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ASP.NET is made by Microsoft. NET Framework framework, the development of Web application class library, encapsulated in the system.web. dll file, reveal the System.Web namespace, and provide ASP.NET Web processing, extension and HTTP channel application and communication processing and other work. And the infrastructure of the Web Service. ASP.NET is the successor of ASP technology, but its development is much stronger than ASP technology.

ASP.NET can run on the installation now. NET Framework IIS server, if you want to run on a non-Microsoft platform, you need to use the Mono platform [1], ASP.NET has been finalized in version 2.0, in. NET Framework 3.5 adds features such as ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC Framework, ASP.NET Dynamic Data, and server controls for Microsoft Silverlight.

Many people think of ASP.NET as a programming language, but it is actually a development platform provided by the.NET Framework, not a programming language.

You can also say that ASP.NET is. NET component, any. NET languages, such as C#, can reference this component to create Web pages or web services.

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