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Communist Party of the USSR

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Proletarian party of the Soviet Union
The communist party of the Soviet union (Russian: К о м м н и с т и discusses some related problems е с seem а second П а р т и second С о kind guide е т с seem о f о С о ю з а), hereinafter referred to as the communist party (К П С С), is The Soviet Union the Proletarian party From 1922 to 1990 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics The only ruling party. Party by party Marxism-Leninism As a guiding ideology, it is the leading and guiding force of Soviet society and the core of the political system, state and social organization. [8-9]
On March 13, 1898, Russian Social Democratic Labour Party The first congress was held Minsk Be convened. On July 30, 1903, at the party's second Congress, the party split The Bolsheviks and Mensheviks Two factions. In January 1912, the Bolsheviks officially assumed the dominant position of the party [10] . It was launched by the Bolsheviks on November 7, 1917 October Revolution , establish Soviet power Officially became the only ruling party in Russia; The following year, it changed its name to the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). On December 30, 1922, he led the formation of the Soviet States The Soviet Union [11] . In 1925, the name was changed to All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik). In 1952, it was officially renamed the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In March 1990, The Third People's Congress of the Soviet Union The Constitution was amended to eliminate the sole leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union [12] . On November 6, 1991, Boris Yeltsin Officially announced the cessation of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Russian Federation All activities within the territory; A month later, the Soviet Union collapsed. [13]
By 1986, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union had about 19 million members; The party's official newspaper is the Pravda ", by the party directly under the youth organization Lenin Communist Youth League of the Soviet Union The pioneer organization is Lenin Young Vanguard of the Soviet Union . [1]
Chinese name
Communist Party of the USSR
Foreign name
A pin pin is a pin pin. A pin pin is a pin pin
Communist Party of the Soviet Union , The Bolshevik Party , Joint fabric
Home country
The Soviet Union
Establishment time
March 13, 1898
Dissolution time
November 6, 1991
Place of establishment
Minsk, Russian Empire (present-day Belarus)
Guiding ideology
Party newspaper
Youth organization
Lenin Communist Youth League of the Soviet Union
Vanguard organization
Lenin Young Vanguard of the Soviet Union
The first general secretary
Josef Vesalionovich Stalin (Prior to Stalin, the post was "Central secretary" and did not hold the highest party leadership position.)
Last general secretary
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev
Number of party members
About 19 million (1986)

Establishment process


Early stage

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
In 1883, Plekhanov was in Geneva Organized the first in Russia Marxism team Labor liberation society . In 1895, Lenin merged the Petersburg Marxist group into a unified one Political organization - Working class The Liberation Struggle Association, the initial realization of the integration of socialism with the workers' movement, marks Proletarian party The appearance of a bud.
In March 1898, the representatives of the associations of the Struggle for the Liberation of the working class in Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Yekaterinoslav, etc Minsk A meeting was held to announce the establishment of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. This meeting is known in history as the first congress of the party. It doesn't Work out The Party program, the Party constitution, and the members of the Central Committee elected at the meeting were soon all arrested by the Tsarist government, effectively failing to complete the historical task of building the party. In 1900, Lenin and Plekhanov Etc. Iskra The propaganda of Marxism. In 1901, Lenin published an article entitled "Where to Begin" proposing a specific plan for building the Party. In March 1902, Lenin, founder of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, published a book entitled "What to Do" to systematically explain the nature, role and basic principles of the Party, criticize and worship the spontaneity of the workers' movement, and deny the guidance and guidance of revolutionary theory Working class The establishment of an independent political party is necessary for the "economic faction" to create conditions for the establishment of a Marxist revolutionary party both ideologically and organizationally.
From July 30 to August 23, 1903, letters from all over Russia and the" Iskra The 43 official representatives of the editorial Board met first in Brussels and then in London for the 2nd Congress of the Social Democratic Labour Party. The meeting adopted the Party program and Constitution and elected them Party leadership The institution, which marks the organization of principles and programs of struggle and other aspects of the relationship Second International Period countries Social Democratic Party New and different political parties have emerged. Russian Social Democratic Labour Party The minimum programme is to lead the Russian working class and all working people bourgeoisie Democratic revolution, overthrowing the tsarist autocracy and establishing a democratic republic. The highest programme is the socialist revolution, the overthrow of the capitalist system and its implementation Dictatorship of the proletariat To build socialism and communism. At the Congress, serious disagreements arose over the founding principles of the party due to the discussion of the articles of the Party constitution, and in the election of the central leadership body, the formation of the Bolsheviks (majority) headed by Lenin and the new L. Martov (1873-1923) led Mensheviks The emergence of two factions within the party with opposing political views. [2]
Revolution of 1905
The first bourgeois-democratic revolution broke out in Russia in 1905. The Bolsheviks fought from 25 April to 10 May London The third Congress was held and the party's strategic line in the democratic revolution was drawn up under the auspices of Lenin. Mensheviks Hold a separate conference of delegates. The two different political factions, each with its own strategy, have in effect developed into separate political parties. The main content of the Bolshevik strategic line is: under the new historical conditions, the bourgeois democratic revolution in Russia must be led and supported by the proletariat Alliance of workers and peasants The liberal bourgeoisie was isolated and overthrown by armed uprising tsar Political power, the establishment of a provisional revolutionary government, the implementation of workers and peasants democracy dictatorship Carry the bourgeois democratic revolution to the end and in time transform it into Socialist revolution . Mensheviks The strategy of the revolution advocates that the leadership of the revolution should be handed over to the bourgeoisie, that the peasants should follow the bourgeoisie and that the end of the revolution should be The dictatorship of the bourgeoisie Oppose the immediate transformation to a socialist revolution. The Bolsheviks actively participated in and led the all-Russian General Political strike Moscow December armed uprising. For various reasons, the Russian Revolution of 1905-1907 failed.
After the defeat of the revolution
During the period of Stolypin's reaction after the failure of the revolution, two new opportunist factions emerged in the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party: the right party of cancelation, which advocated the abolition of the party's secret organizations and the transformation of the party into A legitimate party; Oppose all legal struggle and advocate a return to Duma The party groups and the left-leaning recalls who stopped working in legal organizations. The Bolsheviks opposed the false claims of the cancelationists and the recalls, combined the legal struggle with the secret struggle, won over and educated the masses, and fought for a new revolutionary upsurge. January 1912, in Bragg The 6th All-Russian Congress of the Party was held to purge the Menshevik faction from the party. The Bolsheviks officially became an independent political party.
During World War I
The First World War broke out in 1914, and the Bolshevik Party resolutely opposed this imperialist war pogrom Against the leaders of the Second International Social chauvinism And social pacifism, proposing to change imperialist war into Civil war "A slogan to make their own government lose the war. The February Revolution of 1917 overthrew Russia tsar The reactionary rule of the government, the establishment of engineers and soldiers representatives Soviet . The Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Bolshevik) took an active part in and led the revolution. As a result of the compromise between the Mensheviks, the Socialist-revolutionaries and the liberal bourgeoisie, the bourgeoisie was able to form a provisional government, resulting in the coexistence of two powers. Lenin published his book April outline The seventh National Conference of the Bolsheviks was convened to put forward in time a plan for peaceful development for the transition from the democratic revolution to the socialist revolution and the slogan "All power to the Soviets." The Sixth Party Congress, held from July 26 to August 3, formulated the policy of an armed uprising, the overthrow of the provisional government, and the realization of the socialist revolution. On 7 November (25 October), the Bolsheviks led the working class, united the peasants, and supported by soldiers in a socialist revolution, overthrew the bourgeois provisional government and established it Soviet power . October Revolution The victory, declared the first in the world Dictatorship of the proletariat The birth of the socialist country began the world historical process of transition from capitalism to socialism. [3]


