Cen Chunxuan

[cen ch? n xu? n]
Historical figures of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China
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Cen Chunxuan (2 May 1861-27 April 1933), Modern Chinese history Become famous political People. Word Yunjia, no Jiongtang old man, once used the name of cloud, spring ze, Guangxi Searing people [1] . viceroy Cen Yuying His son, he was admitted in 1885 A surname Enter official by grace. Sino-japanese War When he went to the battlefield in 1898, he was awarded for his efforts to reform the law Guangxu Emperor Favor, promote to Kwangtung Consul General, 1899 Gansu (Province) The chief envoy.
The year 1900 The eight-nation Allied War against China Outbreak, Cen Chunxuan led the army to Peking "Serve the king" and escort Empress Dowager Cixi And Guangxu emperor to Xi 'an Promoted by merit Governor of Shaanxi The following year Governor of Shanxi , founded Shanxi University Hall . after-acting Governors of Sichuan , spinning Governors of Guangdong and Guangxi During his term of office, he actively implemented the New Deal and punished corrupt officials on a large scale, known as "official Tu", and the Governor of Zhili Yuan Shikai Called" South Zen north Yuan ". In 1907, he was appointed to the Ministry of Mail and Communications, and Minister of military aircraft Qu Hong 禨 Wait to initiate" Ding Weizheng Chao ", anti-being Prince Khanh Yikuang , Yuan Shikai One faction was impeached and dismissed from office, and then sojourned in Shanghai in the name of recuperation.
The year 1911 Xinhai Revolution Cen Chunxuan was appointed by the Qing government Governors of Sichuan Did not take up his post. Republic of China After its establishment, Cen Chunxuan served as governor of the Guangdong-Han-Sichuan Railway under the Yuan Shikai government, and in 1913 he supported it Sun Yat-sen launch Second revolution He was promoted to the rank of Grand marshal of the provincial army. After the failure of the second revolution, he went into exile in South Asia. In early 1916, Governor of Guangxi Lu Rongting Send officers to welcome back to Shanghai. In May, he was elected National Defenders All commander, and with Liang Qichao Wait in Guangdong Zhaoqing Set up Military council , deputy Fu chief Acting as Fujun commander, dedicated National defense movement . 1918 sidelined Sun Yat-sen, Ren Kwangtung Military government protecting law Chairman President, leading Peace talks between the north and the south . The year 1920 Guangdong-guangxi War After the dissolution of the military government, Cen resigned and lived in seclusion in Shanghai, where he died in 1933. The music Zhai and the writing ".
Used to use the name of Cloud , Chunze, known as Cen Xilin, was nicknamed Tu Guan , Censan , topple
Yunnian terrace
Late Qing Dynasty, Republic of China
Ethnic group
The Zhuang nationality [2]
Place of Birth
Guangxi Searing
Date of birth
May 2, 1861
Date of death
April 27, 1933
Major achievement
found Shanxi University Hall ; in Shanxi (Province) , Sichuan , Kwangtung Other places to implement new policies, punish corrupt officials
Cen Chunxuan
Official post
The mail department Shangshu, etc



Early life

According to the genealogy records, Cen Chunxuan's ancestors were The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) Hour Rankings Yuntai twenty-eight generals The man of the sixth place Zempen . During the Song Dynasty, Cen Peng descended from Yuyao, Zhejiang Province Cen Zhongshu Along with the Di Qing flat Nong Zhigao Meritorious, then live Guangxi for A surname . The Cen Chunxuan family was originally a hereditary descendant of Shanglin Tong Chang Court A surname , because of Qianlong During a certain age Return to the land They become civilians. By the time of his grandfather Cen Cangsong, he began to start with literature. The father of Cen Chunxuan Cen Yuying Inbinh Dinh The Hui uprising in Yunnan Meritorious service, official viceroy He became an official of the Qing Dynasty.
Cen Chunxuan
Xianfeng Eleven years Xin You Cen Chunxuan was born on March 23 (May 2, 1861) in Guangxi Province Sachongfu Xilin county Narau He is the third son of Cen Yuying, known as "Cen SAN", because of the changeable personality and daring, also known as "subversive three" [3] His original name was Cen Chunze. Cen Chunxuan studied at the university when he was a teenager Sacheng (Lingyun) Yunfeng Academy, after his father Cen Yuying went to study. In 1879, Cen Yuying sent Cen Chunxuan to Yunnan Province, considering that "Yunnan and Guangxi are isolated in the border area, and his disciples have heard the narrow and poor, and have no way to learn" Peking Learn. [4] Cen Chunxuan, who lives in Beijing, is a well-known playboy, according to the report Tang Yongbin "New Talk to" records: "Chun Xuan little 跅 relax I am proud of my family, I am proud of my life, I have guests in gold, and I am full of chariots and horses, like a banquet." He and Joe Lowe, Shuisumi He was called "the three villains of the capital". [5]
Thanks to his father's kindness, Cen Chunxuan soon died invigilation Add the main donor, sign the points The Ministry of Works in feudal China Learn to walk. In 1881, he took a leave of absence to recuperate, and in 1885 he attended Guangxi Provincial examination , taking an exam A surname Please go to the department and wait. In 1888, he also contributed to the Navy fund, and was ordered to return the doctor to the department. The same year Guangxu Emperor Big wedding, Cen Chunxuan filled send office to help general office. Because this is a real deficiency, he has attracted much attention. At this time, he obeyed the fortune-teller and changed his name from "Chunze" to "Chunxuan". In 1889, Cen Yuying After his death as governor of Yungui, Cen Chunxuan returned to Guangxi defensive In 1892, he went to Beijing again and was awarded by the Qing Court Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple , spiral Taipusi Shaoqing office Dali Siqing .

