Olympic spirit

Olympic spirit
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International Olympic Committee In... Olympic charter In" Olympism The article reads: "Everyone shall enjoy the possibility to engage in sport without any form of discrimination and with mutual expression. comprehend , friendship , unity and Fair competition The Olympic Spirit." Also known as modern Olympic spirit.
Chinese name
Olympic spirit
Inner volume
Mutual understanding, friendship For a long time, unity Uniform equivalence
Peace, friendship and unity in the world
The spirit of sport, nationality and internationalism

Basic meaning

In Olympic sports context In which "Olympic spirit" has a special meaning. Olympic charter The content of the Olympic spirit is "mutual understanding, friendship For a long time, unity Consistency and fair play ". The principle of participation is the first principle of the Olympic spirit. [1]
The Olympic Games is a world-class sports event featuring sportsmanship, national spirit and internationalism, symbolizing world peace, friendship and unity. This is the Olympic spirit.

Historical development

The origin of the Olympic spirit is Ancient Greece Civilization, ancient Greece to the physical strength and health of people's worship is the foundation of the Olympic sports competition. Ancient Olympic Games The challenge to people's physical strength and skills reflects the competition and development consciousness of the ancient Greeks. The ancient Olympic Truce was both a desire for peace and a reflection of the Greeks' reverence for God and nature. In the cultural background of the ancient Olympic Games, there is a strong belief that the value of the individual is extremely valued and the independence of the individual is defended. These values of the ancient Greek Olympic movement have become the core values of the modern Olympic Games.
Since the revival of the modern Olympic Movement, the Olympic spirit has undergone a historical evolution from self-challenge, pursuit of the harmony and all-round development of human body and mind to pursuit of the humanization of sports competition, the pluralistic harmony of human culture, and the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. In the history of the modern Olympic movement, there used to be the slogan "always strive for the first, always better than others". Today, many people of vision believe that simply advocating "faster, higher, stronger" is far from enough, we must promote a more humane, more united Olympic spirit. In 1908 Big Pennsylvania In the words of the bishop's sermon, "It is more important to participate than to win."
The rise of the modern Olympics coincided with the rapid progress of human science and technology. For more than a century, science and technology have brought tremendous changes to human life, profoundly affected the development and evolution of the Olympic Movement in all aspects, and injected the Olympic spirit with distinctive features of The Times. For one thing, Western culture Democracy, freedom, competition, hard work, pioneering, enterprising, attaching importance to the individual, respect for science and other elements constitute the soul and core of the modern Olympic spirit, which makes the Olympic movement infected with strong Western cultural color. On the other hand, with the development of the Olympic Games in the world and the popularization of the Olympic spirit, the Olympic Movement has become a forum for the collection of civilizations and cultures of various countries, dialogue and exchanges, and a platform for the complementary coexistence of global cultural diversity and differences, especially for the integration and interaction of Eastern and Western civilizations. In contemporary technology, humanity Under the interactive influence of ecological ethics, this cultural diversity and cultural dialogue of the Olympic Movement has become one of the important characteristics of human cultural development in the era of globalization. from Olympic culture From the perspective of production and consumption, the Olympic movement has become a giant carnival of global supranational, super cultural, super hierarchical and super regional people, and a pan-culture dominated by statism, consumerism and commercialism.
There is excessive commercialization and abuse in the current Olympic movement stimulant And professional corruption. Black scores, black whistles, fake sports, fake games and fake games have made the Olympic movement lose its charm and value, jeopardized the Olympic ideal and tarnished the lofty Olympic spirit. All these are related to the West as the core value of the modern Olympic movement reason The culture of centralism has a fundamental inner relation.
The problems arising in the Olympic movement cannot be solved by Western culture alone, and it is necessary to seek beneficial inspiration from other cultural forms, especially the Eastern culture.