Socialist transformation
From November 1917 to the first half of 1918, The Bolsheviks Lead the people against Russia Carry out preliminary socialist transformation and implement land nationalization It nationalized large industrial enterprises, banks, railways, foreign trade, and merchant fleets. The 7th Congress, held in March 1918, discussed and approved the signing of the Peace Treaty of Brest with Germany, withdrawing from the imperialist war and winning a brief respite for the Soviet regime. In March 1919, the 8th Congress adopted a new Party program (the second Party program), announcing the transformation of the "neutral middle peasants" into "a solid alliance with the middle peasants" and putting forward the task of building socialism. In 1918-1920 Civil War in Soviet Russia Period, practice War communism The policy, the establishment of a strong Red Army team, the armed intervention of 14 countries, the suppression of the rebellion of the White Guard, and the consolidation of Soviet power. After the end of the Civil War, the restoration of the national economy began, and the focus of the Party's work shifted to economic construction. At this time there was a debate within the party about the nature, position and role of the trade unions, for which Lenin gave a comprehensive account Socialist country The issue of the trade union, focusing on criticism Trotsky The argument ended with the wrong view of the party. [2]
New economic policy
In March 1921, the 10th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) was held and decided to withdraw from the war communism swerve New economic policy To replace the surplus grain collection system with a grain tax, allow private trade and private small enterprises, and implement the rent concession system. The Congress also adopted a resolution on the unity of the Party, prohibiting the activities of any faction within the party. On 3 April 1922, the 11th Central Committee of the Party was elected Josef Vesalionovich Stalin General Secretary of the Central Committee.
Debate on building socialism
Josef Vesalionovich Stalin
On January 21, 1924, Lenin Died. Soon after, the Communist Party of Russia (Bolshevik) launched a campaign The Soviet Union Whether a nation can be built socialism The argument. Most leaders, led by Stalin, believed in relying on Alliance of workers and peasants The power of The Soviet Union Can be built Socialist society , criticized Lev Davidovich Trotsky The opposition. In December 1925, the 14th Congress proposed to implement Socialist industrialization The policy was criticized Grigori Yevseyevich Zinoviev , Lev Borisovich Kamenev For the new opposition, see the dispute over trade unions in the Party of the Russian Communist Party (B). In June 1926, he criticized Trotsky-zinoviev Alliance . In order to meet the needs of industrialization, the 15th Congress was implemented in December 1927 Agricultural collectivization The resolution of... On the timing and steps of collectivization of agriculture, the extraordinary measures taken to purchase grain, and the attitude towards the kulaks, Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin Others put forward a different opinion. Then, in January 1929, criticism began Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin , Alexey Ivanovich Rykov . From 1928 to 1932, the first five-year Plan was implemented. In 1930, the 16th Congress was held, declaring it to be "the congress of socialism to launch a large-scale offensive on all fronts, to eliminate the kulaks and to achieve total collectivization." It was adopted by the 8th Extraordinary Congress of the All-Union Soviets in December 1936 Constitution of the Soviet Union Declare the victory of socialism. In 1939, the 18th Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, and the task of completing the construction of a socialist society and the transition to communism and strengthening national defense was put forward.
After Lenin's death, the normal democratic principles of the CPB were not destroyed, as some bourgeois scholars claimed, and in order to discredit socialism, the bourgeois scholars falsely claimed that perhaps as many as 20 million innocent cadres and people had been killed. In terms of foreign relations, it is not like the so-called "big party and Great power chauvinism Style of work ".
From 1941 to 1945, the CPB led the people of all ethnic groups in the Union to fight against German fascist aggression, effectively organized the wartime economy, and won the great victory of the Great Patriotic War. After the war, efforts were made to heal war wounds, restore and develop the national economy, and socialist construction began a new upsurge.

The second half of the 20th century

A poster of friendship between the Soviet Union and China
Stalin died on March 5, 1953. In October, the 19th Congress was held to discuss the Fifth five-year Plan for the development of the Soviet Union (1951-1955), revise the Party constitution, and change its name to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In July the plenum expelled Zhang P. Beria from the party and executed him in December of the same year. In September, Nikita Khrushchev was elected First Secretary of the Central Committee and began to adjust agricultural policy. At the 20th Congress held in February 1956, Khrushchev made a secret report on the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences, severely criticizing Stalin for abusing power, undermining the rule of law, encouraging the cult of personality, and violating the law Collective leadership Principles and other errors. The secret report failed to provide a comprehensive historical assessment of Stalin's achievements and failures, to identify the root causes of the errors and to draw lessons to be learned. tide . Due to the seriousness of the situation, in June of the same year, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union made a resolution on Overcoming the Cult of Personality and its consequences, analyzing the causes, characteristics, essence and consequences of the cult of personality, and affirming Stalin Due history exploits . The plenary session of the Central Committee in June 1957 will consist of M. Malenkov, M. Molotov, M. W. Kaganovich and others were expelled from the Central Committee as an "anti-party group." In October 1961, the 22nd Congress adopted a new Party program (the third Party program), which declared that the Soviet Union had become a state of the whole people and the CPSU had become a party of the whole people, and proposed that the Soviet Union should be basically completed by the early 1980s Communist society The task of... In October 1964, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union relieved Khrushchev of his post as the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Brezhnev succeeded him (later renamed General Secretary).
Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev
Since 1965, the new economic system has been piloted, emphasizing the improvement of the scientific level of planning and the expansion of the economic power of enterprises. In March 1971, the 24th Congress declared that the Soviet Union had "built a developed socialist society". In 1973, the industrial management organization was restructured nationwide, the management system of 2 to 3 levels was implemented, and various joint companies were established. In 1977, a new constitution was enacted. In 1979, changes to the new economic system began. He pursued hegemonism in foreign relations and sent troops in August 1968 in the name of defending the achievements of socialism Czechoslovakia . Since 1969, armed conflicts have occurred along the Sino-Soviet border. In December 1978, he supported the armed invasion of Vietnam Cambodia . Armed occupation in December 1979 Afghanistan .
On November 10, 1982, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev Died, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov ren General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR . He stressed that the strategic tasks of the CPSU in the last decades of the 20th century were well-developed socialism , while The Soviet Union We are at the beginning of this long historical phase. February 9, 1984 Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov Died, T. T. Chernenko General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR He died on 10 March 1985. 11th Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev Be elected as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR .
On October 15, 1985, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union adopted the new revised draft of the Third Party Program, critically re-recognizing the formulations in the original program that have not stood the test of time, and proposing that the current task of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is to improve it in a planned and comprehensive way on the basis of accelerating the social and economic development of the Soviet Union socialism So that Soviet society can continue to communism Step forward. In 1986, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union held its 27th Congress, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev In the report of the General Assembly, the words "developing socialism "Instead" built Advanced socialism He proposed an "acceleration strategy" and a policy of "radical reform."
1990 Soviet Union Multi-party system The Communist Party of the Soviet Union is no longer The Soviet Union The only legal political party.
The CPSU had 18.11 million members (1983), and the party's official newspaper was the Pravda Party periodicals include "The Communist" and "Party Life." [4]