Reform cadre

Cen Chunxuan came to the political stage when Sino-japanese War During the period. When the war was tight and "the minister was afraid to move forward", Cen Chunxuan made a memorial on two occasions and resolutely "volunteered to serve the former enemy". [6] , was sent to Liu Kunyi When the camp, but Liu Kunyi because of Cen Chunxuan early debauchery reputation, not heavy responsibility. [7] When the Japanese army was in Shandong A surname Land, Weihai When the alarm was raised, he volunteered and was sent Yantai The prime minister's battalion, dug the ground battalion, arranged the defense, did his duty. Later, the Japanese onslaught Yingkou, he asked the army to go to the aid. However, due to the corruption of the Qing Dynasty, China could not escape the doom of failure, and signed the humiliating "Constitution". Treaty of Shimonoseki ". Cen Chunxuan was angry about this, resigned from Beijing, secluded in Guilin, and even had the idea of escaping into the empty door and no longer out of the mountain. [8]
The Sino-Japanese War Later, imperialism Set off the frenzy of dividing China, Cen Chunxuan witnessed the National Day of Africa, can not but be touched. Throw himself into Reform and reform In the movement, he has participated in Shanghai Strong learning And Beijing National security Council He was married in February 1897 Kang Youwei The Reform and Reform Movement was established Guangxi The most influential reform society -- Guilin Holy Society . In the summer of 1898, Cen Chunxuan accompanied his younger brother Cen Chunyin to the capital to take the imperial examinations, during which time he was educated Guangxu Emperor Summoned, he in addition to the proposed school, training new recruits, talk about official officials, credit, reward and punishment, but also called on the emperor to exercise real power, not in name. [9] Hundred Days' Reform Emperor Guangxu ordered the abolition Redundant officials The imperial edict was directly influenced by Cen Chunxuan's advice. [10]
On August 31, 1898, Cen Chunxuan was promoted to the title Kwangtung Political envoy . Upon his arrival in Guangdong, he was accompanied by the Governor of Guangdong and Guangdong Tan Zhonglin The reform-blocking diehards at the head put up quite a brave fight. As a breakthrough in the reform of official administration in Guangdong, he abolished all the idle institutions and personnel, and even abolished the copy of Governor Tan Zhonglin's yates, and planned to punish Tan Zhonglin's cronies and greedy and deadly governors Wang Cunshan He was dismissed and punished to make an example of others. The rivalry between the old and the new is inevitable, and Cen and Tan play with each other and even curse each other by beating the table. Reformists in Beijing echoed this sentiment, Song Bolu submitted Kang Youwei The proposed "Please punish TAM Chung Lun" calls for severe punishment on the ground of obstructing the New Deal. Emperor Guangxu appointed Governor of Hunan Chen Baozhen Close inspection of Tan Zhonglin, "quick to participate in". [10]
Cen Chunxuan's vision is not only a corner of Guangdong, he is also very concerned about the situation in Beijing and the overall situation of the national reform. In terms of diplomacy, he argues Li Hongzhang The United Russia policy and Kang Youwei The policies of the United Kingdom are inadequate. In the face of partitioning by the great powers, only "solid people" can "resist aggression". In internal affairs, he put forward "Su Min's plight"; Cancel" Zhaoxin Stock "; Ban the export of rice and grain to suppress grain prices; Prevent silver spillover; Set up lottery merchants and collect people's money for self-education Guangdong-han railway To prevent the infiltration of foreign capital; Let businessmen "own warships" and a series of proposals. These suggestions were partly adopted by Emperor Guangxu. [10]
As Cen Chunxuan was very active in the reform activities, Hundred Days' coup And then, thanks to" Rich and powerful For the gentle cheek" [11] He was spared and transferred to Gansu Province. During his stay in Gansu, Cen Chunxuan did not forget to file an impeachment petition Tan Zhonglin Finally, Tan Zhonglin was removed from the post of governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. In order to Hansi Impeach (a criminal) Draw up a constitution Only in the Qing generation, Cen Chunxuan also began to be known for his straightness.

Governor Jin Yue

In 1900, The Boxer Movement Reach the climax, attract Eight-nation allied forces Invasion of China, Cen Chunxuan Gansu (Province) After hearing that, the rate of 2000 troops and horses all night came to "diligent king", and was transferred to Beijing Zhangjiakou Stationed in preparation for Russia. [12] On August 14, 1900, Beijing fell, Empress Dowager Cixi and Guangxu Emperor Hurriedly fled, Cen Chunxuan came to the rescue, was appointed as the former road food desk supervisor. During this time, Cen Chunxuan and his staff Zhang Mingqi They worked out a plan to help Guangxu regain power and tried to cooperate Kang Youwei The exiled royalist forces staged a coup, but finally gave up. For her part, Empress Dowager Cixi trusted Cen Chunxuan and gave him the honor Governor of Shaanxi He was transferred the following year Governor of Shanxi . Cen Chunxuan judged the situation and said, "After the great disaster in Shanshan and Shaanxi, we can no longer start a war. Niangzi Pass , Guguan The defenders withdrew, in good faith, and settled Yuxian The problems left over from the teaching plan when he was in office were allocated silver to missionaries in advance to put an end to the pretext for the invasion of allied troops. Later the money was given to missionaries Timothy Lee donate Shanxi University Hall Founding expenses, which is today's Shanxi University . In addition, Cen Chunxuan also hired Japan Teacher, founded Shanxi Agriculture and Forestry School. The establishment of new schools in Shanxi was his earliest practice of advocating self-improvement through legal reform. [10]
Cen Chunxuan
In July 1902, Cen Chunxuan was reappointed Governor of Guangdong After the original plan to enter the Stairway to see the south to take up his post, the result Sichuan The Society of Brothers The Qing Court ordered Cen Chunxuan to go again Chengdu Act by proxy Governors of Sichuan He put down the unrest, established the police administration, and disposed of a number of corrupt officials. After that, it calmed down Guangxi Union Party uprising The Qing Court ordered Cen Chunxuan to act Governors of Guangdong and Guangxi Supervise the military affairs of Guangxi. The people of the Republic of China Long Jiguang , Lu Rongting It was during this period that Cen Chunxuan collected them. In addition to quelling the uprising of the Hui Party, Cen Chunxuan also vigorously punished corrupt officials in Guangdong and Guangxi, making the reputation of "official slaughter" widely known. In addition, Cen Chunxuan spared no effort to implement the new policy in Guangdong, he launched military reform, he replaced the green battalion with standing army, continuing army, patrol police, and county soldiers, respectively performing the tasks of combat garrison, arrest and clearing the township, maintaining public order, and protecting and relieving prisoners, and drew up a detailed plan to reduce the military personnel. In order to expand military talents, he ran a military academy, which was set up successively Guangdong will Ben School Military medical School, Army primary and secondary School, police school, etc. At the same time, he also built a new school, in Guangzhou It has set up the "School Affairs Office" to specialize in education, established the Guangdong Law and Administration School, the Guangzhou-Guangdong Higher Industry School, the Guangzhou-Guangdong Dialect School, and the professional schools of surveying and mapping, sericulture, agriculture and forestry, and changed the Guangzhou-Guangdong Normal School to the Guangzhou-Guangdong Excellent Normal School, and sent scholars to study in Japan, making outstanding contributions to the development of education in the area. [10]

