College students invested 3800 yuan to open a store with an annual income of 1.1 million. What is the specific situation

By Wang Ying

In 2020, Xu Yuning, a post-90s college student, opened a pancake shop in Hangzhou with an initial capital of 3,800 yuan. With its unique taste and excellent service, the store quickly accumulated a good reputation and achieved a turnover of 1.1 million yuan in the first year. Xu Yuning opened more than 30 stores in four years, and his brand of shaobo became a business card in Hangzhou.


A college student in Zhejiang invested 3,800 yuan to open a shop, and later earned 1.1 million yuan a year

When you think of entrepreneurship, you might think of fancy technology projects, fancy offices, or huge investments. But today, I want to tell you a different entrepreneurial story, the protagonist is a post-90s college student from Anhui - Xu Yuning. His entrepreneurial experience can be said to be a model from the "grassroots" to the "big guy".

On April 29 this year, at the "Fengyun Zheshang" talent innovation and Entrepreneurship Thought meeting held in Hangzhou, Xu Yuning shared his entrepreneurial journey. He told us that in 2020, he came to Hangzhou with 3,800 yuan and opened a small bakery shop. You heard me right, 3,800 yuan!

How did you spend the money? He gave us an account: the stove is second-hand, and then second-hand, spending more than 300 yuan; The refrigerator is also second-hand, 500 yuan; With some tools and ingredients, the total didn't exceed 3,800 yuan.

You may ask, how can you open a shop in Hangzhou with such a small amount of money? Don't worry, Xu Yuning told us that he cooperated with the landlord, and the landlord saw his project and decided not to charge him rent. As a result, his money on hand appears to be particularly rich. In this way, Xu Yuning's small bakery opened in a small corner of Hangzhou.

At the beginning, Xu Yuning's shop was not very impressive, but he gradually won the love of the surrounding residents with his strict control of the ingredients and the unique taste of the pancake. He told us that he personally selects the ingredients every day to ensure the taste and quality of the pancakes. Moreover, he will constantly adjust the taste according to customer feedback, so that the pancake is more in line with everyone's preferences.

In this way, Xu Yuning's bakery business is becoming more and more prosperous. In the first year, his turnover reached a staggering 1.1 million! This figure is simply astronomical for an entrepreneur who only invested 3,800 yuan. But Xu Yuning did not feel complacent about this, he instead worked harder and constantly expanded his business scope.

Over the next few years, Xu opened more than 30 stores. He told us that every time he opened a branch, he would personally visit the site, decorate the store, and train the staff. "Only by doing these things myself can I ensure that each store maintains the same quality and taste," he says.

Now, Xu Yuning's bakery has become a business card of Hangzhou. His success has also sparked heated discussion online. One netizen said: "I don't even dare to dream like this!"

Indeed, for most people, opening a store with 3,800 yuan and earning 1.1 million yuan is simply a fantasy. But Xu Yuning did it, he proved with his own practical actions: as long as there is a dream, courage, and execution, you can create your own miracle.

Why did he invest 3800 yuan to earn 1.1 million yuan a year

First of all, from the perspective of entrepreneurship, this college student shows outstanding entrepreneurial spirit and courage. As a college student, he did not give up his dream of starting a business because of limited funds, but bravely invested 3,800 yuan of start-up capital to open his own entrepreneurial road. His courage and determination deserve our affirmation and praise, and this positive entrepreneurial spirit plays a positive role in encouraging more young people to innovate and work hard.

Secondly, from the perspective of business vision and market insight, this college student has shown a keen sense of business and a deep insight into the market. He was able to set up a successful shop with an investment of 3,800 yuan and achieve an annual revenue of 1.1 million yuan, indicating that he had a more accurate understanding of market demand and consumer preferences, and was able to quickly seize business opportunities and achieve commercial success.

In addition, from the perspective of entrepreneurial process and management, this college student has demonstrated excellent innovation ability and management level. His ability to stand out in the competitive market environment and achieve rapid growth of performance shows that he has unique insights and effective execution ability in product selection, marketing strategy, customer service and other aspects. At the same time, he may also use some novel business models or marketing means, so that the store can attract more consumers and achieve good business results.

Finally, from the perspective of social influence and role model, the success story of this college student inspires more young people to dare to start businesses and pursue dreams. His success has not only brought him wealth and achievements, but also created value and employment opportunities for the society, making positive contributions to economic development and social progress.

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