How does PotPlayer set the number of seconds to fast forward

Posted: 2024-05-13 09:04:01 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
How does PotPlayer set the number of seconds to fast forward? By going to the Settings page of PotPlayer and opening the Play and time span options in turn, we can fast forward the number of seconds in the time span page

The reason why many small partners like to use PotPlayer software is that its functions are very powerful, and each user can make different Settings according to their own use habits. In the process of using the PotPlayer software, some friends may feel that their fast forward speed is a little slow when using the shortcut keys to fast forward the video, and want to change the number of seconds of fast forward in order to see the wonderful content faster. In fact, the method of changing the fast forward seconds is very simple, and the next Xiaobian will share with you the method of PotPlayer setting the fast forward seconds.

PotPlayer sets the number of seconds to fast forward

1. The first step is to open the PotPlayer software, and then right-click on the PotPlayer page to select "Options", or directly use the "F5" shortcut key to enter the setting page

2, the second step, after entering the parameter options page, we first click the "play" option in the list on the left side of the page

3, the third step, after opening the "play" option, we find and click on the drop-down list to select the "time span" option

4, the fourth step, in the time span page, we can see that there are four time Settings, we click the number in the selection box, and then change it to the size of the time you need, you can also click the triangle icon above and below to make changes

5, the fifth step, when we want to fast forward the number of seconds back to the original value, we directly click the "default value" option on the right

6, the sixth step, in this page we can remember a variety of fast-forward mode shortcut keys, such as "left and right arrow keys", "Ctrl+ left/right arrow keys", "Sht+ left/right arrow keys" and "Ctrl+At+ left/right arrow keys", After setting the fast forward seconds for each type of fast forward, we can click the "Apply" and "OK" options at the bottom of the page

The above is the method of PotPlayer setting fast forward seconds summarized by Xiaobian, enter the PotPlayer software setting page, then open the playback option, and then select the time span option, in the time span page you can set the fast forward seconds, interested partners go to try it.

  • Tag: PotPlayer Fast forward seconds

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