Dingwei wave

On September 1, 1906, the Qing government announced that" Preliminary constitutionalism ", Cen Chunxuan very welcome. As soon as the preliminary constitutional decree was issued, Cen Chunxuan sent a letter to Shanghai constitutionalist Leaders of Zhang Jian Encouraged them to pull people together, and donated 10,000 yuan to the opening cost, but also said that they were willing to provide 1,000 yuan a year. And so, Preparatory Constitutional Convention On December 16, 1906 Shanghai Established by Cen Chunxuan's old staff Zheng Xiaoxu As president, he was the most influential constitutional group in the late Qing Dynasty. As the initiator and operator of the conference, Cen Chunxuan's role is self-evident. Cen Chunxuan and overseas royalist There are also signs of human relationships. In 1905, he acquiesced to his cronies Zhou Shanpei To Hong Kong with Liang Qichao A meeting. [10]
Cen Chunxuan
Cen Chunxuan punished corrupt officials in Guangdong and Guangxi and harmed Prince Qing Yikuang And his associate governor of Zhili Yuan Shikai In the interests of the middle stream, while the leader of the war minister Qu Hong 禨 Wanting to bring down Qing and Yuan, they linked up with Cen Chunxuan, triggering the" Ding Weizheng Chao ". In September 1906, Qing and Yuan made excuses platyhippus The problem could not be solved by Cen Chunxuan, which made the court assign Cen Chunxuan as viceroy . Cen Chunxuan did not take up his post, but went to Shanghai for medical treatment, during which many people interviewed, including Kang Youwei's son-in-law Mai Menghua . [10] In March 1907, he was appointed Cen Chunxuan Governors of Sichuan And there is no need to go to Beijing for training. Cen Chunxuan thought that this was another trick of Qing and Yuan, so he sailed from Shanghai Wuhan (capital of Hubei Province) In Wuhan, please enter the hajj, and do not wait for the letter and take train Along the Beijing-han Railway Left for Beijing. Empress Dowager Cixi Summoned Cen Chunxuan four times, Cen Chunxuan complained about the situation and impeached him Prince Khanh Connived at corruption, and claimed to stay in Beijing as the emperor, the empress dowager's "guard dog." [13] Although Cixi did not punish Prince Qing, she did reward Cen Chunxuan for his loyalty by appointing him to the throne Postal communication department A surname. As soon as Cen Chunxuan received his appointment, he impeached Yuan Shikai's confidant in the postal Department Zhu Baokui He then persuaded Cixi to dismiss another of Yuan's confidants Duan Zhigui . Qu Hong 禨 also took the opportunity to mobilize Jiang Chunlin Such as the official on the impeachment of Qing and Yuan, for Cen Chunxuan momentum, and even the rumor that Qing and Yuan will fall, Cen Chunxuan will replace Yuan Shikai to take the seat in Beiyang.
Seeing that Cen Chunxuan was about to gain a firm foothold in the Capital, Qing and Yuan immediately launched a counterattack, saying to Cixi that Cen Chunxuan was a faction of Kang Liang and had evil intentions. Cixi suspected Cen Chunxuan and put him on the outside Governors of Guangdong and Guangxi . On April 17, 1907, Cen Chunxuan dismissed his post and left Beijing, but he did not go Guangzhou , but to Shanghai Waiting for an opportunity to strike back. far-off Liang Qichao After receiving this news, he made a special trip back to Shanghai from April 23 to May 5, in an attempt to meet Cen Chunxuan. Whether Cen, Liang met, because of the mysterious whereabouts, it is unknown. However, Yuan Shikai passed through Shanghai Dao at this time CAI Naihuang A group photo of Cen and Liang together was presented to Cixi, which angered Cixi and sent Cen Chunxuan to prison vacancy . The fake photos got to the alliance members Chen Shaobai The reason for the help is that Cen Chunxuan has in the past will Guangdong-han railway Returned to the government, Guangdong Province Hong Kong Road shareholders and Tung Meng Hui Extremely dissatisfied, they did not want him to return to Guangdong, so they teamed up with Yuan Shikai to get rid of Cen Chunxuan. But only six years later, the Kuomintang and Cen Chunxuan came together again, so historians lamented that "the political separation is often not right and wrong, this is yet another example." [14]

Around Xinhai

Ding Weizheng Chao Later, Cen Chunxuan was unemployed Hangzhou Later, he went to Shanghai for medical treatment. Yuan Shikai Tallyfor the destruction of the roots CAI Naihuang Spread rumors unfavorable to Cen Chunxuan, and even faked that Cen Chunxuan advised the governor of Zhejiang Zeng Yun "Big" letter, fortunately Zengyun to the original book sent Cen Chunxuan, to expose the conspiracy. [15] In the winter of 1908, Cixi and Guangxu died one after another, and Yuan Shikai was also deposed, so Cen Chunxuan was able to spend three years in Shanghai.
In 1911, due to the Qing government's railway state-owned policy, several southern provinces broke out Road protection movement , Sichuan Julie. On September 15 of that year, Cen Chunxuan was appointed by the Qing Court to "go to Sichuan and join forces. Zhao Erfeng Handling the suppression of special groups ". This summer, to Congressional petition drive Failed, Royal cabinet Be established, Road protection movement Triggered by events such as pressure, constitutionalist The contradiction with the Qing government has reached an irreconcilable level. Cen Chunxuan was originally a member of the constitutional group, and naturally began to crack with the Qing government. He clearly opposed the state-owned policy of the railway trunk line, and strongly held the attitude of the Sichuan road protection movement, issued a "to the people of Sichuan," declaring that "we must plead for the people, and never kill a person," and even called on September 20 cabinet With the threat of resignation, he openly asked the Qing Court to "commit crimes and his words at the same time and distribute them." [16] On September 29, Cen Chunxuan passed by on his way to Sichuan Wuchang , with the governor of Huguang Shuisumi Detailed business, still adhere to the former discussion, Rui Cheng repeatedly advised, Cen Chunxuan. Knowing that the Qing Court was unlikely to agree to his proposal, he telephoned for sick leave and returned to Shanghai on October 10. Wuchang Uprising Cen Chunxuan did not stop and left Wuchang by ferry the next day.
After receiving the news of the Wuchang uprising, the Qing government was very frightened and decided to use Cen Chunxuan again. Yuan Shikai On October 14, Cen and Yuan were appointed governor of Sichuan and Huguang respectively. Cen Chunxuan repeatedly resigned from the appointment, and the Qing government repeatedly begged him not to resign again. Sichuan dominated by constitutionalists The Fellowship of Preservation Also declared: "At present every yamen notices, except the general Yukun If Cengong is protected, everyone in Sichuan can turn a blind eye to it." [17] Cen Chunxuan refused, however, and accepted the Sichuan command on October 23, but at the same time proposed to expand the army to ten battalions, increase the allocation of guns and bullets, and issue a million taels of silver, which the Qing government could not fulfill. On October 29, Cen Chunxuan resigned due to the aggravation of his illness. The Qing Court had no choice but to appoint upright Temporary Sichuan governor, although to Cen Chunxuan reserve position, but he eventually did not return. [10] January 1st, 1912 Republic of China After its establishment, Cen Chunxuan publicly sided with the revolutionary camp and telephoned the Qing Court and Yuan Shikai to adapt to the situation and implement a republic. 18 [19] This marks his metamorphosis from a bureaucrat in the Qing Court to a politician in the Republic of China.

