Into the future together

Songs created by Wang Pingjiu and Chang Shilei in 2021
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"Together Into the Future" is 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games and Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games The theme slogan of the promotional song, by Wang Pingjiu Write lyrics, Chang Shilei Composed BY, Chen Weiting , Yuan Yawei For the first time, Yu The year 2021 Released on September 17 [1] . Solo version by Jackson Yee It was released on September 21, 2021 [5] . The music video, featuring 105 singers and actors, was released on February 1, 2022 [6] .
The song was released on September 3, 2022 2021 Top 10 National IP of the Year Award ceremony Music Circuit Bronze Award [22] .
Chinese name
Into the future together
Foreign name
Together for a Shared Future
Song length
Three minutes and 19 seconds
Original song
Chen Weiting , Yuan Yawei
Wang Pingjiu
Music score
Chang Shilei
Orchestrated BY
Musical style
Issue date
September 17, 2021
Song language

Creation background

in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games During this period, Wang Pingjiu had planned, created and promoted the" Welcome to Beijing "And other songs, 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games Before the opening, Wang Pingjiu undertook the task of promoting the creation of the song. " Into the future together When the slogan was about to be released, due to tight time and heavy tasks, he invited Chang Shilei to call him home and said he wanted to create a song as soon as possible. When the two were writing songs, they also discussed what the song should express, and what the melody and actual meaning were. Thanks to the priceless understanding between the two, the song was finally written [8] .
Wang Pingjiu said that the lyrics "heaven and earth are white pieces of existence", is the feeling of human destiny community, and the lyrics of the song is the world concept The more people love, then the whole world is particularly beautiful, everyone has their own value of existence. "Together into the future" also has many meanings in it, whether it is the Olympic voice, or the beautiful dream of individuals, as well as the destiny of the country, the future and hope of the whole world are such concepts. Therefore, through this song, Wang Pingjiu hopes to express people's good expectations for the world, good expectations for the Olympics, and good wishes for people's hearts [8] . Chang said he wrote the song with a sense of mission. He considers himself a person with a strong Olympic complex. When writing these sports songs, he feels a stronger sense of mission, hoping to write more songs that resonate and echo the rhythm of life [9] .
Then the organizing committee also invited 105 groups of musicians and filmmakers from both sides of the Taiwan Straits and Hong Kong and Macao, as well as director Zhang Yimou, astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu, and athlete Gu Ailing to sing together "Together into the Future", showing the world the lofty ideals of the Chinese people. It expresses the firm determination of the Chinese people and the people of the world to work together to overcome difficulties and create a better future 18 [19] .
Into the future together

Song lyrics

The more love the world becomes more wonderful
The snow was falling and I couldn't wait
Fly to the sky
Heaven and earth white pieces of existence
The more I love the future, the more I look forward to it
I dance in the clear sky and I profess my love
Fly to the sky
The rainbow is in full bloom
We all need love
Everybody put your hands together
Together for a shared future
Together to the future
We all have love
Let's open all the doors
Together for a shared future
Come Together
Into the future together
The more love the world becomes more wonderful
The snow was falling and I couldn't wait
Fly to the sky
Heaven and earth white pieces of existence
The more I love the future, the more I look forward to it
I dance in the clear sky and I profess my love
Fly to the sky
The rainbow is in full bloom
We all need love
Everybody put your hands together
Together for a shared future
Together to the future
We all have love
Let's open all the doors
Together for a shared future
Come Together
Into the future together
We all need love
Everybody put your hands together
Together for a shared future
Together to the future
We all have love
Let's open all the doors
Together for a shared future
Come Together
Into the future together [1] [5-6]

Song appreciation

"Together to the Future" is very "down-to-earth", the scenes and people in the song are very familiar to the audience, ordinary people, both positive energy and life [20] , with positive positive energy melody [2] The lyrics are easy to remember and catchy [8] . The song conveys the Olympic spirit that transcends borders, races and cultures [20] It sang people's longing and expectation for the Winter Olympics, and also sang the common aspiration of the world to join hands for a better tomorrow [3] . "Together into the Future" is not only the slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, but also China's voice to the world [9] . In the context of the crisis and challenges of the COVID-19 epidemic in all countries, "we all need love, we all hold hands" is the inner hope of every ordinary person [21 ] . "Together for a Shared Future" inspired the audience, which was an invitation to the world's athletes to come to Beijing, to the "city of the Olympic Games". [4] .
Into the future together

