springboot annotation and GET, POST interface writing_java_ script home � SSI �ļ�ʱ�
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springboot annotation and GET, POST interface writing

2024-04-02 11:41:31 Author: Cow right knife face

springboot provides @Contrller and @RestController annotations,@Controller returns pages and data and @RestController returns data, this article focuses on springboot annotations and GET, POST interface writing, interested friends one Take a look

I. Comments

springboot provides @Contrller and @RestController.

@Controller: Returns the page and data

@RestController: Returns data

@RestMapping Note: Mainly do path mapping url

value: indicates the path to the requested URL.

method: indicates the HTTP request method.

@RestMapping(value="user", method= RequestMethod.GET)

1.1 GET


@RequestMapping (value="/hello", method= RequestMethod.GET)
    public String hello(String name){
        return "123"+name;

Parameter passing

@RequestMapping (value="/hello", method= RequestMethod.GET)
    public String hello(String name){
        return "123"+name;

Parameter mapping

The @RequestParam annotation represents the parameter mapping and maps the nickname that came in to name

@RequestMapping (value="/hello2", method= RequestMethod.GET)
    public String hello2(@RequestParam(value ="nickname",required = false) String name){
        return "123"+name;

1.2 POST


@RequestMapping(value = "/post1", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String post1(){
        return "hello post";

Tape parameter

@RequestMapping(value = "/post2", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String post2(String username, String password){
        return username+"-"+password;

Bean encapsulation

@RequestMapping(value = "/post3",method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String post3(User user){
        return "post";


To add a @RequestBody annotation to the parameter, pass in the same parameter name as the class's private variable

@RequestMapping(value = "/post34",method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String post4(@RequestBody User user){
        return "post";

1.3 Errors

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