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2016.1.22:JSON online formatting tool completed online
2016.9.23: Modified

JSON code to be processed:

Amount of retraction   select all   unfold Fold up Level 2 Lv 3 Lv. 4 Lv.5 Lv. 6 Lv.7 Lv. 8

About JSON

JSON is a lightweight data interchange format for describing data structures that is text-based and easy to parse and generate.

JSON has two structures

json is simply an object and an array in javascript, so these two structures are object and array two structures, through which a variety of complex structures can be represented

1, object: object in js is represented as "{}" enclosed content, data structure is {key: value,key: value,... In the object-oriented language, key is the attribute of the object, value is the corresponding attribute value, so it is easy to understand, the value method is the object.key obtains the attribute value, the type of the attribute value can be number, string, array, object several.

2, array: array in js is the parenthesis "[]" enclosed content, data structure is ["java","javascript","vb",...] The value is the same as in all languages, the index is used to obtain, and the type of field value can be a number, string, array, and object. After object, array 2 structures can be combined into a complex data structure.

Attached: This site json tool recommended (I believe there is always a suitable for you ~O(∩_∩)O~)

1. Online JSON code inspection, inspection, beautification, formatting tool [easy to use formatting tool] :

2. JSON online formatting tool [code highlighting and controllable indent size formatting tool] :

3. Online XML/JSON mutual conversion [simple and intuitive JSON format conversion tool] :

4. json code online formatting/beautifying/compression/editing/conversion tool [json editing tool with graphical interface] :

5. C language style /HTML/CSS/json code formatting and beautifying tools [Powerful! Can edit C format code, HTML, CSS and json tools] :

6. JSON online conversion to C# entity class tool [for C# programmers to convert json format to C# class case use] :

7. Excel/csv data to json format tool [Powerful! Can quickly convert Excel form format to json data] :

8. Online json compression/escape tool [provides personalized compression, escape, Unicode conversion functions] :

9. Online JSON to Java Bean code tool [used for Java programmers dealing with Java Bean code] :

10. Online JSON and GET request string conversion tool [can be used in URL transfer GET request and json data] :

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