Commonwealth of Independent States

A group of states formed after the collapse of the former Soviet Union
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synonymThe Commonwealth of Independent States(Commonwealth of Independent States) generally refers to the Commonwealth of Independent States
The Commonwealth of Independent States, referred to as "CIS", is Collapse of the Soviet Union When by multiple before Soviet republics To form a regional organization.
On December 8, 1991, Belarus , Russia , Ukraine The leaders of the three former Soviet republics signed the Commonwealth of Independent States Agreement in Belarus, declaring the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States. On the 21st of the same month, except The three Baltic States and Georgia In addition, 11 other former Soviet republics signed the treaty The Declaration of Alma-Ata "And the Protocol on Armed Forces, declaring the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the cessation of the former Soviet Union.
The CIS is headquartered in the capital of Belarus Minsk , the working language is Russian Currently, there are 9 members, respectively Azerbaijan , Armenia , Belarus , Kyrgyzstan , Moldova , Kazakhstan , Russia , Uzbekistan , Tajikistan . Georgia It joined the Commonwealth of Independent States in December 1993 and withdrew in August 2008. The year 2014 Ukraine Initiate procedures for withdrawal from the CIS and suspend the chairmanship [2] . On May 15, 2024, President Zelensky signed a decree on the withdrawal of Ukraine from several decisions of the Commonwealth of Independent States. [13]
The main bodies of the CIS are the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government, the Transnational Parliamentary Assembly, and the Coordination and Consultation Committee. The Council of Heads of State is the highest body of the CIS and usually meets twice a year. The Council of Heads of Government meets four times a year. The meetings were held in rotation in the capitals. Commonwealth of Independent States Games It is held every two years. [11]
Chinese name
Commonwealth of Independent States
Foreign name
С о д р ж е с т kind guide о н е з а kind guide и с и м ы х f о с д а р с т kind guide [4] (Russian)
Commonwealth of Independent States [3] (English)
International organization
Club address
Belarus Minsk
Establishment time
21 December 1991 [1]
Working language

Development history

On December 8, 1991, Former Soviet Union the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin , Presidents of Ukraine Kravchuk and Belarus Chairman of the Supreme Soviet Shushkevich Meeting in Belovzh, Belarus, an agreement on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States was signed, declaring "the actions of the Soviet Union. Subject of international law and geopolitics Reality will cease to exist." Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) with its coordinating body in the capital of Belarus Minsk ; Membership in the Commonwealth is open to the republics of the former Soviet Union and other States that agree with its purposes. On December 12 of the same year, the Soviet Union Kazakhstan quintuple Central Asia The leader of the Union Republic is in the Turkmen capital Ashgabat They met and issued a statement expressing their willingness to participate in the CIS as an "equal founding state". On December 21, the former Soviet Union Azerbaijan , Armenia , Belarus , Kyrgyzstan , Moldova , Kazakhstan , Russia , Uzbekistan , Ukraine , Tajikistan , Turkmenistan The leaders of 11 countries are here Almaty The meeting adopted the" The Declaration of Alma-Ata "And the Protocol on Armed Forces, declaring the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the cessation of the existence of the Soviet Union. Georgia was represented Observer Attend the meeting in person. On December 25th, Gorbachev He gave a televised speech resigning as president of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union Officially disintegrated. The CIS became a successor organization to the Soviet Union. In other words, the CIS is a legacy of the Cold War and plays a transitional role.
On February 14, 1992, in Minsk, Belarus, the CIS countries signed an agreement on the Coordination body for railway transport of the CIS, the specific work of which is under the responsibility of the Coordination Committee for Railway Transport of the CIS. [6]
In December 1993, Georgia Officially became a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
On August 14, 2023, Moldova announced its formal withdrawal from the agreement of the CIS Joint Committee on Disarmament Issues. [9]
On November 8, 2023 local time, Secretary of the CIS National Security Council The meeting took place in Moscow, Russia. [10]


The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Independent States states that the Commonwealth is based on the sovereign equality of all its member States. The CIS is not a State and does not have power over the Member States, but serves the further development and strengthening of relations of friendship, good-neighbourliness, inter-ethnic harmony, trust, understanding and mutually beneficial cooperation among the Member States. Member states International security , disarmament Adopt a coordinated policy in the field of arms supervision and army building, and ensure the internal security of the CIS by means including observer groups and collective peace-keeping forces. When the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of member States as well as international peace and security are threatened, Member States shall immediately hold consultations, coordinate their positions and take corresponding measures.