Reverse failure

In February 1912, the Qing Emperor abdicated, and then Yuan Shikai He became interim president. In May 1912, Yuan Shikai appointed Cen Chunxuan to the post Guizhou (Province) Comfort envoy, he is not welcome to reply, now "foreign and domestic governance, is divided is combined, body segment, the official system of the law, there is no basis, is no way to watch, under the inability to defend the time", such a situation, there is "what can be declared, what moral comfort?" [20] While rejecting Yuan Shikai, he kept a distance from the revolutionaries. March 1912, mainly from the end of the Qing Dynasty constitutionalist constituent National Party Founded in Shanghai, Cen Chunxuan was honorary Premier, after the party and Tung Meng Hui Equal combined composition Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) Cen immediately announced his withdrawal. In June 1912, he employed the Minister of Civil Affairs of the military government of Fujian, a member of the league Peng Shousong Misbehaving and being opposed by the local forces of Fujian, he was invited to Fujian as Fujian Xuanfu envoy, and failed to control Fujian after driving Peng. He took over again in early 1913 Huang Xing The governor of the Guangdong-Han-Sichuan Railway, intending to "protect the road in the name of sending military orders", set up two divisions to obey his army, but also because of Yuan Shikai blocked and stranded. [10]
Cen Chunxuan
On March 20, 1913," The Song Jiaoren case After the revolution of 1911, the seemingly calm political situation was violently turbulent, and the political forces of various factions were rapidly differentiated and assembled. Cen Chunxuan was concerned by the revolutionary Party, "Xilin (Cen Chunxuan) bravely sharps the Kuomintang, Sun and Huang Yin have high hopes" [21] , specially appointed Zhang Shizhao To do his job. Cen Chunxuan and Yuan Shikai had a long history of resentment, and both sides hit it off immediately on the issue of anti-Yuan. In April, Sun Yat-sen , Huang Xing , Wang Jingwei , Li Genquan , Peaceful element He had several secret meetings with Cen Chunxuan. Since then, Cen Chunxuan has actively launched his anti-Yuan activities, and he has sent a series of telemessages, severely accusing Yuan Shikai of covering up the relationship between the "Song Jiao-ren case" and the government, and sheltering the murderer Zhao Bingjun Interferes in the formulation of the constitution and borrows freely Clean up the mess And other illegal acts. In view of Unionist party be Wang Zhaotang Betrayed him and Zhang Taiyan Reorganized the United Party to resist the tide of the majority of the "middle" parties of the time who were defecting to Yuan Shikai. He sought to widen the united front against Yuan, with Zhang Shizhao , Tan Renfeng Specially go to Wuchang instigate Li Yuanhong Reverse Yuan and do Shanghai Tang Shaoyi , Guangxi Lu Rongting , Guangdong Long Jiguang , Long Jinguang The work of others. He broke with Yuan Shikai publicly, and on June 8, he resigned as governor of the Guangdong-Han-Sichuan Railway Hu Hanmin The introduction is added Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) He fought against Yuan side by side with the Southern revolutionaries. [10]
On July 12, 1913, Li Liejun in Lake outlet Raise the army to discuss Yuan, Second revolution Eruption. On the 16th, Jiangsu (Province) Commander-in-chief of the Yuan Army Huang Xing A military conference was held to elect Cen Chunxuan as the grand marshal of the Yuan Army in each province. Two days later, Cen arrived Nanjing Take office. On the 22nd, representatives of 18 provinces of the Federation of provincial councils met in Nanjing to make up for the formal election procedures, and unanimously passed the proposal, "All independent provincial governors and commanders of the Yuan Army are subject to their control." [22] In this way, Cen Chunxuan became, at least nominally, the commander-in-chief of the anti-yuan forces in the second Revolution, and the scattered anti-Yuan forces in various places had a unified public banner. The revolutionaries were very excited about this, and "the pure Cantonese Kuomintang wanted Dai Cen Xilin to be the governor of Guangdong". [23] Overseas Chinese in 79 British and Dutch colonies and the American branch of the Kuomintang special telegram Cen Chunxuan, supported him as a Grand marshal. [24] Cen Chunxuan became the expected "revolutionary leader".
Cen Chunxuan made contact Kwangtung , Guangxi , Fujian (Province) The plan of the three provinces to "pledge troops to the north in concert with the southern armies". On July 29, he joined Li Genquan , Ma Junwu Arrived in Guangzhou, immediately issued advice to the old department Lu Rongting , Long Jiguang Discuss Yuan electricity, invite people to come Wuzhou Face everything, and allow to raise military pay, was refused by Lu, dragon. On the morning of August 1, Cen Chunxuan was there Guangzhou Call a high military council for the northern expedition Pledge meeting . But the second Revolution took a turn for the worse, and on July 28, Nanjing The war was lost, and Huang Xing fled to Japan. Under Yuan Shikai's orders, Long Jiguang's army attacked Guangzhou from Wuzhou East, but Cen Chunxuan refused to abandon it. On the night of August 4, Guanyin Mountain Already the enemy "artillery shock", the Guangzhou People's Army also mutinied, Cen Chunxuan's northern expedition plan was broken before it could be launched. He himself made a hasty escape Hong Kong , go to Singapore , go into exile An old name for Southeast Asia . [10]

The leader of the defense of the country

After Cen Chunxuan fled to Singapore, and Chen Jiongming , Li Liejun , Xiong Kewu , Bai Wenwei They set up the "China Water Conservancy Promotion Society" to carry out anti-yuan activities. In December 1915, Yuan Shikai decided to declare himself emperor. CAI E Waiting to set off in Yunnan National defense movement After hearing the change, Cen Chunxuan rushed back to China from Southeast Asia and arrived in Shanghai on January 17, 1916 Liang Qichao With the domestic CAI E, Tang Jiyao , Lu Rongting , Li Liejun Hong Kong Li Genquan , Bai Wenwei , Cheng Qian American Huang Xing Keep in frequent contact with others. For a time, Liang Qichao's apartment in Shanghai became one of the most important points of contact for anti-Yuan forces at home and abroad. [10]
According to the original plan, Cen Chunxuan wanted to go to the base camp of the national defense movement -- Yunnan (Province) . But at that time National Defenders The most difficult problem is the lack of pay and equipment. At Tang Jiyao's request, Cen Chunxuan resigned at the end of January 1916 Zhang Yaozeng Escort to Japan . On March 20, Cen Chunxuan borrowed one million yen and some firearms and ammunition from Japan on behalf of the Yunnan military government. [25]
After the independence of Yunnan, Guangdong and Guangxi became the key. Cen Chunxuan played a special role in promoting the independence of Guangdong and Guangdong, and he wrote to the Governor of Guangdong Long Jiguang It is required to "make a decision on the trial machine, cater to the people of the time, and form a momentum for Yunnan and Guizhou, according to which the national voice of righteousness is called." [26] Under pressure from all sides, Lu and Long successively declared their independence, and Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Guangdong joined together. National defense movement The momentum of the campaign immediately increased. In order to coordinate the movements, Cen Chunxuan, Liang Qichao Et al. intended to form an organization with the character of a union of independent provinces. On April 19, Cen arrived in Guangdong from Hong Kong Zhaoqing In Zhaoqing to prepare for the establishment of the National Defense headquarters, Cen Chunxuan as the commander of the city, the initial unification of the military power. [10]
The development of the situation urgently needs an organization that can fully unite all anti-yuan forces, but in the preparation of this organization - Military council At the same time, the independent provinces were divided. Long Jiguang , Lu Rongting , Liang Qichao , Tang Jiyao So far as to Sun Yat-sen They all think that Cen Chunxuan is the most suitable leader, but CAI E But vehemently opposed it. Yunnan is the region of the first righteousness, and CAI E is a pivotal figure. At present, if the enemy is not unified internally, it will be unfavorable to the anti-Yuan struggle and contrary to the purpose of the establishment of the military Council. To break the deadlock and avoid infighting, Cen Chunxuan Tang Jiyao "First righteousness is high, force the Lord to promote the day", and finally by Tang Jiyao Fujun, Cen Chunxuan deputy, and regent Fujun chief. On May 8, 1916, the Military Academy was born in Zhaoqing as scheduled. [10]
The Military Council is a coalition of various factions, mainly by the Yunnan-Guangxi two local warlords, Liang Qichao Progressive party and Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) Neyi European Affairs Research Institute As a core group of moderates. This combination form provided Cen Chunxuan with an excellent place of activity, and he appeared as an intermediary, mediator, buffer and contact person of the factions, becoming the link that held the factions together, and was naturally pushed to play a greater role as the leader of the alliance. [10]
On June 6, 1916, Yuan Shikai With the death, the military Council, which aimed to counter Yuan, lost the rallying point that held the factions together, Liang Qichao The proposal to abolish the Military Council was strongly opposed by Cen Chunxuan and others, who believed that the overthrow of Yuan was only one of the purposes of the establishment of the Military Council, not the whole purpose. He specifically offered to recover Binding law and Congress Two major issues, on June 8 and called Tang Jiyao, clearly pointed out that in the future the dispute between the new and old covenant Law will become the "point of life and death" of the Southern rebel army. [27] The document had a great response in society, and on June 9 Sun Yat-sen The Declaration of the Law of Rehabilitation echoes back and forth, becoming Law protection movement The first sound. On June 16, Cen Chunxuan called Li Yuanhong The four preconditions for the abolition of the Military Council were the restoration of the provisional treaty, the inauguration of the president in accordance with the law, the withdrawal of troops and the convening of a special military assembly. These conditions were partially accepted by the government in Beijing, and Liang and others felt that the Military Council should be abolished immediately as a gesture in response to the North. Cen Chunxuan still insisted that "now the cabinet has not taken office, the National Assembly has not agreed, the cabinet has not been formally established, we should still abide by the regulations, do not cancel." Liang Qichao and others became angry and spread around that Cen Chunxuan's slow withdrawal of the military Council was intended to "stay here as an exchange condition, and it is a politician who is free from the sea and never knows the ups and downs of the army, and talks." [28] Under the pressure of Liang Qichao, Cen Chunxuan, Tang Jiyao It was withdrawn on 14 July Military council , National defense movement That's it.