Organizational structure

The highest organ of power in the CPSU is its Congress (All-Union Party Congress), which is held every one to five years, depending on the historical era, except in 1939-1952 when it was not held. The Party Congress elects the Central Committee, which elects the Political Bureau. The general secretary, chosen by the Politburo under Stalin, became the top party post. In 1952, the title of "General Secretary" was changed to "First Secretary", and the "Political Bureau" was renamed "Presidium" until 1966 Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev The period was changed back to the old name.
In theory, the highest organ of power within the party is the All-Union Party Congress, but in practice all executive power is held by the general secretary of the party.
The leading organs of the lower party organizations are the Party committees (Party committees) at all levels. The Party committee is headed by an elected "party secretary." Enterprises, institutions and collective farms also have their own party committees. The high-level party committee has the corresponding abbreviation: the district Party committee at the district level, the state Party committee at the state level (formerly known as the provincial Party Committee), and the municipal Party committee.
The lowest organizational unit of the Party is called the "grass-roots unit of the Party," or the "Party group." A Party group shall be established in any unit with more than three party members. The leading organ of the Party group is called the "grass-roots committee" (Party bureau), and the grass-roots committee is led by an elected grass-roots Party secretary (Party Bureau secretary).
In smaller party groups, the secretary is often a staff member of the factory, school, hospital, etc. Larger party organizations are often headed by a "off-duty secretary" whose salary is paid by party dues.
Party member
In the early days of the Soviet Union, party members were representatives of advanced nature Working class The vanguard of... But after the mid-20th century, the party emerged revisionism Membership in the party became a privilege, and a small part of the general rank and file became an elite or privileged class in Soviet society, enjoying special privileges that were not available to the general population of Soviet citizens, such as the ability to shop in well-stocked stores, buy foreign goods, receive special care in housing, enjoy summer homes or resorts in the suburbs, and travel abroad. Send their children to elite schools, so that their children can get good job opportunities (including joining the party itself) and so on. It was practically impossible to enter the Soviet ruling and administrative elite without joining the Communist Party.
Party membership is not disclosed. Party membership must be approved by various committees, and personal history is scrutinized. In the growing up of the generations born after the founding of the Soviet Union, joining the party became one of several life stages that individuals typically passed through. Kiddie join Young Pioneers He withdrew at the age of 14 The Communist Youth League Finally, as an adult, you can become a member of the Communist Party itself if you uphold and obey the Party rules and regulations. But party members also have a duty to do their duty. The members of the Communist Youth League and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union must pay the membership fee, and also complete the assigned tasks and social work.
In 1918 the CPSU had about 200,000 members. In the late 1920s, under Stalin, the CPSE launched a massive recruitment campaign (" Lenin recruitment ") of new members from the working class and rural areas in an attempt to "proletarianize" the party, while Stalin also attempted to outnumber the old The Bolsheviks To reduce their influence and strengthen their position.
In 1925 the Soviet Union had 1,025,000 party members out of 147 million people. In 1927, the number of party members rose to 1,200,000 after an intensive admission campaign.
By 1933, the party had 3.5 million members, but after the Great Purge in 1939 it had fallen to 1.9 million. In 1989, the number of members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was 19 million, about 10% of the adult population of the Soviet Union. More than 44% of the party members are industrial workers and 12% are collective-farm workers. Cpsu 15 in the Soviet Union Joining republic Fourteen of them have local party organizations. But in Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Until 1990, there was no independent party organization, and party affairs were directly handled by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
President of Russia Putin Visited Moscow on June 13, 2013 Jewish Museum According to the Center for Tolerance, the first Soviet government was made up of 80-85% Jews.

Successive leaders

People's committee Chairman: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin [5] Term: November 8, 1917 - January 21, 1924. On November 30, 1918, All-russian Central Executive Committee Decide to stand Workers' and Peasants' Defence Committee Lenin was appointed Chairman [7] )
General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee [6] : Josef Vesalionovich Stalin . In April 1922, at the first meeting of the newly elected Central Committee of the 11th Congress of the Party, he was elected general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Bolshevik) [6] After Lenin's death in January 1924, Stalin gradually became the main leader of the Soviet Party and state [6] In 1941, he also served as Chairman of the People's Council of the Soviet Union (renamed Chairman of the Council of Ministers since 1946). [6] He died on 5 March 1953 [6] .
First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev (Term: September 7, 1953 - October 14, 1964)
General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (Term: October 14, 1964 - November 10, 1982)
General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov (Term: November 12, 1982 - February 9, 1984)
General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: Konstantin Ustinovitch Chernenko (Term: February 13, 1984 - March 10, 1985)
General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (Term: March 11, 1985 - August 24, 1991)

Every Party congress

Every Party congress
Seventh Extraordinary Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Eighth Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Ninth Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Tenth Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Eleventh Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
12th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
13th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
14th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik)
15th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik)
16th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik)
17th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik)
The 18th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik)
21st Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Twenty-third Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Twenty-fourth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Twenty-fifth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Twenty-sixth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Twenty-seventh Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Twenty-eighth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Reference materials:

Chronicle of Events

The year 1917 October Revolution After the victory, the Bolshevik Party led the masses of workers and peasants and the Red Army to victory over the foreign armed interventionists and the domestic reactionary forces and consolidated Soviet The regime.
In March 1919, the "Eighth National Congress" of the Party adopted the second Party program and proposed the following principles capitalism Task of transition to socialism.
In March 1921, the Party's "Ten Largest Congress" decided to shift from wartime communism to practice New economic policy , with a grain tax instead Surplus grain collection system Private trade and small enterprises are allowed, and individual enterprises are leased to foreign capitalists. The Congress also passed a resolution on the unity of the Party, prohibiting the activities of any faction within the party.
The 11th Central Committee of the Party was elected in April 1922 Joseph Visalionovich Stalin General Secretary of the Central Committee.
On January 21, 1924, Lenin ( Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov ) Passed away. Soon, the party began to debate whether socialism could be built in the Soviet Union. The leaders, led by Stalin, believed that socialism could be built in the Soviet Union by relying on the strength of the alliance of workers and peasants, while the Trotskyists advocated the so-called "constant revolution" and said that the core of the "world revolution" lay in the "European Union", the Stalinist union Bukharin He criticized the Trotskyists.
In 1925, the Party's "14th National Congress" proposed the implementation Socialist industrialization The policy of...
In 1927, the Fifteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the policy of collectivization of agriculture.
1936 All-League Soviet The Eighth Extraordinary Congress adopted the Constitution of the Soviet Union, declaring that socialism had been established in the Soviet Union.
From 1941 to 1945, he led the opposition of the Soviet people Fascism The greatness of Great Patriotic War And won.
In March 1953 Stalin Died.
In 1952, the 19th Party Congress amended the Party Constitution, and the all-Union Communist Party was renamed the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
The Plenum election was held in September 1953 Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev First Secretary of the Central Committee.
In February 1956, the "Twenty Congresses" were held. Khrushchev write About the cult of personality and its consequences The secret report criticized Stalin for abusing power, undermining the rule of law, and encouraging Personality cult Violate the principle of collective leadership. The secret report failed to provide a comprehensive historical assessment of Stalin's achievements and failures, to identify the root causes of mistakes and to draw lessons to be learned.
In 1961, the "22nd National Congress" adopted the third Party program, declaring that the Soviet Union, as a state under the dictatorship of the proletariat, had become a state of the whole people and that the CPSU had become a party of the whole people.
In October 1964, the Central Committee Plenum removed Khrushchev from the post of First secretary and elected him Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev for First secretary (Renamed General Secretary since 1966).
In 1971, the Party's "twenty-fourth National Congress" declared that the Soviet Union had built a developed socialist society.
November 10, 1982 Brezhnev Died,
November 12, 1982 Extraordinary Plenum election of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov As General Secretary.
On February 9, 1984, Andropov Died,
February 13, 1984 Extraordinary plenum election of the CPC Central Committee Konstantin Ustinovitch Chernenko As General Secretary.
On March 10, 1985, Chernenko Died,
March 11, 1985 Extraordinary plenum election of the CPC Central Committee Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev As General Secretary.
In 1986, the Twenty-seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union adopted the revised version of the Third Party Program, which stated that the task of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was to improve local socialism in a planned and comprehensive way on the basis of accelerating social and economic development in the Soviet Union, so that Soviet society would continue to advance toward communist society. In his report to the Congress, Gorbachev replaced the reference to "entering developed socialism" with the reference to "building developed socialism" and proposed the policy of "accelerating strategy" and carrying out "radical reforms".
The 19th Party representative in 1988 Conference resolution It is pointed out that the Party advocates the complete abandonment of the ultra vires replacement of organs of state power and administrative organs, and the abandonment of those retained by the Party committee for decades that do not belong to it Administrative function The practice.
After 1989, the party emerged the "Democratic program" and "unity, striving for realization. Leninism And Communist ideals "All Soviet Society and other factions. In July 1990, the "twenty-eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union" adopted the programmatic statement "Towards humane and democratic Socialism."
By the beginning of 1989, the CPSU had 19.488 million members. The central organ is the" Pravda The party periodicals are "Communists" and "Party Life".
1991 Soviet Union" August 9 incident "After the Russian president Boris Yeltsin The "Order on the suspension of the activities of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation" was signed on 23 August.
On August 24, 1991, Gorbachev Issued a statement announcing his resignation General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union He recommended that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union "dissolve itself" and that "the fate of the Communist Parties of the Republic and local party organizations be decided by themselves."
On the same day, he also issued an order to stop the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and political movements in the Soviet Armed forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and National Security Council And the activities of other law protection organs, railway forces, other military units and state organs.
On August 29, the extraordinary session of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union adopted a resolution to "suspend the activities of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union throughout the territory of the Soviet Union." In this case, the Communist parties of the participating republics were either suspended or banned from their activities, or were forced to dissolve themselves, or to rebuild new parties on the basis of the Communist Party, and some Communist parties were even declared illegal. Thus, the unified Communist Party of the Soviet Union practically ceased to exist.
In 1993, the former regional organizations of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union were reorganized into the "Union of Communist Parties - Communist Party of the Soviet Union".