Put forward background

The Olympic spirit is Pierre de Coubertin Proposed.
To bring a kind of energetic new Education system Introduced to the motherland, Coubertin, since his youth, has devoted himself to studying the different educational systems and traditions of his time Greece The history of... He hopes France Young people can receive a new system of education that, while strengthening moral cultivation and enhancing confidence, exercises the body, develops a brave spirit and a strong personality.
By pair Ancient Olympic Games Coubertin realized that the ancient Greeks organized competitions not only for physical exercise and spectacle, but also for education. He thought, Sports competition Activity can temper people's will, cultivate people's personality, and exercise the body at the same time.
Coubertin devoted himself to the study of ancient history and the Olympic Games. When he heard that Ivengros Rebus of Greece had offered to pay for the Games, an idea came to him to revive the ancient Games - to educate youth through sports competitions, as the ancient Greeks had done. Since then, he has traveled around the world to publicize his ideas.
Coubertin's idea of reviving the Olympics was not retro. He suggested a return to the organization and ceremony of the Games, but felt it necessary to inject new elements to meet the demands of modern society. Sports meet The internationality, the diversity of sports forms, the amateurism of athletes and the friendly cooperation among peoples will consolidate and strengthen world peace and abolish racial discrimination. This is the Olympic spirit.
In 1894, Coubertin convened the first International sports At the Congress, a proposal was put forward to revive the Olympic Games and was approved, so the International Olympic Committee was established.
Olympic spirit
1896, the first session Modern Olympic Games With great success. The Olympic spirit was born. The purpose of the Olympic spirit is to promote the spiritual development of human beings, so as to create well-rounded human beings. Its intention is to educate people, exercise people's character, cultivate people's morality, and develop the ancient Greeks' ideal -- "Beautiful and healthy." The Olympic spirit educates not only those who participate in sports, but also the general public.
The Olympic spirit is a great miracle of modern social civilization. It aspires to build a society free from discrimination of any kind, fostering sincere understanding, cooperation and friendship among people, recognizing fair competition for honor on equal terms, and setting a unique and shining example for people in other areas of society.
Coubertin believed that the Olympic spirit is an international system. It's completely independent. Therefore, from the beginning, he did not allow any political, economy Or social factors to interfere with it. He also created an independent International Olympic Committee for this purpose, stipulating that the main responsibility of the International Olympic Committee was to ensure its loyalty and dedication Olympic ideal And the realization of principles. In this way, the independence of the Olympic spirit is guaranteed throughout the world.


The Olympic Spirit was written by Pierre de Coubertin in April 1919 Lausanne, Switzerland The speech at the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the restoration of the Olympic Movement is an important document of the Olympic movement. Coubertin used poetic language to elaborate the connotation and value of the Olympic spirit.
After a brief review of five years of history, Coubertin Illustrates the Olympic spirit and purity Competitive spirit The difference. He believes that pure competitive spirit can only bring Athlete psychology The sense of joy, the Olympic spirit will bring people will be the sense of beauty, honor. This is precisely the spirit of Coubertin's heart, in the" Ode to physical education He also praised sports as the embodiment of beauty, art, justice, courage, honor, fun, vitality, progress and peace.
Coubertin was a educator Educational thought is the core of his sports thought. In his speech, he explained "the reason for ringing the bell to reopen the Olympic era" : based on the desire to reform education. He is dissatisfied with "the situation that young people are often out of balance by old and complicated teaching methods, stupid and harsh lectures and clumsy and superficial philosophy, and hopes that through the revival of the Olympic Games, traditional educational methods and contents will be changed, so as to promote the comprehensive, balanced and coordinated development of young people." Coubertin had studied Athens in Greece Ancient Olympic Games The ancient Greeks organized competitions not only for physical exercise and a cheap spectacle, but also for education. It can be said that the fundamental purpose of Coubertin's revival of the Olympic Games is to educate youth through sports competition. Therefore, he resolved to "combine the sporting utilitarianism of the Anglo-Saxons with the noble and strong ideas inherited from the ancient Greeks to open up a new Olympic era."
How to turn the Olympic spirit into reality? Coubertin put forward an important idea: "mass" participation, and that even "the lowest citizens" should be able to "enjoy" this spirit. Coubertin's famous saying, "It is more important to take part than to win" (also translated as "it is more important to take part than to win"), also underscores the essence of this Olympic idea. In another speech, he said, "Gentlemen, remember these powerful words. This argument can be extended to many areas. The important thing in life is not the triumph but the battle. These sayings are disseminated in order to make mankind more robust -- and thus more prudent and courageous and noble." As you can see, Coubertin advocated and Revival of the Olympic Movement With a very broad mind, it is the starting point for all mankind to constantly improve themselves, and it is not a call for people to simply fight for the crown and the gold medal.
So what is the meaning of the Olympic spirit? In paragraph 5, Coubertin made a specific elaboration. He believes that the Olympic spirit is one of the forces of mankind to draw on ancient traditions to build the future, and this power is reflected in: although it is not enough to ensure social peace, but still can promote peace; While "the right to produce and consume material necessities cannot be more evenly distributed among mankind", equity can still be promoted; Although "it is not possible to provide young people with free intellectual training opportunities", education can still be promoted. Peace, fairness, education, in his view is the complete and democratic Olympic spirit.

