boasting that his actions are aboveboard. Kang Xi, Qianlong Two emperors in the palace hanging on the four words "Zhengren and".
Chen Jichang is not from Lingchuan County, he is from Guilin Lingui district People, the history of the famous pure official, famous minister - Qianlong time prime minister Chen Hongmou His great-grandson, whose original name was Shou Rui, the word Zhe Chen, the number Lian Shi, was born in the fifty-sixth year of Qing Qianlong (1791), died in the twenty-ninth year of Qing Daoguang (1849), at the age of 59.
Chen Jichang was one of the two three yuan (Xie Yuan, Hui Yuan, champion) in the Qing Dynasty in more than 200 years, and also the last "three-yuan and champion" in Chinese feudal imperial examinations. He was the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing 17th year (1813) Guichen branch of the Xie Yuan, Qing Dynasty Jiaqing 25th year (1820) Gengchen branch, the number one, awarded Imperial Academy After editing and editing, he successively served as the chief examination officer of Yunnan academic Administration and the Imperial Academy Attend upon and read , Governors of Jiangxi and Zhili Gansu, Jiangning chief minister as well Governor of Jiangsu Class, class. Because he was ill and took part in the examination, he won the "three yuan" in the "examination" and won the first place, so he was also praised as "four Yuan and".
Today, Lingui District Hengshan Village Songren Ao still has a well-preserved "champion tomb".
Chen Jichang has been clever since he was a child. When he was young, he wrote a lot of poems, made a lot of couplets, and saved people with couplets, which was deeply loved by the people.
That year Chen Jichang went to Beijing to take the exam. One day he came to a river and sat down in a tree Under the big tree Relax in the cool. Suddenly, he saw a young scholar running to the river in a hurry, one moment looking up to the sky and sighing, the next Make a low bow And seemed about to jump into the river. Chen Jichang rushed over and hugged him around the waist, then consoled him and said, "Brother, why do you want to kill yourself? Can't help it! Can't do it! The scholar bowed his head and said in a rain of tears, "Oh, it's a long story, I have suffered ten years of cold Windows, but I lost to two villagers who carried loads." What face do I have to live with? "
Chen Jichang follow-up, just know what happened. It turned out that the young scholar was also on his way to Beijing for the exam, accompanied by two porters. When the two porters arrived here, they smiled and said to the scholar: "If the scholar goes to Beijing for the examination, he must be a person full of classics." You see, we each pick more than 100 pounds, two people are carrying more than 200 pounds. Now use the matter in front of you, to give you a pair of contacts, do you think about it?" The scholar thought to himself that he had endured ten years of cold studying The Four Books and the Five Classics Are you afraid of not being as good as you porters who never touch books? So he agreed with all his mouth and said to the porter, "If I can come out right, what will you do?"
The two porters said with one voice: "If you can come out right, we will carry you away; But if you can't, you have to help us pick it out." The scholar readily agreed. So, one of the porters came out of the upper link: "People light weight light weight." A scholar, racking his brains can not match. The two porters burst into laughter. Ashamed, the scholar bent down to pick up the hundred pounds of burden. As a weak scholar, he could not pick up even if he brought out all his nursing strength. His face suddenly rose as red as Master Guan in the Guandi Temple. The two porters laughed and laughed at him, saying, "You A pair of antithetical phrases No, and I can't afford the burden, so I guess I'd better go back home and study for a few more years before I take the exam." After saying that, they picked up the burden and left happily. The scholar felt that his face was so lost, he felt ashamed, and he moved the idea of suicide for a while.
Hearing this, Chen Jichang could not help laughing. He said to the scholar, I also bet with you, if I get it right, you don't have any idea of suicide, go to Beijing with me. Then he picked one up branch On the ground wrote the bottom: "short foot length walk long." The scholar saw, repeatedly praised: "You are really high talent ah!" Chen Jichang heard this and said humbly: "Where, where. Well, let's go together." So they went together to the capital.
Chen Jichang read tens of thousands of volumes, not only writing, but also quick thinking, the couplet is very fast, and a lot of good, difficult and even absolute.
The summer sun is hot, Chen Jichang and the scholar walk in Go to Beijing for the exam On the way, tired and thirsty. Seeing a village in front of him, Chen Jichang turned in and wanted to ask the villagers for a drink of water. When I got to the village, I saw all the men, women and children standing next to a well. Chen Jichang stepped forward and saw that there was no water in the well. So he asked an old man, "Old man, are you worried that there is no water in the well?" The old man did not lift his head, sighed deeply and said: "Oh, my village hundred households to pay for this well, the water used to be clear and sweet, but the night before last there was no water, how strange!" Next to a middle-aged man said: "Yesterday, the village came to a lame Dao, see no water in the well, he picked up a piece of charcoal, in. Well ring Seven words were written on the stone wall, and I do not know what they mean. There was no one in the village who could read, so he went to the next village and invited an old man. The old gentleman said that it was a superior couplet, and he did not know what it meant, but he shook his head repeatedly and said, "Such an absolute, no one can match it." Maybe if someone is right, water will come out of the well."