The Party Constitution

Constitution of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (adopted by the 17th Congress on the 1st of 1934)
The All-Soviet Communist Party (Bolsheviks), a branch of the Comintern, is the advanced organised arm of the Soviet proletariat and its highest form of class organisation.
The Party leads the proletariat, the working peasants and all the working masses for consolidation Dictatorship of the proletariat And struggle for the victory of socialism.
The Party leads all organs of the dictatorship of the proletariat and ensures the successful building of socialist society.
The Party is proletarian, conscious and iron discipline A unified fighting organization combined. The strength of the Party is due to its unity of will and action, and it does not tolerate violations of the Party program, violations of Party discipline, or the formation of factional groups within the Party.
The Party requires its members to work actively and selflously for the realization of the Party programme and Constitution, for the implementation of all decisions of the Party and its organs, for the unity of the Party ranks, for the consolidation of the working people of all nationalities of the Soviet Union and with the whole world proletarian The relationship between fraternal internationalism.
Act 1
Article one
Anyone who recognizes the Party program, works in one of the Party organizations, makes decisions and pays membership fees may be a Party member.
Article 2
Party members have the following obligations:
1. Strictly abide by the Party discipline Actively participate in internal and internal political life, earnestly implement Party policies and resolutions of Party organs,
(2) Strive to raise their consciousness, understand the foundations of Marxism-Leninism, understand the Party's important political and organizational resolutions and explain them to the non-Party masses
(3) As a member of the ruling party of the Soviet State, one should observe Labour discipline and state discipline in an exemplary manner, be proficient in one's own business and constantly improve one's technical or professional capacity for production.
Article 3
Admission of party members can only be done on an individual basis. New party members are admitted from among those who have gone through the prescribed preparatory period, have received preliminary political education, and are well versed in the Party program and Constitution.
When accepting workers, collective farmers, Red Army soldiers, students and employees of groups of sympathizers, Soviets, trade unions, Communist youth leagues, co-operatives, women's congresses, and other organizations with excellent performance to join the Party, the opinion of the organization to which the comrade belongs, past or present, shall be sought.
The procedures for accepting a probationary party member as a full party member are as follows;
(1) Four categories:
(1) Industrial workers with more than five years of service; (2) Industrial workers, agricultural workers, laborers, members of the Red Army from collective farms, and engineers and technicians directly involved in workshops or sections of work with less than five years of service; (3) members of collective farms, handicraft unions and teachers of primary schools; (4) Other staff.
(2) To join the Party, a person in the first category must be introduced by three Party members with five years of party experience; The second category of people to join the Party, must have five members of the Party for five years to introduce; The third type of person to join the party must have five party members of five years of age and the representative of the political department of the machine tractor station or the district committee; The fourth category of people to join the Party, must have ten years of party members five introducers.
Note: Receiving belongs to the above categories The Communist Youth League When members join the Party, the introduction of the District Committee of the Leninist Communist Youth League of the Soviet Union is equal to the introduction of two party members.
(3) A person who has left other political parties may be admitted to the Party only in exceptional circumstances and must be introduced by five members (three members who have been in the party for ten years and two members who joined the Party before the revolution) and, irrespective of his social status, must be approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union (Communist Party of the Union) through the grass-roots organization of the production unit.
Note: The Central Committee may authorize individual regional and provincial party committees and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic to give final approval to those who have left other political parties to join the Party.
(4) Before accepting party members, they should review and submit a letter of introduction, which is borne by the local Party committee
(5) The question of Party membership Primary party organization The preliminary examination shall be decided by the general Assembly of the Party organization and shall become effective upon approval by the Party Committee: the first and second categories shall be approved by the district or city committee, and the third and fourth categories shall be approved by the provincial or border district committee or the minor Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China.
(6) Young people under the age of 20 must be members of the Leninist Communist Youth League of the Soviet Union in order to join the Party.
Article 4
The introducer shall be responsible for the introducer, and if the introducer is reckless, he shall be punished by Party discipline, up to and including expulsion from the Party.
Article 5
When a probationary member becomes a full member, his or her party age shall be counted from the date on which the general assembly of the primary Party organization to which he or she belongs adopts him or her as a full member.
Article 6
Any member of one Party organization who moves to the area of work of another party organization shall be counted as a member of the latter organization.
Note: The transfer of a Party member from one organization to another shall be handled in accordance with the regulations laid down by the Central Committee of the CPB.
Article 7
Party members and probationary members who do not pay their membership dues within three months without a valid reason are considered to have resigned from the Party, but should be announced at a general meeting of all Party members of the grass-roots organization.
Article VIII
The question of expulsion from the Party shall be decided by the general assembly of the primary Party organization to which the member belongs, and shall be approved by the corresponding Party committee: the first and second categories shall be approved by the provincial or border district committee, the third and fourth categories shall be approved by the district or city committee, and the expulsion shall be decided by the general assembly or Party committee of the Party organization Party membership On that date, Party work shall be revoked. The name of the expelled Party member shall be published in the Party press, together with the reasons for his expulsion.
The ninth article
The Central Committee of the CPB shall periodically adopt resolutions to systematically purge the following elements from the Party:
Class dissenters and enemies;
Deceiving the Party, concealing his true views from the Party, or undermining the Party's policies double-dealer Molecule;
Elements who openly or covertly undermine the iron discipline of the Party and State;
with bourgeoisie Molecular collusion of degenerate molecules;
Careerist, egoist and bureaucracy Molecule;
Members of moral depravity, members of misconduct that undermines the prestige of the Party, or members of dishonor the flag of the Party;
Negative elements who fail to fulfill their obligations as Party members and fail to understand the Party's program, Constitution and important resolutions;
Act 2
Article ten
All those who wish to join the Party must go through a preparatory period, the purpose of which is to give probationary members a practical understanding of the Party's programme, constitution and tactics, and to examine their personal qualities.
Article 11
The procedures for accepting probationary party members (classification, introduction requirements, review of references, organizational decisions, approval by the Party committee) are exactly the same as those for accepting full Party members.
Article 12
The preparatory period is stipulated as follows: one year for persons in the first category and two years for persons in the second, third and fourth categories.
Note: A person who leaves another political party, regardless of his social status, must undergo a three-year preparatory period.
Article 13
Probationary party members shall have the right to speak at meetings organized by their districts.
Article 14
Probationary members pay ordinary dues to the local party committee Party membership dues . [2]
Act 3
Article 15
In order to organize the non-Party activists who are closest to the Party and who, in practical work, have demonstrated their loyalty to the Party, but who have not yet fully met the conditions for joining the Party, a group of sympathizers of the Party must be established under the grass-roots organization of the Party, whose members must unconditionally obey all the decisions of the Party organs.
Article 16
The admission of members of the sympathizer group must be decided by the political departments of factories, organs and other Party committees, machine and tractor stations, state farms and railway transport systems, with the introduction of two party members.
Article 17
Members of the group of sympathizers must attend all public meetings of the Party and have a voice at them; The resolutions of the Party and the government must be actively implemented; We must constantly strive to improve our political and ideological level under the leadership of Party organizations.
Act Four
Article 18
The guiding principle of the Party's organizational structure is Democratic centralism That is to say:
(1) All leading organs of the Party are elected from top to bottom;
(2) Party organs regularly report their work to their own Party organizations;
(3) Strictly observe Party discipline; Majority rule ;
(4) The organs at lower levels and all Party members shall absolutely obey the resolutions of the organs at higher levels.
Article 19
The Party is established on the basis of democratic centralism in accordance with the principle of region and production: the Party organization in charge of a given region is a superior organization to the Party organizations in each part of the region; The Party organization in charge of the entire production department or administrative department is the superior organization for the Party organization in each part of this department.
Article 20
All Party organizations have the power to make their own decisions on local issues, but these decisions must not contradict the Party's decisions.
Article 21
The highest leading organ of each Party organization is Party members' meeting , delegate conference or congress.
Article 22
Party committees are elected by Party members' congresses, congresses of delegates, or congresses, which are their executive organs and direct all the daily work of the Party organization.
Article 23
The party Organizational system As follows
(1) In the whole of the Soviet Union, the National Congress - the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union (Bolshevik);
(2) In a province, a border region, or a republic, it is a provincial congress, a border region congress, a congress of the Communist Party of the People's Republic -- a provincial committee, a border region committee, or the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic;