Associated States of CIS: Turkmenistan. [12]

Head office


Organizational structure

(1) The Council of Heads of State and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States: The Council of Heads of State is the highest body of the Commonwealth of Independent States and normally meets twice a year. The Council of Heads of Government meets four times a year. The meetings take place in each capital in turn, with the leaders of each country presiding in turn in the alphabetical order of their country's Russian name.
(2) Transnational parliamentary Assembly, transnational economic Committee and payment union, as well as foreign affairs, defense and other ministerial councils.
(3) Coordination and Consultation Committee: The permanent executive and coordinating body of the CIS, with two plenipotentiaries from each Member State. The working languages of the CIS are Russian .

Main activity

By the end of 2001, 29 meetings of the CIS heads of State had been held, thousands of documents had been signed, but few had actually been implemented. In April 1998 Moscow The 23rd Meeting of the Heads of State of the CIS was held. The consensus reached by the leaders on the two key issues of the continued existence of the Commonwealth of Independent States and its fundamental reform has played a positive role in alleviating the crisis of the survival of the Commonwealth of Independent States and marked that the reform of the Commonwealth of Independent States has been officially put on the agenda.
On 1 April 1999, the 24th session of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) adopted two documents, the Declaration on the Basic Direction of the development of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the Resolution on the improvement and reform of the institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and decided to formally establish it as of 1 January 2000 Free trade zone The organization, personnel and budget of the Commonwealth of Independent States were significantly reduced, and Yarov, plenipotentiary representative of the Russian President to the Federation Council, was appointed as the new Executive Secretary of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the reform of the Commonwealth began. However, there are still differences between Russia and the CIS countries on some major issues, and the momentum of the CIS drift has not decreased.
On January 25, 2000, the 25th meeting of the Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held to discuss regional security, the reform of the institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the establishment of a free trade area and other issues, and unanimously elected the acting President of Russia Putin As the new Chairman of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States, decided to hold the next meeting of heads of State in April 2001 to focus on the fight terrorism And the development program of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the next five years. The meeting showed that there are still real needs and hopes for the existence and development of the Commonwealth of Independent States. However, the meeting did not really touch on the major deep issues within the CIS, especially in the establishment Free trade zone It's hard to see eye to eye on this Cis integration The road is still bumpy.
In 2001, the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the CIS, the heads of state of the member states held two formal meetings and one informal meeting.
On 1 June 2001, the 28th Meeting of the Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States took place Minsk Hold. The meeting discussed the development and fight of CIS International terrorism Coordination of the foreign policy of the CIS countries, hotspot conflicts within the CIS and the progress of the establishment of the CIS state. They are of the view that the Commonwealth of Independent States is irreplaceable and continues to develop, and that cooperation among the States of the Commonwealth of Independent States should continue to be strengthened. The meeting decided to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the CIS in Moscow. The meeting also signed the CIS heads of State on The Great Patriotic War The 60th anniversary of the beginning of the public book to the people of CIS and the world.
On December 2, the 29th Meeting of the Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held in Moscow. The meeting adopted a document entitled "Summary of the activities of the Commonwealth of Independent States over the past decade and its future tasks". The document stressed that strengthening the partnership of CIS countries is in line with world trends and the national interests of the member states. The document sets out the Programme for the development of the Commonwealth of Independent States until 2005, namely, the further consolidation of the Commonwealth in international relations Political entity , Economic entity Establish long-term economic ties between the member States, stabilize the space for activities of the CIS and improve the mechanism for the implementation of agreements between the CIS States. The fight against international terrorism was also on the agenda of the CIS Heads of State meeting. Russian president Putin The CIS is an indispensable form of integration in the former Soviet Union. Mutual cooperation under modern conditions is not only an important factor in the financial and economic stability of the CIS, but also plays an important role in the stability of the world economy. The CIS will become a common market with great potential.
On August 1, the heads of State of the CIS were in Russia Sochi City held an informal meeting. The States considered that there could be various kinds of existence within the CIS Regional organization To address in depth a range of security, economic and human issues. After the plenary meeting, the heads of state of the participating countries held multilateral or bilateral talks respectively. Russia , Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan The three presidents Caspian Sea The problem was discussed.
Summit of the CIS Countries, September 2004
On August 14, 2008, Parliament of Georgia Adopted the resolution on the withdrawal of Georgia from the Commonwealth of Independent States by a unanimous vote of 117, proclaiming Georgia Formally withdraw from the three agreements signed within the framework of the CIS.
On December 26-27, 2022, an informal meeting of the leaders of the CIS countries will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia. [7]