Chief legal officer

Cen Chunxuan
Mr. Cen originally said in his inaugural declaration, Yuan Shikai After his fall, he stayed away from politics and devoted himself to social causes, returning in October 1916 Guilin Visit the grave and return Shanghai Live in seclusion. But the trees wanted to be quiet but the wind did not stop, and the national defense movement made Cen Chunxuan's political status increase abruptly, so it was impossible to get rid of politics easily. In June 1917, Sun Yat-sen raised opposition in Guangzhou Duan Qirui the Law protection movement The southwest warlords tried to put Cen Chunxuan as a banner to fight against Sun Yat-sen. When the defense junta was planning to create a Grand marshal, Li Liejun To Tang Jiyao advice: "In order to cope with the general trend of China and foreign countries, it is advisable to push Sun Yat-sen, in order to eliminate the barriers between the two Guangdong, it is advisable to push Cen." November 1917, Guangxi warlord Mo Rongxin Open electricity, discuss the establishment of the three provinces of Hunan, Guangdong and Guangxi capital headquarters, push Cen Chunxuan as the commander of the capital, in an attempt to squeeze out the military government of law protection from Guangzhou. At the same time, Tang Jiyao also sent two telegram, proposing the establishment of a military committee and a government committee in Guangzhou, and Cen Chunxuan was in charge of the planning [29] In an attempt to replace Sun Yat-sen with Cen Chunxuan. All of these made Cen Chunxuan's desire for power extremely inflated, and he personally launched the so-called "Southwest Autonomous Provinces Federation", "in order to merge the boundaries between Lu Rongting and Sun Yat-sen, that is, to have the prototype of the southern government". The society has a wide net, Li Liejun , Fang Shengtao , Chen Jiongming , Forest tiger , Tang Jiyao , Zhang Taiyan , Lu Rongting Are contained therein; In addition, it is directly related to the North Feng Guozhang , Li Chun , Chen Guangyuan "Early sound mustard". [30] On January 15, 1918, the "Federation of Provinces for the Protection of the Law of the People's Republic of China" was established in Guangdong, with Cen Chunxuan as the general representative of the peace Council, and "secretly took the trend of confrontation with the military government". Sun Yat-sen strongly protested against this, saying that the association "has no basis in the convention law, referred to as the second commander of the regiment, and the matter has been blocked." [31]
The anti-Sun faction led by Cen Chunxuan saw that the Federation could not replace the military government, so they prepared to overthrow Sun Yat-sen by reorganizing the military government. On April 10, 1918, the 17th session of the Guangzhou Extraordinary Congress passed the amendment to the "Organization Outline of the Military Government of the Republic of China" and decided to reorganize the military government, abolish the general marshal system, and change to the president collegiate system. On May 4, Sun was forced to resign. The extraordinary National Assembly elected Cen Chunxuan and seven other political leaders. On July 3, Cen Chunxuan Zi Shanghai to Guangzhou On July 5, the Japanese government announced the establishment of the reorganization, and on August 21, the military government held a political meeting and elected Cen Chunxuan as the chairman and president, and he literally became the number one figure of the military government and became the agent of the southwest warlord. Sun Yat-sen, realizing that "North and South are birds of a feather," left Guangzhou for Shanghai.
After that, Cen took the lead Peace talks between the north and the south . Previously, in November 1917, the three provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan formed an allied northern expedition and fought fiercely with the Beiyang Army Hunan (Province) The battlefield. Soon after the war began, Cen Chunxuan secretly mediated the war. He stretched out two tentacles, one with Beijing's Feng Guozhang , Wang Shizhen Hold private discussions; One contact with the immediate generals in the South. [30] On October 7, 1918, the acting President of the Beiyang government, Feng Guozhang and Cen Chunxuan, issued a telegram as the supreme leaders of the two warring sides. Sun Yat-sen actively promoted the act War to defend the law The war in southern Hunan in the main direction died down, and only Cen Chunxuan and others sold out the huge defense of the law war Shaanxi (Province) Local fighting in the provinces. In February 1919, North-south peace Conference The opening in Shanghai, although soon fruitless, but Cen Chunxuan still did not give up, continue to assign Zhang Shizhao Liu Guanglie and others are in the north of Shanghai Xu Shichang Representatives of the secret negotiations. [10]