(3) In a city or district, it is a city representative meeting or district representative meeting -- a city committee or district committee;
(4) In enterprises, factories, collective farms, machinery and tractor stations, Red Army units, and organs, there are Party members' congresses and delegates' meetings of the grass-roots Party organizations - grass-roots Party committees (factory party committees, Party committees of the Red Army units, etc.).
Article 24
The order of subordination, work reports, and all Party resolutions (from superior to subordinate) is as follows: National Congress, Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, provincial and border region congresses, congresses or congresses of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, provincial and border region committees, Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, city and district congresses, city and district committees, etc.
Article 25
In order to carry out practical work to realize the party indicate To examine the implementation of these resolutions by the Soviet economic organs and lower party organizations, and to establish complete departments in charge of production operations under the provincial committees, the border district committees, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union (Communist Party).
Established under the Central Committee of the CPB:
(1) Ministry of Agriculture, (2) Ministry of Industry, (3) Ministry of Transport, (4) Ministry of Planning, Finance and Trade, (5) Ministry of Political Administration, (6) Ministry of Leadership of the Party, (7) Ministry of Culture and Leninist Propaganda, (8) Marx Friedrich Engels The Lenin Institute. There are also two locations. Namely, the Services Management Service and the Secretariat.
In the provincial committee, the border Committee and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic
Established under:
(1) the Ministry of Agriculture, (2) the Ministry of Industry and Transport, (3) the Ministry of Soviet Trade, (4) the Ministry of Culture and Leninist Propaganda, (5) the Ministry of Party Leadership (municipal and district) and the Secretariat.
Each production and business department centralized leadership of all Party work in that department: leadership Organizational work of the party The allocation and training of cadres, mass agitation, production and propaganda, and supervision over the implementation of Party resolutions by the relevant Soviet organs, economic organs and Party organizations.
Article 26
After the establishment of each Party organization with final approval, it shall have the right to obtain its own seal, provided that it must obtain the approval of the Party organization at a higher level concerned.
Chapter Five
Article 27
The highest organ of the Party is the Congress. The regular congress shall be convened at least once every three years. Extraordinary congresses are convened by the Central Committee on the basis of a decision of the Central Committee or at the request of more than one-third of all Party members represented at the last Party Congress. The convening and agenda of the Party congress shall be announced at least one and a half months before the congress is convened. The extraordinary Congress shall be convened within two months.
A congress shall be considered valid only if the number of party members represented by the delegates attending the congress is not less than half of the total number of Party members represented at the last periodic Congress.
The number of delegates to a Party congress is determined by the Central Committee.
Article 28
If the Central Committee fails to convene the extraordinary congress within the time limit prescribed in Article 27, the organizations requesting the convening of the extraordinary Congress shall have the right to set up an organizational committee to exercise the functions and powers of the Central Committee in convening the extraordinary Congress.
Article 29
The Congress:
(1) To hear and approve the concluding reports of the Central Committee, the Party's Supervisory Commission, the Central Inspection Commission, and other organizations of the Central Committee.
(2) Re-examining and revising the Party Program and Constitution;
(3) to decide on the Party's strategic line on the basic issues of its policy before the present day;
(4) To elect the Central Committee, the Party's Supervisory Commission and the Central Inspection Commission, and to submit candidates for the Soviet Supervisory Commission to the Central Executive Committee and the People's Committee of the Soviet Union for approval.
Article 30
The Central Committee and other central organizations shall be elected according to the number of seats prescribed by the Congress. The vacancy of a Central Committee member shall be filled by alternate members elected by the Congress in the order prescribed by the Congress.
Article 31
Central Committee plenary meetings at least every four months convene Once. Alternate members of the Central Committee shall attend plenary meetings of the Central Committee and have the right to speak.
Article 32
Establishment of the Central Committee: Politburo - responsible for political work; Organization Bureau - general leadership responsible for organizational work; Secretariat - Responsible for daily organizational work and executive work.
Article 33
Between the two congresses, the Central Committee directs all the work of the Party, carries out relations on behalf of the Party with other political parties, organizations and organs, establishes Party organs and directs their work, designates editorial units of central organs working under its own supervision to approve the appointment of editors of Party organs in large local organizations, and organizes and administers undertakings of national significance. To allocate the Party's manpower and financial resources and to administer the Central Accounting Office.
The Central Committee directs the work of the central Soviet and trade union organizations through their party groups.
Article 34
In order to strengthen Bolshevik leadership and political work, the Central Committee has the right to set up political departments in the backward socialist construction departments of particular importance to the national economy and the country as a whole, to appoint party members of the Central Committee and, after the political departments have completed their surprise tasks, to transform them into ordinary party organs established on the principles of production and region.
The functions and powers of the Political Department are equivalent to those of the Party Committee of this production unit, and are directly led by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union (Bolshod) through the central production and business departments or special general Political departments and political departments.
Article 35
The Central Committee regularly informs Party organizations at all levels of its work.
Article 36
The Party's Supervisory Commission:
(1) To supervise the implementation of the resolutions of the Central Committee of the Party and the Communist Party of the Union (Bolshod);
(2) to try those who violate Party discipline;
(3) To try those who violate the Party's morals.
Article 37
(1) Whether the central organs of the Party are handling their affairs promptly and correctly, and whether the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the United States (Communist Party of the People's Republic of China) is conducting its work normally; (2) The Accounting department and various undertakings of the Central Committee of the CPB.
Act 6
Article 38
Province, border region, republique The highest organ of the Party organization is the provincial or border district Party Congress or the Congress of the Communist Party of the People's Republic, and in between the two meetings are the provincial or border district committee and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic. They work in accordance with the general resolutions of the all-Soviet Communist Party and its leading organs. [2]
Article 39
The regular congresses of the border regions and provinces or the regular congresses of the Communist Party of the People's Republic shall be convened by the border region and provincial committees and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic once every one and a half years; Extraordinary congresses or congresses are convened on the basis of a decision of the regional or provincial committee, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic or at the request of one third of all the members of the organization under the jurisdiction of the regional, provincial or Republic.
The number of deputies to the border region and provincial congresses and the congress of the Communist Party of the People's Republic shall be prescribed by the border region and provincial committees and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic.
The regional and provincial congresses and the Congress of the Communist Party of the Belgians Republic shall hear and approve the summary reports of the regional and provincial committees, the Central Committee and the Inspection Committee of the Communist Party of the National Republic and other organs of the regional and provincial bodies, and shall discuss questions concerning the work of the Party, Soviets, economy and trade unions of the regional, provincial or national republics; The election of border district committees, provincial committees (in the Republic of the election of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the National Republic), inspection committees and attendance The National Congress of the Party On behalf of...
Article 40
The regional and provincial committees, as well as the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic, shall establish equivalent executive bodies to deal with the daily work, with no more than eleven members, and shall elect two secretaries, the first and the second, with the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. The secretary must have at least 12 years of party experience.
Article 41
The border and provincial Party committees and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic establish various Party organs within the border, provincial and republic areas, direct their work, designate editorial departments of Party organs and newspapers in the border and provincial areas that work under their supervision, direct Party groups in non-party organizations, organize and administer undertakings of provincial, border and Republic significance, To allocate the Party's human and financial resources within the organization and administer the Party's accounting offices in the border regions, provinces and republics.
Article 42
The plenary meetings of the regional and provincial committees and the Central Committee of the National Republican Party shall be held at least once every three months.
Article 43
The Party organizations of the border regions and of the national and other provinces under the jurisdiction of the Republic, as well as of the autonomous Republic, work under the leadership of the Committee of the Border Regions and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the National Republic and establish their internal life in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI of the Party Constitution concerning the organizations of the border regions, provinces and republics.
Act 7
Article 44
The municipal or district Party representatives' meeting shall be convened by the municipal or district committee at least once a year; The extraordinary representative meeting shall be convened according to the decision of the municipal or district committee or at the request of one-third of all party members of the municipal or district Party organization under its jurisdiction.