Withdrawing country

In August 2005, Turkmenistan Announced its withdrawal from the Commonwealth of Independent States.
August 1, 2008 Georgia South Ossetia The conflict has made the relations between Georgia and Russia deteriorate sharply. On August 12th, Presidents of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili At the mass rally, it was said that Georgia had taken the decision to withdraw from the CIS.
Turkmenistan , Georgia After the withdrawal, the CIS still has 10 member states, namely Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
In March 2014, because Crimea Independence into Russia, Ukraine Also officially initiated the exit procedure; On the 19th, the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Barubi said that Ukraine is starting the procedure of withdrawing from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and suspending the rotating presidency of the CIS in 2014. According to RIA Novosti reported on March 19, Russia's deputy foreign minister Vasily Nebenzia Russia regrets that Ukraine has given up its chairmanship of the Commonwealth of Independent States. [2]
According to the report, Nebenja said: "This is Ukraine Ukraine has assumed the rotating presidency of the CIS this year, and until the last moment has said that it will not give up assuming this post and fulfilling its responsibilities. We regret it, but it is Ukraine's right. And if they do, we will consider who will carry out those duties in Ukraine's place." [2]
He doesn't rule out, Belarus Will replace Ukraine as the rotating chair of the Commonwealth of Independent States. [2]
On June 19, 2022 local time, the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine passed a bill withdrawing from a series of agreements within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States. [5]
On May 15, 2024, President Zelensky signed a decree on the withdrawal of Ukraine from several decisions of the Commonwealth of Independent States. [13]

Status quo

The situation in the CIS is not optimistic. The CIS has signed thousands of documents, but they are largely useless. Russia Some of the "overbearing" behavior of the Commonwealth of Independent States has violated other countries National security In addition, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States have formed large and small internal alliances for their own interests, and such international institutions have become one piece Chicken ribs ," Food is tasteless, but it's a pity to throw away ". and NATO eastward expansion The CIS is in danger.

Economic development

The pace of economic development in the CIS slowed somewhat in 2005 after two consecutive years of exceptional growth: overall Gross domestic product After growth of 7.6 per cent in 2003 and 8.1 per cent in 2004, growth in 2005 was just over 6 per cent.
The pace of economic activity throughout the CIS will generally remain unchanged in 2006. Strong domestic demand, progress in economic restructuring and the resumption of oil shipments will enable Russia The economy maintained its vitality in 2006. In two other major oil and gas producing countries, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan The development of the oil and gas sector will continue to drive sustainable investment and output growth, even if price conditions are more adverse. The economic slowdown in Ukraine, which had significantly reduced the GDP growth rate of the CIS countries in 2005, is expected to come to an end; An improved business climate and a recovery in steel prices will accelerate economic growth in Ukraine in 2006.
In most CIS countries, inflation accelerated further in 2005, highlighted by the generally expansionary stance of fiscal policies, rapid increases in household incomes and the inflation-boosting impact of soaring energy costs. Many CIS economies, in particular Russia and Ukraine Of 2005 Inflation rate It is expected to exceed the official year-end target.
Cis energy and commodity exporters in 2005, in particular Russia , Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan Exports of goods continue to increase rapidly. Strong domestic demand also boosted the value of imports, but at a slower pace. Trade with non-CIS partners is growing much faster than intra-CIS trade.
The boom in the oil resources market has been managed prudently and the stabilization fund has worked well. Changes in the tax regime of the Russian Federation in 2005 significantly reduced the expansionary effects of the high oil prices. Given the low likelihood and limited impact of weak oil prices, the short-term economic outlook for CIS economies is generally positive. The main challenge facing commodity-exporting countries and other CIS countries is to establish the right conditions for increased business investment, which is necessary to address the erosion of competitiveness caused by exchange-rate appreciation and to expand the base of economic development beyond the narrow base of specialized production of a few commodities.

Continue to develop

The reason why the CIS will continue to develop lies in the first place Russia The importance of... February 2008, in Moscow At the informal summit of the leaders of the CIS countries, then President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin The CIS has always been an important platform for the discussion of various issues in the former Soviet Union, and it is also the most important direction for the development of foreign relations of Russia. Former president Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev The development of relations with the CIS member states is the top priority of Russia's foreign policy, and Russia regards its neighbors as its sphere of interests. From Putin's first trip abroad as prime minister Belarus To former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Kazakhstan As the first stop of a foreign visit, it reflects the importance Russia attaches to the CIS.
In addition, face International financial crisis The member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States are aware of the need to strengthen financial and economic cooperation and want to minimize the economic losses suffered by their countries in this crisis. Economic factors are playing an increasingly important role in strengthening CIS cohesion.