Fall and die

However, Cen Chunxuan did not have his own armed forces and territory, and his power largely depended on his "balance" among the forces of various factions. Due to the intrigues of various forces, this balance is very fragile, and Cen Chunxuan is increasingly inclined to osmanthus Forces that made his status as a conciliator acceptable to all sides difficult to sustain. In order to Sun Yat-sen As the representative of the revolutionary democratic camp took the lead in raising the banner of anti-Cen and anti-Gui. In June 1919, the "Zhaoxialou members" who were inclined to Sun Yat-sen in the National Assembly proposed a motion of no confidence in the president, and Cen Chunxuan was forced to resign for a time. In August of the same year, Sun Yat-sen officially announced his break with the military government and began to prepare for the invasion of Guangxi. [10]
In 1920, Cen Chunxuan was a leader Sichuan The issues of control, the distribution of the rights and interests of the parties in the North-South negotiations and the command of the army in Guangdong and Yunnan were also different Tang Jiyao It's a total falling-out, and the junta is even more unstable. On March 24, Tang Jiyao made all the inside documents of Cen Chunxuan's secret negotiations with the North public, accusing them of being inconsistent with the purpose of protecting the law and unacceptable, and invited members of the National Assembly to Yunnan. On 29 March, President of the junta and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Finance Wu Tingfang Leave with the money stamp. The Secretariat of the two houses of the Guangzhou National Assembly is also the speaker Linson Under command, seal the files and ship them in batches Hong Kong . The backyard of the military government caught fire, and Cen Chunxuan angrily and unconstitutionally sent troops to search the National Assembly, causing a public outcry. Wu Tingfang, Tang Shaoyi President Tang Jiyaosan announced his separation from the military government, and few of the seven presidents of the military government remained. On August 7, a joint meeting was held in the two houses of the Yunnan Parliament, and a proposal was passed by Wan Hongtu and others to unanimously vote to dismiss Cen Chunxuan as the chief administrative officer of the military government for the crime of "destroying the law and endangering the country". On August 11, Cen Chunxuan took a gamble and ordered the GUI Army to attack Fujian Chen Jiongming Military positions, Guangdong-guangxi War At first, the GUI Army was defeated like a mountain, and Cen Chunxuan even received a fake Bombs The wooden box. On October 23, 1920, Chen Jiongming's troops attacked in three ways Guangzhou The situation of the Guangxi department was going away, and Cen Chunxuan resigned on the same day, claiming that he was overseen by Jiangsu Li Chun Moved by the suicide, I hope that the southwest provinces will cancel their autonomy, and Beijing will quickly open the Congress to figure out the aftermath. The following day, the military government was cancelled, and Cen Chunxuan left Guangdong for Shanghai again, and his political life was ended. [10]
After Cen Chunxuan retired to Shanghai, he continued to work with Zhang Shizhao , Yang Yongtai , Li Genquan There were a lot of contacts, but they were personal, not official. In 1922, Cen Chunxuan and wealthy Jewish businessmen in Shanghai Hartung Couples travel together Suzhou And buy a house as a long-term plan. Screw with Li Genquan It was published in 1930 as a book The music Zhai and the writing "The book. The year 1932 Anti-Japanese War in Shanghai When Cen Chunxuan donated 19th Route Army $30,000 to support the resistance. Cen Chunxuan died in Shanghai on April 27, 1933. His last words:
"In the early Yuan of the Republic of China, I retired from acting in Shanghai and stole that republique It is already established, the potential is unstoppable, and the reason supports itself. View Yuan's handle politics as Wei, and even declared emperor, before deceiving the Qing court, after the Democratic Party handsome people. Excited by righteous indignation, then er Xingshi. Defending the country and protecting the law, after Chun Xuan from the people, to determine the chaos in the moment. Job is the reason, since ten years, fortunately also the beginning to serve, the party and the state, and view into, senile years, hope to enjoy the joy of peace. Countries have many stories, and become fish rotten shape. The word of the road is what it means One-party dictatorship The drawbacks are overwhelming. The party fee comes from the national currency, indulges countless young people who are not yet determined in their blood and knowledge, and makes them interfere in the hundred governments. Straw dog All things, want the country without chaos, what is like to do before? The political power of the next ten years is in the hands of this generation of young people, and now it is forced by self-cultivation, and it is used for immature and unconscious political party movements, which will destroy the talents of society, waste the vitality of the country, and foretell the bad luck of the country in the future, especially irreparable damage! Since the recent change in the northeast, the national difficulties are deep, the political parties have accusations, Spring Xuan thought Yang nine The KMT is alone in its difficulties, and there are more than a few places where the people should sympathize with it. The stakes are too high for a single party to stand alone, and if it does not change course, it will be enough to destroy the country. Chun Xuan and the party of the same country, each has children, the heart of the so-called danger, how dare not report?
Spring Xuan seventy three this year, nearly to the heart weak, then the shape of swelling, the breath is only, all the thoughts are gray. Children knock please last words, there are feelings. My family III serving officials have always been clean and self-motivated, and have no good things, what is the use of arrangement? And there are too many Leading education After only listen to its independence, life is ashamed of the love of irrigation, dying with a plan? But the country belongs to one, the first should be the country, and for the country to, not outside the 'sage in office, those who can work' second language, to the party limit, the potential is difficult, before this tide ( Li Jishen ), Dajin ( Li Zongren Two emperors visit, once for the solemn reveal is righteousness; The sound of dying, still not beyond this. Son Cao Qi's announcement is thus a reference for the country's noble elders. National affairs insects I have no fear." [32]
After his death, Cen Chunxuan was buried in Shanghai Hongqiao International Cemetery, which was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution.

Major influence


Punish corrupt officials

In the official circles of the late Qing Dynasty, it was popular to say that "three Tu", Cen Chunxuan was an official tu (or Tu official), Zhang Zhidong Is a treasure Tu, Yuan Shikai It was human slaughter. Cen Chunxuan was known for his fearlessness of the powerful and for impeaching corrupt and derelict officials. It was described at the time as: "Every time Chun Xuan went to a province, he would wantonly correct bombs, and his whole body would shudder." [33] He is Hundred Days' Reform Interim office Kwangtung Political envoy When he dared to talk to the governor of Guangdong and Guangdong Tan Zhonglin Challenge, act Governors of Sichuan When he was ready to impeach more than 300 officials at a time, he was urged by his staff to stop, but he also impeached more than 40 people. Governors of Guangdong and Guangxi On the post, expose the illegal official dereliction of more than 1400 people, "from the hospital, down to the history of the code, nothing is not there" [34] Officials are talking about "zen" color change.
In his "killing officials" process, the most attention is the Zhou Rongyao case and Bae Kyung-bok Case. In 1904, Cen Chunxuan was appointed concurrently Guangdong Customs Supervision, check the customs library book Zhou Rongyao embezzled millions of public funds, and colluded with the dynasty, after to escape investigation, to Qing Prince Yikuang He was sent as an envoy Belgium Minister, Cen Chunxuan impeached him for corruption while he was still abroad, and Zhou Rongyao sneaked in Siam But all his property was confiscated. Ding Weizheng Chao When Cen Chunxuan went to the capital to impeach Prince Qing, he cited Zhou Rongyao as a witness. [13] In Pei Jingfu's case, after Cen Chunxuan came to Guangzhou in 1903, he accused Nanhai magistrate immediately Bae Kyung-bok Embezzled 240,000 silver dollars, Pei Jingfu fled to Macau After asylum, although Cen Chunxuan negotiated the extradition, but the Qing government to find no evidence, did not impose the death penalty, only issued Xinjiang . It is said that Pei Jingfu's case carries a strong suspicion of private revenge, because Cen Chunxuan was present Hundred Days' Reform Period and Kang Youwei Close contacts, and Pei Jingfu was responsible for the raid of Kang's home, found Cen Chunxuan and Kang Youwei correspondence, although these letters were all destroyed, but Cen Chunxuan still want to kill Pei Jingfu, so the excuse of anti-corruption triggered the case. [35 and 36]