Activity form

The Olympic spirit is a universal concept. All the principles that can make people better are contained in its bright halo.
The primary activity form of the Olympic spirit is the Olympic movement, which is eternal. It is not male, female, old, young, regardless of the level of sports, for all social classes, including all sports and competitive events, aimed at participation.
The Olympic movement is about people learning Olympic purpose The eternal school of chivalry, idealism and the Olympic spirit. People regard it as a principle of life and further develop it into all areas of social life.
All sports are part of the Olympic Movement. The Olympic movement is for the masses; its goal is not for a few to choose Gold medal It is about providing opportunities for all people of all ages and genders to engage in physical activity. Its slogan is "Sport for the masses".
Olympic Games is Olympic Games Another form of mental activity.
The Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games guarantee the realization of the Olympic spirit, they are an organic whole, can not be divided.
The Olympic Spirit is the essence of the Olympic Movement. The Olympic Charter states that the Olympic spirit is the spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play. Usually it includes the principle of participation, competition, justice, friendship and struggle.
"The principle of participation is the first principle of the Olympic spirit. Participation is the foundation. Without participation, the Olympic ideals, principles and purposes would not be mentioned." "Taking part is more important than winning. aphorism It was first proposed by a bishop in the United States. The year 1908 London When the 4th Olympic Games were held, Coubertin quoted this saying. In his 1936 Olympic speech, Coubertin said, "The important thing in the Olympic Games is not the victory, but the participation; The essence of life is not to take, but to strive." This principle has been widely accepted by athletes and the general public all over the world. The principle of competition indicates that the Olympic Movement is a social activity advocating challenge and competition. Competition is the basic form of the Olympic movement and one of the basic forms to promote the progress of human society. In the competition, mankind has the courage to challenge the world's strong players and advanced levels, constantly surpassing themselves and others, and achieving development, innovation and progress. The principle of impartiality is the standard of conduct for participating in Olympic competition. The Olympic spirit contains the content of fairness, equality and justice, recognizing all the advantages that conform to the principle of justice, rejecting and denying all those that do not Code of ethics The behavior of... The principle of justice gives great appeal to the Olympic spirit. The principle of friendship is the aim of the Olympic Movement. The Olympic Movement is not only a simple sports activity, its highest goal is to bring people from different countries, different races, different languages and different religious beliefs together through sports activities, so that everyone can interact with each other, enhance understanding and friendship, and then achieve the purpose of unity, peace and progress of the world. The principle of struggle is the soul of the Olympic spirit. The spirit of struggle is an important quality for human beings to multiply and prosper, and it is the greatest and most praiseworthy inner strength of human beings. The struggle of the field is a microcosm of human struggle. The Olympic spirit requires people to have the spirit of perseverance and enterprise and the heroic spirit to overcome all difficulties.
Sports is one of human cultural phenomena. Samaranch The chairman said that the Olympic movement is culture plus sport. The Olympic spirit is the essence of the cultural ideology of the Olympic movement. The achievements and records of human competitive sports are part of social culture. In the process of accumulation, renewal and creation of this part of social culture, the Olympic movement has played an important role, and many historical records of human wisdom and physical strength have been established mostly through the Olympic Games. The Olympic movement belongs to all mankind, and only by truly understanding the Olympic spirit can mankind truly own it.