The municipal and district congresses hear and approve the summary reports of the municipal and district committees, inspection committees and other municipal and district organs, and elect the municipal and district committees, inspection committees and deputies to the border district and provincial congresses or the congress of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China.
Article 45
The clerk of the City committee must have ten years Party standing , the Secretary of a District committee must have seven years of party experience. Secretaries of municipal and district committees shall be approved by the provincial committee, the border district Committee or the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China.
Article 46
Municipal and district party committees elect standing committees of five to seven members, organize and approve primary Party organizations in enterprises, state farms, machine and tractor stations, collective farms and organs, register members, set up various municipal and district Party organs and direct their work, and appoint editors of municipal and district Party organs whose work is carried out under their leadership and supervision. To lead Party groups in organizations other than the Party; to organize undertakings of city-wide or district-wide significance; to allocate Party manpower and financial resources within the city or district; to administer the municipal or district Party accounting offices. The municipal and district committees report their work to the border and provincial committees and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China within the time limit and in the form prescribed by the Central Committee.
Article 47 [2]
In large cities, with the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union (Bolshod), district organizations under the municipal committee are established.
Act 8
Article 48
The Party's primary organization is the foundation of the Party. In factories, state farms and other economic enterprises, in collective farms, in machine and tractor stations, in the units of the Red Army, in villages and government offices, wherever there are three or more Party members, grass-roots Party organizations shall be formed. In enterprises, collective farms and institutions with less than three party members, groups of probate party members or mixed groups of party members and Communist Youth League members are set up, headed by a party organiser designated by a district committee, a city committee or a political department. Primary-level Party organizations shall be approved by district committees, city committees or equivalent political departments.
Article 49
Large enterprises, organs, collective farms, etc., with a large number of Party members (from one hundred to three thousand or more) may, with the individual approval of district committees, city committees and equivalent political departments, set up Party organizations in workshops, sections, departments, etc., within the grass-roots Party organizations of all units, including the entire enterprise, organ, etc. In the workshop, workshop and other levels of organization, it can also be established in accordance with the enterprise's work team, unit working group and so on.
Article 50
The grass-roots Party organizations connect the masses of workers and peasants with the leading organs of the Party. Its mission is to:
(1) To carry out agitation and organization among the masses to realize the Party's slogans and resolutions;
(2) To recruit sympathizer groups and new party members and provide them with political education;
(3) To assist the district committee, the city committee or the political Department in the daily organization and agitation work;
(4) To mobilize the masses of enterprises, state farms, collective farms, etc., to complete production plans, to strengthen Labour discipline and to carry out shock campaigns;
(5) To combat laxity and mismanagement in enterprises, state farms and collective farms, and to give constant attention to improving the living conditions of workers and collectivists;
(6) As a party organ, actively participate in the economic and political life of the Gu family
Article 51
The primary party organization elects a Party committee (factory party committee, etc.) with no more than 11 members to handle daily work for a term of one year; Workshop organizations elect Party organizers, who are approved by the committee of the Party's grass-roots organization.
In a Party organization with fewer than fifteen members and probationary members, no Party committee shall be established and only Party organizational members shall be elected. In primary-level Party committees with no more than a hundred members, Party work is usually performed by functionaries who are not divorced from production. In a Party committee with a membership of a thousand, two or three paid staff members who have left production should be employed. In Party committees with three thousand or more members, four or five comrades who have left production should serve.
The secretary of the committee of the primary Party organization must have at least three years of party experience, and the party organization member must have two years of Party experience.
Act 9
Article 52
In the Red Army, the Red Navy and the air Force, the overall leadership of the Party's work consists of Workers' and peasants' Red Army The General Political Department is responsible, and the General Political Department of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army exercises the functions and powers of the Central Military Department of the Communist Party of the United States (Communist Party of the People's Republic of China). The General Political Department of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army exercises leadership through its appointed political departments, political commissars, and Party committees elected by the congresses of the Party's troops at all levels.
Party organizations in the Red Army, Navy and Air Force carry out their work in accordance with special instructions approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union (Communist Party of the Union).
Article 53 [3]
The director of the political department of a military region, fleet or army must have ten years of party experience, and the director of the political department of a division or brigade must have six years of Party experience.
Article 54
The political organs must maintain close contact with the local party committees through the regular participation of the leaders of the political organs and political commissars (political work assistants) in the local party committees, which regularly receive reports from the heads of the political organs and political commissars (political work assistants) on the political work of the armed forces.
Act 10
Article 55
In all congresses and meetings of non-Party Soviets, trade unions, co-operatives and other mass organizations, and in elected bodies, where there are three or more members, a Party group shall be formed. The task of a Party group is to strengthen the influence of the Party in all aspects, to carry out Party policies among the non-party masses, to strengthen the iron discipline of the Party and of the Soviets, to combat bureaucracy, To check the implementation of Party and Soviet directives.
The Party group elects a secretary to serve as a daily deputy.
Article 56
Regardless of its role, the leading Party groups are fully subordinate to the leadership of the equivalent party organizations, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the United States (Communist Party of the Republic), the border district committees, the provincial committees, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the People's Republic, the city committees, and the district committees. On all issues, the leading Party Group must strictly and resolutely implement the resolutions of the leading organs of the Party.
Chapter 11
Article 57
It is the inalienable right of every member under intra-party democracy to discuss freely and effectively questions of party policy within each organization or within the whole Party. It is only on the basis of intra-party democracy that Bolshevik self-criticism can be carried out and party discipline consolidated. But a broad debate on questions of party policy, especially on a Soviet-wide scale, must be organized in order to prevent the minority from forcing the overwhelming majority of the party to submit to their will, or from forming faction groups that undermine the unity of the party, create divisions, weaken the power of the dictatorship of the proletariat and win the favor of the enemies of the working class. Therefore, a broad debate throughout the Soviet Union is necessary only if (I) at least a number of local party organizations at the provincial or republican level consider it necessary; (2) There is not a very stable majority within the Central Committee on the most important questions of Party policy; (3) Although there is a stable majority within the Central Committee that adheres to certain views, the Central Committee still considers it necessary to check the correctness of its policies through intra-party debates.
Article 58
The primary duty of all Party members and of all Party organizations is to maintain the unity of the Party and to fight ruthlessly against any attempt at factional and separatist activity, without strictly observing Party and Soviet discipline. In order to enforce strict discipline, achieve a high degree of unity in all the work of the Party and of the Soviets, and to suppress any factional activity, the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsov) has the power to impose disciplinary measures up to expulsion from the Party on those who violate discipline, resume or carry out factional activities. For the members of the Central Committee, alternate members of the Central Committee, and members of the Party's Supervisory Commission, a plenary meeting of the Central Committee must be convened and all alternate members of the Central Committee and all members of the Party's Supervisory Commission must be invited to attend. If two thirds of such a plenary meeting of the party's most responsible leaders agree that a member of the Central Committee or a member of the Party's Supervisory Commission must be made alternate members or expelled from the Party, the punishment shall be carried out immediately.
Article 59
The decisions of the central organs of the Party and of the Soviets must be swift and precise Carry out . Anyone who fails to carry out the resolutions of the higher organization and commits other offenses recognized as crimes within the Party shall be punished. The punishment for the organization is, censure, general re-registration (dissolution of the original organization); The punishments for individual party members are: certain censure (admonition, warning, etc.), public censure, suspension of Party and Soviet responsibility, expulsion from the Party, expulsion from the Party and notification of their wrongdoing to the administrative and judicial authorities.
Article 60
Any Party member who refuses to give honest answers to questions raised by the Party's supervisory Commission shall be immediately expelled from the Party.
Chapter 12
Article 61
The sources of funding for the Party and its organizations at all levels are: membership fees paid by Party members, income from undertakings run by the Party, and other income.
Article 62
The amount of monthly membership fees paid by Party members and probationary party members is as follows:
A salary of less than 100 rubles is 20 kopecks
A salary of 101-150 rubles is 60 kopecks
The salary of 151-200 rubles is 1 ruble
The salary of 200-250 rubles is 1 ruble 50 kopecks
The salary of 251-300 rubles is 2 rubles
The salary of 300 to 500 rubles is 2% of the salary
The salary above 500 rubles is 3% of the salary
Article 63
All those who join the Party as probationary members shall pay a membership fee amounting to 2% of their salary.


The Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1991" August 9 incident After being asked by the Soviet authorities to stop activities, Gorbachev also announced his resignation as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on August 25 of the same year and asked the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to "dissolve itself", but the real Communist believers were not afraid, they formed a new socialist party. The most influential of these was the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. [3]
Russian: К о м м н и с т и discusses some related problems е с seem а second П а р т и second Р о с с и й с seem о й Ф е д е р а ц и и, abbreviated as К П Р Ф
Communist Party of the Russian Federation, abbreviated CPRF
The Russian Political Party, a left-wing party calling itself the "uncompromising Opposition" and the "Patriotic Opposition", was founded on 20 June 1990. The party is generally regarded as the successor to the Communist and Bolshevik parties of the former Soviet Union. The policies of the party are patriotism, communism, the people and socialism. The party cooperated with the Russian Agricultural Party, the Russian People's Patriotic Union and so on. Central Committee chairman Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov First Deputy Chairman Yi Melinikov. The year 1991 The August 19 incident It was later shut down by the authorities. In 1993, he was allowed to resume his activities and participate in the Duma elections.
The Russian Communist Party advocates politically the restoration of internal peace and law, and the incorporation of the country into the track of civilized development. He opposed the presidential system and the new constitution, and advocated the establishment of a Soviet state. To "build a just society based on the principles of collectivism, freedom and the consolidation of a multi-ethnic federal state on the basis of the development of Marxist-Leninist theory". Adhere to the socialist direction, realize the people's power, justice, equality, patriotism, citizens' responsibility to society and society to citizens, socialism will appear in the future updated constitution, and finally realize communism; Agree with Market economy And a multi-party system, opposed to land privatization.
The political program of the Russian Communist Party is to strive to obtain Soviet The form of people's power; Defending the national unity and territorial integrity of Russia as a federal republic; Absorb the lessons of the history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and build an organized, democratic, representative of all Worker Interests of the party. The strategic goal was to gain power through parliamentary struggle and constitutional means. In economic and social policy, it opposes forced privatization and supports the optimal combination of different forms of ownership. [14]
In the economy. The first stage is the restoration of the three branches of state power (legislative, executive and judicial) and the formation of a transitional government of national harmony. Second stage abandonment Shock therapy To promote political and economic stability; The third stage is to re-enact and implement the new national constitution, the basic principle is to establish the people's power, establish legislature Leadership of the executive organs. Economically, it advocates social reforms, an end to forced privatization, the use of state regulation to overcome the economic crisis, and the implementation of a variety of economic components dominated by ownership by the whole people. The state should support key economic sectors, especially agricultural production. oppose inflation . Promote foreign policy Independent and autonomous A peaceful foreign policy opposed to dependence on the West.
After the reconstruction, the support rate has been steadily rising, and in the 1993 Duma election won 65 seats, becoming the third largest party. In December 1995 State Duma In the election, it occupied 157 seats and got 22.31% of the vote, ranking first. In the 1999 Duma elections, the party retained its position as the largest party with 112 seats, but its support fell sharply in the 7 December 2003 Duma elections, with 12.6% of the vote, and only 51 out of 450 seats. In 2004, there was a serious split in the Ten, with 47 seats, and Valentin Kuptsov, one of the deputy chairmen of the Duma, is a member of the Russian Communist Party. As of March 2005, the number of party members registered with the Ministry of Justice was 184,000, while the number of party members claimed to be about 500,000.
In December 2007, the fifth election of the State Duma of the Russian Federation was held, and the party entered the Duma with 11.58% of the vote and 57 seats, remaining the second largest party.
In December 2011, the sixth election of the State Duma of the Russian Federation was held, and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation won 19.20% of the seats in the Duma, 35 seats more than in 2007, and occupied 92 seats. It is still the second largest party in parliament, but has managed to do so by virtue of its political strength and by capitalising on discontent with Mr Medvedev's government United Russia Pulled down from the 50 percent threshold for a bill to pass without worry.
In addition, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation succeeded in attracting members of the former United Russia, who were dissatisfied with the United Russia Party and left the party and later joined the Communist Party. Among the candidates for the Duma of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is Viktor Cherksov, a former secret agent and former head of the General Directorate for the Control of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of the Russian Federation. He was a close ally of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin until his dismissal in 2008. The list of candidates for the Russian Communist Party also includes Khakassian Republic Former chief executive Alexei Lebed. In 2006, a criminal case was filed against him for exceeding his authority.
However, there are also questions about the political views of the Russian Communist Party today, Russian political scientist Konevknev said: "The Russian Communist Party is still formally called the Communist Party, the party leader is still Zyuganov." But in fact, fundamental changes have already taken place within the Russian Communist Party, and there is not much communism left in the Russian Communist Party. Communism for the Russian Communist Party is only a sign and shell. In terms of its program and electoral techniques, the Russian Communist Party is no longer much different from the European leftist parties. The Communist Party of Russia today is two different parties than it was 15 years ago." Sergei Magmet, general secretary of the Communist Party's group in the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, says the party respects private property rights and advocates freedom of religion and the press. If the Russian Communist Party comes to power, it will allow political opposition activities, and it considers political competition essential. "Times are changing," Magmet said. "Today is not the past, it is another era, and this requires that the Russian Communist Party must also adjust and change."
Flag of the Communist Party of Russia


On October 16, 1992, the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was convened, at which it was announced that the party was being held Gorbachev The successor of the disbanded Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and expelled Gorbachev from the party, and determined that the party's goal was to restore the Soviet Union. Under the leadership of Sergei Skvortsov (who later resigned due to illness and was succeeded by Eknikolaev), the fifth session of the 16th Central Committee, held in Moscow on 10 October 1992, reviewed the program and rules and decided to prepare for the convening of the "29th Congress" of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. [4]
On March 26-27, 1993, the twenty-ninth Congress was held in Moscow after reconstruction. The meeting was attended by 416 representatives of the parties of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Estonia, Transnistria and South Ossetia. The Congress proclaimed the reorganization of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union into the Union of Communist Parties - Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the new historical situation.
2001 Chenin leader Chenin in opposition to the Russian Communist leadership Zyuganov The Communist Party of the Soviet Union was later renamed the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. [2]