Set up education

Cen Chunxuan believes that education is the first task of politics, which should be revitalized first, and people's wisdom must be opened through education. He often said that in order to eliminate national humiliation, there must be self-improvement, self-improvement, the first must cultivate talents. The school, the talent from also, it must start from the Guangxing education. Cen Chunxuan has a special interest in education. In 1901, Cen Chunxuan took office Governor of Shanxi The establishment of schools will be an important part of education reform. The former Shanxi University Hall and the Western and Chinese University Hall run by foreigners were merged into a new one with a special school for middle school and a special school for Western learning Shanxi University Hall . It opened a new chapter of the combination of Chinese and Western education in modern China. Cen Chunxuan was appointed governor of Sichuan and also appointed a scholar of the Imperial Academy Hu Jun Go to Japan to investigate academic affairs, and then come back to host Sichuan Higher Education Hall. Cen Chunxuan is keen on setting up education, cultivating talents, and is more prominent in Guangdong and Guangdong. [37]
Cen Chunxuan laid an important foundation for modern education in Guangdong and Guangxi. Cen Chunxuan's father Cen Yuying In his early years, he ran a "school" in his hometown of Nalao Village, Xilin County. Nanyang Academy "To cultivate hometown talents. When Cen Chunxuan was working outside, he always cared about Nanyang Academy, sent paper and ink to the academy, books and materials, and later funded the expansion of the academy; And repeatedly told to run a good academy. Xilin is a long way to the provincial capital, in order to help the county students go to the provincial capital to participate in the scientific examination, Cen Chunxuan donated two thousand silver to the county for the examination fund. During the term of Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, he also personally funded the establishment of the "Sisi Middle School" (today Baise secondary ). He created the Guangzhou-Guangdong School Affairs Office as the highest Educational administration . It has successively opened the Liangguang Industrial School, the Guangdong Law and Administration School, the sericulture School, the Rural School, and the Liangguang Dialect School (specializing in teaching foreign languages). Surveying and mapping professional school, Guangzhou-Guangdong Higher Industrial School. All state capitals shall set up secondary schools and all counties shall set up primary schools. He attaches particular importance to teacher education, and has founded the Guangdong and Guangdong Teachers' College, the Translation School, the Guangdong Women's Teacher's College, the Guangxi Accelerated Teachers' College, the Suntech Women's Teacher's College, and the Preparation for the Guangzhou-Guangdong Study Tour. His memorial cloud to the court: "Running a school is the first, and creating a teacher's teacher, especially the excellent grade, the excellent grade normal school is the mother of the establishment of primary normal school and middle school." In 1904, he instructed the establishment of the Guangzhou-Guangdong Practice Institute, which concentrated the directors of the county-level persuasion institutes (education bureau directors) and the principals of the county primary schools in the province for training. Until he retired from the political stage and settled in Shanghai, Cen Chunxuan still wanted to develop education, and he also took his father's advice Posthumous title A "Xiangqin University" was founded in Shanghai. [37]

Historical evaluation

  • Sun Yat-sen "Cen Chunxuan is an old bureaucrat with very poor knowledge and ideas, which is not enough to maintain China." [45]
  • Gu Hongming "Like his father, Cen Chunxuan is also a powerful character. He's Germany What people call Junker A party member, his family also hails from the wild and still semi-civilized province of Guangxi, China Pomerania . So, he talked to Bismarck The prime minister, like Mr Juncker, is a true Chinese Pomeranian. ... Cen Chunxuan is a strong and loyal fanatic royalist. He argues in the right Jacobin The party and the revolutionaries dealt with the mess quickly with a quick cut. But, just as Friedrich Wilhelm As he said about Bismarck in 1848, Cen Chunxuan is an anachronism in today's China. "At present, China is in a period of change and needs constructive political talents who are good at compromise and reconciliation, and Cen Chunxuan is too tough and unyielding to take up the post." [46]
  • A surname "The male of the Coveren Chunxuan adulterer, regardless of right or wrong, specializes in helping those who help, and is known to be deeply connected. eunuch To be kind to relatives, to be because of the Lord lucky Shaanxi, to ascend Shan Fu, and Yuan Shikai The favor is equal. delighted , Woo Wentai Parting ways is no accident." [47]
  • Xu Yishi "Spring Xuan has the courage to do things, when looking very long, and can not help but not enough to learn, temperament near coarse see disease." [48]
  • Hu Sijing "Although Spring Xuan is good, blunt, intolerance can not tolerate things, political mishaps with the world Kai, but not harmonious." only Li Lianying Quite influence it. ... It is just useful, but its wisdom is dim." [49]
  • Taiwan historian Su Tong-bing Chuang Lien "When it comes to Cen Chunxuan, he has a long history. He doesn't look like one Qu Hong 禨 Such a noble birth and noble and noble official shoes, but because he was the son of a "famous father", he was very early because of his perseverance and prominence. Therefore, although he had a bad name in the early years, he seemed to be an important figure of the "minister of the state". Compared with Qu Hong禨, Qu is prudent and reckless, Qu is good at literature and Cen is skilled in military service, Qu is weak and brave, Qu is skilled in planning and Cen is crude, which are two completely different types in character and behavior. If it wasn't for exclusion Yuan Shikai For the same purpose, the two men could not in any way become congenial comrades. That's an interesting layer to talk about." [50]
  • Taiwanese historians Wu Xiangxiang "The vigorous and upright style of Cen Qing was very rare in the corrupt political style of the late Qing Dynasty." Since the Republic of China, the Kuomintang and the Progressive Party have made use of it Yuan Shikai Political opponent and Lu Rongting Confidant and other relationships and support, it is a very rare opportunity. Unfortunately, he had limited insight and no political ideals, so that every time he had something to do, he could not do anything, and eventually he was surrounded by armed men and politicians and could hardly extricate himself. The new trend is exciting, and the role of the old bureaucracy in the transitional period is limited after all." [51]
  • Department of History, Peking University Professor Guo Weidong Cen Chunxuan was evaluated positively from five aspects: "bourgeois tendency", "patriotic sentiment is the main theme", "changeable situation", "hero of The Times" and "basically certain historical status". [10]