Spiritual connotation

Since the rise of the Olympic Games as a healthy and upward sports competition in the sacred Olympic Games more than 2000 years ago, it has become a precious spiritual-cultural wealth that the ancient Greeks have dedicated to mankind. Today, the meaning of the Olympic movement has gone far beyond athletic competition category It has become a cultural event and civilization heritage of all mankind, and its rich connotation and its importance to human life are increasing day by day. With regard to Olympic Games The spiritual connotation, I would like to emphasize the following aspects:
The Olympics is a spirit of competition. The Olympic spirit is a "faster, stronger, higher" spirit of self-challenge, and it is also a fair, just, equal, free sports spirit. The spirit of self-challenge and fair competition embodied in the Olympic Games is the cornerstone of modern human self-improvement and social interaction.
The Olympics is an attitude towards life. The Olympic spirit emphasizes that people have a healthy body, optimistic spirit and love and pursuit of a better life through self-exercise and self-participation. This optimistic and positive attitude towards life gives us full confidence and strong motivation to overcome all challenges.
The Olympics is a philosophy of life. Olympic charter Olympism is a philosophy of life in which the qualities of body, mind and spirit are balanced and improved. The Olympic Games integrate sports with culture and education, so that people's body and mind, spirit and quality get perfect harmony, so that human potential and virtue Fully developed, it is by far the best and most complete of mankind Philosophy of life .
Olympic is a harmonious, free, healthy and active modern ethic. The way of life that Olympism seeks to establish is based on the joy experienced in struggle, on the example of excellence Educational value And a fundamental respect for ethics in general. The ethical value in the Olympic spirit is the greatest respect and advocacy for human potential and free creation, human civilization and good order, and the inheritance and development of all fine moral values and ethical norms of mankind. It guides people to pursue an optimal ethical concept of survival and development, which is the guarantee of harmonious coexistence between human and environment, and harmonious development between individual and society.
The Olympic Movement is a common heritage of human civilization. Exciting competitions, training of young volunteers, Sports venue The construction of, the conception of urban planning, Wonderful and varied The artistic performances of the Olympic Games, the broadcast and viewing of the events covering the world have become valuable Olympic legacy. In the age of globalization, the Olympic Movement has become national Civilization and culture A celebration of spiritual creation together.
Today, the Olympic Games have become a common aspiration, a common expectation, a common wish of all mankind. With the passage of time, it is constantly enriched, constantly adding new connotations, and becoming a valuable spiritual and cultural heritage of continuous innovation and growth of mankind. [2]

Guiding function

The Olympic spirit plays an important role in guiding the Olympic movement.
Pictures of the Olympic torch relay
First of all, the Olympic spirit emphasizes the fair treatment and understanding of cultural differences. The Olympic Movement is an international movement, which inevitably faces various cultural differences in the world and various problems caused by them. From various countries Sportsman Coaches, sports officials and spectators have different skin colors, wear different clothes, speak different languages, have different lifestyles, perform different religious rituals, and express their joys and sorrows in different ways of behavior. These ethnic and cultural differences are also often the result of differences between countries in their political, economic and social systems ideology And other aspects of the conflict intensified. In a sense, every four years Olympic Games Will all the world Sports culture Concentrated in a narrow space and time frame, the differences between different cultures are particularly striking. Differences are contradictions, and contradictions may lead to conflicts. The Olympic spirit emphasizes mutual understanding, friendship and unity, which is to form a spiritual atmosphere. In this kind of atmosphere, people can get rid of the prejudice brought by their own culture, and in the display of different cultures, what they see is not contradiction and conflict, but Human society The cultural landscape of a hundred flowers blossoming, thousands of shapes and forms, so that cultural differences become the motivation to promote people to communicate with each other, rather than their own closed barriers; Make contradictions become the motivation to learn from each other, rather than the incentive to despise each other. Only in this kind of atmosphere can people break their narrow horizons, know and understand things other than their own nationality with the broad mind of a world citizen, realize that every nationality has a magical imagination and great creativity, learn to respect other nationalities, look at others and themselves with a more objective and fair attitude, and absorb the excellent elements of other cultures with an open mind. Constantly enrich themselves, so that the international exchange advocated by the Olympic Movement can really begin.
Secondly, the Olympic spirit emphasizes fairness and justice in competitive sports. The Olympic movement takes competitive sports as its main activity content, and the most essential feature of competitive sports is competition and confrontation. In the direct and intense physical confrontation and competition, the athlete's body, psychology and morality get good exercise and training, and the audience also get sensory entertainment and subtle education. But, competitive sports Educational function The basic premise of cultural and entertainment functions is fair competition. Only on the basis of fair competition can competition be meaningful, athletes of all countries can maintain and strengthen relations of solidarity and friendship, and the Olympic Movement can achieve its sacred goals. As deceased America Famous Negro Track and field Jesse Owens said, "In sports, people learn not only the game, but also respect for others, ethics, how to live their lives, and how to treat their fellow human beings."

