Dispelling Rumors Today (17 November 2023)

Post: 2023-11-19 11:47:56 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
High incidence of respiratory diseases in autumn and winter, a variety of diseases interwoven superposition, many people appear fever, cough, runny nose, headache, sore throat and other symptoms, for this kind of situation, many patients' first reaction is to eat "anti-inflammatory drugs", but patients often can not distinguish the difference between anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics on their own, causing health risks, please see below for details

November 17, 2023

Myth: Anti-inflammatory drugs are antibiotics? Respiratory disease symptoms can self-medication?

Fact: The high incidence of respiratory diseases in autumn and winter, a variety of diseases interwoven superposition, many people have fever, cough, runny nose, headache, sore throat and other symptoms. In response to such situations, the first reaction of many patients is to eat "anti-inflammatory drugs", but patients often do not distinguish the difference between anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics on their own, causing health risks. In fact, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics are not the same type of medicine. The main role of anti-inflammatory drugs is to relieve inflammation, which has no direct effect on various causes of symptoms, and can not kill pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotics refer to substances produced by microorganisms (including bacteria, fungi, actinomyces) that can kill or inhibit other microorganisms, so antibiotics are often mistaken for "anti-inflammatory drugs". The caveat is that overuse of antibiotics may promote the creation of super-resistant bacteria, which can lead to hard-to-treat infections in immunocompromised patients, ultimately becoming life-threatening.

If patients have inflammatory reactions, they should seek medical attention in time, identify the cause, and carry out targeted treatment under the guidance of professional doctors. Antibiotics must not be abused. (Source: "Shanghai Network refutes rumors" wechat public account)

Myth: Thyroid Cancer can't be Prevented?

Fact: Currently, the cause of thyroid cancer is not clear, and there are no obvious signs and symptoms in the early stage, but it is not a completely preventable disease. Studies have shown that its onset is related to mood, stress, living environment and genetics. It can be prevented in the following ways:

1. Strengthen occupational protection measures to avoid excessive exposure to radiation factors. People engaged in related occupations need to strictly follow the code of practice and protect themselves. The general population should try to avoid head and neck radiation exposure and contact with radioactive dust to reduce unnecessary medical radiation exposure.

2. Eat a healthy diet with reasonable intake of iodine. Too much or too little iodine can lead to thyroid disease. In addition, in daily life, you should stop smoking and limit alcohol, pay attention to a balanced diet, limit the intake of red meat, eat less processed meat products, and do not eat moldy food.

3. Increase exercise, reasonably channel bad emotions, and maintain a good attitude. Bad mood is closely related to the occurrence of thyroid cancer. Expand the circle of friends in your life, or exercise to relieve tension.

4. Regular screening of high-risk individuals. The high-risk groups of thyroid cancer include family history of thyroid cancer, childhood history of head and neck radiation exposure, thyroid nodule larger than 1 cm with lymph node enlargement, and low or high iodine diet. The above population should be regularly screened for thyroid, so as to achieve early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. (Source: "Beijing Daily" wechat public account)

Tip: The notice on the special action to carry out "clean · Network gas rectification" encourages netizens to actively participate in reporting complaints

Details: In accordance with the overall arrangement of the "clear" series of special actions in 2023, the Central Network Information Office decided to launch a one-month "Clear · Network gas rectification" special action nationwide from now on.

The special action focuses on key platform types such as social networking, short video, and live broadcasting, and resolutely combates the following seven aspects:

1. "Network toilet" and "open the box and hang people" behavior. Create special BOT accounts, post bars, topics, groups, etc., receive and publish taunts, malicious comments, curses and abuse information aimed at specific groups or individuals through anonymous submission, Shouting and other means. In the name of disclosure and criticism, they maliciously "open boxes" and "hang people", publicizing other people's private information such as names, ID numbers, mobile phone numbers, home addresses, work units, personal photos, and social accounts, inciting netizens to attack and abuse.

2. Malicious slander and slander attack by using hot social events. Slander the parties involved in an emergency case, or edit and process pictures and videos that are seriously inconsistent with the facts, to induce netizens to attack and question the parties. Make use of the images of the parties involved in hot events to produce and publish memes, and use AI software to synthesize fake pictures or videos such as vulgar pornography, bloody terror, and so on, to spread rumors and attack, spoof and slander.

3. Stigmatizing specific groups and inciting regional antagonism. Associate individual vicious social events and negative figures with gender, occupation, region and other characteristics, stigmatize and label specific groups negatively, publish gender antagonism, class antagonism, and regional discrimination, generalize attacks, and intensify social conflicts.

4. PK and other vulgar and bad live broadcast behavior. Network anchors use aggressive fighting, PK drinking, abuse and other dirty behavior, swelling powder drainage. In the process of other people's live broadcasting, they use bullet screens and other functions to carry out personal attacks, and even encourage extreme behaviors such as suicide and self-harm. Fabricating scripts for violent conflicts such as fights to attract netizens to watch and disturb public order.

5. Systematically and maliciously report others. In the name of "helping to do things" and "solving worries and gas", we provide paid abuse services, and leave messages and private message attacks on specific accounts. Organize fan groups to use the platform's "report" and "anti-black" functions to maliciously report others in batches. Published in entertainment, sports, e-sports and other fields to pull the step of the war, malicious hype speech, to induce fans to tear each other to abuse, brush volume control comments.

6. Fabricating Internet slang and malicious memes. Through pinyin, homophony, pronoun and other means, maliciously fabricating vulgar rotten words and bad buzzwords, polluting the network atmosphere. The use of foul language, foul language, deliberately provoke contradictions, create antagonistic conflicts.

7. Inciting extreme emotions online. Fabricate sensational post titles, and publish unfounded and bottomless "anger posts". Maliciously exaggerating the conflict between teachers and students, rendering parents "oppression" and "oppression" of children, provoking confrontation in relations, and forming bad guidance for minors. Deliberately exaggerate negativity, anxiety and resentment, and spread hostile and opposing statements. (Source: "wechat China" wechat public account)

Details: Notice on the special action to carry out "Clear · Network gas rectification"

Producer: Jing Ke Qu Shaohui Editor: Rui Jing Design: Xiao Lili Yin Lu

Source: China Internet joint rumor-refuting platform

  • Tag: Today dispels rumors

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