Anecdotal allusion


Protect Cixi

The year 1900 The Boxer Movement Eruption, Empress Dowager Cixi be Zaiyi , resolute Wait for persuasion, appease Boxer He declared war on the great powers and ordered the provinces to serve the king, but few responded. Cen Chunxuan was the chief envoy of Gansu at the time, and he immediately reported the news to the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu Wei Guangtao He then took more than 2,000 people to Beijing and traveled all night, arriving in Beijing on July 24, where he was summoned by Cixi. [38] At that time, he had too few men and had not yet received Cixi's attention, just in time Russia intrude The three northeastern provinces The Qing government was in trouble, Cixi was Lin Cen Chunxuan management Chahar Containment matters, turn back Zhangjiakou To welcome the soldiers, that is, to station there in case of Russian invasion. [12] On August 14th, Eight-nation allied forces storm Peking Cixi and Guangxu fled in panic Xi 'an Cen Chunxuan after hearing the news to protect, in Nankou When Cixi and her party met, Cixi had not eaten for a day, and when Cen Chunxuan came to protect her, she was extremely moved and wept. That night Cixi was staying in a dilapidated temple and Cen Chunxuan was standing outside. Cixi suddenly cried out in her dream, and Cen Chunxuan shouted, "Chen Chunxuan is here to protect you!" Cen Chunxuan faithfully defended Cixi during her time of distress, and Cixi was very grateful to him. She cried to him and said, "If the country is restored, we will not dare to forget our virtues!" [39]
Cixi and her party arrived Huailai county , by the county Wuyong The reception, appointed Wu Yong as the former road grain desk supervisor, Wu Yong because of unable to raise food, he gave way to Cen Chunxuan. Cen Chunxuan took drastic measures, not only by killing the defeated soldiers and illegal eunuchs to order the scattered escape team, but also forced the counties along the way to supply food Tianzhen County County suicide, so to ensure Cixi line to Xi 'an. [12] [40] Cen Chunxuan and Cixi all the way together, understanding each other, often to Cixi to self-improvement advice, and Cixi also obeyed. After arriving in Xi 'an, Cen was promoted to the rank of Governor of Shaanxi However, he had offended many princes and ministers on the road because of his candor, and they did not want Cen Chunxuan to stay with Cixi, so they made excuses Eight-nation allied forces When Shanxi was in an emergency, he sent Cen Chunxuan to Shanxi as governor. Cixi bade farewell in tears, and earmarked a million silver taels as its funds. [41] Cen Chunxuan's experience of serving the king made him a rising star in the politics of the late Qing Dynasty.

Ignorant and incompetent

In the political circles of the late Qing Dynasty, Cen Chunxuan was known as "ignorant and incompetent". Yuan Shikai "If you don't learn, you can learn." Zhang Zhidong "There is learning but no skill." upright "There is learning and skill." On its "do not learn", it is because of the early fopper rogue, debauchery of the capital, so as to return home to participate Imperial examinations When it was difficult to take the exam, so I found someone to take the exam for me A surname The fame of. There are two theories about the gunman who took the exam for Cen Chunxuan. The first one is that Liao Zhongyi, a Guilin senior, said in the Biography of Cen Chunxuan that he was an old man from Guilin Filial and incorruptible Hu Shiding, Hu Shiming brothers write exam papers, and buy the examination room personnel "buy involved in the field" to do its thing; The second saying is from the late Qing Dynasty famous scholars Yoo Sung (son of Cen Chunxuan's teacher Liu Jiushi) later recalled for Liu Ronghua, he said that Liu Jiushi was not only Cen Chunxuan's teacher, but also his father-in-law, so Cen Chunxuan could not take the exam and his son Liu Cheng, who was already a Jin scholar, took the exam for him. [42]
As for his "no art", it is generally understood that he acted recklessly and did not know the art of officialdom, so that in Ding Weizheng Chao Zhong was defeated by Prince Qing and Yuan Shikai. But historians Mulberry soldier By connecting Cen Chunxuan and Royalist Society It pointed out that Cen Chunxuan's "ignorance and lack of skills" was actually a misunderstanding, and he was probably a pawn lurking in the court of Kang Liang. Cen Chunxuan's true purpose of working diligently for the king might be to cooperate with Kang Liang's plan of "supporting the emperor", but he judged the situation and finally chose to rely on it Empress Dowager Cixi But continue to work with Kang Liang until Ding Weizheng Chao Until the fall. So Sang Bing thought, "Actually Yuan Shikai Although he is good at politics, Zhang Zhidong Also official even work, Cen Chunxuan under the surface of the rough, the same deep scheming, not simply rely on favor. ... In the late Qing Dynasty when official officials were corrupt and in the early Republic of China when the political situation was paradoxical, he went through changes and several ups and downs, and was always in the center of the vortex of power struggle. [36]

Photo event

The year 1907 Ding Weizheng Chao Cen Chunxuan this desire and minister of military aircraft Qu Hong 禨 Join hands to bring down Prince Khanh and Yuan Shikai Unexpectedly, it was calculated, was expelled from the capital, put out for Governors of Guangdong and Guangxi . Cen Chunxuan has not come to office, but is hibernating in Shanghai to spy on the opportunity. Yuan Shikai sent people to step up surveillance of Cen Chunxuan, must be removed quickly. Since Cen Chunxuan had always been close to Kang and Liang, Yuan Shikai's faction wanted to make an article from here. Just at this time, the revolutionary Party also did not want Cen Chunxuan to go to Guangdong, so the revolutionary Party Chen Shaobai He went to Shanghai with Yuan Shikai's cronies CAI Naihuang conspire [43] (It is also said that the governor of the two rivers upright Head the plot [44] ), produced a picture of Cen Chunxuan and Kang Youwei , Liang Qichao Wait for... Times The fake photos in front of the museum were presented by Prince Qing Empress Dowager Cixi . Cixi, who hated Kang Liang to the core, was silent for a long time after seeing the photo, and said disappointingly: "Chun Xuan is also negative for me through the party, and things in the world can really be expected!" Although, he bears me, I bear him! He may be allowed to retire." [44] After learning that he had been victimized by the composite photos, Cen bribed the eunuch, one of Cixi's closest associates Li Lianying To get help. Li Lianying let Cixi dress up Avalokitesvara , took a picture; He pretended to be Vaida He took another photo and finally called it a picture and presented it to Cixi, saying:" Karl Lagerfeld Why do you want your minions to do the same? It is evident that folk forgery, through the view of the court. In the past, photos such as Cen Chunxuan Kang Youwei would like to do the same." [43] Cixi's anger was relieved.

Interpersonal relationship

  • father : Cen Yuying
  • mother : Jiang
  • Elder brother : Cen Chunrong Guo Moruo Madam Yu Liqun His maternal grandfather) and Cen Chunxi
  • Younger brother : Cen Chunbing Cen Chunyin
  • wife : Liu Shi (daughter of Cen Chunxuan's teacher Liu Jiushi, died in 1903)
  • Concubine room : The Tang Family
  • son :
  • daughter :
    • Eldest daughter: Cen
    • Second daughter: Cen
    • Third woman: Cen Dezhen
    • Fourth female: Cen Dejing (third son of married Kang Youwei Kang Dong 篯 He had one son and two daughters, divorced in 1934, died in 2008)
    • Five women: Cen Demei (born in Shanghai, yes St. John's University The first female college student, once studied in the United States, after returning to China, married Deng Xizhi, chairman of Hong Kong Shili Trading Company, and had two daughters.

Major work

Cen Chunxuan's oral memoirs in his later years The music Zhai and the writing ", and Laoshan Taiqing Palace Taoist priest Han Taichu co-composed the famous qin melody "Mountains, seas and Clouds".
After Cen Chunxuan died, his old friend Li Genquan With Huang Yuanhan will Cen Chunxuan in National defense war and War to defend the law More than 700 telegrams, letters and manuscripts from the period were compiled into a collection, which was published in 1994 by Cen Chunxuan's daughter Cen Demei, and annotated by He Ping and Li Lu the following year. Guangxi People's Publishing House Be published as Cen Chunxuan collected works ". The collection also contains the book The music Zhai and the writing ", "Cen Chunxuan's Last Words", "Cen Chunxuan Annals" and other contents have important historical value for the study of Cen Chunxuan and modern Chinese history.

Film and television image

" Move towards republicanism "(2003 TV series), Hu Longyin Acting as Cen Chunxuan