Mental response

What is the Olympic Spirit? in Beijing Olympic Games As we approach the Olympic Games, it is necessary to clarify the core concept of the Olympic spirit.
A sculpture that embodies the Olympic spirit
In the context of the Olympic movement, "Olympic spirit" has a special meaning. In its Olympic Charter, "Principles of Olympism", the International Olympic Committee states that "Everyone shall enjoy the possibility to practise sport without discrimination of any kind and in the spirit of the Olympic spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play". Apparently, the Olympic Charter enunciates the Olympic spirit as "mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play." The Olympic Movement is an international movement, which is unprecedented scale One of the first problems encountered in large gatherings is the difference in various social backgrounds. Athletes from all over the world, trainer Sports officials, staff and a large number of spectators have different skin colors, wear different clothes, speak different languages, hold different lifestyles, and perform different religious rituals, showing stark cultural differences. Cultural differences, if not handled properly, may lead to cultural frictions and even conflicts. In this way, the Olympic Movement will not only fail to realize its sacred purpose of promoting world peace, but will hinder the communication between countries in the world and deepen the estrangement between nations. It is necessary to adopt effective methods to create an inclusive cultural atmosphere and a noble spiritual realm to eliminate the negative effects of cultural differences, so that differences become the motivation for people to learn from each other, rather than the incentive to despise each other.
As for "fair competition", it is directly related to the characteristics of sports. If the Olympic Games are filled with match-fixing, illegal sentries and doping, such games can only undermine the moral foundation of the Olympic Games and fail to achieve the lofty goal of the Olympic movement.
To sum up, the Olympic spirit advocates that people with the motive of friendship, through friendly sports competitions, enhance mutual understanding and achieve the purpose of unity.
As the excellent cultural heritage and spiritual wealth of contemporary mankind, the Olympic spirit faces many problems and challenges. Since the Olympic spirit is based on Western civilization, the questions and challenges it faces cannot be answered by Western civilization alone. The traditional Chinese culture and the wisdom of Oriental philosophy have given enlightening responses to the problems and challenges faced by the Olympic culture and injected new vitality into the Olympic culture.

Concrete example

People involved in the Olympic Games
Here are two examples to illustrate the concrete embodiment of the transcendence of the Olympic spirit. 1936 Berlin Olympics On the black American athlete Jesse Owens People all over the world were shocked by the amazing performance of... But because of humans History and culture The limitations of development, Jesse Owens, both during the game and after his return to his homeland, were far worse off than the good people of today can imagine. But 44 years later, in 1980, he was arrested Europe American journalists named the best athlete of the 20th century. And in order to commemorate the contribution of black Jesse Owens to the world sports culture, Americans set up the "Jesse Owens Award" in his name, which is selected once a year. Today, this award has become a prestigious honor in the world; 1920 Antwerp Olympic Games and 1948 London Olympics It was during World War I and World War II After the spiritual and material ruins stand on the human cross-cultural monument. Based on the lofty Olympic ideal of pursuing the common progress of human civilization, Turn swords into ploughshares . Its fundamental purpose is to arouse people to lash the common evil of human beings, call for the common pursuit of human beauty, cure the scar of human self-injury, and transcend the shackles in the development process of human civilization.
The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games have well practiced the Olympic spirit enshrined in the Olympic Charter: mutual understanding, lasting friendship, solidarity and fair play.
On the night of August 20th, Jamaica The giant Usain Bolt broke the 12-year-old 200m world record with a stunning time of 19.19 seconds. The "birthday song" floating out of the bird's nest is destined to be an unforgettable scene for the world, and more than 90,000 live viewers jointly wished Bolt well. When the world saw Usain Bolt break the 12-year world record, it also witnessed the Beijing Olympics." Humanistic Olympics The true practice of the concept!
Women's rower and Olympic champion Jin Ziwei has carried the Chinese flag at the opening ceremony of the Guangzhou Asian Games, demonstrating the Olympic principle of gender equality. Since China participated in the Asian Games in 1974, all the flag bearers have been male athletes, and Chinese women athletes have won numerous gold MEDALS on the field, and they are worthy of such honor.

