python GUI library graphical interface development PyQt5 check box control QCheckBox detailed use methods and examples _python_ script home

python GUI library graphical interface development PyQt5 check box control QCheckBox detailed use methods and examples

Updated: February 28, 2020 14:48:01 Author: jia666666
This article mainly introduces the python GUI library graphical interface development of PyQt5 check box control QCheckBox detailed use methods and examples, need friends can refer to the next

Common methods in the QCheckBox class are tables

method Description
setChecked() Set the status of the check box. If it is set to True, it is selected. If it is set to False, it is desselected
setText() Sets the display text of the check box
text() Returns the display text for the check box
isChecked() Check that the check box is selected
setTriState() Set the check box to a three-state check box
setCheckState() The status Settings of the three-state check box can be seen in the following table

The three states of the three-state check box

name value implication
Qt.Checked 2 Component not selected (default)
Qt.PartiallyChecked 1 The component is partially selected
Qt.Unchecked 0 Component selected

Example of the QCheckBox button

import sys from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt class CheckBoxDemo(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(CheckBoxDemo, self).__init__(parent) # Create a groupBox groupBox = QGroupBox("Checkboxes") groupbox.setflat (False) # Create checkbox 1 and check it by default. Signal trigger events when the state changes self. CheckBox1 = QCheckBox (" & checkBox1 ") self. CheckBox1. SetChecked (True) self.checkBox1.stateChanged.connect(lambda: self.btnstate(self.checkBox1)) # Create a check box, Tag states change signal trigger self. CheckBox2 = QCheckBox (" checkBox2 ") self. CheckBox2. Toggled. Connect (lambda: self.btnstate(self.checkBox2)) # Create check box 3, set the status to 3, set the default selected status to semi-selected, Signal trigger events when the state changes self. CheckBox3 = QCheckBox (" tristateBox ") self. CheckBox3. SetTristate (True) self.checkBox3.setCheckState(Qt.PartiallyChecked) self.checkBox3.stateChanged.connect(lambda: self.btnstate(self.checkBox3)) # Horizontal layout = QHBoxLayout() # Add control to horizontal layout Layout.addWidget (self.checkBox1) addWidget(self.checkBox2) Layout. addWidget(self.checkBox3) # Set the layout of the QGroupBox group. groupBox.setLayout(layout) mainLayout = QVBoxLayout() #QgroupBox controls added to the main interface layout MainLayout.addWidget (groupBox) # Set the main interface layout self.setLayout(mainLayout) # Set the main interface title self.setWindowTitle("checkbox demo") # Output the current status of three check boxes, 0 selected, 1 half selected, If def btnstate(self, btn) is not selected, chk1Status = self.checkBox1.text() + ", isChecked=" + str(self.checkBox1.isChecked()) + ', chekState=' + str( self.checkBox1.checkState()) + "\n" chk2Status = self.checkBox2.text() + ", isChecked=" + str(self.checkBox2.isChecked()) + ', checkState=' + str( self.checkBox2.checkState()) + "\n" chk3Status = self.checkBox3.text() + ", isChecked=" + str(self.checkBox3.isChecked()) + ', checkState=' + str( self.checkBox3.checkState()) + "\n" print(chk1Status + chk2Status + chk3Status) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) checkboxDemo = CheckBoxDemo() sys.exit(app.exec_())

The result is shown below

QCheckBox code analysis:

In this example, the three check boxes are added to a horizontal layout manager and to a QGroupBox group

 groupBox = QGroupBox("Checkboxes")

Attach the stateChanged signal from all three check boxes to the slot function stateChanged (), passing the object to the slot function using landba mode

Emits the stateChanged signal when the QCheckBox state changes, and triggers the custom slot function btnstate () when the signal changes.

self.checkBox1.stateChanged.connect(lambda: self.btnstate(self.checkBox1))
self.checkBox2.toggled.connect(lambda: self.btnstate(self.checkBox2))
self.checkBox3.stateChanged.connect(lambda: self.btnstate(self.checkBox3))

Instantiate the CheckBox1 and CheckBox2 objects, set the CheckBox1 status to checked, set the CheckBox1 shortcut key, and use the '&' symbol to select the checkbox1 checkbox using the shortcut key Alt+C

self.checkBox1 = QCheckBox("&Checkbox1")

Using the button's isChecked () method to determine whether the check box is selected, its core code is:

chk1Status = self.checkBox1.text() + ", isChecked=" + str(self.checkBox1.isChecked()) + ', chekState=' + str(
      self.checkBox1.checkState()) + "\n"

Instantiate an object of the QCheckBox class, checkBox3, then use setTristate () to turn on the tri-state mode, then set it to semi-selected and connect the slot function

self.checkBox3 = QCheckBox("tristateBox")
self.checkBox3.stateChanged.connect(lambda: self.btnstate(self.checkBox3))

This article explains in detail the PyQt5 check box control QCheckBox detailed use methods and examples, more about PyQt5 control knowledge please see the following links

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