Song MV

Chen Wei-ting, Yuan Yawei singing version MV
The music video was released on October 11, 2021, and features Chen alongside Yuan Yawei, Pang Qing and Tong Jian [13] . In addition to the video of Chen Weiting and Yuan Yawei singing and dancing along with the sound, the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and Sochi Winter Olympics are also inserted [14] .
Chen Wei-ting, Yuan Yawei singing version of the MV cover
Jackson Yi singing version of the MV
The MV was released on November 15, 2021, planned and produced by Beijing Radio and Television Station, and Shengu Culture was entrusted by Beijing Radio and Television Station to promote the whole case [3] .
The production of the MV was personally led by the leaders of Beijing TV Station, and the director team and the promotion team jointly completed in less than 10 days. At first, after the comparison and screening of a number of schemes, the director team proposed the idea of combining 3D virtual and real scenes, such as the use of late technology to turn the road near Guomao into ice, and then the whole Beijing into a beautiful world of ice and snow. However, this plan was abandoned after much deliberation [11] .
This version of the MV did not take the traditional route of shooting professional Winter Olympics sports, but to close to the public, full of "fireworks" freehand picture as a publicity point, showing the enthusiasm of the whole people to welcome the Winter Olympics. In the video, young actor Yi Yangqianxi uses the perspective of an observer to lead the audience into a "Folk Winter Olympics Handicraft Museum", which presents artistic works related to the Winter Olympics and folk handicrafts. Together with the capital's public civilization guide Xue Ying, the Winter Olympics "war suit" maker Liu Li's team, origami artist Liu Tong, from shepherd to farmer ski team leader Lang Enge more than 10 vivid character stories. Through a series of scenes with fireworks, it shows the development of Beijing as the host and the city of the Olympic Games, and shows the mood of the Chinese people who are eagerly looking forward to the Winter Olympics [3] .
Jackson Yi singing version of the MV poster
Stars Edition
This version of the MV as a music video, on February 1, 2022 at 10:00 AM online, and at 22:00 on the same day Central Propaganda Department film satellite channel The TV premiere is produced by the Cultural Activities Department of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, the Movie Channel Program Center and Hong Kong TVB, and is co-produced by Alibaba Group as a global partner of the International Olympic Committee [10] .
At the beginning of the creation, Wang Pingjiu and Chang Shilei set rules: the creation of the music video, unlike in the past, is not "who comes", "for who", but to return to the essence of music, according to the planning needs of the music video, the art of music creation to invite guests.
The shooting of the short film, in more than 20 days, across Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei, Macao, Shenzhen and other cities, Chinese astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu also returned shooting footage from the space station [12] . In addition, Artists such as Jackie Chan, Chan Kun, Deng Chao, Huang Bo, Huang Xiaoming, Li Bingbing, Tong Liya, Li Keqin, Li Yuchun, Lin Tzu-Cheung, Andy Lau, Liu Ye, Jen Yung, Joey Yung, Shu Qi, Sun Nan, Alan Tam, Wong Po Keung, Wei Wei, Wu Jing, Nicholas Tse, Yao Chen, Miriam Yeung, Yip Qianman, Tsang Chi-wai, Zhang Jie, Jane Zhang, Angela Cheung, Jacky Cheung, Donnie Yen, Zhou Xun and others also participated in the M Shooting of V [20] .
Among them, singer Wei Wei was overseas and organized the shooting by herself, while singers such as Li Yuchun, Zhang Jie, Zhang Liangying, and Zhang Shaohan used dolphin tones, coloraria, Bel canto and other vocal expressions to fight and integrate in the MV. In addition, Jackie Chan, Chen Kun, Deng Chao, Huang Bo, Huang Xiaoming, Li Bingbing, Zhou Xun, Wu Jing and other actors play their own performance advantages, equipment tension, input performance in the creation of "Together to the Future" music short film vivid interpretation of the song about the pursuit of a better future and yearning theme [20] .
The short film also specially invited Zhang Yimou, the world's first chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Double Olympics, to join, and specially completed the shooting at the rehearsal site of the opening ceremony, echoing the Olympic spirit with the ingenuity of the filmmaker. Gu Ailing, the Chinese national team athlete preparing for the Winter Olympics, participated in the video recording as a representative of young ice and snow athletes [12] .
Poster of "Together into the Future"

Social influence

On November 17, 2021, the singing activity of "Together to the Future" was officially launched. From Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Sun Zezhou, chief designer of the Chang 'e-3 probe system and the Tian-1 Mars probe system, to Olympic champions such as Deng Yaping, Gong Lijiao and Zhangjiaqi, from literary and artistic workers such as Li Guyi, Lang Lang and Wu Jing, to medical workers, Winter Olympic volunteers, firefighters, college students and other public masses, more and more people sing or gesture dance. Transmit the energy of the song, so that the theme slogan of "together to the future" constantly breaks through the circle and goes deep into people's hearts.
As of December 26, 2021, the total exposure of the "Together for the Future" campaign has reached 16.8 billion, the total interaction has reached 52.88 million, the total coverage has exceeded 37.6 billion times, and the hot list of various platforms has been 488. A total of more than 30 industries, more than 80 groups, more than 260 well-known people in various fields, and more than 1,600 social groups actively participated in the song, which set off a nationwide spontaneous fancy singing boom covering the whole industry and the whole dimension, and also inspired the enthusiasm of the whole people to participate in ice and snow sports, creating a stronger atmosphere to welcome the Winter Olympics [3] .

Award record

September 3, 2022
2021 Top Ten Annual National IP Awards Ceremony Music Circuit Bronze Award
Win a prize [22]
December 2022
The 16th spiritual civilization construction "five one project" excellent works award
Win a prize [23]

Major performance

Performance time
Performance occasion
October 26, 2021
The 100-day countdown to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games
Chen Weiting, Yuan Yawei, Pang Thanh , Tong Jian [7]
May 4, 2022
"Youth of Struggle - Special Program for Youth Day 2022"
Yi Yangqianxi, Wu Dajing, Gao Tingyu, Ren Ziwei, Xu Mengtao, Shi Tingmao, Zou Jingyuan [15]
May 23, 2022
“与人民同行”——纪念毛泽东同志《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表80周年特别节目 [16]
Ju Ping, Xiao Lu, Zhang Tao, Yan Danchen, LAN Yu, Yu Misty
August 18, 2022
Beijing 19th Stars Awards outstanding program performance [17]