Beijing Olympic Games Olympic spirit and Chinese culture


Beijing Olympic Games

In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, there were not only the exciting scenes of athletes earning gold and silver, but also touching stories, which perfectly interpreted the Olympic spirit...
Chusovitina: Fighting for her son
"A gold medal in the World Championships is equal to 3,000 euros in prize money, and more competitions are in order to get more bonuses," which is why German gymnast Chusovitina is still active in the competition at the age of 33. Not for the motherland, not for honor, no more lofty words, in this seemingly "utilitarian" purpose behind it contains a great mother's love for the world moved by. The German athlete, who has experienced five Olympic Games and is the oldest gymnast to compete in Beijing, is solely trying to earn medical expenses for her son, who is suffering from leukemia.
Making a comeback for his son
Oksana Chusovitina, 33, of Germany, was so eye-catching in the women's vault at the Beijing Olympics: she won the silver medal for her son, who fought for blood cancer. The great mother was awestruck. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Chusovitina competed mostly for Uzbekistan, except for the 1992 CIS Olympics in Barcelona, and after competing in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, she married the wrestler Kpanov and settled down to support her husband and children. But the change occurred in 2002 - Chusovitina's eldest son Alyosha was diagnosed with leukemia, in order to pay the high cost, Chusovitina chose to return, continue to participate in various gymnastics competitions, racing around the world. "If I don't compete, Alyosha won't live," she said. "It's as simple as that. I don't have a choice."
The mom eventually won a silver medal in the vault at the Beijing Olympics. On whether she will be able to see her in the London Olympics in four years, Chusovitina said: "If the audience still wants to see me, I will definitely participate in the London Olympics."
Received help from Li Ning Foundation
The head of the Li Ning Foundation heard about this and donated 20,000 euros to Chusovitina for Alyosha's leukemia rehabilitation treatment. Because of the expensive treatment for leukemia, Chusovitina and her husband, who are not wealthy, sold their house and car, but the high medical bills still weigh on them. Due to the general medical conditions in Uzbekistan, and the government subsidies are not enough, at the end of 2002, Chusovitina, her husband and children moved to Cologne, Germany, Alyosha also entered the Cologne University hospital for treatment.
Iraqi athletes: Wear old clothes
A set of photos that went viral online during the Beijing Olympics has brought tears to the eyes of many netizens. The picture shows two Iraqi rowers competing in their old clothes, without even their own racing clothes. The beautiful female athlete's feet are wearing a pair of running shoes from the second-hand market... With strong faith, they came to Beijing and came to the Olympic palace.
Wearing old clothes touched netizens
On the afternoon of August 17, 2008, the Iraqi rowing team appeared at the Shunyi Olympic Water Park. By this time, Haider Nozad and Hamza Hussain Jebour were already using the racing clothes and boats provided by China. Just a few days ago, they were competing in their old clothes. A dozen days ago, they did not even know if they would be able to compete in the Olympics until July 29, 2008, when the International Olympic Committee reached an agreement with the Iraqi government to allow Iraqi athletes to participate in the Games. Iraq will have only four athletes in track and field and rowing at the Beijing Games.
Haider Nozad and Hamza Hussain Jebour will remember their trip to the Beijing Olympics because they were treated like home. In the men's double sculls rematch of the rowing competition, Haidar and Hamza, both from Iraq, kept pushing their OARS hard even though the other rivals had already reached the finish line, and the thousands of spectators present gave them unrestrained applause. "I'm so happy to be in Beijing. It's so important to us. We have so many people to thank." 'said Haider excitedly. Haider and Hamza didn't even have time to prepare their own boat after they were notified at the last minute that they could compete in the Beijing Olympics, so the Beijing Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games provided them with a special boat and uniforms for the competition.
Let netizens think of a hundred years of China
"Seeing their efforts to participate in the Beijing Olympic Games, I think of the Chinese athletes 100 years ago, and the sad experience is moving." Internet users have been sending messages of encouragement and prayers to the Iraqi athletes. "Good for the Iraqi athletes, the Chinese people support you," was one after another on the Internet.
Natalie: The one-legged mermaid moved Beijing
Natalie Du Toit, a disabled athlete from South Africa, is undoubtedly one of the most touching athletes in swimming. On August 20, in the women's 10km swim, Natalie finished the race despite having only one leg and placed 16th out of 24 competitors. Despite not winning a medal and failing to achieve her goal of finishing in the top five, Natalie said: "The dream of competing in the Olympics has finally come true. I think every moment of today is memorable."
Complete the 10K race on one leg
On the morning of August 20, 2008, when Natalie Du Toit climbed out of the river at Shunyi Olympic Water Park with a 16th-place finish, she was clearly unhappy with her result. "16th is not good. I could have been in the top five."
In 1984, Natalie was born in South Africa, a talented swimmer, she embarked on the road to the sport of waves, 1998 in Malaysia held the Commonwealth Games, at the age of 15, Natalie entered the 800m freestyle group B final. But the girl's dream of becoming a swimming champion was changed when she lost her left calf in a car accident in February 2001. But Natalie was back in the water three months later, and she quickly chose to participate in the Paralympic Games, while not giving up on ordinary people to compete.
A year later, Natalie reached the women's 800m freestyle final at the Commonwealth Games and was named the outstanding athlete. At the 2007 African Games, she won the gold medal in the women's 800m freestyle. In May 2008, she won the fourth place in the women's 10km marathon swimming at the World Championships and swam to the Beijing Olympic Games. She said, "Even with only one leg, I can still swim very far."
After bravely playing 10 kilometers, the 24-year-old South African girl Natalie became the first disabled athlete to participate in the Olympic swimming competition, and 2008 was the first time marathon swimming entered the Olympic Games, the sport's first Olympic journey because Natalie has become more meaningful.
Many people will never forget that at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, Natalie held the South African flag and led her country's delegation into the stadium. No one knew that her left leg was a prosthetic leg. She walked into the stadium with a smile like an ordinary person.
Robina: Running, risking your life
On August 16, 2008, the Bird's Nest erupted in applause as Afghan sprinter Robina Mukiar, wearing a turban, a short-sleeved T-shirt and tracksuit pants, tried to cross the finish line of the 100-meter track. Although she finished last, she risked her life to enter the race, filling in for her teammate Ahadeya, who had disappeared after receiving threatening letters from extremists before the race.
Risking your life to compete
Although Robina is only 19 years old, but she is already the "elder of the two dynasty" in the Olympic Games, in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Robina and judoka Friba Lassaye became the first female athletes in the history of Afghanistan to participate in the Olympic Games, for the life is still threatened by war, women's participation in social activities are still considered "bad behavior" in Afghanistan, no matter what the outcome is. The fact that Robina and her teammates made it to the Olympics is a victory in itself.
For the next four years, Robina trained and supported her family. "We don't have a fixed training ground, and a professional plastic track is impossible for us." "Robina said.
Even more difficult than the tough training conditions for Afghan female athletes is the idea of backwardness, because Afghan men are not used to worships a heroine, Ahadya was not only surrounded by bad words, and even received a death notice claiming to be from Taliban forces, and eventually Ahadya had to give up the competition by way of "missing".
The "disappearance" of Ahadya did not faze Robina. Three days a week outside of work, she said, she found a slightly flat concrete field near her home to resume training, and although it is easy to get hurt, Robina said: "This is Afghanistan, we have no choice."
'Leading the way' for Afghan women
For Robina, returning home may have taken more courage than going abroad. Her coach feared her life could be in danger if the television images were seen by certain people. In order to run on the field for ten seconds, she wants to bet her life. But Robina said, "I don't care, I'm here for the rights and freedom of Afghan women." The reason I'm running, the reason I'm competing in the Olympics, is to make a path for Afghan women." [3]

