Microsoft Office2021 Professional Plus Official Download + Permanent Activation Key (latest)+ Activation tool

Post Time: 2021-10-14 15:56:12 Author: wdc I want to comment
Microsoft Office Word2021 is a very good office dedicated document editing tools, this article mainly introduces Microsoft Office2021 professional enhanced Chinese official version of the official download permanent activation key (the latest), need friends can refer to the next

Microsoft's system has been updated to Windows11, as Microsoft's another star product, office office software, also ushered in a big update every 3 years!

Today, the size of the compilation will give you a detailed introduction to Microsoft Office2021 professional enhanced Chinese official version of the official download, installation and activation tutorial!

Special note:

Remember to uninstall the original office before installation; otherwise, the installation will fail. The version may be displayed incorrectly after the installation. Uninstall and reinstall the original Office.

Latest Microsoft office 2021 permanent activation key

Microsoft office 2021 activation keys are as follows:










Microsoft office 2021 Pro Plus activation key



List of Microsoft office 2021 Pro Plus product keys





If the above Office2021 is not available, please go to the following public number to obtain the latest key

Microsoft Office2021 Professional Enhanced Edition new activation keys and activation tools

Pay attention to the following public account and reply to [2021] to get the Microsoft Office2021 activation tool and Microsoft Office2021 VOL version download address

Microsoft office 2021 Pro Enhanced Activation Demo

1. Click [Account] -> [Activate Product]

2. If you have purchased Office products, you can click [Log in] to log in and activate with the account you have purchased Office products. We do not have an account here, so there is no need to log in

If the input key cannot be used or the following problems occur, please reply [2021] to the public account to get the latest activation key

Official download of Microsoft Office2021 Professional Enhanced Edition

Office Professional Plus 2021 Chinese official version (reply 2021 within the official account to obtain)

This installation package not only contains Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, but also contains some other components that are not often used, so it is relatively large (more than 4G). If you want to install only one of these, you can download Office Professional Plus 2021 Chinese Single Component Standalone Edition separately.

Microsoft Office2021 Professional Enhanced Edition installation tutorial

The installation package file is large, and the Microsoft Office2021 professional enhancement installation package is packaged in img format, a bit like iso, which can be automatically mounted and opened by double-clicking on Windows10.

Double-click setup.exe to install Office2021. Because Office2021 Retail uses silent installation, component selection and installation location steps do not appear. Install directly, and wait for a while to complete the installation.

Activation Description of Microsoft Office2021

Since the retail version cannot be activated by KMS, if the user needs to use the activation tool to activate, the retail version needs to be converted to VOL version first

Microsoft Office2021 Retail Edition to VOL Edition +Microsoft Office2021 Activation tool

Please visit the following public account to reply [2021] to get the latest activation tool, which contains the Microsoft Office2021 activation tool and Microsoft Office2021 VOL version download address

If your Microsoft account has been tied to the official Office2021 Professional Enhanced Edition, you can use the account to log in and activate.

Close all running Office programs, download and run [office2021 activation.cmd] Note that this activation script must be connected to the Internet to activate successfully

This script can be successfully activated regardless of whether Microsoft Office2021 Retail Edition or VOL edition is installed. After it is successfully activated, Microsoft Office2021 can be run again

It has been converted to Microsoft Office2021 Professional Enhanced VOL Edition

What is LTSC Edition?

The full name of LTSC is Long-Term Servicing Channel. In short, this version of office is a permanent license

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  • Tag: Professional Enhanced version of the latest permanent activation activation key activation code Office2021

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