Chen Jichang heard this and gently pushed it away wall , from Well ring When I looked at the stone wall, I saw that it was indeed written on an upper scroll: "Bend over. peach The trees fall and bloom, and the bees gather." After reading the first couplet, Chen Jichang unhurriedly rolled up his sleeves, calmly picked up the half of the charcoal that the lame priest had thrown on the ground, and wrote the second couplet under the top couplet: "Crooked mouth. pomegranate With a slanted mouth, magpie Horizontal survey ".
It is strange to say that when he finished writing the last stroke of the word "prospecting", there was a bowl of thick water in the well "grunt" gushing out. Suddenly, the whole village of men, women and children jumping up and down. The villagers want to thank Chen Jichang again. Chen Jichang even said no, "We have to go to Beijing to catch the exam, give us a little water to quench our thirst on it." Before the words were finished, some villagers had already brought water from the well. Chen Jichang and scholar "glug" drank a ball, and washed his face, under the farewell of the villagers to go ahead.
Chen Jichang is a talented man with profound knowledge Liang Zhangju 's Couplets cluster words In the preface. Liang Zhangju said: "When I was in Guilin, every time I got a joint, I often appreciated it with Chen Lianshi, Xu Xiaoxia, Chen Haixia and Guifang."
"Couplet Cong words" included Chen Jichang's "clouds into a partner, ice and snow net smart", "Shi Bi open Jing house, Yao Hua Zhen Ya sound", "Xu Zhou Ren, birds and also", "Shou Dao also such as Zhou Zhu history, the book had learned the volume of Si Nong", "since the new poem teach parrot, play the pen tune A surname ", "tea also intoxicate why wine, flowers can be proud of the snow in the pine" and other couplets. The "Couplets" also said: "Chen Lian Shi made the column, the language of many ancient different."
In early Qing Dynasty, Areas south of the Yangtze River The regional literary style flourished, and many people were admitted to the Jinshi and the number one scholar. When Chen Jichang was sent to Jiangsu as governor, he was known as Guilin Lingui district At that time, the literary style of Guangxi was not too prosperous, so the Jiangsu scholars did not pay attention to Chen Jichang, the eight-Gui talented man, it was very contempt, and his words and deeds were rampant in front of him. Chen Jichang see in the eyes, listen in the heart, but is a nonchalant look. One day, it was in Suzhou Guandi Temple Completed, local Have the honour to Chen Jichang wrote united to discipline events. Chen Jichang readily agreed, quickly titled "a horse beheaded Yanliang, Hebei heroes are terrified; single-broadsword quit Lu Su Jiangnan scholars bow their heads "to the couplet. Shanglian atmosphere awe-inspiring, praise A surname the Heroic deeds ; The lower lian not only spit out the anger in the heart, but also the language Double meaning Suppressing the pride of Jiangnan examinees is really wonderful.
That united a spread, Jiangnan talent in the face of Chen Jichang, all reverent, sure enough, there is a feeling of not being able to lift their heads.
Chen Jichang is famous in China, not only literary elegance, but also in the couplet aspect, which makes many people compete to give to each other inscription . Such as Wang Tan inscriptions "Tao Guang universe, De Pu universe", Lin Zexu honorific The "South source of north learning, autumn Cao gate hall sitting spring breeze" and anonymous title gift "Gaozu dynasty, Wen Sun and three yuan" and so on, which Penschen The title of "Gi Fu for screen, more than five hundred miles; Subject name Cover the generation, thirteen people ", the lower said is the history so far, "three yuan", to Chen Jichang a total of only thirteen people.
After the death of Chen Jichang, people have also written Elegiac couplet Remember him. Among the famous Lingnan talents, Guangxi Elephant State personage Zheng Xiaogu The elegiac couplet written for him is "Ding Jia Lian Yuan, calendar. Previous generation Famous scholars, there are four people last; I have been sick for seven years, returning to the old place of sleeping Xianggong, and I am really stupid." From ancient times to modern times, only 13 people have won three. However, Zheng Xiaogu's elegiac couplet said that there were 14 people, in fact, Zheng Xiaogu said that the 14 "three yuan" champion is in order: Tang Dynasty Zhang Youxin , Choi Won-han , Song Dynasty Sun He , Wang Zeng , Song Country School , Yang Chen , Wang Yansu , Feng Jing , the Jin Dynasty Meng Zongxian , the Yuan Dynasty Wang Zongzhe , Ming Dynasty chariot , Qing Dynasty Wang Yubi , Money 棨 Chen Jichang. The problem is Wang Yubi, because Wang Yubi is Vuco The "three", and Chen Jichang and other 13 people all belong to the liberal arts, Zheng Xiaogu also counted the Wuke, so there is the "fourteen people" said.
Works by Chen Jichang


Chen Jichang is here Imperial Academy After three years of writing the history of the nation, he was sent to a foreign post. Successively served in Shaanxi, Gansu, Shun Sky grade County examination officer. Daoguang six years (1826) as an examination coexaminer . Daoguang ten years later, successively served Shandong Yanzhou Magistrate of a prefecture, Zhili Baoding Governor, river channel patrol, Jiangxi monitor-envoy Class, class. He served in Shanxi, Zhili, Gansu, Jiangning Political envoy . Daoguang twenty-three years, went to Beijing by Daoguang emperor encouragement. Daoguang 25 Year, the official Governor of Jiangsu . One year later, he resigned due to illness and returned to his hometown. He was ill for three years and died at home.