Chinese culture

Olympic spirit pictures
Traditional Chinese philosophy stresses the harmony between heaven and man, "harmony between God and man", never overemphasizes man's challenge to nature and himself, nor does it unilaterally emphasize man's transcendence of nature and heaven and earth in isolation, but stresses the principle of "acting like heaven and law on earth", learning from "heaven" and "earth" to conform to nature, and following its own limits. "Heaven is moving, and the gentleman is striving for self-improvement. The terrain is Kun, the gentleman is virtuous, "that is, people should keep forging ahead, assume the responsibility for individual existence, but they should be vigilant, do not blindly emphasize progress, and maintain the coordination between individuals, the environment and society. This is an important response and supplement to the Olympic spirit of "faster, higher and stronger".
Chinese ritual and music culture advocates the harmony of all things, the coordination of Yin and Yang, and the highest state of beauty is neutralization, harmony and coordination. In ancient China, there were so-called "six arts", namely "ceremony", "music", "shooting", "imperial", "book" and "number". The "six arts" emphasizes not the competition of skills, but the cultivation of skills to improve personality, achieve inner harmony, and promote the harmonious interaction between mind and body. This is in line with the ideal of the Olympic spirit to promote the harmonious development of human sports and soul, and has important enlightening significance for the phenomenon of excessive emphasis on competition results and neglect of spiritual improvement in today's Olympic Games.
Traditional Chinese culture not only advocates harmony, but also advocates harmony without difference, emphasizes differences in unity and diversity in harmony, and embraces individuality while seeking consistency. This is a good response and supplement to the strong oppression and invasion of the Olympic spirit by the Western culture on the weak culture in other parts of the world. Today, the Olympic culture should emphasize the harmonious exchange and dialogue between different cultures and respect cultural identity, cultural individuality and cultural diversity. This is important in an era of globalization.
The spirit of Kuisheng and Dasheng is an important dimension of Chinese traditional culture. In ancient China, people are "the heart of heaven and earth", "the nature of heaven and earth is precious", "heaven and earth are such ears, people can not be light, human characters can not be light." Starting from this concept, the ancient Chinese culture does not take the pursuit and possession of things as the goal of life, but to improve people's moral cultivation and perfect people's inner virtue as the highest goal of life. This is an enlightening response and supplement to the excessive commercialization, excessive competition and the corresponding sports corruption in the contemporary Olympic movement.
The traditional Chinese concept of natural ethics holds that man and all things in the universe coexist in harmony. It advocates to deny oneself and restore etiquette, and limits man's role and behavior to the cosmic order of harmonious coexistence with heaven and earth and all things. The ancient Chinese society advocated temperance and reasonable control of human desire, and opposed the excessive consumption of life and the excessive possession of foreign objects. This ethical concept is a powerful response to the over-commercialization of Olympic culture and doping scandals, and it responds to the Olympic spirit of promoting the harmonious development of human body and mind from the perspective of Eastern philosophy and wisdom. At the same time, it provides enlightenment for answering many major challenges faced by contemporary human civilization, such as ecological problems and sustainable development problems.

Damage the Olympic spirit deeds

Yesterday morning, the final round of badminton women's doubles group stage, staged two "not to win, just want to lose" strange games, so that the face of Chinese sports was wiped out. In response to this kind of behavior that hurts the feelings of fans and hurts the spirit of the Olympic Games, the BWF last night cracked down hard on "fake" and announced the disqualification of 8 "fake" athletes, including China's Yu Yang/Wang Xiaoli. According to the latest news, the Chinese delegation has abandoned the appeal and accepted the punishment.
The two teams don't want to win but to lose
The badminton competition at the 2012 London Olympics has entered the final round of the group stage. In the women's doubles competition, China's No. 1 seed Yu Yang/Wang Xiaoli, who is regarded as the biggest favorite to win the title, suffered a "surprise" defeat to South Korea's Jeong Kyung-eun/Kim Ha-na, 0-2.
Surprisingly, from the beginning of the game, the two sides were not really fighting, but more mistakes. China wants to lose because they don't want to make the Chinese players "civil war" in the knockout round. For the South Korean team, they also want to lose this game, the purpose is to let the Chinese players meet in advance. Therefore, they are also prepared to lose the game early. Both sides made frequent errors on the court, either deliberately serving the net, or deliberately returning the ball out of bounds.
What makes fans even more inexplicable is that Yu Yang, who made a mistake, did not feel frustrated after the mistake, but showed a strange smile. In addition to this confrontation between China and South Korea, another pair of South Korean combination He Zhen En/Kim Min Zhen and Indonesian combination Poli/Jiao Harry's game, in order to not want to fight in the quarter-finals and Yu Yang/Wang Xiaoli, the same negative game, trying to lose to each other. In the end, Ha Jung-eun/Kim Min-Jung lost to Poli/Jao Harry 1:2.
Eight players from China, South Korea and Indonesia were identified as negative matches
Although the slogan of the Olympic Games is "faster, higher, stronger", although the athletes all say that they want to be able to show their highest level of competition at the quadrennial event. However, including Chinese player Yu Yang/Wang Xiaoli, a total of 4 pairs of 8 players from China, South Korea and Indonesia collectively "fake fight" at Wembley Stadium. The BWF issued a statement shortly after the match, announcing an investigation and charges against the eight players for "not giving their best effort to win the match" and "conduct seriously contrary to the spirit of sporting competition." BWF acting president Pai Shan said that this is a deeply shameful thing, he does not like to see this kind of thing happen, it is unsportsmanlike style, "this happened in the Olympic Games, I publicly apologize to everyone sincerely, I feel very unhappy."
In the end, the International Olympic Committee and the BWF determined that four pairs of players "did not give their best to win", that is, the negative competition was established, and they were disqualified from the Olympic Games. Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli are the number one team in women's doubles. Yu Yang won the gold medal in women's doubles at the Beijing Olympic Games. The Chinese team chose to "pick" opponents in the final round of the group stage to ensure that both teams would strive to reach the final to secure the gold medal. [4]